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SECTION A (1 marks each)

Q1)Assertion: The electric field due to a charge configuration with net charge zero is not zero.

Reason: An electric dipole has net charge equal to zero.

Q2)Assertion: Manganin and constantan are used to make standard resistors.

Reason: Their resistance change very little with temperature.

Q3) In a moving coil galvanometer, current in the coil is

(A) directly proportional to angle of deflection.
(B) inversely proportional to the angle of deflection.
(C) directly proportional to the square root of the angle of deflection.
(D) inversely proportional to the square root of the angle of deflection

Q4)Which of the following characteristics of electron determine the drift velocity in a conductor:

a)drift velocity alone

b)thermal velocity alone

c)both drift and thermal velocity

d)neither drift nor thermal velocity.

Q5) A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field experiences

(A) a force as well as a torque
(B) a torque but not a force
(C) a force and a torque
(D) a force but not a torque

6) Relative permeability of a magnetic material is 0.5.

The material is
(A) diamagnetic.
(B) ferromagnetic.
(C) paramagnetic.
(D) not a magnetic material

7) Which of the following combinations should be selected for better tuning of an L-C-R circuit used
for communication?
(A) R = 20 Ω, L = 1.5 H, C = 35 μF
(B) R = 25 Ω, L = 2.5 H, C = 45 μF
(C) R = 15 Ω, L = 3.5 H, C = 30 μF
(D) R = 25 Ω, L = 1.5 H, C = 45 Μf

8) In electromagnetic waves, the phase difference between magnetic and electric field vectors is
(A) zero (B) 90 (C) 180 (D) 270
9) ) The electric potential on the axis of an electric dipole at a distance ‘r from it’s centre is V. Then
the potential at a point at the same distance on its equatorial line will be
(i) 2V
(ii) -V
(iii) V/2
(iv) Zero

10) A long straight wire of circular cross section of radius a carries a steady current I. The current is
uniformly distributed across its cross section. The ratio of the magnitudes of magnetic field at a point
distant a/2 above the surface of wire to that at a point distant
a/2 below its surface is
(i) 4 :1
(ii) 1:1
(iii) 4: 3
(iv) 3 :4


Q11) Electric field part of EM Wave in vacuum is E=3.1cos(1.8y+5.4x106t) i. Find the expression for
magnetic field part of the wave. Why UV radiation is used in LASIK eye surgery.

Q12) Derive the expression for average power in AC over complete cycle.


Q12’) We are given three inductors of 1.5H,2.5H and 3.5H, three capacitors of 35uF,45uF and 30uF
and three resistors of 20ohm,15 ohm,15ohm. Which combination must be selected for better tuning
of LCR series circuit. Why?

Q13) Derive the relationship between magnetic field B and magnetic field intensity H.

Q14) a) A uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown in figure when two
specimens A and B are placed in it.
(i)Identify the specimen A and B.
(ii) How is the magnetic susceptibility of specimen A different from
that of specimen B?


Q14’) a)An electron moving horizontally with a velocity of4x104 m/s enters a region of magnetic field
of 10-5T acting vertically upwards as shown in figure. Draw its trajectory and find out the time it
takes to come out of region of magnetic field.
Q15a) Draw a graph showing the variation of magnetic field B with distance r for a thick wire of
radius a carrying a current I through it’s cross section.

b)what happens to current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer if the number of
turns are doubled from N to 2N.

Q16)A capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a supply of V volts. Now if the supply remains
connected and dielectric is inserted of dielectric constant K then find the effect on voltage ,charge,
capacitance and energy of capacitor.


Q17)a)On the basis of electron drift ,derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of
number density of free electrons and relaxation time. On what factors does resistivity of a conductor

b)Find steady state current through 2ohm resistor.

Q18)a)Find the value of current in 2 ohm resistor.

b)Derive condition of balance of a wheatstone bridge.

Q19) Using Biot Savart Law derive an expression for magnetic field at the axis of a circular current
carrying coil of radius R.

Q20)Deduce an expression for magnetic dipole of an electron revolving around a nucleus in circular
orbit. Use the expression to derive the relation between magnetic moment of an electron moving in
a circular orbit and it’s related angular momentum.What is gyromagnetic ratio,write its value.

Q21)a)State Lenz’s law.

b)The magnetic field through a circular loop of wire 12cm in a radius and 8.5ohm resistance,
changes with time as shown in the figure. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the
loop.Calculate the induced current in the loop and plot it as a function of time.

Q22)a)The currents flowing in the two coils of self inductance L1=16 mH and L2=12mH are increasing
at the same rate. If the power supplied to the two coils are equal find the ratio of (i)induced voltages
(ii)the currents.

b)Define mutual inductance.

c)A 0.5m long solenoid of 10turns/cm has area of cross section 1cm2.Calculate the voltage induced
across its end if the current in the solenoid changes from 1A to 2A in 0.1sec.

SECTION D (5 Marks)

Q23)a)Derive an expression for electric potential at a general point due to an electric dipole.

b)Plot a graph showing the variation of electric dipole moment vs separation between the

c)Write relation between polarization and electric susceptibility.


Q23’a)600 pF capacitor is charged by a 200 volt supply .It is then disconnected from the supply and
is connected to another uncharged 600pF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy is lost in the

b)derive the expression for time period of oscillation for SHM of a bar magnet kept in a uniform
magnetic field E.

Q24)a) ) a) State the principle of ac generator.

b) Explain with the help of a well labelled diagram, its working and obtain the expression for the emf
generated in the coil.

b)Show that the current leads the voltage in phase by π/2 in an ac circuit containing an ideal
capacitor.Also draw the phasor diagram.


Q24’)a)A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source (200v,50Hz).The voltage across the resistor
,capacitor and inductor are respectively 200V,250V and 250V.

The algebraic sum of the voltages across the three elements is greater than the voltage of the
source. How is this paradox resolved?

b)Briefly describe the working of a step up transformer. Also write the two sources of energy loss in
the transformer.

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