Cia RDP80R01443R000100100015 5

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oe For Release 2000/0§| aa -5 tf SecuRTTY TOK = ware ‘usc ae 74.4 q TRIESTE RIOTS ee a LAN? ~ Italian extremists in Trieste, mainly the neo-fescists, with pro-Cominform Communists acting ee provocateurs, plan serious disorders beginning Friday of this veek which may challenge the authority and control of the Allied Militery Government as vell as place additional strain on Itelo-fugoslav relations. a Tue recent flare-up in Burma over the Chinese Nationalist forces of Li Mi has not subsided and the situation remains potentially a very damaging one for ‘the United States position in Southeast Asis. There ere indications thet Chinese Nationalist leaders are currently less inclined to cooperate with American foreign policy objectives. Bisa Current information indicates that Viet Minh are making preparations in northvest Tonkin for @ new campaign to penetrate northern Laos. Secondary Pressure at the same tine my be exerted on the Delta, including infiltration Freparatory to attempting to seize portion of the spring rice harvests. Tos Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80R01443R000100100015-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/3( SRE ssesosaroororss TRIESTE RIOTS 1. There ere reporte that elezents of sone center parties favar overt ection end that Rowe plans to incite riots in order to justify the movenent of Italian troops into the ares, CHIGGS - Our Political Adviser in Trieste sees no course of action which could entirely avert rioting. 3. In view of the questionstle reliability of the police force, the Zone Commenser ney be required to employ American an] British troops (approx. 10,000) to restore order, although he is avare that this would arouse céverse -ublie opinion throughout Italy, 4. The Italians ere vorried ani upset about Titots visit to ngland, vnich they regard as further indication that Yugoslavia 1s being favored by the west, 20 Mareh, Fridey, is the anniversary o7 the 19/8 declaration ty ourselves, Great Aritain and France whieh advoested the return of the entire Tree Territory to Italy, laet your, mics ueetings by the Trieste center parties, with the m- efficiel enccuragenent of the Italian Goverment, developed into extrenist riots against American ani British authorities, ‘n oficial Italian protest reaulted vhen Sritieh-controlled police attempted to subdue the extreists, Prenter de Gasperi claine he has warned hic followers in Trieste ageinst public disturbances, If the denonstrctions reccive widespread support, the Italian Goverment would wrobably not act to suppress then for fear of weakening its position in the coming elections, It vould probebly also demand publicity that the 1948 Tripartite Declaration e implemented and offteially demand an even further extension of Italian authority in Trieste, Home my also request the Allies to pressure Tito for a satisfactory solution, Approved For Release 2000/0BLiReGIAROEFORO' }443R000100100015-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/3084 Fito }443R000100100015-5 ‘SECURITY INFO! or mario (a 1, Metionslist refuse] to accede to U, S, re.ucste vegerding Netion:list forces in ‘Burma ‘S, Fedlure to erder Netionalist forces to leave Burne; bd, Failure to egree in prinsinle to e withdrewal in erite of roasibility Burma will bring the proble: to the ‘Ouy &, Hospiteldention of Li Mi, com-ander of Nationalist forces in Burma, 2, Authoriterian trend tn Yotionaliet Governments &, Resignation of Formos: Governor i. C, Wu, unusuctly able official and aymbol of democratic forces, who feels thet he is losing fight to authoriterian elesenta; b, Steady increase in the power of Genernlissinots son, the Soviet— trained and axtiniserican Chiang Ching=u0; . How Kuomintang controls over Cabinct ond legisletors, increnoxd Sengorship of press, “TOP-SEGREL- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80R01443R000100100015-5

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