Adult Somatic Cells To The Rescue Nuclear Reprogramming A 2014 Fertility An

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Adult somatic cells to the rescue:

nuclear reprogramming and the

dispensability of gonadal germ cells
Charles A. Easley, IV, Ph.D.,a David R. Latov,a Calvin R. Simerly, Ph.D.,b,c and Gerald Schatten, Ph.D.b,c
Laboratory of Translational Cell Biology, Department of Cell Biology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,
Georgia; b Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and c Magee Womens Research Institute, Pittsburgh Development Center, Pittsburgh,

With advances in cancer therapies, survival rates in prepubescent patients have steadily increased. However, a number of these surviv-
ing patients have been rendered sterile owing to their rigorous oncologic treatment regimens. In addition to cancer treatments, men and
women, who are genetically fertile, can become infertile owing to immune suppression treatments, exposure to environmental and in-
dustrial toxicants, and injury. Notwithstanding the great emotional burden from an inability to conceive a child with their partner, the
financial burdens for testing and treatment are high, and successful treatment of these patients' sterility is rare. Recent advances in
pluripotent stem cell differentiation and the generation of patient-specific, induced pluripotent stem cells indicate that stem cell
replacement therapies or in vitro differentiation followed by IVF may be on the horizon. Here we discuss these recent advances, their
relevance to treating male-factor and female-factor infertility, and what experimental procedures must be carried out in animal models
before these exciting new treatments can be used in a clinical setting. The goal of this research is
to generate functional gametes from no greater starting material than a mere skin biopsy. (Fertil Use your smartphone
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Key Words: Infertility, stem cells, assisted reproductive technology, differentiation and connect to the
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n previous decades, medical profes- preservation will ultimately impact are injury, exposure to environmental
sionals were focused on treating future patients, patients previously and industrial toxicants, and medical
cancers in prepubescent boys and sterilized by their medical treatments interventions such as chemotherapies
girls to extend their lives, with little currently have no treatment options and immune suppressant treatments
concern over preserving patients' with which to produce their own (1, 2, 10, 11, 14). For these patients
fertility. As cancer survival rates in ad- genetic offspring. there are no cures for their infertility/
olescents have steadily increased over For both male and female patients sterility, and they are unable to
the last few decades (1–9), the focus experiencing infertility, the current as- conceive a child with their partner.
has shifted to preserving fertility to sisted reproductive technology treat- For patients unable to cryopreserve
enable these patients to produce ment options rely solely on the gametes before their sterilization, two
offspring as adults (3). However, premise that both partners produce stem cell treatment options are on the
fertility preservation can be extended functional haploid gametes. For those horizon: [1] spermatogonial stem cell
to any medical treatment that impacts couples in which one partner is unable (SSC) transplant and [2] patient-specific
fertility, such as immune suppressant to produce a functional gamete (egg pluripotent stem cells differentiated
treatment, which has been shown to or sperm), no treatment options are into functional gametes. This review
cause permanent sterility in some male available (12, 13). Nongenetic factors will briefly discuss SSC transplant but
patients (10, 11). Although fertility that result in sterility or subfertility will primarily focus on the use of
patient-specific pluripotent stem cells
Received September 14, 2013; revised November 13, 2013; accepted November 18, 2013. as a novel means for restoring fertility
C.R.S. and G.S. have received a grant from the National Institutes of Health. C.A.E. has nothing to in sterile patients (12, 13, 15).
disclose. D.R.L. has nothing to disclose.
Reprint requests: Gerald Schatten, Ph.D., Magee Womens Research Institute, 204 Craft Ave., B608,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (E-mail:
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 101, No. 1, January 2014 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2014 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
The most advanced ‘‘stem cell’’ treat- ment option for patients rendered

