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1. What is the primary purpose of recruitment?

a) Training employees b)
Attracting suitable candidates c) Conducting performance appraisals d)
Implementing employee benefits
2. In the context of recruitment, what does "CV" stand for? a) Centralized
Verification b) Curriculum Vitae c) Candidate Validation d) Centralized Vetting
3. What is the purpose of a job description in the recruitment process? a)
Identifying training needs b) Evaluating employee performance c) Attracting
suitable candidates d) Setting salary benchmarks
4. Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment? a) Campus
recruitment b) Employee referrals c) Job portals d) Recruitment agencies
5. What is the significance of a structured interview in the selection
process? a) It reduces biases in candidate evaluation b) It allows for informal
conversation c) It focuses on hypothetical scenarios d) It speeds up the
interview process

Section 2: True or False

6. True or False: The recruitment process ends once a candidate is hired.

7. True or False: Job analysis is a crucial step in the selection process.
8. True or False: Diversity in the workplace has no impact on the
recruitment process.
9. True or False: Background checks are typically conducted during the
recruitment phase.
10. True or False: Behavioral interviews assess how a candidate might
approach real-life work situations.

Section 3: Short Answer

11. Explain the concept of "talent acquisition" and its importance in modern
recruitment practices.
12. List three common external factors that can affect the recruitment
process in India.
13. Describe the significance of a probationary period in the context of
employee selection.

Section 4: Application

14. Design a recruitment plan for a rapidly growing technology startup in

Bangalore, considering both internal and external sources.
15. Explain the steps you would take to ensure a fair and unbiased selection
process, particularly when dealing with a diverse pool of candidates.
Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary purpose of recruitment?

 Correct Answer: b) Attracting suitable candidates
2. In the context of recruitment, what does "CV" stand for?
 Correct Answer: b) Curriculum Vitae
3. What is the purpose of a job description in the recruitment process?
 Correct Answer: c) Attracting suitable candidates
4. Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?
 Correct Answer: b) Employee referrals
5. What is the significance of a structured interview in the selection
 Correct Answer: a) It reduces biases in candidate evaluation

Section 2: True or False

6. True or False: The recruitment process ends once a candidate is hired.

 Correct Answer: False
7. True or False: Job analysis is a crucial step in the selection process.
 Correct Answer: True
8. True or False: Diversity in the workplace has no impact on the
recruitment process.
 Correct Answer: False
9. True or False: Background checks are typically conducted during the
recruitment phase.
 Correct Answer: True
10. True or False: Behavioral interviews assess how a candidate might
approach real-life work situations.
 Correct Answer: True

Section 3: Short Answer

11. Explain the concept of "talent acquisition" and its importance in modern
recruitment practices.
 Sample Answer: Talent acquisition is a strategic approach to identifying,
attracting, and retaining top talent for an organization. It goes beyond
traditional recruitment by focusing on long-term workforce planning,
employer branding, and creating a positive candidate experience.
12. List three common external factors that can affect the recruitment
process in India.
 Sample Answer: Economic conditions, government policies, competition in the
job market, technological advancements, and socio-cultural factors are
examples of external factors that can influence the recruitment process in
13. Describe the significance of a probationary period in the context of
employee selection.
 Sample Answer: A probationary period allows employers to assess a new
employee's performance, suitability for the role, and cultural fit within the
organization. It provides both the employer and the employee with an
opportunity to determine if the working relationship is a good fit.

Section 4: Application

14. Design a recruitment plan for a rapidly growing technology startup in

Bangalore, considering both internal and external sources.
 Sample Answer: Answers will vary based on individual responses. Look for
comprehensive plans that consider job descriptions, sourcing strategies, and
evaluation criteria for both internal and external candidates.
15. Explain the steps you would take to ensure a fair and unbiased selection
process, particularly when dealing with a diverse pool of candidates.
 Sample Answer: Answers will vary, but consider elements such as training
interviewers on unconscious bias, using diverse interview panels,
implementing blind recruitment techniques, and regularly reviewing and
refining the selection process to ensure fairness and equity.

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