Republic Act No 1425

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Republic Act No.


An act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges, and universities
courses on the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli me Tangere
and El filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution thereof, and for other purposes.

Republic Act No. 1425, enacted on June 12, 1956, is a significant piece of legislation within the
historical and educational context of the Philippines. This law, which emphasizes the integration
of the life, literary works, and philosophical insights of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels "Noli
Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," into the curricula of all educational institutions, holds a
crucial role in shaping the national identity and civic consciousness of the Filipino people.

The primary thrust of Republic Act No. 1425 is to ensure a thorough understanding and
appreciation of Jose Rizal's contributions to the nation. Section 1 of the Act mandates the
inclusion of courses about Rizal's biography, literary creations, and ideologies in the educational
programs of both public and private schools, colleges, and universities.

The Act entrusts the Board of National Education with the authority to develop educational
materials, such as primers, readers, and textbooks, as well as establish regulations for
implementing the Act.
Section 2 reinforces the Act's commitment by requiring all educational institutions to adequately
collect Rizal's original, unedited works within their libraries. This step aims to provide students
with direct access to the primary sources.

This provision advocates translating Rizal's key works into English, Tagalog, and other
Philippine dialects. These translations are intended to be accessible to a broader audience,
transcending language barriers.

Section 4 underscores that the Act does not infringe upon existing prohibitions against
discussing religious doctrines within public educational institutions.

Section 5 allocates a specific sum from the National Treasury's unassigned funds. This financial
allocation supports the Act's objectives, demonstrating a practical commitment to its goals.

Republic Act No. 1425 affirms its activation upon formal approval. The Act encapsulates a
proactive effort to cultivate a strong national pride, underscored by an in-depth appreciation of
Jose Rizal's legacy.
2. Why we need to study the Life and Works of Rizal.

As a student who is on the journey of studying the life and works of Jose Rizal, I'm discovering a
treasure trove of significance that extends beyond textbooks and lectures. This endeavor isn't
just about historical facts; it's about understanding our roots, refining critical thinking, and
shaping our societal role.

His life and struggles represent the collective experiences of our ancestors who fought for
freedom. By delving into his story, they're windows into societal issues that persist today. His
observations about social inequality, justice, and oppression provide insights that help me make
sense of the world around me. It's like gaining new lenses to view current events and issues.

Studying his life reminds me of my responsibility as a citizen to contribute positively. It's like
finding my place in a bigger story of progress.

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