Gián tiếp

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Gián Tiếp

 Biến đổi thì của động từ và động từ khuyết thiếu theo bảng sau:

Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp

Present simple -> Past simple , Present continuous -> Past continuous

Present perfect -> Past perfect , Past simple -> Past perfect

Present perfect continuous -> Past perfect continuous

Past continuous -> Past perfect continuous

Will -> would , can -> could

must/ have to -> had to , may -> might

Biến đổi trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn theo bảng sau:

Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp

here -> there ,now -> then/ at that moment

today/ tonight -> that day/ that night , tomorrow -> the next day

next week -> the following week ,yesterday -> the previous day ,the day before

last week -> the week before ,ago -> before

Các loại câu tường thuật trong tiếng Anh

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể

S + say(s)/said + (that) + S + V

says/say to + O -> tells/tell + O

said to + O ->told + O

Eg: He said to me ”I haven’t finished my work” -> He told me he hadn’t finished his work.
Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi
a.Yes/No questions:
S + asked/wanted to know/wondered + if/wether + S + V

Ex: ”Are you angry?” he asked -> He asked if/whether I was angry.

S + asked(+O)/wanted to know/wondered + Wh-words + S + V.

 says/say to + O -> asks/ask + O

 said to + O -> asked + O.

Ex: ”What are you talking about?” said the teacher. -> The teacher asked us what we
were talking about.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu mệnh lệnh

*Khẳng định: S + told + O + to-infinitive.

Ex: ”Please wait for me here, Mary.” Tom said -> Tom told Mary to wait for him there.

*Phủ định: S + told + O + not to-infinitive.

Ex: ”Don’t talk in class”, the teacher said to us. –>The teacher told us not to talk in


II. Bài tập câu trực tiếp gián tiếp

Ex 1. Hoàn thành các câu trong bài câu tường thuật.

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
She asked............................................. ......................
2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.
Martin asked us................................................ ...................
3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
He asked............................................. ......................
4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
The mother asked her daughter.......................................... .........................
5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
She asked her boyfriend......................................... ..........................
6. "What are they doing?" she asked.
She wanted to know.............................................. .....................
7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
He wanted to know.............................................. .....................
8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"
The teacher wanted to know.............................................. .....................
9. "How do you know that?" she asked me.
She asked me................................................ ...................
10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me.
My friend asked me................................................ ...................
Ex 2. Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cách nói gián tiếp.
1. “Open the door,” he said to them.
- He told them...................................................................
2. “Where are you going?” he asked her.
- He asked her where.........................................................
3. “Which way did they go?” he asked.
- He asked... ......................................................................
4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her.
- I told... ............................................................................
5. “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us.
- She told... ........................................................................
6. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her.
- I asked her... ....................................................................
7. “He’s not at home”, she said.
- She said that... .................................................................
9. “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said.
- Tom told Ann... ...............................................................
10. “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her.
- He asked... ........................................................................
11. “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked.
- Thomas asked Jean.....
12. Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said.
- I told Mary.... ...................................................................
13. “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said.
She said that...
14. “I’ll pay him if I can” she said.
- She said that... ...................................................................
15. “What are you going to do next summer?” she asked.
- She asked us.... ...................................................................
16. “I’ll phone you tomorrow,” he told Jack.
- He told Jack that.... .............................................................
17. “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked.
- Tom asked Jean.... ..............................................................
18. “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said.
- He said that.... ...................................................................
19. “Don’t keep the door locked,” he said to us.
- He told us.... ...................................................................
20. “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him.
- I asked him how long....
22. “Don’t use too much hot water,” she said to us.
- She asked us.... ..............................................................
24. “Don’t do it again,” she said to them.
She told them..................................................................
25. “ Did Mr Brown send the potatoes to you?” she asked.
- She asked.......................................................................
26. “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys,” she said.
- She told..........................................................................
27. “What do you want for lunch today, Peter?” Mary asked.
- Mary asked.......................................................................
33. “Where was your little boy born?” said the nurse to Mrs. Bingley.
- The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley...............................................................37.
“When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked.
- Martha asked Peter when.....................................................................
38. “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother.
- Anna asked............................................................................................
39.. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William”, his mother said.
- William’s mother told..........................................................................
40. “Don’t bite your nails,” said Mrs. Rogers to her son.
- Mrs. Rogers told....... .............................................................................
41. “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary” said George.
- George said............................................................................................
43. “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked us.
- The landlady asked................................................................................
44. “ John, please don’t tell anyone my new address,” said Mary.
- Mary asked............................................................................................
46. “Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?”
- I asked..................................................................................................
48. “Do not write on the wall,” said the teacher to the boys.
- The teacher told the boys………………………………………..........

