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Department of civil engineering

Koysha Hydroelectric Power Project

Internship Report By: Ebrahim Jemal lD: RAMIT/428/10

Email Address:
Duration of Internship: From Aug 08 to Nov 25-2021

December, 2021
Sawla, Ethiopia

I, Ebrahim Jemal the student of Arbaminch University Sawla campus declare that this
Internship report on “KOYSHA Hydroelectric power plant” is prepared by me after the
completion of four months’ practical work experiences and comprehensive study at we
build S.P.A.

I also confirm that, the report is my original work and has not been submitted to any other
university/college/Organization for academic qualification/certificate/diploma or degree.

I have prepared it for the academic purpose for Bachelor of civil engineering degree which
requires practical work experience.

Name Signature Date

Student name; Ebrahim Jemal …………………….… …………….

Advisor name Mr. Diriba W. …………………….… …………….



First of all, I would like to give all the credit to our AIMIGHTY GOD for every opportunity
he provides and did for me through his endless mercy.

Next, I would like to thanks for Arbaminch University Sawla Campus department of Civil
engineering, for facilitating this internship program.

Then, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Webuild S.p.A Company for
allowing me to be part of this mega project to complete my internship program at the koysha
hydroelectric power project

Special tanks for Mr. Sisay & Mr. Diriba for making this opportunity possible by doing all
the arrangements kindly and for your careful and precious guidance which were extremely
valuable for me.

Profound sense of gratitude and heart full thanks to Alemayehu Nega (public relation
manager); Basiliel Bahru (Site Coordinator.); kbrom (Prod. Office Engineer); their
wonderful hospitality, in spite of being extraordinary busy with their duties, took time out
to hear, guide and keep helping me tirelessly from the beginning to the end.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Hung Le NGOC or Nick name Teddy (Deputy
& RCC Expert); Abebe Teklu (Senior Lab. Technician) & Derba (Senior Geologist) for
their helping to know how much laboratory tests are important for any civil engineering

Finally, I will like to extend my great full thanks for EEPCO engineers and Quality control
engineers specially for Tadese and Tewelde for their guidance and creating opportunities
to my site visit and also to their follow up and support.



This paper is a written report about the internship program which lasts from August 2021
– November 2021 planned to help students grasp practical know-how on different
Engineering projects. The program is very helpful for students in improving their design,
implementation, evaluation and management capability in general.

Salini Impregilo or Webuild S.p.A is an Italian industrial group specialized in the

construction and civil engineering business headquartered in Milan. The company was
formally founded in 2014 as the result of the merger by incorporation of Salini into
Impregilo. Salini Impregilo is the largest Italian engineering and general contractor group
and a global player in the construction sector.

In this report; the back ground of my hosting company including its brief history, its main
products or services, its main customers or the end users of its products or services, its
organizational structure, General layout and description of the project, my Assessment on
the internship experience, Tasks and the procedures I followed, the practical and theoretical
knowledge I gained including the challenges I faced While performing those tasks are

The content of the report is divided into five distinct chapters. The topics that are included
are the company’s background, General lay out of the project, Assessment of the internship
experience, benefits I gained from the program, my conclusions and recommendation for
the company and for the University are also addressed. To assist the report for the discussed
topics and ideas, figurative illustrations and different pictures are included.



RCC Roller Compacted Concrete

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

CVC Conventionally Vibrated Concrete

D/S Down Stream

EEPCO Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

GERCC Grout Enriched Roller Compacted Concrete

HEPP Hydroelectric Power Plant

S.P.A Italian Socitian Per Azonic

U/S Up Stream

MS Method Statement

MLO Middle level Outlet

MIV Main Inlet Valves

ACI American Concrete Institute

M.a.s.l Meter above Sea Level



Figure 1.3: Three dimensional layout of the spillway ......................................................... 3

Figure 1.4: Upstream coffer dam and diversion culvert ...................................................... 4
Figure 1.5: Three dimensional models of the power waterways ......................................... 5
Figure 1.6: The layout of penstock, manifold and powerhouse ........................................... 6
Figure 1.7: The powerhouse and its 3D model .................................................................... 7
Figure 1.8: Switch yard model ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 2. 1: work flow chart of the company..................................................................... 18
Figure 3.1: My section work flow chart............................................................................. 21
Figure 3.2: Batching plant.................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3.3 Dump truck ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.4: Conveyor system ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 3.5: Installation of formwork .................................................................................. 25
Figure 3.6 Water stop and void former .............................................................................. 26
Figure 3.7: Surface cleaning by using vacuum car ............................................................ 26
Figure 3.9: RCC Spreading ................................................................................................ 28
Figure 3.10: GERCC frame positioning, grout placing and vibration of GERCC by hand
vibrators ............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 3.11: RCC compacting ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.12: RCC curing .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.13: Contraction joint constructions by vibrating steel blade. .............................. 32
Figure 3.14: Construction joint .......................................................................................... 32
Figure 3.15: Drainage Gallery in rock and middle of dam ................................................ 35
Figure 3.16: RCC density measurements by nuclear gauge .............................................. 36
Figure 3.17: Ve bee test ..................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3.18: Thermometer ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3.19: Air content test in the fresh RCC mix ........................................................... 39
Figure 3.20: Compressive strength test .............................................................................. 41
Figure 3.21: Grouting......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.22: Rock bolt installation..................................................................................... 43


Figure 3.23: a) Current stage of powerhouse b) pouring of concrete by using CIFA pump
............................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 3.24: Spillway foundation ...................................................................................... 47



Table1.1: Main products of the company .......................................................................... 16

Table 3.1: Equipment for drange gallery excavation ......................................................... 48


DECLARATION................................................................................................................. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. ii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................. iii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS .......................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... vii

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1

1. KOYSHA HYDROELECTRIC POWER PROJECT ................................................ 1

1.1 Short Summary of the Project .................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam ........................................................................ 2

1.1.2 Spillway ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1.3 River Diversion.................................................................................................... 3

1.1.4 Power waterways ................................................................................................. 4

1.1.5 Powerhouse .......................................................................................................... 6

1.1.6 Two Middle Level Outlets (MLO) ...................................................................... 7

1.1.7 Switchyard ........................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Problem Statement and Justification .......................................................................... 9

1.3 Objective of internship program and project............................................................ 10

1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 11

1.4.1 Data collected method ....................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................. 13

2. BACK GROUND OF THE COMPANY ................................................................... 13

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 13

2.2 Brief History of the Company .................................................................................. 13


2.2.1 The Company’s Vision, Mission and Goal ....................................................... 14

2.3 The Company Service, Main Customers and Products. ........................................... 15

2.4 Organizational Structure & Work Flow ................................................................... 17

CHAPTER THREE ......................................................................................................... 19

3. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ............................................................... 19

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 19

3.2 Why I Select this Company...................................................................................... 19

3.3 How I joined into the Company ............................................................................... 19

3.4 Working section ....................................................................................................... 20

3.5 Major tasks I have been performed .......................................................................... 21

3.5.1 Site works .......................................................................................................... 22

3.5.2 Office work ........................................................................................................ 48

3.6 Challenges I have been facing .................................................................................. 49

3.7 Measures taken to overcome the challenges ............................................................ 50

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................ 51

4. OVERALL BENEFITS I GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP ........................... 51

4.1 Generally .................................................................................................................. 51

4.2 In terms of improving Practical Skill ....................................................................... 51

4.3 In terms of upgrading Theoretical Knowledge ........................................................ 52

4.4 In terms of improving my team playing skills ......................................................... 52

4.5 In terms of realizing leadership skills ...................................................................... 53

4.6 Understanding work ethics and related issues.......................................................... 54

4.7 In Terms of Entrepreneurship Skill .......................................................................... 56

4.8 In terms of improving my interpersonal communication skills ............................... 56

CHPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................ 58


5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................... 58

5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 58

5.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 59

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................... 60




1.1 Short Summary of the Project

Koysha is the fourth plant of the Omo river cascade (4600 MW), comprising Gilgel Gibe
(184 MW) and Gibe II (420 MW), both in operation, and Gibe III (1870 MW), currently
under completion. The existing dams are owned and operated by the state-owned Ethiopian
electric power (EEP), which is also the client for the Koysha hydroelectric power dam.

The Koysha hydroelectric projects located in Southern Nations Nationalities & Peoples
Regional (SNNPR) State. It extends along the lower course of the Omo River 129km
downstream of the Gibe III HEP, 580km upstream of the Lake Turkana and 540 km from
Addis Ababa through Jimma.

Main features of the project are:

 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam (RCC).

 Two Middle Level Outlets (MLO).
 Independent an over gated Spillway.
 Two Diversion Box Culverts.
 An Upstream Cofferdam and Downstream Cofferdam.
 2 Waterways comprising Intakes, Penstocks and Manifolds.
 Powerhouse.
 Switchyard.