14 VOL. 101 NO. 1 / JANUARY 2014

Fertility and Sterility®

sterile by high-dose alkylating chemotherapies is SSC trans- We stated that patient-specific pluripotent stem cells could
plant. Here, prepubescent boys have testis-tissue biopsies be differentiated into SSCs for transplant into the testis if
before gonadotoxic chemotherapy, and SSCs are isolated the somatic environment was intact to restore fertility, or
from the samples in a GMP (good medical practice) environ- pluripotent stem cells could be differentiated into functional
ment and cryopreserved for reintroduction after chemo- haploid cells for IVF if the somatic environment was unable
therapy. Several animal model studies have shown the to support germ cell recolonization (12). We demonstrated
ability to reintroduce SSCs obtained from testis biopsies to that hESCs and hiPSCs can be differentiated in vitro into
restore fertility in sterilized animals (16–21), including advanced spermatogenic lineages, including acrosin-, transi-
primates (22). This methodology is ideal for reintroducing a tion protein 1-, and protamine 1–positive round spermatids
patients' own natural germline stem cells for recolonization (39). Although round spermatids have not been successful
of the testes and restoration of fertility. However, this in fertilizing oocytes in higher-order mammals, our results
method of fertility preservation only works if a testis biopsy indicate that it is at least feasible to differentiate pluripotent
is obtained before chemotherapy. There is a large patient stem cells into haploid spermatids. Improvements in the
population that was unable to bank SSCs before medical differentiation strategy could lead to the maturation of round
interventions that caused sterility and thus are unable to be spermatids into elongated spermatids, which are capable of
treated with this exciting new option. Likewise, this method fertilizing an oocyte in IVF clinics or even sperm (Fig. 1).
carries a risk of reintroducing cancer cells, although this Future potential cures for infertility/sterility could target
risk has been reduced: Herman et al. (23) have shown that in vitro differentiation into functional spermatids and thus
approximately 99% of cancer cells can be removed by flow not necessitate testis cell transplantations.
cytometry from a testis cell suspension. Furthermore, SSC Until recently, most of the major advances involving
recolonization requires that the somatic environment of the germ cell differentiation into haploid cells have been in
testes must remain intact after the medical intervention. For male stem cells. The recent work by Hayashi et al. (40) showed
patients with damaged somatic environments whereby the that mouse stem cells could be differentiated in an in vitro/
seminiferous tubules are unable to support SSC transplant in vivo system into oocyte-like cells that are capable of being
owing to loss of Sertoli cells or structural collapse of the fertilized by sperm and generating normal progeny. Whether
tubules, this type of strategy is ineffective at curing a this outstanding achievement by Hayashi et al. (40) can be
patient's infertility. In these cases, and for those patients adapted for human stem cells remains to be seen, but this
who were unable to cryopreserve gametes or SSCs, no advancement is a critical step forward in generating de
options are currently available to cure their infertility. novo oocytes from hiPSCs from female patients rendered
However, future pluripotent stem cell options whereby sterile by medical interventions, exposure to toxicants, or
functional gametes can be derived in vitro may be beneficial. by premature ovarian failure. The major concept of this
work suggested that coculture of oocyte support cells within
the follicle (granulosa cells and theca cells) can shape the
PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL TREATMENT maturation of a PGCs derived from pluripotent stem cells
OPTIONS into a functional oocyte. Potentially, patient-specific plurip-
Recent evidence by several laboratories has shown the ability otent stem cells could be differentiated into follicle support
of human, nonhuman primate, and mouse pluripotent stem cells, as shown with mouse cells (41), and cocultured with
cells to differentiate into VASA- and DAZL-expressing PGCs derived from the same patient-specific pluripotent
primordial germ cells (PGCs) (24–37), precursor cells that stem cell line. In theory, this coculture system could enable
contribute to gametogenesis in both males and females. investigators to generate de novo oocytes from patient-
Studies with mouse pluripotent stem cells have even shown specific pluripotent stem cells (Fig. 2).
the ability to make functional sperm (30, 38). The recent
work by Hayashi et al. (37) suggests that pluripotent stem
cells can be differentiated into a PGC-like state, then trans- SOURCES OF PATIENT-SPECIFIC PLURIPOTENT
planted into a sterile mouse testis for recolonization and the STEM CELLS
generation of functional haploid sperm cells. Although One of the greatest advancements in the last 10 years in
PGCs have shown the limited capacity to recolonize sterile human pluripotent stem cell technology, as evidenced by
testis in mammals other than rodents, the possibility exists Dr. Yamanaka being awarded the Nobel Prize, was the ability
that pluripotent stem cells can be differentiated into a lineage to reprogram adult somatic cells into embryonic stem-like
more suitable for recolonization and restoration of spermato- cells using four factors: OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-Myc.
genesis. In fact, we recently demonstrated that human embry- The resulting cells were termed iPSCs (42–48). This
onic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells advance made possible the concept of generating patient-
(hiPSCs) can be differentiated into SSC-like cells (39) that specific pluripotent stem cells in an ethically favorably
express PLZF, a marker for stem and progenitor spermato- method. Although there have been discrepancies between
gonia. This lineage has been shown in several animal models ESCs and iPSCs in cell cycle profiles, genomic imprints,
to be capable of recolonizing the testis, as observed by SSC and mitochondrial function (39, 49–53), iPSCs seem to ‘‘get
transplant (16, 22). We recently proposed a two-step concept it right’’ upon differentiation, including establishing correct
for utilizing pluripotent stem cells to treat male infertility in parent-of-origin imprints on at least two loci in haploid
which sterility was caused by nongenetic factors (12, 13). spermatids (39). With the recently shown ability to generate