Ex 5. Change to reported speech.

1. She said, "I can get home on my own".
She said that ___________________________________________ .
2. They said, "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages".
They said that ___________________________________________ .
3. The police asked me, "When did you leave the house this morning?"
The police asked me __________________________________________ .
4. He said, "I'll think about it."
He said that ___________________________________________ .
5. Mary said, "I should have phoned my mother".
Mary said that __________________________________ .
6. The doctor told me. "You should cut down on your smoking."
The doctor told me ______________________________________ .
7. He asked me, "Do you understand all the rules?"
He asked me ________________________________________ .
8. She asked me, "When will I see you again?"
She asked me ________________________________________ .
9. My parents said, "We are going on holiday tomorrow."
My parents said that _____________________________________ .
10.She said, "Wait until I get back!"
She told him ___________________________________________ .
11.My sister said, "I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad."
She said that _________________________________________ .
12.The workers said, "We won't have enough time to finish the job."
The workers said that __________________________________ .
13.The passenger asked, "Could someone help me with the luggage?"
The passengers asked ________________________________ .
14.Mom said, "Don't worry!"
Mom told me _________________________________________ .
15.Jack said, "We must leave soon."
Jack said that _________________________________ .
16.She said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."
She said that ______________________________________ .
17.They wanted to know, "What time does the party start ?"
They wanted to know ___________________________________ .
18.The guide said, "The weather may get much worse."
The guide said that ________________________________________
Ex 6. Chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp
1) "I'll go to the movie theatre later."
He said that ________________________________
2) "We'll meet our classmates at seven."
He said that ________________________________
3) "She'll be late."
He said that ________________________________
4) "Lucy will definitely come."
He said that ________________________________
5) "I will stop smoking on Monday."
He said that ________________________________
6) "John won't do it."
He said that ________________________________
7) "They won't be able to arrive early."
He said that ________________________________
8) "I won't come with you."
He said that ________________________________
9) "He won't remember to buy milk."
He said that _______________________________
EX:Change into the reported speech.

1. He said “I have already read this book”.

2. Tom said to his sister “I want to buy a gift for our mother”.
3. Mother said "Nam, why don't you go to bed?”
4. She asked to the little boy "Take a look at yourself in the mirror!”
5. “May I use your telephone?" said my neighbor.
6. The manager said “Come into my office, please?
7. He said “They went away yesterday.”
8. “I have lived here for ten years” said Tom.
9. The manager said to his assistant “I’m going to Paris next week.”
10. They said to me “Do you sleep in the afternoon?”
11. "Why didn't you come here last Sunday?" asked Mary.
12. The traveler said "How long does it take to get to Hanoi by plane?"
13. She said, “I can’t find my umbrella”.
14. They said, “We are learning English now.”
15. “My friend is coming next week”, Tom said.
16. “I’ll help my mum with housework this weekend” he said.
17. “We shall overcome this difficulty”, they said.
18. “My father is a doctor here,” my friend said.
19. “I am going on holiday tomorrow”, the boy said to his neighbor.
20. “You will have to finish all these exercises before next week” the teacher said ti his

EX 2:
1. He said: “I shall expect her.”
2. He said: “I can’t find my hat.”
3. She said: “I am going to the movies tomorrow.”
4. Lan said to me: “You are looking much better.”
5. He says: “The river is rising early this year.”
6. She said to me: “I will do it if necessary I can.”
7. He said to his friend: “Did you see the accident yesterday?”
8. John said to me: “How did you come here?”
9. He said: “Have you finished your task, Nam?”
10. He said: “Yesterday evening I met Nam. He has bought a new car.”
11. She said to me: “Who is this book?”
12. Nam said to his father: “Please let me go to Paris.”
13. He said to me: “Do you like to live in Orange Country?"
14. My friend asked me: “Have you a lot of money?”
15. He said: “I can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”
16. They said: “We did it yesterday.”

19. “Shut the door but don’t lock it.” I said to him.
I told ____________________________________________________________

23. "Is this your new calculator, Mai?" Nam asked.