Figure 1.1: Two dimensional layouts of the structures

1.1.1 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam

The Dam is RCC gravity dam type which is constructed across the Omo river bed, about
129Km downstream of Gibe III plant. The dam is about 1,012m long and about 201.5m
high, the crest is at elevation 688.5m a s l. The total volume estimated is approximately
7,453,700 m3 of RCC. Hydrologic all catchment area is 44,325km2. Total reservoir/storage
is 6500M m3 (Koysha HEP, 2009).

RCC gravity dam is entirely dependent up on its own weight (mass) for stability. The gravity
profile is essentially triangular to ensure stability and to avoid over-stressing of the dam or
its foundation. A gravity dam is mostly straight in plan and thus known as straight gravity
dam. However, in some cases it may be curved in plan (slightly).

Figure 1.2: Actual and section view of the Dam


1.1.2 Spillway
Spillway is a structure designed to dispose excess flood water (surplus water) safely to the
d/s side of the reservoir body of the dam

The Spillway is gated overflow type located on the left abutment separated from the dam
and has been designed taking into account 10,000 years return period flood and verified for
lower discharges.

Six radial gates control the discharge of the spillway. They close six openings, designed to
discharge up to 6x2183=13,100m3/s, of indicatively 14.5m of width and 17m of height each.
The gates are operated by servomotors located on spillway piers.

Upstream of the spillway gates, two sluices at the same time can be closed, in case of
emergency or maintenance needs, by set of stop logs closing up to the spillway structure
crest (total height up to the crest level about 26.6m). Stop logs are operated by a crane
running along a bridge over the spillway.

Figure 1.3: Three dimensional layout of the spillway

1.1.3 River Diversion
The river diversion is a process of changing the flow direction of the river to the desired
direction. The river diversion system will provide a protection against the flooding of the
area on which the Dam and Powerhouse are built, that will be dewatered for the period of
their construction.


 Two diversion Box Culverts
The Omo River was diverted into two diversion Box Culverts each one having 9m width
and 11.5m height along the right abutment of the dam by means of upstream and
downstream coffer dam. The diversion structure is approximately 1.1km long. The selected
design flood for the diversion structures is equal to 3, 000m3/s.

Figure 1.4: Upstream coffer dam and diversion culvert

 Two Coffer dams

Coffer dam is a temporary barrier structure which can protect the entrance of water to the
working area of the Dam. Two cofferdams are foreseen to keep the central part of the
riverbed dry and allow the construction of the plant.

The upstream cofferdam: has a maximum height of about 42m with crest level at 557 m
a.s.l., in order to allow the design flood to pass in the diversion structure without
overtopping. It will be built in RCC, to gain safety against possible overtopping.

The downstream cofferdam: instead has a maximum height of 14m with crest level at 530
m a.s.l., in order not to be overtopped by the tail water level corresponding to the design

1.1.4 Power waterways

There are two power waterways, feeding three units each. Each power waterway is
composed by an intake structure, on the dam upstream face, a penstock crossing the dam
and then running on its downstream face and a manifold with a derivation for ecological
release and four branches feeding power house units.


 Power Intake
The Power Intakes are located along the dam upstream face. Two Intakes on the dam
upstream face. Two intakes sill are set in order to have the invert of the upper power water
ways - el.625m a.s.l. Each having a diameter of 9.5m designed for a maximum flow of

The possible entrance of undesirable objects, such as tree branches will be prevented by
fixed vertical trash racks closing the intake openings. Each intake is equipped with wheel
gates governed from the dam crest.

The upper penstocks intakes have three openings equipped with wheel gates (approximately
17m high and 3.8m wide). The main purpose of the gates is to allow maintenance and
inspection of the penstocks.

Figure 1.5: Three dimensional models of the power waterways

 Penstocks and Manifolds

Two steel lined penstocks cross the dam body, lay inclined along dam downstream face and
enter behind the power house to feed the units through dedicated manifold branches.

Penstocks have an internal diameter of 9.5m, while manifold and branches have the internal
diameter decreasing progressively to 5.3 m. The manifolds are a steel pipe with several
opening that connects the penstock with each units of spiral case. Two upper penstocks have
invert at el.625m (in the first horizontal stretch) and are designed for maximum flow of
576m³/s.The steel lining thickness ranges approximately between 25 and 45mm to cope with
full hydrostatic head and water hammer overpressure.


The Penstocks lengths is variable in the approximate range of 300 to 450 m and are sub
divided in the following stretches as indicated in Figure 1.6.

The steel lining is embedded in reinforced concrete blocks crossing the dam (designed to
cope with the dam load), exposed along the dam downstream toe, and finally in a reinforced
concrete structure in correspondence of the powerhouse stretch.

Figure 1.6: The layout of penstock, manifold and powerhouse

1.1.5 Powerhouse
Power house is a building for housing the equipment required to generate electricity such
as hydraulic turbines, generators & transformers.

The Power House is located on the left side of the river and it is of the indoor type, except
for the main step up transformers, which are located in open air, at the back of the Power
House. Dimensions: (L 250m, W 41m, H 61m).

The tail water level varies depending on the incoming flows (up to the 10,000 years return
period floods) in a range of about 15 m. The Powerhouse is partially submerged in case of
normal tail water level and almost fully submerged in case of max flood level (10,000 years
return period).

The upper portion of the Powerhouse structure, including the erection bay floor and relevant
entrance and the step-up transformers yard is located at el. 541 m a.s.l., above the maximum


tail water level. Access to the Power House will be by road coming along the left flank. The
turbines axis is at el. 518 m a.s.l. Turbines are fed by manifold branches, equipped with
Main Inlet Valves (MIV). The Power House includes eight bays 24m wide each.

Figure 1.7: The powerhouse and its 3D model

1.1.6 Two Middle Level Outlets (MLO)

The two Middle Level Outlets will remain operational during the life time period of the
Plant in order allow the discharge of the water in the following circumstances:

• Lowering of reservoir level for dam or intakes maintenance operation.

• Control reservoir raising rate and downstream discharge during the impounding
stage and during operation of the dam.
• Used to control the reservoir water level during an early generation phase.
• Guarantee the minimum downstream flow and release artificial floods or
ecological flow, in case that the reservoir level is below the spillway sill and the
power house generating units are totally out of operation.
• Regulates the water level in the reservoir between the maximum and the minimum
exceptional operating levels.

The maximum flow through each MLO conduit at full reservoir level is of about 900m3/s.

A pre-excavated plunge pool downstream in the jet impact area is foreseen to control the
scouring associated to the discharge and not compromise the safety and stability of dam
and powerhouse operation.


1.1.7 Switchyard
Switch yard is a place where the electricity produced in the power house is adjusted and
transmitted to the place proposed. It is located on the left side of the river. 400kV air
insulated type equipped with a double bus bar scheme with bus couplers. Yard level is at -
710m a.s.l. A total of fourteen (14) bays will be provided. Overall length is 420m. Overall
width is 130m with Control building.

Figure 1.8: Switch yard model


1.2 Problem Statement and Justification
A large portion of the population living in Ethiopia has no electricity access. Among more
than 110 million people living in Ethiopia, 46% only use electric energy for day to-day
activities like food preparation and other tasks. In the rural area of the country, where 85%
of the population lives, people have no sustainable energy supply. The rural electrification
needs special mechanisms to enhance the living standards of the people by opening
opportunities for electric power infrastructures.

From the overall view of the project and the company, I observed some problems around
the working area and in the administration office.
Some of those problems are: -
 There was very luck of awareness among the people on the epidemic disease of corona
Justification: giving enough awareness for the people about the disease by providing
protection material like face mask, sanitizer.
 Most the company’s daily labors gave less care for safety rule.
Justification: the company must properly observe & control in obeying safety rule
 There was wastage of material which is used for the construction of the dam and other
structures in different way.
Justification: Company should have to make workers to feel as the owner of site
 The accidents were happening on the site like car accident and others.
Justification: To solve this problem employment of company's worker must be based
on the worker’s ability performance.
 There was lack of protecting environmental weather condition.

Justification: The local government must take care of protecting environment


1.3 Objective of internship program and project
A. Objective of the Internship program

The internship practical program that is provided by the university in order to allow the
student to get a practical skill (experience) on his/her field of study (future career). Not only
about field study but it also helps him/her to get experience of how to communicate,
sociability, flexibility in all directions.

The main objectives of the internship program are:

 To upgrading his/her theoretical knowledge

 To improving his/her practical skills

 To familiarizing themselves with the real work environment and future life

 To strengthening his/her skills like sociability, team playing and interpersonal

communication skills.

Finally, the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the practical skill is filled by this

B. Objective of the project

The project of Koysha HEP is installed for different major and minor objectives.

1. The major objectives are:

 Increase export of electricity

 Then after to satisfy the domestic demand of power generation

 Generally, to reduce poverty of the country

2. The minor objectives are:

 To increase the industrial and economic development of the country

 Flood protection

 To decrease the soil erosion

 To create job for village peoples


1.4 Methodology
Method statement for every construction component of the project is prepared before
construction start. The method statement is a document drafted from contract agreement,
design considerations, and actual site conditions. The method statement states more about
the procedure and method of construction. Then all the drawings of construction and
sequences of work is gone referring the method of construction.

