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Class material

October 5th


 To compare direct speech and reported speech.

 To practice the use of say and tell.
 To practice the pronouns changes in reported speech.
 To practice the time expression changes in reported speech.
 To practice the tenses changes in reported speech.




1. Object pronouns

Subject pronoun Object pronoun

I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
They Them

Direct speech: “I love you”.
Reported speech: Robert said that that he loved me.
2. Time expressions

Time expressions
Now Then
Today That day
Tomorrow The next day / The following day
Yesterday The previous day
Tonight That night
Last week The week before
Next week The week after
Last month The previous month
Next The following month
Last year The previous year
Next year The following year
Ago Before

This That
These Those

Adverbs of Place
Here There


Direct speech: “I will visit you tomorrow”

Reported speech: Robert said that he would visit me the next day.
3. Tenses
Say and Tell

Say Tell
Said + an object or pronoun Told + an object.
He said (that) he loved me. He told me (that) he loved me.
He said me (that) he loved me. He told (that) he loved me.


 She told me that she was tired.

 She said that she was tired.
Direct Reported Speech

This That

These Those

Adverbs of Place

Here There

Adverbs of Time

Now Then

Today That day

Tomorrow The next day / The following day

Yesterday The previous day

Tonight That night

Last week The week before

Next week The week after

Last month The previous month

Next month The following month

Last year The previous year

Next year The following year

Ago Before

Thus So
Change of Tense

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Simple Present Simple Past

Example: Paul said, “I cook pasta.” Example: Paul said that he cooked pasta.

Simple Past Past Perfect

Example: Paul said, “I cooked pasta.” Example: Paul said that he had cooked pasta.

Future tense Will Would

Example: Paul said, “I will cook pasta.” Example: Paul said that he would cook”

Tense Changes in Indirect Speech

Verb Tenses Changes
Direct and Indirect Speech
Present Simple Tense into Past Simple Tense
For example:

 Direct speech: She always wears a coat.

 Reported speech: He said (that) she always wore a coat.

Past Simple Tense into Past Perfect Tense

For example:

 Direct speech: My friend gave me a bar of chocolate.

 Reported speech: He said that his friend had given him a bar of chocolate.
Future Simple Tense (e.g. will) into “would“
For example:

 Direct speech: I will finish my report in two days.

 Reported speech: He said that he would finish his report in two d

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