VOL. 101 NO. 1 / JANUARY 2014 15



In vitro spermatogenesis. Diagram depicting in vitro spermatogenesis whereby patient-specific pluripotent stem cells could be differentiated into
spermatogonia for transplant into a sterile testis in which the somatic environment is intact or differentiated further into an advanced spermatid or
sperm capable of fertilizing an oocyte through intracytoplasmic sperm(atid) injection. Type Ad (A-Dark) represents the slow-dividing SSC
populations, and type Ap (A-Pale) represents the differentiating SSC population. B-type spermatogonia represent progenitor spermatogonia.
Differentiating human male ESCs and iPSCs in mouse SSC culture conditions mimics aspects of this diagram as PLZF-positive stem and
progenitor spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, and round spermatids are all generated in vitro.
Easley. Adult somatic cells to the rescue. Fertil Steril 2014.

GMP hiPSCs for potential clinical uses (54, 55), it may due to nongenetic root causes could be reversed using no
become possible to generate iPSCs from sterile patients. greater starting material than a mere skin biopsy.
Advances in our protocol to GMP/animal component–free Similarly, the work by Hayashi et al. (40) further suggests
conditions, combined with the work of Hermann et al. (22), that hiPSCs could potentially be utilized to give rise to de
could lead to the first stem cell replacement therapy for novo oocytes for use in IVF clinics to allow sterile women
male infertility whereby iPSC differentiation into SSC-like to conceive a child, assuming fertility is due solely to a lack
cells is followed by transplantation of these SSC-like cells of functional oocytes. There is the concern that iPSCs often
into the patient's testes to restore fertility. Thus, infertility carry epigenetic marks similar to the original cell type and


In vitro oogenesis. Diagram depicting in vitro oogenesis, whereby patient-specific pluripotent stem cells could be differentiated into PGCs and
cocultured with follicle support cells derived from the same patient-specific pluripotent stem cells. In vitro maturation of the follicle would need
to be performed to generate a resulting product capable of being fertilized by standard IVF methods.
Easley. Adult somatic cells to the rescue. Fertil Steril 2014.