Nam ________________________________________________________________
24."Tell me what you saw at the party yesterday?" I said to Tom.
I ____________________________________________________________________
25. “Do you know how far the drug store is?” The foreigner asked me.
The foreigner __________________________________________________________
26. “Will you please water the flowers for me tonight, Jim?” said the old woman.
27. I said to John, “Why aren’t you looking for a job?”
29. “Remember to give your parents my regard, Lan.” Nam said.
Nam said______________________________________________________________
30. “Teacher, give us better marks, please.” the puplis said.
The pupils_____________________________________________________________
31. Mr Smith said to her: "Where will you go on your vacation?”
Mr Smith asked_________________________________________________________
32. He said: “I am very proud of my parents, Daisy.”
He told________________________________________________________________

Đầu câu là:

 Động từ nguyên mẫu.

 Don’t
 Can you
 Could you
 Would you
 Would you mind
 Please ( please có thể ở cuối câu)

Khẳng định: S + told + O + to-infinitive.

Ví dụ:

 Direct speech: “Please wait for me here, Mary.” Tom said.

 Reported speech: Tom told Mary to wait for him there.

Phủ định: S + told + O + not to-infinitive.

Ví dụ:

 Direct speech: “Don’t talk in class”, the teacher said to us.

 Reported speech: The teacher told us not to talk in class.

Một số động từ thường dùng khi tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh: tell, ask, order, advise,
warn, beg, command, remind, instruct, ….

Ex 1:

1. She said, "Go upstairs."

→ She told me .................................................. .
2. "Close the door behind you," he told me.
→ He told me .................................................. .
3. "Don't be late," he advised us.
→ He advised us .................................................. .
4. "Stop staring at me," she said.
→ She told him .................................................. .
5. "Don't be angry with me," he said.
→ He asked her .................................................. .
6. "Leave me alone," she said.
→ She told me .................................................. .
8. "John, stop smoking," she said.
→ She told John .................................................. .
9. "Don't worry about us," they said.
→ They told her .................................................. .
. "Stop talking, Jin," the teacher said.
→ The teacher told Jin .................................................. .
2. "Be patient," she said to her.
→ She told her .................................................. .
3. "Go to your bedroom," her mother said to her.
→ Her father told her .................................................. .
4. "Hurry up," she said to us.
→ She told us .................................................. .
5. "Give me the key," he told her.
→ He asked her .................................................. .
6. "Play it again, Somi," she said.
→ She asked Somi .................................................. .
7. "Stand up, Caron" he said.
→ He asked Caron .................................................. .
8. "Fill in the form, Madame," the receptionist said.
→ The receptionist asked the guest .................................................. .
9. "Take off your shoes," she told us.
→ She told us .................................................. .
10. "Mind your own business," she told me.
→ She told me .................................................. .

11“Please download the information from this file,” the director said to us.
The director told us ………………………………………………………

12.“Please bring that outfit over here if it has any damage.” the clerk said to Lisa.

The clerk told Lisa………………………………………………………

13.“Don’t come to my house without prior notice.” May’s colleague said to her.
May’s colleague told her ……………………………………………………

14. “Please bring that outfit over here if it has any damage.” the clerk said to Lisa.