The technical specification of the total construction is also drafted and a provided by the
contractor as a document. The technical specification is more concerned about the
techniques, which enable to keep the construction quality.

During construction the following sequence of work are used:

a. Surveying marking to start construction exactly at the desired place

b. Foundation excavation and preparation

c. Leveling the foundation by filling lean concrete

d. Rebar (reinforcement) work, if any

e. Form work installation

f. Concrete pouring

g. Curing and form work dismantling.

1.4.1 Data collection method

Even though it was difficult, I prepared this report by collecting data in different method of
data collection.

The following are methods that I have been used to collect information.

 During site visiting; I collected data in two ways. The first one was by observing
simply the thing which is done in the site that I already know before in theory. And
the second one was by interviewing the site engineers, general foreman, engineer at
the consultant side and even other labor workers about all works which are going on
in the site which were not clear to me by relating with courses that I took in the last
seven semesters.


 Capturing picture; when we went to site we capture picture which is help me to
visualize the thing that I want to know and understand it clearly.
 Reading drawing papers which related with the construction area.
 Reading written documents (in soft and hard copy) for example, method statement
for RCC back fill, power house, dam, tunnel and etc.
 Prepared daily note
 Home page of Salini-Impregilo S.P.A data analysis method; when I prepared this
report first I collect the data by using the methods that I listed above and I was
prepared daily note, then I try to understand and visualize all the data and I organize
them in one document.




2.1 Introduction
My internship hosting company; webuild or Salini Impregilo S.p.A is an Italian industrial
group specialized in the construction and civil engineering business headquartered in Milan.
The company was formally founded in 2014 as the result of the merger by incorporation of
Salini into Impregilo. Salini Impregilo is the largest Italian engineering contractor group
and a global player in the construction sector.

The company is active in over 50 countries of 5 continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe,
and Oceania) with 35,000 employees. Its experience ranges from the construction of dams,
hydroelectric plants and hydraulic structures, water infrastructures and ports, to roads,
motorways, railways, metro systems and underground works, to airports, hospitals and
public and industrial buildings, to civil engineering for waste-to-energy plants and
environmental protection initiatives. It takes first place in the water sector of the Engineering
News-Record rankings, the benchmark for the entire construction industry.

2.2 Brief History of the Company

Salini Impregilo S.p.A is an Italy general contractor, specialized in the construction of
major works throughout the world. It is a private industrial group of construction in the
world, which is the third Italy general contractor and introduce itself and its activity over 60
years to the construction sector. Salini Impregilo came to be recognized on both national
and international scale within the construction industry. It focuses on different issues such
as, ethics, governance, social responsibility, health and safety of the people.

Salini Impregilo operates worldwide construction through major works of the hydropower
plant, roads, bridges, underground rail way, airports, civil and industrial buildings by using
different engineering technology. Generally, the major works constructed by saline are real
engines of social, economic and infrastructure development.


2.2.1 The Company’s Vision, Mission and Goal
 By strengthening technical professionals and applying sophisticated equipment for
the sake of better performances in scientific and efficient approach in the coming
few years.
 The company is working to become class one competent in large levels of
constructions structures in the world.
 To see the firm performance and accomplishment, various levels of construction
services in the national and international levels can be considered.
 Specializing in the construction of major work throughout the world.
 Promotion of the construction activities within each country which their project held
 Accomplishing construction projects in quality and timely basis.
 Creating jobs for thousands of peoples in various construction projects.
 Developing and implementing an environmental management system.
 Training employs on environmental issues.
 Ensuring a rational and sustainable use of natural resources.
 Establishing, implementing and maintaining environmental targets and objects.
 To make a well-qualified and experienced workmanship with a number of
professional engineers, geologists, technicians and related professionals those are
collaborated with good management team, efficient equipment and materials.
 The company has owned a number of large machineries and vehicles that can be
used as an input for the construction work of different projects.


2.3 The Company Service, Main Customers and Products.
A) Company services
Salini Impregilo has highly participated in construction of different structures. Their
services most of the time so, qualified and give satisfaction to the users. The following
services are given by the company

• Constructing dam for hydropower, flood protection, retaining walls and related schemes.

• Constructing roads and road accessories (tunnel, bridges, culverts, etc.…).

• Implementing designs and consulting works.

• Installing mechanical, electromechanical and electrical lines.

• Constructing temporary and permanent camp with subcontractors.

B) The company’s main customers

The main customers of Salini Impregilo are the following for the past 60 years:

• Ethiopia • Algeria

• United Arab Emirates • Gabon

• Jordan • Bulgaria

• Libya • Morocco

• Sudan • Uganda

• Zimbabwe • Nigeria

• Sierra León • Somalia

• China • Poland


C) Complete projects (products)

All the relevant projects completed in the last 60 years are listed in the table below
Table1.1: Main products of the company

No Country Name Project Name

1 Ethiopia Gibe I Dam and Tunnel

2 Ethiopia Gibe II Dam
3 Ethiopia Gibe III Dam
4 Ethiopia Dire dam project
5 Ethiopia Beles multipurpose project
6 Italy Accereza dam
7 Italy Potenza/Genzano dam
8 Zimbabwe Mata bele land/Zhovne dam
9 Zimbabwe Manica land/Osborne dam
10 Jordan Raising of kafrein dam
11 Jordan Karameh dam
12 Sierra Leon Bumbuna hydroelectric power projects
13 Ghana Accra/Weija dam
14 Guinea Garafiri dam
15 Uganda Owen falls Hydroelectric power extension
16 Malawi Kapichira hydroelectric power project
17 China Henna/Xiaolangl dam
18 Ethiopia Renaissance dam


2.4 Organizational Structure & Work Flow
The project manager: - is responsible for the approval of the method of statement,
revisions and verifications that may be required during the construction period.

Method statement: -is written or down document (either in soft or hard copy) which is
prepared by technical manager for the purpose of general guideline about overall deal and
work of the project.

Technical office manager: - is responsible for the preparation revision and verifications
of the method statement that may be required. The distribution of the document and flow
of all information relevant to the subject, which is need to be in accordance with the
procedures indicated in the “document management “procedure.

Production manager: - is responsible for implementation of statement and execution of

works on site.

Work superintendent: - are responsible for the distribution and implementation on site of
the method of statement, which is to be strictly applied and followed for all the different
work section. They are also responsible for the monitoring of the actual situation
encountered the execution of works that may require adjustment and modification to the
method statement. This includes modifying and adjusting any organizational changes,
resources, adjustments and requesting clarifications of any items in the method statement
according to the actual changes to the basic assumptions and physical situation.

The Quality Control Manager: -is responsible for the checking and conforming of the
results during the implementation of the Method Statement for the permanent works quality
that in any case shall comply with the Technical Specifications and standards applied.

The Safety Inspector: -is responsible for making known the operators or any other person
on the work phase involved and all the dangers and procedures of safety to avoid the
accidents in the work area, all the machines need for the work, their use and the relevant

The Geologists: -are responsible for a continuous and clear mapping. They are also
responsible for making recommendations through following up of the excavation works.

The EEPCO: -receives the method of statement for their information.


Surveyor: - to locate the coordinates & levels shown on the design drawings

Figure 2. 1: work flow chart of the company




3.1 Introduction
Internship is a practical program that is provided by the university in order to allow the
student to get a practical skill (experience) on his/her department (future career). Not only
about the department but it also helps him/her to get experience of how to communicate,
sociability, flexibility in all directions. Finally, the gap between the theoretical knowledge
and the practical skill is filled by this program.

3.2 Why I Select this Company

As we know hydroelectric project is always huge or mega projects, so I select this company
to get more practical knowledge in different sections related with civil engineering works
like bridge, roads, building house and different water structures. First, I have information
about company by different persons, it give practical knowledge in different sections, like
technical office, surveying, quality control, production, laboratory etc. And most civil works
are existing in the project. For instance: - bridge, road, site installation addition to dam
work. Second, our University gave the chance for us to visit this company when we were
second year students in that period of time the company was well known international
company which comprises huge mega projects. All the above reasons are made me to choice
this Salini Impregilo Company.

3.3 How I joined into the Company

Our University gave us opportunity to find the hosting Company by ourselves. By using this
opportunity, we find different company to accept our request paper. But, those Company
wasn't volunteer to accept our requested paper. Consequently, we informed to our
department Head to get the hosting company for internship program.

Although, our department head informs that, they made agreement with Salini Impregilo to
host internship students. Fortunately, we gave our list for the department to join the company
and our department applies to the hosting company, then the hosting Company answered
the requested paper.


Lastly, we went to gilgel gibe IV (Koysha) hydroelectric power project which is located in
Konta woreda between Wolayta zone and Dawuro zone around 90 km far from Jimma. After
we arrived there, we contacted with personnel office manager.

