Lesson Plan Must Should

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Mahad Darul Abror

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade : VIII / I
Chapter :3
Topic : We know what to do/ look around you
Duration : 5 x 40 minutes

Lesson Plan - Plastic Pollution making suggestion, state rule and obligations.
Learning Objectives:
 Students will identify the causes and consequences of plastic pollution.
 Students will describe the impact of plastic pollution on the environment and wildlife.
 Students will analyze the role of individuals and comt eventually capsizedmunities in reducing
plastic pollution.
 Students will list and discuss strategies to minimize plastic waste in their daily lives.
Lesson Plan:
A. Introduction
1. Engage students by asking the question, "What do you know about plastic pollution?" to
assess their prior knowledge.
2. Facilitate a class discussion to gather students' thoughts and ideas. Causes of Plastic Pollution
3. Use a whiteboard or slide presentation to present the main causes of plastic pollution. Show
images or videos that illustrate these causes, such as plastic production, improper disposal, and
plastic waste in oceans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npHUp_oQ-08,
Save water : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTcFXJT0Fsc

4. Encourage students to take notes and ask questions.

5. Explain modal ‘ must’ and ‘ should’
6. Present examples of successful initiatives and campaigns to inspire students.
Facilitate a group activity where students brainstorm and share their ideas on how they can
contribute to reducing plastic waste.
7. Introduce various strategies to minimize plastic waste, such as reducing, reusing, and
8. Conduct a poll or quiz to assess students' understanding of modal

..............................., ... Juli 2023

Kepala Sekolah ... Guru Mata Pelajaran

Imam Kamaludin, M.Pd Vini Is Utami, S.Pd.

simple past tense is to show action that occurred and was completed at a particular
time in the past. e.g “He visited his grandparents last week.”
(+) Subject + to be (was/were) + complement

(-) Subject +to be (was/were) + not + complement

(?) To be (was/were) + Subject + complement

Contoh kalimat simple past tense bentuk nominal:

Kalimat past tense positif:

I was a teacher. (Aku dulu seorang guru.)

She was fat. (Dia dulu gemuk.)
We were a doctor. (Kita dulu adalah seorang dokter.)
They were rich. (Dulu mereka kaya.)
Kalimat past tense negatif:

I was not fat. (Aku dulu tidak gemuk.)

She was not sick yesterday. (Dia tidak sakit kemarin.)
We were not tired. (Kita tidak capek kemarin.)
They were not a bad kid. (Mereka dulu bukan anak yang nakal.)
Kalimat past tense interogatif:

Was she so busy? (Apakah dulu dia sangat sibuk?)

Was Intan happy to work here? (Apakah dulu Intan senang bekerja di
Were they happy to work here? (Apakah dulu mereka senang bekerja di sini?)
Were you late to come to the office? (Apakah dulu kamu terlambat datang ke kantor?)

umus past tense bentuk verbal:

(+) Subject + verb 2 + complement

(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1

(?) Did + subject + verb 1

(+) The nurse went to the hospital yesterday. (Suster itu pergi ke rumah sakit kemarin.)
(-) The nurse didn’t go to the hospital yesterday. (Suster itu tidak pergi ke rumah sakit
(?) Did the nurse go to the hospital yesterday? (Apakah suster itu pergi ke rumah sakit

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