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Expedition Risk Management – Walking Expeditions

Completed By Ben Bullen. 12th January 2016

Risks Benefits Control Measures

Hazards generic to  Pleasure in the experience of Leaders
walking expeditions completing a shared activity with  Competence – All expeditions will be headed up by a staff member with appropriate NGB
 Weather causing peers. qualifications. In support will be staff who are either qualified or have been approved to help
heat or cold  Experience and study of the outdoors run expeditions.
problems and the natural environment.  Ratios – Outlined in our Normal Operating Procedures and discussed with groups prior to
 Slips, trips and falls  Development of self-confidence and expedition.
while walking and at an increased awareness of being safe.  Support and Guidance – All staff meet for an annual training weekend. Monitoring by Ben
campsite  Learning through experience – going Bullen throughout the expedition season.
 Blisters through events from which one might  Remote Supervision – Checkpoints set at distances appropriate to group’s level, abilities and
 Roads learn. experiences.
 Participants getting  Improved cooperation with others.  Leaders to carry first aid kits.
lost  Improved self-sufficiency. Participants
 Camping – accidents  Overcoming difficulties.  Made aware of responsibilities to themselves and others
at campsite  Inspiring experiences which will lead  Appropriate training given prior to the expeditions
including trips and to greater experiences in the  Encouraged to share management of risk – e.g. road awareness, clear campsites etc.
burns outdoors.  Kit lists given prior to expedition and kit checked at beginning of expedition – spare kit
 Accreditation through the Duke of available from leaders.
Edinburgh’s Award, Adventure  1st Aid Kit part of the kit list.
Service Challenge or John Muir Venues and Routes
Award.  Choice of expedition location decided between group and Ben Bullen Adventures Ltd.
 Appropriate to level of award and abilities of group.
 Routes approved by staff and should avoid major roads.
 Checkpoints will be put at crossing points of major roads.
 Participants will have a phone number for a member of staff they are working with.
 Expedition Supervisor will have phone numbers for all groups and all staff.
 Staff to have phone number for the expedition supervisor.
 Weather reports checked prior to and during expeditions by leaders.
 Participants expected to bring appropriate clothing and sun cream.

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