After we registered in company we went to safety section in order to get lesson concerning
about safety and get safety materials like shoes, helmet and safety jacket, then we went to
the section we have been assigned which is production office.

Then, we contacted with site engineer Basiliel Bahru who replace the position of production
manager Carmelo maletta.

3.4 Working section

Salini Impregilo S.p.A has different work sections for the successful implementation of its
tasks. Moreover, each section has its own duties and work portions as well as working team
to execute the section responsibilities.

Among those sections, some of them are mentioned here that the students can take part
includes technical office, production section, laboratory or geotechnical section, surveying
section and quality control section.

I have been working in production section. Main works done in this section are execution
and implementation of method statement of different civil works that prepared by technical
office. Working flow chart in my section are shown in figure 3.1 below.


Figure 3.1: My section work flow chart
3.5 Major tasks I have been performed

Activities that I have performed include tasks which were executed in the office as well as
site visit in the construction area. For the sake of clarification, it would be better to classify
tasks as office work and site work.


3.5.1 Site works
Koysha Hydroelectric power project has main site works that mainly derived the project in
progress time to time. Some of the works have been finished and are in operation and the
others are on progress.

Through these four months, I have given a privilege to observe and learn the actual
construction work undertaken. So these upgraded my theoretical knowledge and I have been
interested to spend my time on site. The following points are discussed based on experience
that I gained during my stay.

The following are the main works,

 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam (RCC).

 Drainage gallery.
 Laboratory and field test.
 Foundation treatment activity.
 Powerhouse first stage concrete.
 Spillway current stage.

 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam

RCC can be considered both a construction material and a construction method. RCC is
generally defined as a no-slump concrete that is placed by earth-moving equipment and
compacted by vibrating rollers in horizontal lifts up to 40 cm thick. The thickness tolerance
is ±10%.

RCC Preparation and Placement in the dam

 Batching plant

Batching plant is located at the right side of the Omo River. It is a place where different
tasks are performed some of this are: -

 Production of concrete mixes like: - RCC mix, dental concrete, CVC, bedding
 Washing of aggregates
 Crashing of aggregates to the desired size
 Production of filler material by execs crashing of aggregates


Figure 3.2: Batching plant
 RCC transporting system

The transporting system of RCC mix from batching plant to the site is done by the following
two ways:

1. Dump trucks: - the trucks are loaded directly from the mixers at the RCC batching plant
and then the RCC transported to the discharge point at the placing area in the dam, as shown
in the figure. This method used at the starting of the Dam construction and in any case the
conveyor system (method n.2) is under maintenance or under configuration change.

Figure 3.3 Dump truck

2. Conveyor system and dump trucks: - the conveyor system will transport the RCC mix
from the batching plant to the delivery point in the dam, then discharged into the dump
trucks that transport the RCC to the placing point.

Figure 3.4: Conveyor system


Work Sequence

The typical activities to be accomplished during the RCC placement are listed below, as a
simplified series of steps:

1. Erection and alignment of formwork and installation of water stop, joint-breaker

and void former for drainage hole;
2. Preparation of lift surface, according to the lift joint type;
3. Application of bedding mix, if required;
4. RCC dumping and spreading
5. GERCC placement in contact with the formwork, on the abutments and in any
case RCC cannot be compacted by roller
6. Compaction of the RCC;
7. Drive-in joint-cutter with excavator at the contraction joint to open a gap;
8. Insert plastic sheets in the gap by hand;
9. Compact the edges of the gap with roller;
10. Curing lift surface;
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 up for the next lifts until reaching the top of the formwork;
12. Formwork stripping and repairs, if any;
13. Repeat steps 1 to 12 up to the completion

In general, the activities that performed in RCC placement can be done the following ways

 Before RCC placement

 During RCC placement
 After RCC placement
 Before RCC placement

The following activities are applied

Installation of formwork

The formwork system use in RCC Dam will be Brand type. The materials used in formwork
construction shall be the plywood face, supported by timber I-beams, connected by the main
steel structure. Formwork shall be periodically maintained; form oil shall be applied.


Figure 3.5: Installation of formwork
The stripping of formwork will be performed using a mobile crane by trained personnel
following the steps below:

1) Place in position the mobile crane and fix the formwork to the ropes;

2) Remove the safety pin;

3) Proceed with the lifting of formwork panel up to successive lift elevation;

4) During all activities a supervisor will give instruction to the crane operator.

Water stop and void former

 Water stop is continuously imbedded in the RCC it is also increased in length
by welding additional pieces on it as the dam progresses. The pneumatic void
former is regularly deflated, cleaned, raised and rein flatted to allow for a
continuous drain void to be constructed.
 Void former makes pipe or hole to drain water from the RCC layer to the
drainage gallery. The construction of drainage inside the RCC dam body is
realized starting from the lower gallery by means of a pneumatic void former.
The drain void former is supported and aligned with a metal template.


Figure 3.6 Water stop and void former
Lift surface clean-up

The lift surface of RCC was cleaned by using Vacuum Truck, loader equipped with broom
or equivalent hand method was assist during RCC placement. In order to have good bondage
between two consecutive layers; all un bonded materials like; sand, loose stone, segregated
aggregates, fragments, rubbish and water is removed by using this equipment before
bedding mix or RCC placement is done. It will also assist in the lift surface clean-up after
rain stoppages to allow re-start of RCC placing as quickly as possible

Figure 3.7: Surface cleaning by using vacuum car


 During RCC placement
The following activities are applied during RCC placement
Bedding mix

The bedding mix will be prepared in the batching plant; it will be transported by Astra mixer
truck to the Dam area. The bedding mix will be spread on the lifts by hand methods
(personnel with racks) or by tractor equipped with spreading device.

If with the passage of trucks, the bedding mix is squeezed or damaged, operators must
restore and manually regularize the layer and eventually add the required quantity. Trucks
curves and maneuvers shall be avoided

Figure 3.8: Bedding mix spreading

RCC spreading

The RCC was spreaded in a nearly continuous operation to allow for a compacted lift
thickness of 40 cm by dozers. The thickness tolerance is ±10%. A surveyor was
continuously checking the compacted layer thickness in order to adjust the spreading level
setting in the laser system.

A laser system Leica mounted on the spreading dozer will be used to control the lift level
and it will be also used for continuous grade control during rough spreading as well as the
final trimming.


Figure 3.9: RCC Spreading

The elevation of each layer will be checked with a laser level and marked at spot on the
formwork or on the abutment by surveyors.

GERCC Activity
GERCC was produced by introducing grout, into placed but un-compacted RCC. GERCC
will be placed in contact with the formwork, in contact with the rock, in contact with
hardened RCC/CVC, in any other narrow areas or where the compaction by roller is not
achievable because of other constraints (for example in case of PVC pipes embedded). The
GERCC will then be consolidated by pneumatic/electric powered vibrators to blend the
grout with the parent RCC. Vibrators can be either mounted on mobile equipment or hand
operated. GERCC shall be vibrated before it reaches its initial setting time.

The detail steps of GERCC execution are the following:

a. Spread about 20 cm of loose RCC

b. Application of approximately half of the total amount of grout
c. Complete the spreading of the RCC to the top of the layer
d. Lay the template in the right position


e. Make some hole in the loose RCC with the purpose to facilitate the penetration of
f. Apply the remaining part of the grout inside the template
g. Remove the template
h. Vibrate the GERCC by means of pocket vibrators
i. Compact the transition between RCC and GERCC by small vibrating roller.

Figure 3.10: GERCC frame positioning, grout placing and vibration of GERCC by hand
RCC Compacting

The RCC was compacted by large vibratory roller (gross mass not less than 12ton with a
minimum dynamic force of 6.5kg/mm of drum width), as soon as the spreading is completed
and as close to the spreading operations as possible to minimize the time between placement
and compaction. Each layer or RCC will be compacted with a minimum of 3 round trips
(one round trip = 1 forward + 1 reverse) of a single drum roller, or as necessary to achieve
the required density. One static pass will be initially done to better level the surface before
compaction and final to have flat surface. The roller shall operate at a speed generally not
exceeding 2.5km/h. The vibratory system of the roller will be activated only during the
movement of the machine. The roller will not start or stop with the vibratory mode activated.

The overlap of adjacent roller trips shall not be less than 20cm.

Small vibratory rollers and hand-guided power tampers shall be used for compaction in
narrow areas where large vibratory roller cannot access.

The length of time between the start from the mixing in the plant until completion of
compaction shall in principle not exceed 90 minutes or in any case remain within the time
limit obtained during the full scale trial. (Koysha MS for Dam RCC placement, 2020)


Figure 3.11: RCC compacting

 After RCC Placement

The following activities are applied during RCC Placement

RCC Curing

The top surface of RCC layer shall be kept in a continuously damp condition until it is
covered by the next layer of RCC or until 14 days. The final dam top surface of RCC
(included downstream steps if final stage is made by RCC) or the top of a monolith left
uncompleted shall be continuously moist cured for at least 21 days. The surface just in front
of the placement might be allowed to dry back to a condition that is just less than saturate
surface dry (SSD).