The clerk told Lisa………………………………………………………

15.“Don’t come to my house without prior notice.” May’s colleague said to her.
May’s colleague told her ……………………………………………………
16.“Don’t stay up late, Jisoo,” Jisoo’s mother said to her.
Jisoo’s mother told her …………………………….
Ex 2:
Ex 3:
Câu 26. “I’ll tell you about this tomorrow, Mary”, said Tom.
A. Tom said to Mary that he will tell her about that the next day.
B. Tom told Mary that I would tell you about that the next day.
C. Tom told Mary that he would tell her about that the next day.
D. Tom told Mary that she would tell him about that the next day.
Câu 27. “I have something to tell you”, Mary said to John.
A. Mary told John I had something to tell him.
B. Mary told John she had something to tell him.
C. Mary told John she had had something to tell him.
D. Mary told John he had had something to tell her.
Câu 28. He said, “My wife has just bought a diamond ring.”
A. He said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring.
B. He said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring.
C. He said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring.
D. he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring.
Câu 29. “I will come with you as soon as I am ready”, she said to Philip.
A. She said to Philip he will come to see you as soon as he I am ready.
B. She told Philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready.
C. She told Philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready.
D. She told Philip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready.
Câu 30. “I wrote to him yesterday”.
A. She said to me I wrote to him the day before.
B. She told me she wrote to him yesterday.
C. She told me she had written to him yesterday.
D. She told me she had written to him the day before.
Câu 31. “He is talking to your sister”, she said to me.
A. She told me he was talking to your sister.
B. She told me she was talking to my sister.
C. She told me he was talking to my sister.
D. She told me he was talking to her sister.
Câu 32. “It is the time to check what you have done”, the father said to the boys.
A. The father said to the boys it was time to check what they had done.
B. The father told the boys it was time to check what they had done.
C. The father told the boys it was time to check what they have done.
D. The father told the boys it is time to check what they had done.
Câu 33. “You will like my sister when you meet her.”
A. He told me you will like her sister when you meet her.
B. He told me I will like his sister when I met her.
C. He told me I would like his sister when I met her.
D. He told me I would be liked his sister when I met her.
Câu 34. “I didn’t meet Susan last week.”
A. He said he didn’t meet Susan the week before.
B. He said he hasn’t met Susan last week.
C. He said he hadn’t met Susan last week.
D. He said he hadn’t met Susan the week before.
Câu 35. “I didn’t break your watch.”
A. The boy told the girl he hadn’t broken her watch.
B. The boy told the girl he didn’t break her watch.
C. The boy asked the girl he hadn’t broken her watch.
D. The boy told the girl he hadn’t broken your watch.
Câu 36. “Could you tell me how to get to the airport?”
A. He asked me how to get to the airport.
B. He said if I could tell him the airport.
C. He told me how to get to the airport.
D. He asked me to tell how to get to the airport.
Câu 37. “Have you heard of her marriage?”
A. She asked me if I hear of their marriage.
B. She asked me whether I had heard of their marriage.
C. She asked me if I had heard of their marriage.
D. B and C.
Câu 38. Cindy said: “I haven’t seen John since last month.”
A. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous month.
B. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month.
C. Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous month.
D. Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month.
Câu 39. The little boy said: “Two and two makes four.”
A. The little boy said that two and two made four.
B. The little boy said that two and two have made four.
C. The little boy said that two and two had made four.
D. The little boy said that two and two makes four.
Câu 40. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor”, Minh said to Lan.
A. Minh told Lan to become a doctor.
B. Minh advised Lan to go to the doctor.
C. Minh told Lan that he would to go to the doctor.
D. Minh advised Lan not to go to the doctor
Câu 41. His wife said to him: “Write to me as often as you can.”
A. His wife told him to write to her as often as he can.
B. His wife told him to write to her as often as he could.
C. His wife told him writing to her as often as he could.
D. His wife told him writing to her as often as he can.

