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WORK PAPER TITLE: The Republic of the Seychelles as an Associate State of the United

States, without breach of African sovereignty

*Third-person references are not signs of any delusion - the work papers and legal article are
legal and political terms and are of both domestic and inter-dimensional legitimacy. There are
no sign(s) that Shawn Dexter John, the sole Author, has mis-remembered or forgotten the
principles or content of any of his Works (as it is empirically clear that opposing statements
assert a clear fallacy).

Author: Shawn Dexter John

Citizenship and Nation of Author: United States (USA)

Related Positions of Author: Chief Manager of all domestic (United States) and international
operations and partnerships of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL

Primary Associates of Immediate Relation: Clay Crispin John, Karl Lawrence Chen, Esq., Dr.
Carla Barnett, Chrispin Al John, Tess Mann John (still under gag order), Albert Mann, Rosie
Douglas (still alive under sealment), Joyce Mann, and Chad Shem John (and retired associate
Sewlyn Carrington, former Trinidadian professor at Howard University and brother of former
Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community [CARICOM] Edwin Carrington in covering for
Shawn Dexter John [me] as the effectual boss of the Caribbean Community [CARICOM] since
childhood [1997], a fact once unknown to Mr. Carrington)

Compliant Associates of Project Affiliation: the President of the United States (of all
administrations), the Joint Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the United States (of all
administrations), the Prime Minister of Canada (of all administrations), the [federal] President of
the Federative Republic of Brazil (of all administrations), the Secretary-General of the United
Nations (UN) (of all administrations), the Secretary-General of the Organization of American
States (OAS) (of all administrations), the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (of all administrations), and the Director-General of the Organisation of the Eastern
Caribbean States (of all administrations)

Financial Compensator of Relation: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via authorized budget

Author's Permanent Location of Residence(s): Florida, United States (USA)

Date of Transcription: 12/17/2023


The following provide fundamental tenets to the [standard] allowances and limits of the
Associate State stature which will emerge in a decade with respect to the Republic of the
Seychelles and its stature as audited by Shawn Dexter John (and federal and international
Associates of political and humanist competence):

(1) The Republic of the Seychelles shall not renounce its affiliation with Shawn Dexter John
who has been appointed to audit this respective nation-state (an island-state) in
perpetuum, from the United States and per the visits of sub-auditors to the Republic of
the Seychelles, its illegalties and undiplomatic relations with certain rogue affiliates
attached to the intelligence and security community, and its previous demand that no
American or Western Hemispheric actor engage its affairs or authorities; there shall be
no culture of infraction in this country as well as the United States as its political
benefactor of non-breach; Shawn Dexter John is not a rogue agent and provides no
rogue policy or directive;
(2) The Republic of the Seychelles shall remain a permanent Member State of the African
Union (AU) as I have always communicated and shall renounce all effectual
communications with the Russian Federation which has certainly communicated South
Africa and its network as being an implied colony of Russia erroneously and without
competent, literal, or legalistic cause;
(3) The United Nations (UN) is now under the permanent audit of Shawn Dexter John and
shall abide by all his constitutional instructions (supported by [constitutional] law) with no
remaining assessment; Shawn Dexter John isn't insane, disturbed, misguided, or
mistrusted by the international community of competence; detractors, anticipated, shall
no longer communicate any past, present, or future report or statement claiming that
Shawn Dexter John has been harmed or killed (or has committed suicide, decadence, or
self-decay); his works and their effects may be de-moralizing to anti-humanists and
racial and ethnic terrorists, but they are just in perpetuation and in promoting the proper
development of humanity and civilization; we correctly reject all claims of segments of
the Seychellois community that there are multiple individuals with the name or identity
Shawn Dexter John; their related co-operation with factions of corporate America and
American agencies, in hopes of receiving entry into the United States, shall not be
accepted and shall be prohibited via the effect of all related protocols; such non-ethics
shall not be promoted, procedrally admired, or protected;
(4) Any deal with the American government upon gaining the stature of Associate State
won't result in the breach of any African Union (AU) protocol, associated continental
agreement on free trade and and a financial/economic area, and will not oppose the
federalization of the African Union (AU) of sanctionable (authorizable) peculiarities; the
hemispheric nature of the Americas will not lead to any Eastern hemispheric union of
Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe (or any two or three);
(5) The rumor that the American government or any other actor/party is writing a screenplay,
a playwright, or a movie script denoting the wreck of Shawn Dexter John's life, as
wished, will be met by torture acts imposed on them by the audited federal government
of the United States on live feed, specifically lawful waterboarding, not including Shawn
Dexter John or family members (or look a like[s]); Shawn Dexter John has never
contracted with any company, corporation, agency, person, group, or any other
actor/party to act (or be exhibited) in any movie, documentary, skit, pilot, cartoon/comic,
literature, concept film, or series or to ever be covered via any demeaning, sedistic,
hyper-sexual, perverted, criminal, punitive, or cruel manner; the hip hop project (hiding
the shocking and revolutionary intelligence of Shawn Dexter John) imposed on him as a
child, without him ever having been a rapper or hip hop artist of any other conception,
communicates no contrast; former President Barack Huissen Obama Jr. did perform oral
sex on a male individual in hopes of evading murder charges according to internal
reports - the United Nations' core provides fair notice to all that we are serious in
imposing Justice and that there is no arbitrary process adopted; there shall be
condemnation of the American people by the Seychellois people and vice versa;
(6) [Former] President Barack Huissen Obama Jr. and all representatives shall refrain from
being oppressive in defending their re-trial petitions; the respective Judgement
demanding and effecting a once guaranteed capital punishment scheduled to be
imposed on him and his actual wife will apparently remain unless we find credible
arguments which deduce that he is of a genuine and unbreachable humanist disposition,
globalist in nature (for the sake of peacekeeping) and/or he is willing to be of this
disposition by intent in perpetuum of immediate commitment;
(7) Before and as the first Commissioner of the Americas (Commissioner of the Union of the
Americas), Shawn Dexter John and, succeeding his two terms, each successive
Commissioner will also assume the title of President of the General Assembly of the
Americas (during their separate and exclusionary terms) and will conduct the respective
Office and Title as the President of Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Americas; the
African Union (AU) and the South African government (within) will reject their original
claims that Shawn Dexter John is terroristic in nature and that the Seychellois people are
wrong in greeting the Associate State stature recommended (and now affirmatively
decided) and the positive evolution of the Chairpersonship of the Commission of the
African Union (AU) toward global clarity, toward functioning as the President of the
Presidents and Prime Ministers of Africa;
(8) There shall be no sacrifice imposed onto Associate States, COFA States, territories, and
non-contiguous States for the whole of the United States or the encompassing world (or
any other sector within either level); and
(9) AG of New York State Letitia James has been banned from all correspondences with
foreign countries if she is to escape excruciating repercussions by legal attorneys and
jurists; any search for foreign geniuses by her, with her searches and requests already
detected and documented by several countries, will be met with full and effective
application of international law; we are being cautious and patient in providing fair notice;
Letitia's first name is honestly Letitia moving forward and there shall be no restriction
imposed onto Shawn Dexter John as purported or communicated by her or any
American or foreign official, minister, or officer (or such whether Black, White, Asian
[Brown and Yellow or otherwise], Amerindian, or otherwise); the Republic of Seychelles
shall also prohibit such activities in merging African principles with American for ensuring
the proper development of the social infrastructure of Africa and the United States
(simultaneously and cooperatively).