Water mist will be applied at such rate that it will maintain the entire RCC surface damp but
minimize the pounding of water on the surface and erosions of freshly compacted RCC.

Water trucks with nozzles or pipe manned by personnel will be used to vaporize water and
broadcast into a mist above the lift surface. At least two persons (one for each working side
on the dam) 24 hours per day, seven days a week, shall be on duty on the placement with
the sole responsibility of operating the water system to maintain the entire surface moist but
not over watered.


Figure 3.12: RCC curing
Joint formation
After completion of RCC placement two types of joints are formed:
1. Vertical (Contraction) joint
2. Horizontal (Construction) joint

1. Vertical (Contraction) joint

After the RCC dam reaches its complete setting time, there is a risk of crack due to
contraction. So an artificially induced crack is constructed with in 20m gap through
the axis of the dam. The main purpose of this joint is to avoid expansion of cracks
or have crack discontinuity from one zone to other. The special material which is
used in this work is a polyethylene bond breaking plastic and is putted vertically in
the dam.
The dam contraction joints will be executed, in the region shown in below, by first
driving a vibrating steel blade installed on a wheel excavator, into the fresh
compacted RCC. After the removal of the steel blade, a polyethylene bond breaking
sheet (double layer of a thickness of about 0.2mm) will be placed in the narrow open


Figure 3.13: Contraction joint constructions by vibrating steel blade.
The gap will be then closed by rolling next to it with the roller. The height of the
bond breaking sheet shall be not less than 75% of the lift height.
2. Construction joint
It's one type of joint that formed the dam construction (after RCC spreading and
As well as ramp like structure that created through construction of layers. For the
purpose of resisting shear force exerted through water pressure. Also good access
for transporting of materials in to the site

Figure 3.14: Construction joint


Lift joint
These are unwanted joints created due to construction delay. This occurs when the
time passed between two successive placements of RCC layers is more than the final
setting time of concrete. At that time, the previous surface becomes hard &it is
difficult to homogenize with the new layer
According to construction time delay and treatment method, the lift joints are
classified as:
A. Warm joints
B. Cold joints type I
C. Cold joint type II
A. Warm joint; Warm joint is encountered when the time between two successive
layers is not more than 8 hours. The surface of warm joint is cleaned with low
pressure air only as necessary and there is no need of bedding mix.
Generally, this type of joint is good and the needed.
B. Cold joint type I; when the time of consecutive layer is between 8 hours to 4
days’ cold joint type I is introduced. In this type of joint bedding mix is placed only
at the u/s and d/s zone of the dam before the next RCC layer.
But at the center zone of the dam placing of bedding mix is not necessary. The lift
surface shall be kept clean, uncontaminated, and in a continuously moist condition
until placement of the subsequent layer of RCC.
Therefore, the treatment taken to this type of joint is washing the surface by using
high pressure water/air pipes and mechanical broom to remove the loose debris and
contaminates. The cleaning should be until the surface is exposing but the aggregate
should not be under cut.
C. Cold joint type II; when the time of consecutive layer is more than 4 days’ cold
joint type II is introduced and it needs high treatment.
The treatment for this kind of joint is Green cut i.e., making the surface rough, which
means first the aggregates should be undercut in order to have frictional ability and
good bondage between two successive layers, then washing the surface by high
pressure water/air pipes, & mechanical booming as cold joint type II.


Removal of Form work

Removal of forms was performed with care in order to avoid damage to the concrete and as
soon as possible in order to avoid delay in curing and repair of surface imperfection. The
lifting of formwork will be done by mobile crane of adequate capacity.

Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to prevent
damage to concrete.

Instrument installed in the dam body

The instruments installed in the dam body are the following

Thermo cup: -used for measuring the temperature of dam

Optic fiber: -like thermo cup it's used for measuring the temperature of dam. But it
measures body of dam per meter.

Pendulum: -instrument that installed at the top of the dam through the pendulum shaft for
the purpose of measuring the movement of the dam by any means.

Stress meter: -it's vertically and horizontally installed tools used for measuring vertical and
horizontal stress of the dam respectively.

 Drainage gallery
A gallery is an opening provided for obtaining access to the interior of the dam for various
purposes. Drainage is a chamber where water, which lifts up ward, forward and along the
dam axis is collected and drained out.

In this project five longitudinal inspection galleries are located at different elevations to
collect the drainage pipes and to have access to the dam instrumentation.

The elevation of those galleries from bottom to top is 515,542, 573, 615, and 652m.a.s.l.
At the base of the dam (at el.515m.a.s. l), there are two drainage galleries along the axis of
the dam.

These galleries serve not only to drain water but also as access road for the inspection of
dam safety, these two galleries are connected by a sloppy gallery. At this time 515m.a.s. l
drainage galleries are completed.


Figure 3.15: Drainage Gallery in rock and middle of dam
 Field and Laboratory test
Field test

The following tests of RCC are performed in the field

 Density test
 Ve bee test
 Temperature test
Density test;

This test is taken for RCC at every 40cm thickness layer to check the stiffness of RCC layer
after compaction using the instrument of nuclear gage densitometer. We take the test at
35cm, 20cm and 10cm depth at every 40cm thickness of RCC layer. For each test division
the test should not be less than 92% and the average compaction should not be less than
96%. This depends on the theoretical air free density (TAFD) which is the optimum
laboratory result. If the average compaction is less than 96%the layer should be compacted
or removed. The compaction density (%) is calculated as follows;

Compaction (%) = reading value x CF X 100


Where, TAFD is theoretical air free density in (gm. /cm3 which is 2.443 for u/s zone and
2.499 if it is around the center zone of the dam.

CF is calibration factor which is constant at all zones of the dam which is = 1.04


Conclusion; from any result of each test is greater than 92% and the average also
greater than 96%

Figure 3.16: RCC density measurements by nuclear gauge

Ve bee consistency test

Ve bee consistency is an indicator of the workability of RCC and is determined by ASTM

C 1170, Standard Test Method for Determining Consistency. In this test, a sample of RCC
is vibrated under a surcharge until it is fully consolidated, as shown in figure below. The
time required to consolidate the sample is a function of the relative workability of the RCC
and is called the Vebe time.

The lower the Vebe time or consistency time, the easier it is to compact the sample. The
typical range of consistency times, for RCC mixtures using the concrete approach for
proportioning, is from about 10 to 60 seconds, with most RCC mixtures having a Vebe
consistency of less than 30 seconds. RCC mixtures with a Vebe time in the range of 15 to
20 seconds will have a sufficient workability to consolidate in 40 cm lifts with
approximately four to eight passes of a 12-ton, dual-drum, vibrating roller. Segregation will
also be minimized at this consistency range. (RCC Manual Final09-2017-508)


Figure 3.17: Ve bee test
Temperature test

Objective of this test is to know the temperature of RCC

The placement temperature of fresh RCC will influence the setting time of the RCC, and
the stiffness of the lift surface, and it can also influence the bond potential between lifts.

Lower placing temperatures, combined with a set-retarding, ice and high pozzolan contents,
can delay the initial set of fresh RCC up to 36 hours and temperature can varies up to 24 0c
based on elevation and weather condition

Figure 3.18: Thermometer


Laboratory test

The laboratory tests performed during the activities listed above include the follows:

 Air Content of RCC (ASTM C-231)

Laboratory: 1 per sampling

 Compressive Strength of RCC (ASTM C-39),

Laboratory: 1 per day of production per each RCC mix used (12 cylinders to be test
@ 7, 28, 90, 365 days)

 Ve. Bee. Time (ASTM C-1170)

Laboratory: 1 per sampling

Site: 1 per hour of production

 Fresh Density of RCC – (ASTM C-231)

Laboratory: 1 per sampling

 Temperature of RCC

Laboratory: 1 per sampling

Site: 1 per hour (after dumping, before compaction)

Air Content of RCC

Objective: This test method covers the determination of the air content of freshly mixed
concrete. The test determines the air content of freshly mixed concrete exclusive of any air
that may be inside voids within aggregate particles. For this reason, it is applicable to
concrete made with relatively dense aggregate particles and requires determination of the
aggregate correction factor.
 Pressure meter gauge
 Mold
 Plastic hammer
 Jack hammer


 Balance
a) Obtain the sample of freshly mixed concrete
b) Keep the instrument in moist condition
c) Insert the sample in to the mold
d) Compact by two layers within 25 second for each layer
e) Make the top surface smooth and level
f) Inserting fresh water in to the sample, then by using plastic hammer sloshing the
mold around its surface for the purpose of replacing the content of air around the
sample with water.
g) By using a pressure gauge instrument stifle the sample at the top then compress the
air in to the sample
h) Finally release the compressed air then read the air remaining in the sample.