16 VOL. 101 NO. 1 / JANUARY 2014

Fertility and Sterility®

thus somewhat impact differentiation. For example, iPSCs Similarly, in vitro differentiation would need to be carried
derived from blood cells maintain epigenetic marks similar out to the haploid spermatid stage, followed by intracytoplas-
to the original blood cell type and thus differentiate into better mic sperm(atid) injection into a nonhuman primate oocyte to
blood cells than iPSCs derived from skin tissue (56). The same determine which ‘‘patient-specific’’ cell source better supports
problem could exist for in vitro–derived gametes, in that skin oocyte activation and viable fetal development, thus demon-
fibroblasts might not generate the most functional sperma- strating which are more capable of generating functional
tids. Deriving iPSCs from multiple cell types and then differ- male gametes. Sperm derived from transplants and sperma-
entiating into gametic lineages is necessary to determine tids derived from in vitro differentiation will need to be as-
which adult somatic cell type generates the most functional sessed for correct genomic imprints on all parent-of-origin
gamete with the most correct parent-of-origin imprints. imprinted genes, to ensure that resulting offspring are not
Until recently, iPSCs were the only source of human in danger of inheriting a debilitating parent-of-origin
patient-specific stem cells. The ‘‘gold standard’’ of patient- imprinting disorder, such as Prader-Willi. Spermatids and
specific stem cells is the generation of somatic cell nuclear sperm will also need to be assessed for the ability to fertilize
transfer–derived embryonic stem cells (SCNT-ESCs). Very an oocyte, develop to the blastocyst stage, and support viable
recently, Tachibana and colleagues demonstrated the ability fetal development leading to live births. Likewise, long-term
to generate human SCNT-ESCs from donor human oocytes health and reproductive outcomes will have to be assessed.
(57, 58). The ability to use an oocyte environment to For the female side, in vitro oogenesis has not been
reprogram a somatic nucleus is more clinically favorable to currently described in primates (Fig. 2). However, Hayashi
generating iPSCs. Induced pluripotent stem cell derivations et al.'s pioneering work (40) might be adaptable to
rely on the use of exogenously expressed oncogenes (OCT4, nonhuman primates to determine whether coculture of
SOX2, KLF4, CMYC) to initiate cellular reprogramming into PGCs and follicle support cells can be matured in vivo by in-
a pluripotent state. Even if these oncogenes are excised jecting in the kidney capsule or, more preferably, under the
from the genome after reprogramming, there is still a skin (60, 61). Oocytes derived in this manner will have to
concern as to whether iPSCs possess an oncogenic potential be assessed for correct parent-of-origin imprints and for
upon transplantation. However, the ethical concerns and functionality by IVF with donor nonhuman primate sperm,
low efficiency surrounding SCNT-ESCs make iPSCs a far followed by development to the blastocyst stage. All of these
more attractive option for patient-specific stem cells. Whether proposed experiments should be conducted with SCNT-ESCs
SCNT-ESCs pair more closely with hESCs than iPSCs in and iPSCs to determine which cell source is preferable for
parent-of-origin genomic imprints, cell cycle progression, generating functional oocytes.
and mitochondrial function, among other factors, remains Finally, for male and female gametes derived from
to be examined because SCNT-ESC derivations have only pluripotent stem cells, the generation of a healthy progeny
recently been demonstrated in humans. Perhaps SCNT-ESCs is the ultimate goal. Experiments absolutely must be con-
will possess a greater ability to differentiate into more func- ducted at the non-human primate level to determine whether
tional adult somatic and germ cells than iPSCs because implanted blastocysts (derived as described above for either
SCNT-ESCs will not possess the ‘‘remnant’’ imprints observed male or female pluripotent stem cell–derived gametes) can
in iPSCs, thereby providing a more complete reprogramming. develop in utero correctly, resulting in a healthy, normal
offspring. Further examinations on postnatal development
would also have to be conducted to ensure there are no
NONHUMAN PRIMATE ANIMAL MODELING IS cognitive and aging deficits. Addressing such questions/
ESSENTIAL FOR PROGRESSING STEM CELL concerns is especially critical before attempting the use of
TREATMENTS FOR INFERTILITY TO THE CLINIC pluripotent stem cell–derived gametes in the clinic to restore
Many current animal models for infertility center on murine patients' fertility in patients rendered sterile by medical
models. Although informative, murine models for gameto- treatments, exposure to environmental or industrial toxi-
genesis are distinctly different from human and nonhuman cants, or injury.
primate, especially with regard to spermatogenesis (59). The
advances by Herman et al. (22) show the ability of nonhuman
primate SSCs to recolonize a sterilized testis and generate CONCLUSION
functional sperm. To examine whether germline stem cells Stem cell treatments are starting to become more prevalent
are dispensable and that pluripotent stem cells can be utilized in clinical trials, with perhaps the first biggest advancement
to restore fertility in nonhuman primates sterilized by chemo- being the use of retinal pigment epithelial cells derived from
therapies, SCNT-ESCs and iPSCs need to be derived from hESCs to restore vision in patients with macular degenera-
nonhuman primates before and after chemotherapy exposure tion (62). However, patient-specific cells will be required
(to ensure that chemotherapeutics do not negatively impact for germ cell replacement therapies at the clinical level.
the ability to derive pluripotent stem cells capable of differen- Although the clinical applications for in vitro derived
tiating into germ cell lineages). Spermatogonial stem cell–like patient-specific gametes are still years away, the advance-
cells would need to be derived (39) and then transplanted into ments being made in in vitro differentiation methods are
the testis to examine whether SSCs from SCNT-ESCs or iPSCs making the possibility of using a patient's own somatic cells
are better at recolonizing the testis, undergoing spermatogen- for generating functional gametes after she/he has been
esis, and generating the most functional haploid spermatids. rendered sterile a true reality.

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