The Merchant Was Not Young

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The merchant was not young.

He had been alive for quite a while and had tasted many a pleasures as he
had a knack with trading. He had went inside the pleasure houses of Southelia, drank the fine wines of
the vineyards that cloaked the verdant fields of Weston and feasted in the night markets of Easteno, but
this is truly a chance of a lifetime.

He buried his face between the huge mounds of flesh and inhaled the sweet scent of the man that is
straddling him. The enchanter had joined the band of escorts that he hired when moving some of his
wares to one of his branches. From the first time he saw the eenchanter he knew that the enchanter
was part of one of the plain tribes of Minotaurs. The distinct gentle curve of the horn as well as the huge
chest of the man gave it away.

His luck is truly marvellous he thought as he moved and put a leaking nipple through his mouth. He
began to suckle hard. He wasn’t shy about it, he suckled with strong slow movements letting the
precious minotaur milk fill his mouth. He teased and played the nipple in his tongue as well the spare
one. He peppered in kisses as he moved to the other and did the same. the younger man moaned
wantonly as his hands massaged the merchant’s head, tangling his fiery red hair between his fingers.

“it feels so good” the minotaur groaned as the merchant bit a leaking bud and pulled. The merchant
groaned as well, his erection sat between the fat round cheeks of the enchanter as it slowly humped

“mmmmmm you deliberately chose me didn’t you, you fucking slut” the merchant said in between
bites, chuckling as he enjoyed the wanton face of the minotaur as his deft fingers twisted and pinched
the engorged pink nipples. “you want an experienced hand who can give you what you want right?”


“you don’t need an eager boy who will choke on your milk, you need a real man, you need me to ease
your pain and milk you dry” he proclaimed and latched again, drinking the delicious milk flowing out of
the demihuman.

The minotaur’s eyes rolled back, he lifted his ass and impaled himself on the thick veiny cock of the
merchant. The warm hole was heaven.

“eager bitch” the merchant thought to himself as he summoned all his strength to not cum right there.
He began to move in sync with his suction. He was suckling like a thirsty babe, crazed by the delicious
liquid white gold he turned his head to the left and to the right and again drinking as much milk as he

The minotaur’s face was in perpetual euphoria. He had been travelling for almost a month now with
nary a companion to help him be milked. It was lucky, to have found the merchant’s caravan on his way.
He had seen and observed the men in there. All amazing and would do nicely. But he can’t help but be
drawn to the merchant.
He wasn’t handsome, nor ugly. He was older with the first streaks of grey and white becoming apparent
in his temples. But Quinn knew he out of all the men in that party only the merchant could satisfy his
need. His chest was close to bursting by then, he was even licking he had saw the wanton faces of the
younger adventurers, he was this close to teasing them and letting them suckle but they were disturbed
by that pack of wolves.

But all of this did not matter now. Quinn focused on meeting the eager thrusts of the merchant’s cock. It
was deliciously thick.

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