Figure 3.19: Air content test in the fresh RCC mix


Compressive Strength of RCC

Objective: To check the cylindrical compressive strength of hardened concrete.


 Balance
 Test sample
 Mould
 Jack hammer with flat plate
 Sock room
 Testing machine


1) Place the fresh prepared concrete mix (CVC or RCC) in to cylindrical plastic
mould (diameter 150mm & 300mm high) with three layers & compact each
layers for 12 secs within the mold from each mix proposed for the different
classes of concrete.
2) Dates chosen between 7, 28, 90 and 365 days, weather they attain the required
strength or not within the specified days before applying for structures. The age
of the sample is written on the sample face.
3) Leave the sample for 4hrs in air & soak in water for the dedicated dates for each
4) Take the sample from soaking room & make the sample saturated surface dry
5) Place the sample in to compressive strength machine & apply the load
progressively at the rate of 140kg/sq cm/min till the spacemen collapse & read
the displacement for each applied load per second.


Figure 3.20: Compressive strength test

 Foundation Treatment and Rock Stabilization Activities


Grouting is defined as a mixture of cement, water, sikament 340, bentonit and admixture
which is forced under pressure in to prepared holes or pipe in order to fill voids or
consolidate rock mass as whole. It takes place in different section of the hydropower plant,
like on RCC dam, in the power tunnel, diversion tunnel, surge shaft & gate shaft. The main
objectives of Grouting are to decrease the uplift pressure on the dam foundation; to control
the seepage of water in water way and the dam such as diversion & power tunnels, surge &
gate shaft, the abutment and u/s face of the dam.

Objective of the grouting is:

 To consolidate the dam foundations.
 To control the seepages of the dam.
 To reduce its deformability.
 To reduce the permeability of the rock.
 To increase its strength especially effects against shearing force.
The working phases shall be as followed:
 Drilling of the hole by drilling equipment such as Atlas Copco, tam rock;
 Temporary plugging of the hole with timber;
 Cleaning of the hole by air compressor and pressurized water;
 Grouting of the hole;


According to their working procedure and their function there are three types of grouting.
They are detailed as follow. But I observed only Contact / Consolidation Grouting

Contact / Consolidation Grouting

The contact / consolidation grouting is one of the major type of grouting, which is done on
both the right & left abutment of the dam by using the ascending step method. The
importance of consolidation grouting is consolidated and fills the void space of the rock.
The contact grouting is used to tie the RCC layer and the rock foundation to each other and
to fill the weak zone of RCC layers. The range of pressure is from 5 bars up to 10 bars with
the maximum volume of 3000 per stage respectively excluding filling of the hole.

Bulb Grouting

The bulb grouting is a type of grouting, which is done both in the drainage gallery and on
both right left abutments to the u/s face of the dam. The main function of these types of
grouting is to control the seepage of front water from the reservoir and the rock of the
abutment. It has a maximum length of 43m with a maximum stage of five and its range of
pressure is from 5bars up to 25 bars.

Curtain Grouting

The curtain grout takes place in the drainage gallery of the dam foundation and on the RCC
dam of the u/s plinth. The major function of curtain grout is to decrease the up lift pressure
of ground water the settlement of the dam by filling the space of the rock with a grouting
mix. The maximum depth of the hole is up to 130m. It is done with a maximum Stage of 9
and Maximum Pressure of 250bars.

Figure 3.21: Grouting


Dental concrete

Dental concrete is a type concrete premix that is prepared for the purpose of replacing hallow
out rock due to its weak zone. Due to this it is used to consolidate rock which has no
sufficient strength. It is another means of reconstruction of rock.

Rock bolt

Rock bolt is used to stabilization of rocks this means during excavation, blasting as well as
naturally weak zone happen to site then used rock bolt to bind acts one body the two weak
zones. Two types of rock bolts based on compressive strength. Such as normal rebar and
dywidag bar

Dywidag bar; is more strength than normal rebar’s.

There procedure;

a. First drill the rock,

b. Second to grouting mix of cement sand.
c. Third insert the selected bars at the center hole.
d. Forth shotcrete

Figure 3.22: Rock bolt installation


 Power House First Stage Concrete
Preparatory works
Site installation was prepared before the major activity of concreting works started, such
as Tower Crane, stock yard preparation, power supply, water supply, air compressor, Light
towers and dewatering pumps etc.
Survey setting‐out
In the process of construction of the Power House, the pioneer step was to locate the
coordinates and levels shown on the design drawings. For this purpose, bench marks were
fixed by the surveyors nearby the Power House. These bench marks were help in the
setting out of the correct locations of all the components of the first stage concrete.
The surveyors were thoroughly checking the position of the formworks, so that the
displacement or misplacement of the forms will be within the limits stated. Surveyors were
also indicating the correct position of the block outs and the parts to be embedded in the
first stage concrete.
Foundation preparation
Before pouring of any concrete, the foundation was cleaned well by using high velocity
air‐water jets. A prepared rock foundation was free from oil, standing or running water,
mud, loose rock, objectionable coating, debris and loose or unsound fragments.
Rebar preparation and placing
Reinforcements were stored in the steel yard separated according to their size and
manufacturer and well protected from deleterious matter.
Regarding the specific Power House reinforcements, detail bar cutting schedules (bar lists)
and also some rebar detail shop drawings were prepared by the site technical office based
on the Level 2 Design reinforcement drawings. The bar lists define all the bars and give
dimensions to each of the bar positions in a clear and unambiguous way.
The steel yard, following the bar cutting schedules, will prepare the reinforcements as per
the shapes and lengths indicated and will label the rebar with the corresponding position
numbers & drawing numbers.
The bars will then be loaded on a low bed truck and transported to the Power House
working platform where they will be unloaded by the tower cranes.


The reinforcement bars have to be strong enough to withstand the design load. Under the
technical specification of the project it is stated that; the minimum yield strength of the
bars is 420 MPA.
ASTM, (American, Standard for Testing and Materials), is used to specify the materials
quality the reinforcement bars has to be covered enough in order to prevent corrosion and
unnecessary reaction to the environment. The minimum cover requirement varies with
location of reinforcement based on the type of environment in which the reinforcement
will be exposure.
Formwork application and dismantling
The formworks to be used at the power house are of the type brand. The formworks shall
be composed of steel and timber assembled together. Most of the formworks shall be
prepared in the wood workshop and transported to the Power House where they will be
fixed to the required locations with the help of the tower cranes. In connection the special
formworks like the ones at the curved surfaces and block outs shall be constructed on the
spot (for which only the major components will be prepared in the wood workshop).
Exterior surfaces, which will be exposed to the weather, shall be sloped for drainage even
if there is no such indication on the drawings. In such case the slope shall be at least 1%
but not exceed 3%. After the concrete attained the minimum compressive strengths, then
the formwork should be removed with as much curiosity as possible without creating any
damage to the finished face of the concrete.
All the concrete for the Power House shall be produced at the batching plant on the right
bank, near the Omo river bridge. These batching plants have a total production capacity
of not less than 150m3/h. The concrete will be transported with mixers (6‐10m3) for a
distance of about 2km from the batching plant to the Power House area. The mobile
concrete pumps will be placed on the front of the Power House (at the platform at
el.502.7m.a.s.l.) and in the back (at the platforms el.513.35m.a.s.l. and 540m.a.s.l.)
The first stage concrete of the Power House is planned to be placed in a sequence of lifts.
Different systems shall be adopted to place the concrete at different elevations. The
placing of the concrete shall be achieved by using the CIFA concrete pump, which depends
upon the elevation of the concrete lift.


Figure 3.23: a) Current stage of powerhouse b) pouring of concrete by using CIFA pump
The surface cover which the concrete is to be placed should always be kept clean and damp.
Concreting of the Power House shall not be started during rain. If concreting is already in
progress during the rain, it shall be suspended if the rain adversely affects the quality of the
placed concrete. All concrete shall be placed in continuous approximately horizontal layers.
The thickness of the layers shall not exceed 50cm for mass concrete, and 60cm for structural
and all other concrete. Each layer shall be soft when a new layer is placed upon it and the
two layers shall be made monolithic by penetration of vibrators.

All surfaces of a sufficiently hardened concrete shall be continuously cured for a period of
not less than 14 consecutive days or until it is covered with fresh concrete. The type of water
to be used for curing purpose shall be the same as that used for concrete mixing and at the
same time the water should not create any stains and discoloration to the concrete. To
achieve a continuous curing of the concrete surfaces, they shall be covered with water
saturated burlap, cotton mats or rugs that will hold water.

Pipes, Plates and Others

Different sizes and types of pipes shall be installed in the first stage concretes. The correct
types, sizes and locations of these pipes are to be defined by the EM Contractor and will be
shown on the relevant Level 2 Designs. Before pouring of any concrete the complete
installation of the pipes shall be checked by the quality control inspectors. These plates shall
be fixed firmly so as to avoid any possible movement during concrete placing and vibration.

