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Gallardo, Jhunnyl Sebastian C.

1. Enumerate and explain some common barriers to effective communication.

Effective communication is often hindered by various barriers that can impede the
successful exchange of information. Language barriers stand out as a primary obstacle,
manifesting in differences in vocabulary, language proficiency, or the use of jargon. Physical
barriers, such as geographical distance or environmental noise, can disrupt the
transmission of messages. Cultural differences contribute to misunderstandings, as
individuals may interpret communication through the lens of their own cultural norms.
Emotional barriers, stemming from stress or personal biases, can also obstruct the
reception of messages. Perceptual differences, varying how individuals interpret
information, add another layer of complexity. Technological barriers, including issues with
communication tools or mediums, pose challenges in the modern, tech-dependent world.
Information overload can overwhelm recipients, making it difficult to discern key messages.
A lack of feedback and incompatible communication styles further compound these
challenges, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing these barriers for
effective communication to thrive.

2.What are the barriers to communication by category?

Barriers to communication can be categorized into linguistic, physical, cultural, emotional,
perceptual, technological, and interpersonal domains. Linguistic barriers encompass
differences in language proficiency and the use of specialized jargon, hindering mutual
understanding. Physical barriers, such as distance or environmental noise, impede the
smooth transmission of messages. Cultural barriers arise from diverse cultural
backgrounds, leading to potential misinterpretations due to distinct norms and expectations.
Emotional barriers, rooted in individual feelings and biases, can disrupt the receptive
capacity of communication. Perceptual barriers involve differences in how individuals
perceive and interpret information, adding complexity to the communication process.
Technological barriers emerge from issues with communication tools or mediums, posing
challenges in an increasingly digital world. Interpersonal barriers include incompatible
communication styles and a lack of feedback, affecting the quality of interactions.
Recognizing and addressing these barriers are essential for fostering effective
communication across diverse contexts.

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