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Nama : Muhammad Tegar

NRP : 181-111-042

Indonesian People in IT

1. Khoirul Anwar
A man with a complete degree Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, S.T., M. Eng. In this
completed her doctoral studies at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan in
2008. Once referred to as the inventor of 4G LTE, Khoirul Anwar stressed that she
was not the 'inventor' of 4G. More precisely, he worked on the basic concept with two
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) pairs, which were used in 4G uplinks. Because of this
technique, he was awarded the 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS) in
California. Khiorul Anwar was an assistant professor at the Nara Institute of Science
and Technology, and the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He is
currently active as a director, center of Advanced Wireless Technologies (AdWiTech)
at Telkom University.

My comments about his achievement :

according to what I know about Khoirul Anwar, I was very surprised about the
discovery, how not, because the discovery was inspired by a cartoon that I like,
Dragon Ball, which in the scene of Son Goku, which issued a reliable form of energy
balls, Genkidama.

To make the ball, Goku does not use his very limited energy. Goku asks all nature to
contribute energy. After gathering a lot and in the form of a ball, Goku uses it to
defeat the enemy who is also his one-tribe brother, Bezita.

The principle of the move was an inspiration for Anwar. He applied it to 4G

technology. So, to be able to work optimally, 4G technology uses power obtained
from outside the original source. wow it's amazing.

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