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Pigafetta and Morga

Pigafetta Morga
People When he reached Palawan, The people of the island
he described the island as a prefer to eat salt fish which
land of promise as “we begin to decompose and
suffered great hunger smell. This is because the
before we found it”. He also Spaniards, like any other
described the natives as nation in the matter of
battle-ready and were fond food, loathe that to which
of cockfighting which is the they are not accustomed of
earliest documentation of is unknown to them. They
the game in Philippine did not cultivate crops or
history. herd domestic animals;
they used sophisticated
landscape management
Customs and Culture When the captain-general From the tule reeds found
wished to stop at a large near water’s edge, they
island to get some fresh made their houses and bots
food, the inhabitants of the and they wove baskets from
island entered their ship the native sedge grasses.
and stole whatever they People bring eggs to the
could lay their hands on. Poor Clares for good
This was custom, as for the weather, La Clara or white
islanders, the property was egg is brought to the nuns
communal and visitors for clraridad. However,
were expected to share weakened by the clash of
what they had. The Spice cultures and waves of
Islands had a large number epidemic, the population
of aromatic leaves that dwindled by 1830 to 2,500
grew in the archipelago. people. The Mexican
Since spices were once independence from Spain
worth their weight in gold, (1882) only hastened the
the island was extremely collapse of the mission
wealthy. system.
Belief and Religion Island had made already There was no priest or a
great inroads by the arrival man of religion to attend to
in 1512 of the first religious matters except old
European who came to men. People believed in
stay, the Catholic omens and superstitions
Portuguese. From the mid- which the devil inspired
18th century, the Christians them to do, so that they
dominated the Moluccan could tell whether the sick
history. Pre-Islamic custom person would live or die.
also affected the 5 Pillars of Reptiles were involved to
Islam; Syahadat – man’s the oaths and execrations
fate is not seen as utterly in hurdled to their hated
God’s hands but the people. Morga complained
ancestors retained their of the religious of the
power within the social islands who, with their
sphere bringing both restless dissension, among
blessings to the living and themselves and their
meting out punishment for readiness to interfere with
transgressions of adat. everything, were a source of
Salat – the way the ritual is lamentation and trial. The
executed may support the island’s religion revolved
supposition that the animal around elaborate ritual
offer has become, a dances with dancers
replacement for earlier wearing colorful regalia
human sacrifice. Puasa – and tribal members
this holiday can be communing in the tribal
celebrated on the 4th day of sweat lodge. t
the following month; the
entire fasting period may
occur after Ramadan is
over. Sundown is an
ominous time to break the
fast as it is the time when
evil spirits enter the village.
Zakat – in a tightly knit-
community where family
relations and obligations
are of outmost importance,
traditional adat was
already required that those
less fortunate were taken
care off by their family and
fellow villagers. Haj – the
participants give sermons
in the mosque and take on
honorific haji (title
reserved for someone who
has made actual pilgrimage
to Mecca.
Society and The Christian Moluccans In relationships, the groom
Government were given an opportunity contributes a dowry that he
to receive a western had received from his
education and served as parents, while the bride
administrators and soldiers does not bring anything
colluding with the Dutch. until she inherits some
In addition, the Christian from her parents.
Ambonese continued to Furthermore, namamahay
play an important role in are those who help build
education, professional their master’s house and
fields, and the provincial serve frequently as helpers
governmental structure. when there are guests and
Society itself also contained serve their master as well.
suppliers of fertility and He also mentioned that in
strength – descent groups every island, many
with whom marital principals were known
relationships were among the people. Some
established. Nowadays, this being more important and
is still referred to through having followers which
ritual exchange of families and barrios obeyed
valuables. Society on all the and respected. These
islands revolved around known families form
fertility and status, with friendship and relationship
clear roles for men and with each other and in
women, and this was some cases, due to
reflected in the traditional differences, war. Over the
art. course of generations, the
society shifted from a
traditional focus on
hunting and gathering to
agriculture to having
blended mission identities.
Franciscan conversion
practices began largely
through attraction rather
than conquest.
Remarkable Practices The inhabitants of The Valley of Oaks, 200 to
Moluccas have produced 500 people, enjoying a diet
works of art of impressive of fish, shellfish, water
beauty and profound bowl, venison, acorns,
meaning. The statues of rabbit, and wild berries.
Leti and Tanimbar, as well The tribal sweat lodge and
as the fabrics of Kisar and colorful regalia’s purpose is
Tanimbar, heave been for ensuring good hunts,
highly desired by collectors healing illness, and
for so many years. Clothes expelling impurities. The
referred to as cool and mission system included
symbolize the fertility that harsh punishments for
through bride will flow people who tries to leave.
from the wife-givers to the Conversely, there was
wife-takers. On many another motivator for
Moluccan islands, weapons joining the mission; herds
used to be an art of the of cattle, horses, sheep,
bride price as well – for aid pigs, and goats imported by
and protection. Gifts define the Spanish.
relationships between
individuals and families.


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