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Press Intelligence, Ine. MAY 11 1963 wsohineBanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70- Sec fooron=—— LOS. ANGELES EXAMINER Cire. m. 349,320 S. 758,341 Canc front eat reve Page ate: (AY 11 1983 ear Public: \, Dulles, Undersecretary Smith Split on Iron Country Program | By David Senter {7 | eu Rigltgete wenaen | [Tae Tay ant ates Bap solicky kingdom in. south ear oH] rE ‘Asia might Beem 0 you CPYRGHT The White House also Mew what’ General MacArthur had| there is a big and far-reachinglifee the name of a soap. In dhe] Written Sen, Harry Byrd. hel ri the fee ae over effing ay Salen ere el General suns hatte program -bebind the tron, Cur-fustrian Arehduke Francis Fer threat of ombing Res fain nat ae eee aa esEe"| China be used to button Up the 4 conceras mainly a battle in Korean ‘truce negotiations and lloy” between Secy. of State perhaps the entire cold. war alley between Secy. of Stat craps the, at Sohn Foster Dulles and Under-| ith the US Re sceretary of State Walter Bedell] So today "you. may_wonder/P.,7hs, WAS another good psy Smith, former head of Centrally there is so much grim trad. | chological warfare touch an Intelligence Agency. and quiboting and fighting |3ée Pad no objection to. Mac's ‘Dulles stands for a dynamic ver whether a few thousand etter being widely pul tured. Chinese ‘Communists, DOW forget Senator yr Liberation. campaign. |General Smith belleves in the Titoismff North Koreans are to be| #24 the President are, clos jurned over in any armistice school whereby the Soviet} stooge regions are to be encour-| flea ‘aged to break away from the] ‘the BIG GIMMICK is that in) Moscow brand of Communism.| Ine event we go. to war wilh! ussia. we expject to do whole CLARIFY PLANS—— sassinated to start orld War f, must have sound- to Americans like the name & patent medicine. MAY TESTIFY— Vandenberg may, theret with the Virginla Democrat. | need tne pleas of enain Demo: es tratic Senators that he tert ‘The Romanesave shadow of Sere the armed services cont General McArthur sill hovers) efoe,the armed, services com, ‘To make the distinetion a bit! ws from the Soviet fighting) ™Portantly over Washington!‘namstringing the Air Force with fees eee rome Se he ea Te uc ok ‘The Dulles blueprint ealls for ‘fighting directly against the Communist, Ideology | through aid’ to resistance and under. ‘ground groups back of the Iron] Curtain, |" Backers of the Smith agenda| argue that the Communist form| of government in each Russian} Satellite state ean be ignored as| Jong as it can be warked upon| to break its ties with Moscow |ata the Red regime of Marshal ‘Tito in Yugoslavia, ‘The current. major objective} lg to Tito-ize Mao Tse-tung| Chinese Red leader. ‘A trieky aspect of the situal ton ig-that Allen-Dulles, brotht er ofthe Becretary of State, fis mow-the hushimo of CIA| where General Smith still wie comsiiérable Influence, KE SENT —— President Eisenhower, to date, hhas not given the nod to elther camp. Sanitized - |Ghealbs tht dhe Bm MMO ase 5 a Jf the Unlted States now re- proposal to reorganize the De; ton’ Csting shaves tne, blame tos tnoge enemy "POWs tn Fonte Deport, puting con’ (8, Cong amass he Mame Foren to totaaran esave! (PS gcepayanen Satay co win Brae, or yeadays ent aginst het wisest seing thea of oe sone 'UAMnN herag® po Kew fared ha avan, the Rusa] OE CPS, 229 ee Fis the next at, wit emem:| "ie as-purporteay sbokea SPREE oF the ent eh per and fight to the last ditch! on tearning the political oe General MacArthur. ates ot hig bolecd of the | tenga ee schrin Rea. ee the chiefs of staff during the! ie ‘Navy is expected to get : ThunasAdnigtron ‘The twist in our psychologi-| "There was the sorry. histor gpairmanship of the Joint Tailed woth e.g ae sie, Maley hi aferBratey seis a araewara ny General Gar Of,.Cot Oma, rail 100000 for the first us down the line in the Acheson |, Mame Arthas W an, MAE wm vere eM" nan peaection of Mach" |wift"Censal “vinings ecPiuas fap teeetign ne) Gen, Hovt Vandenberg as ae | Pnate new Je cata, Ie JORPRISES along ths line, "| Spain non for. essing we |= iM “RAGS HURCHILL BID—— | ‘out not go all out bombing ™| you ean ‘orget 2! the gutt Inside, the Cane gic0| ME, Sore was a8 MACACHGT aneut “te miiany unning reward offer was borrowed) eq the Air Horee. at home-in | tinge today like the old eique Hitt’ ein) "ou ae tai scum ppited in the European field] wo hag text secigned hie enee, (tty is George when we elect ve Fo Ras a Sole forthright MacArthur man. ea going Sam, Arthur W, Radfor ‘and,

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