Generally, sequence of works in powerhouse first stage concreting are summarized below,


Before concreting
 Surveying setting out
 Bar arrangement
 Installation of water stop and pipes
 Binding of cover or spacer
 Surface cleaning
 Form work installation
During concreting
 Concrete pouring
 Vibrating concrete
 Leveling of concrete lift

After concreting

o Curing concrete
o Form work removing
o Cleaning of surface

 Spillway current stage

Spillway located at the left side of dam. This consists of No. 1 canal, controlled by No. 6
radial gates, which directs the water jets into a pre-excavated plunge pool.

 Radial gates #6(W x H) 14.5mx17m

 Design flood 13,100m3/sec.
 Chute with a rectangular section approximately 580m long and120m wide

Figure 3.24: Spillway foundation


Current work that I observed: foundation preparation and slope protection or stabilization
works like, installation of rock bolt, weir mesh, steel fiber and shotcrete


List of the equipment below in table is the summary of the equipment foreseen to be used
in the activities of dam left drainage galleries excavation

Table 3.1: Equipment for drange gallery excavation

Equipment List Description Manufacturer Model

1) Drilling Equipment
Jack Hammer Atlas Copco RH 656
Rock face drills Atlas Copco Rock D5
Rock face drills Tam Rock DX-700
Rock face drilling Jumbo Tam Rock PARA 206-90
2) Loading and hauling Equipment
Wheel loader CAT 930K
Wheel loader CAT 966H
Truck Astra HD8 64.38
3) Shotcrete and rock supports
Wet mix shotcrete robot CIFA CSS-2
Grout pump Bunker/Mai
Mixer 9.0m³ CIFA
4) Care of water
Water Pump*
Electrical Driven Flynt BIBO2140MT
Motor Driven Varisco J4-250
Air Compressed water
Compressor (air) Atlas Copco DIP 25
5) Services
Electric Air compressor* KAISER t320
Power generators* CAT 810K/A
Tower Light MOSA

3.5.2 Office work

The work that performed in the production office is execution and implementation of
drawing that prepared by the technical office by sending to the site. And also if there are


some modifications is needed on the drawing this office is sending to the technical office.
In addition to this for any kind of material needed from the store is ordered by this office.
In the office I have been performing those tasks listed below;

Reading method statements prepared for construction of the structures

 MS for Dam RCC placement
 MS for RCC Grouting
 MS for Power house
 MS for Power House first stage concrete
 MS for Drainage Gallery
Looking different drawings prepared for site construction
Understanding how to adjust or order different drawing works in a proper way. Also
how to identity the modified drawing from the previous drawing.

This assignment has been helped me a lot to grasp tangible knowledge on the matters that I
have no clue before.

3.6 Challenges I have been facing

Through my stay in this internship program I faced problems that made me not to perform
my assignment faster; the following are some of them,

 At the beginning of my internship training program, location of sub sites is confused

me because, project sub sites are found on scattered area.
 Working with harsh sun for a long time during observation of activities at site is
 Most of the time the workers of the company are busy on performing their tasks and
there is less opportunity for asking questions
 The course I gained from campus is not sufficient to understand practical world,
HEPP is huge it needs more practical experience.
 In case this is my first time to join the practical working environment, the other
challenge is to familiarize myself to the workers in the section; all the staff has
different back ground, with different educational status, different work duties.


 My section is performed different tasks on the sites. I wasn’t able to have office
work as much as I wanted to do.

3.7 Measures taken to overcome the challenges

This challenge I faced make me to look myself and take measures to overcome.
Measures I took;
 I have been asking different employs about location of project sub sites and visiting
a few days with them.
 I have been trying to adapt the environment with attentively attend to the site.
 When the workers are busy to answer my questions, I wrote all the questions on my
note book and I asked the questions when they have time to answer.
 I have read other documents related to my profession and which are helpful for the
successful completion of the internship.
 Creating good relation with the workers in the section, Asking and understanding
unclear things during site visit and reading.
 By asking my section manager, I try to do office work.


4.1 Generally
Internship is a job which lasts for a short period of time, that student does in order to gain
experience and training. It exposes students for the real world environment outside the
academic institutions. Thus, as students distribute to different companies they will also gain
various benefits which are important to make students capable of different skills for problem
solving as well as new inventions and discoveries.
This internship program has brought a spectacular experience and confidence for me on the
field that I am studying. I have gained a lot from my stay for a period of four months around
a real work environment. This is due to the fact that what we have been given in the
university gives a real sense with all the challenges. Apart from the professional skill, I have
built up good cooperative attitude with other partners and I also have gained a lot (in kind
and cash) from the four-month experience.

4.2 In terms of improving Practical Skill

It is obvious that best combination of theory and practice built good experience. And
experience gives better lessons, and when it combines with theoretical knowledge it best
addresses the expected goals as per the need of individual as well as the user.
In the previous academic years, I have been learning different aspects in theory and I have
developed good theoretical knowledge. Though there were some practical activities during
the academic period, it had no such time and opportunities like the internship program
because practical activities always overlap with the theoretical courses which results in lack
of time to perform both actions in parallel so that students do not give more concern to the
practical activities.
The internship program created good opportunities to develop practical skills. It was the
right time to start to use my theoretical knowledge into practice to perform different tasks.
Moreover, I have learned how to apply the theoretical knowledge to problems facing in the
real world environment. Thus, I have been practicing different work methodologies and
procedures which were needed to perform different tasks. Besides, I have learned to solve
practical problems especially those techniques in undertaking engineering problems,


procedures in identifying and setting possible solutions, giving reasonable assumptions, and
making engineering judgments.
In addition, I have got valuable knowledge from the site visit. It was a good opportunity to
see the implementation of different design drawings in the construction site. Furthermore,
it introduced me several new things especially the methods of construction of the dam and
its appurtenant structures as well as the different components in hydraulic structures. As a
result, I have improved my overall performance in executing those activities that I was
assigned for in time and quality. Generally, as it was the first occasion as an introductory to
the work environment, it offered enormous experience in terms of developing practical
4.3 In terms of upgrading Theoretical Knowledge
The internship program provided me good opportunity in improving theoretical knowledge
that I previously have and it was also the right time to acquire new things which were not
addressed during the academic time in the campus. Therefore, I tried to use this chance and
I have read several materials which helped me in my day to day activities. Thus, through
time I have built good theoretical knowledge. Some of the materials that I have covered
include different method statements, engineering manuals, reference books and reports. In
addition to the materials I read, those explanations which I have got from the supervisor and
other staffs had made enormous impact. As a result, I have got good clarification of subjects
that I previously learned in the campus. Moreover, those hydraulic and civil structures that
I saw during the site visit contributed much in interpretation of the theoretical knowledge.
It is possible to say that all the courses that I took specially hydraulics structure, Reinforced
concrete structure, Hydraulics, Engineering hydrology and Engineering Geology are
completely applied in the project. Consequently I easily understood the available
methodology used and the results of data analysis.
4.4 In terms of improving my team playing skills
In companies owning large projects the necessity of team work is undisputable because
without the combined effort of the different professions as well as their tasks such type of
projects cannot be realized. In Salini Impregilo teamwork is common in office as well as in
site. Different staff members work together towards achieving the major goal, completion
of the project. Koysha hydroelectric project is one of the huge projects in hydropower


schemes thus, for its accomplishment the contractor have settled numerous work sections
and teams inside the sections. Among the sections, the one that I was engaged was
production office.
While I was in the team I have practiced manners like listening other`s saying,
understanding and respecting other`s ideas and suggestions, sharing tasks and activities,
communicating and working together. Thus, I have seen the importance of team work for
the on time implementation of activities. Moreover, I have cultured to help each other in
tasks which need the involvement of different persons as well as to ask for assistance in time
of need.
Beside the above mentioned, the other importance of the team work that I explored is that it
minimizes the possibilities to do mistakes because when different professionals with
different ideas and experiences combine together they will contribute different knowledge
to execute the necessary tasks. Moreover, frequent communication for the purpose of team
work will gradually results in experience sharing. Therefore, I have learned good
experiences which will help me to work and communicate with different personnel in the
4.5 In terms of realizing leadership skills
Leadership is a process of management and guidance through influencing and commanding
individuals or groups to achieve organizational goals. It involves organizing and controlling
works of a company or organization.

