Spelling Q2 7-8

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1. A a rd w o lf is a hyena-like animal of southern and eastern Africa.

2. A b e rra tio n is departing from the usual course.
3. A b rid g m e n t is a shortened form of a book.
4. A b s c is s io n is sudden termination.
5. A c e rb a te is to make sour or bitter.
6. A fic io n a d o is a devotee of something.
7. A lg o rith m is a set of rules for solving a problem.
8. A lig n m e n t is arrangement in a straight line.
9. A llo c u tio n is a formal speech.
10. A n c illa ry is a subordinate or subsidiary.
11. A p o c a lyp s e is widespread destruction or disaster.
12. A p p liq u e is ornamentation applied to a material.
13. A rc h e typ e (arkitype) is the original model.
14. A v e n g e is to exact satisfaction for.
15. B a b u s h ka is a woman's scarf.
16. B a c ca lau re ate is a religious service held before commencement day.
17. B a lala ika is a Russian musical instrument.
18. B a ro q u e pertains to architecture and art from 17th century Italy.
19. B a rrac u d a is a long, predaceous fish.
20. B a yo u is a marshy arm of a river, usually sluggish or stagnant.

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