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Task 1

Proof of Work

Elastic Beanstalk
Domain :
Load Blancer
DNS name (A Record)

Environment Overview
Video Proof, please follow the below link

The below link has log files

Task 2

I would begin the architecture design by using API Gateway to expose the REST APIs. This
allows me to control access, monitor and cache responses.
I would implement the API business logic in AWS Lambda functions to gain the benefits of
autoscaling, high availability and a pay-per-use model. I would place the Lambda
functions in a VPC to isolate them network-wise and gain more security and control.
I would use AWS IAM to manage granular access to the APIs and resources. Creating
custom IAM roles and policies would allow me to give only the necessary privileges to
users and applications.
All sensitive user data would be encrypted both at rest and in transit. I would use AWS
KMS to encrypt the data at rest and HTTPS for data in transit via the APIs. I would store
the encrypted user data in DynamoDB for scalability and availability.
I would use CloudFront as a CDN in front of API Gateway to reduce latency for end users,
increase throughput and provide DDoS protection.
CloudWatch would be used to monitor the application's performance, availability and
any potential security issues.
Enabling VPC Flow Logs and CloudTrail would allow me to audit and log all API access and
resource usage to meet compliance requirements and aid in security investigations.
Finally, auto scaling on the Lambda functions would ensure the application can scale
elastically to handle spikes and increased load from users.

Thank you for consideration, hoping for your response

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