Câu 42. “What were you doing last night, Mr John?”, asked the police.
A. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John.
B. The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before.
C. The police asked Mr John what he had been done the night before.
D. The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before.
Câu 43. My friend asked me who the piano in the sitting room.
A. was playing B. plays C. is playing D. has played
Câu 44. The teacher told his students laughing.
A. would stop B. to stop C. stop D. stopped
Câu 45. Mary asked me .
A. whether I would watch the football match on TV the day before.
B. whether I watched the football match on TV the day before.
C. If I had watch the football match on TV the day before.
D. whether I had watched the football match on TV the day before.
Câu 46. “Why hasn’t Minh phoned? ” she wondered
A. She wondered why Minh hasn’t phoned.
B. She wondered why Minh didn’t phone.
C. She wondered why Minh hadn’t phoned.
D. She wondered why hadn’t Minh phoned.
Câu 47. Jennifer asked me where the week before.
A. had I gone B. did I go C. I had gone D. was I going
Câu 48. Tom asked me .
A. if was I having a good time last year.
B. whether I had had a good time the year before.
C. if would I have a good time the year before.
D. whether I have had a good time the year before.
Câu 50. She asked me _ the seat or not.
A. if/had occupied B. whether/was occupied
C. if/has been occupied D. whether/occupied
Question 51. John asked the teacher in Spanish.
A. what does this word mean B. what that word means
C. what did this word meanD. what that word meant
Question 52. He said he_ at the Daewoo Hotel.
A. is staying B. has stayed C. was staying D. will stay
Question 53. She asked me I liked country music.
A. if B. whether C. that D. A&B
Question 54. The students asked if I was going to give them the tests
A. the next day B. next day
C. day next D. the day next
Question 55. Joe asked me how long I Chemistry at that school.
A. teach B. is teaching
C. have taught D. had taught
Question 56. He asked me with whom I French.
A. studied B. study
C. am studying D. have studied
Question 57. John asked me fond of any kind of sports.
A. if I am B. if I was C. if was I D. if I were
Question 58. “How are you?” he asked.
A. He asked me how are you. B. He asked me how I am
C. He asked me how was I. D. He asked me how I was.
Question 59. Joe said to Adele: “Where are you going?”
A. Joe asked Adele where was she going.
B. Joe asked Adele where she was going.
C. Joe asked Adele where is she going.
D. Joe asked Adele where she is going.
Question 60. “Go home,” said the teacher to the kids.
A. The teacher told the kids to go home.
B. The teacher said the kids to go home.
C. The teacher told the kids go home.
D. The teacher told to the kids to go home.
Question 61. “I didn’t meet Susan last week”, he said.
A. He said he didn’t meet Susan the week before.
B. He said he hasn’t met Susan last week.
C. He said he hadn’t met Susan last week.
D. He said he hadn’t met Susan the week before.
Question 62. “We are ready to start a new project”, they said to us.
A. They told us they are ready to start a new project.
B. They told us they will ready to start a new project.
C. They told us we were ready to start a new project.
D. They told us they were ready to start a new project.
Question 63. “I have finished the test”, Orla said to me.
A. She told me she has finished the test.
B. She told me she finished the test.
C. She told me she had finished the test.
D. She told me she has been finished the test.
Question 64. “Please bring me some chicken soup,” he said to the waitress.
A. He asked the waitress bring him some chicken soup.
B. He asked the waitress to bring her some chicken soup.
C. He asked the waitress to bring him some chicken soup.
D. He asked the waitress bring her some chicken soup.
Question 65. “Don’t shout”, she said to me.
A. She told me don’t shout.B. She told to me not to shout.
C. She told me not to shout. D. She said to me don’t shout.
Question 66. “I wrote to a friend yesterday”, she said.
A. She told me she had written to her friend the day before.
B. She said to me I wrote to a friend the day before.
C. She told me she had written to a friend yesterday.
D. She told me she wrote to a friend yesterday.
Question 67. “Can you lend me some money?”, he asked me.
A. He asked me can you lend him some money.
B. He asked me could you lend him some money.
C. He asked me if I can lend him some money.
D. He asked me if I could lend him some money.
Question 68. Charlie said, “I’ll see you tomorrow”.
A. Charlie said he’ll see me tomorrow.
B. Charlie said he would see me tomorrow.
C. Charlie said he would see me the next day.
D. Charlie said he’ll see me the next day.
Question 69. They said to me: “Your father is in the office”.
A. They said that my father is in the office.
B. They said that his father was in the office.
C. They said that his father is in the office.
D. They said that my father was in the office.
Question 70. “Can you open the door for me, Patrick?” Donna asked.
A. Donna asked to open the door for her, Patrick.
B. Donna asked Patrick to open the door for her.
C. Donna asked Patrick open the door for her.
D. Donna asked Patrick to open the door for me.
Key :
1. She told me to go upstairs.
2. He told me to close the door behind me.
3. He advised us not to be late.
4. She told him to stop staring at her.
5. He asked her not to be angry with him.
6. She told me to leave her alone.
7. She warned us not to drink and drive.
8. She told John to stop smoking.
9. They told her not to worry about them
1. "Stop talking, Jin," the teacher said.
→ The teacher told Jin stop talking........... .
2. "Be patient," she said to her.
→ She told her be patient........... .
3. "Go to your bedroom," her mother said to her.
→ Her father told her ........ to go to her bedroom......... .
4. "Hurry up," she said to us.
→ She told us hurry up................ .
5. "Give me the key," he told her.
→ He asked her give him the key.............. .
6. "Play it again, Somi," she said.
→ She asked Somi play it again............. .
7. "Stand up, Caron" he said.
→ He asked Caron stand up........... .
8. "Fill in the form, Madame," the receptionist said.
→ The receptionist asked the guest fill in the form........... .
9. "Take off your shoes," she told us.
→ She told us take off your shoes.............. .
10. "Mind your own business," she told me.
→ She told me mind my own business....

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