In Salini Impregilo there is work break down from higher to the lower hierarchy. The
different hierarchies have their own managers. The management system extends from the
project manager to the section managers. Thus, the section managers coordinate their
corresponding teams for the execution of tasks for which they are responsible.
In the time I stayed in the company, I have seen several approaches by which managers
used to communicate their staffs. These are as follows;
 Showing good respect and treatment for their workers
 Listening and understanding one`s ideas
 Good communication skills with people in different positions
 Accepting comments and suggestions


 Addressing and solving problems in time
 Distribution of tasks with respect to time and resources
 Controlling and monitoring activities to follow up their implementation
 Being role model and exemplary in time and resource management
Leadership is not only the responsibility of the project manager but also it is manifested in
individual day to day activities. I have observed that every worker had contribution for the
success of the management goals. These combined efforts of the manager and the working
teams can be manifested in wise use of time and resource, working together, accepting
individual`s responsibilities and working towards achieving it, and helping each other
during the time of difficulties.
I appreciate that those approaches and working mechanisms put together strong link
between the management and the working staffs, and built effective as well as well-
organized leadership.
During the internship time I was able to realize that to be an effective leader one must
continually exercise good leadership skills in terms of improving his/her technical
knowledge, sociability &interaction and being loyal with other persons who are above or
under his/her position. What expected as a leader is not to be perfect but should always
strive to apply sounding leadership for the purpose of securing not to down his/her position
and in terms of fulfilling companies goal as I discussed before. To sum up, leading quality
is not only about learn and know too much it is also inborn trait, that’s why everybody can
be a leader but not a quality leader. Generally, I have learned a lot from the activities and
manners of the company`s managers as well as the staffs.
4.6 Understanding work ethics and related issues
Work ethics are moral values as well as legal principles that we intend to respect and
administered for them. These incorporate several practices in the workplace which involves
different accomplishments in office and site in individuals as well as groups day to day
activities. Among the different work ethics, the prominent ones that I have observed in the
company are as follows:
Time management
In Salini Impregilo time is the most important resource that everybody conserves.
Punctuality has enormous value in every individual action in office as well as in site.


Moreover, every activity is determined and valued with time. The duration of the work time
in the office is 10 hours per day and in the construction site it is 24 hours with day and night
Respect and work with others
In conditions which necessitate the combined effort of different professions, it is wise to
build smooth relation with workmates and to work together. Work teams in the company
were rich enough with the culture of respect and working together. Thus, it amazingly
introduced me how to overcome problems together.
Proper utilization of materials
Materials which are used in the office for the accomplishment of the tasks include papers,
pencils, printers, computers and other writing materials. Everyone in the office practices
wise use of these resources. Hence, I have learned how to use these materials without
Working for the common good
I have taken a good lesson from those people who prefer to work for the benefit of the
society in order to contribute their side in the country`s plan to overcome problems in power
supply of the country as well as to increase the national income from the power sale return.
Though, the working environment have some challenges like high temperature in most of
the seasons and extended period of work time, workers were always in good initiative to
accomplish their tasks.
Individuals in different work divisions have jobs and activities to be performed. Therefore,
they are responsible for those duties that they are in charged. In addition, they are capable
of making decisions and can be blamed if something wrong happens. Thus, during the time
I stayed I have practiced such types of manners and I tried to concern on my activities.
Safety and environmental ethics
Safety ethics are more concerned on the site. It is obvious that, proper implementation of
these ethics are important for one`s wellbeing in site. These include wearing helmet, safety
shoes and cloth so that, people who works in the site or wants to visit the site must fulfill
the safety materials. These materials are provided by the company.


Environmental ethics aimed at creating clean working environment. Some of these include
keeping optimum sound level not to disturb others and safe removal of waste materials.
4.7 In Terms of Entrepreneurship Skill
Entrepreneurship is defined as the special human talent that helps to manage factors of
production such as labor, machinery and capital and to take risks of making losses. An
entrepreneur is required to create new job opportunities to him and to others. Moreover, an
entrepreneur should be capable of establishing the different relations between activities and
their output.
A good entrepreneur should investigate and built the interactions between resources like
human resources (labor and workman), financial resources, information, time, physical
resources such as materials, equipment and other assets, and service and management
aspects. After this investigation, a good management should be adopted to create wise use
of the available resources by devising a system which incorporates the planning, organizing,
executing and controlling of the specific project.
The other parts that should be taken into consideration by the entrepreneur are the
organizational structure and its work flow as well as its adequate services and salary for the
employees for the successful implementation of the organizational goals. Besides, an
effective entrepreneur also works on the social and environmental impacts resulting from
his/her activities and strives to eliminate or minimize the adverse impacts.
In Salini Impregilo I have seen those the above entrepreneur`s skills in action in day to day
activities of individuals and the company. Generally, Salini Impregilo is the most effective
and efficient company in the construction industry making good returns from its works as
well as creating numerous job opportunities for people in different areas of the world it
participated. As a result, I have learned how to be a good entrepreneur from the action of
individuals and the company.
4.8 In terms of improving my interpersonal communication skills
Many of human`s day to day activities requires cooperation of various individuals.
Therefore, good communication skills are as such important for the successful
implementation of different tasks.
My communication skill has developed remarkably from the internship program. I was
communicating very well with my supervisor as well as other colleagues. During the first


days of my stay, I was only communicating with my supervisor. But within a very short
time, I became as one of the employees. On my first day in the office, my supervisor told
me that my communication skill is mandatory so as to gain a lot of important things during
the time I am about to spend in the office. So, as I had been told I was working on improving
my communication skills.
During the internship period I have got chances to meet different peoples in different levels.
While I was staying in the office, I always meet people who are in management levels,
engineers, expatriates, and other people who work in the office. Thus, I have developed
good communication skills in the working area. Moreover, in the site there was opportunity
to contact different people especially foreman. I have been in good collaboration with them
and they were helping me through introducing new things that I faced in the site.
As the life was in camp, to fulfill different needs it was a must to meet local people outside
the working time especially in the lunch and evening times. This helped me to form good
social interaction with the people in the camp and the surrounding area.
Generally I have built good interpersonal communication skills. It was a good time as a
starting for the outside world and it served me as a model for the future life after campus.
To summarize, all the benefits that I have gained from the internship were the results my
communication skills.




5.1 Conclusions

Salini Impregilo is one of the most accelerated construction companies in which many
designing works and supervision services for construction of different types of structures
such as buildings, roads, tunnels, and dams are being performed. Salini Impregilo has
contributed a lot to the development of engineering works in the world.
The internship program has brought a spectacular experience for me on the field such as
civil and water engineering structure (like a dam) beside civil engineering related structure
that I am studying. I have gained good experience from my stay in a period of four months
about the real work environment. This is due to the fact that what I have been given in the
school gives a real sense of work with all the challenges and excitements. Apart from the
professional skill, I have built up good cooperative attitude with other partners. In generally,
I have gained a lot of experiences in the four months internship program.
One of the numerous benefits that I have gained from the internship experience is improving
my professional skills. I have developed a better understanding on the topics that I already
knew. Also, I have gained a lot of new knowledge on different topics in my field of study
which I have not taken and the topics which I could not get from campus. Regarding the
improvement that I have made ton my leadership as well as management skills, it was
another advantage through the internship program.
In generally, I had a fabulous time throughout the internship season. As the company that I
was employed in is a highly experienced firm with all the great qualities, I gained a lot of
knowledge and experience.
There had been some challenges while performing my tasks which I had taken different
measures to overcome. To conclude, I consider myself as a lucky person to pass through
this program before having graduation.


5.2 Recommendations
Most of my recommendations revolve around the principles of the internship and some
about the companies who are responsible for hosting students and the university. In order to
make the internship program more effective and fruit full, I have placed some responsibility
which I think haven’t been fulfilled by shareholders.


Universities are providing good opportunities for students in the internship program. In
order to magnify the outcome of this program, the teaching/ learning method should be more
practical to make the students more confident and more professional in their field of study.
In addition, laboratory facilities in the university should be active.

Nowadays, the difficulty to perform several activities has been solved through the use of
software applications, which are essential to save resources and time. Therefore, in order to
empower the students to fit with the outside world, I strongly recommend to the Universities
to include the important software course as well as to set projects to approve the practical
applicability into the students throughout the program.

Universities have to give additional lessons of computer programing like Auto cad and
Eagle point before students go to the internship program. Courses like engineering geology,
construction material, hydraulic structure and quantity surveying which are directly related
with the real world events must be given effectively and timely.

Academic supervisors should be supplied with all necessary requirements so they can
follow up the students in person.

Companies have to take full responsibility and train students in more scheduled and
organized way. In addition they must evaluate students in appropriate way and send
recommendation for universities concerning the universities learning and teaching policies
on the internship program.
Salini Impregilo S.p.A encompasses several sections which are composed of different
departments. Moreover, it handles massive national as well as international projects. I
recommend the company to receive more intern students in its different sections.


1. Koysha HEP, Civil Works, Technical specifications, February 2009
2. Koysha Method Statements for each construction, December2020
3. Manual of laboratory test and standard institute books (ACI, and ASTM)
4. US Army Corps of Engineers, “Roller-Compacted Concrete”, EM 1110-2-2006,
5. US Army Corps of Engineers, “Gravity dam design”, EM 1110-2-2200, 1995
6. RCC Manual Final09-2017-508
7. GEN SP 001 A,GEOLOGICAL REPORT, October 2015
8. Http://www.webuild
9. Koysha level 2 updated Design Drawings, May 2020


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