Notes of some relation:

(1) Famous actress Zoe Saldana will be checked into a [literal and punitive] psychiatric ward
in the state of Florida (here in the United States) for having claimed in affidavit
responses that Shawn Dexter John is in belief that all of the defendants in cases
prosecuted by him are personalities within him and represent his flaws as perceived by
him. We reject claims that she rather succumb to acting in pornography (or
re-enactments of her sexual encounters) instead of facing perjury charges. Shawn
Dexter John has covertly arranged audited methods and conditions which will enable her
health, sound eating habits, and honest global citizenship.
(2) Shawn Dexter John has never been a member of the Nation of Islam or in belief that he
ever was and he certainly does not perceive the Nation of Islam or any First Nations tribe
(or American Indian nation) or any community of people considered a cultural nation as a
nation-state (including a Member State of any political community or Union).
(3) Shawn Dexter John's financial and money accounts attached to his personal and private
estate, exclusive accounts worth approximately $10,000,000 (USD) will be transferred
into his Truist (SunTrust) Bank [checking] account within three to four months
(approximately 90 - 120 days).
(4) There is no narrative or book controlling the mind or life of Shawn Dexter John - we are
shocked at the misery imposed on the minds of certain military agents and associates by
the Space Agency of the United States - they are being rehabilitated and will not pose a
threat to any domestic or foreign jurisdiction. The secret that Shawn Dexter John is God
(reincarnated Jesus Christ) isn't innately refuted by their lunacy and isn't refuted by our
federal government, secretly a Masonic institution.
(5) Manuscripts of incoherent material, manuscripts honestly written by me coherently
though unedited (material which were destroyed by technicians, then placed back in
their original composition and exact transcription), were maliciously purported as being
of my father (as a joke since my father never attended law school) or other(s) after the
re-composition was transmitted to government portals and email accounts;
(6) I, Shawn Dexter John, was not punished as a teenager for being loud, combative,
criminal, or such - I, Shawn Dexter John, was none of these; the resulting slight scar on
my right arm was due to a rigged kitchen appliance designed to injure me and/or my
father Clay Crispin John, then the future and now the current managerial bosses of the
intelligence and security community, both happily Black of some Amerindian ancestry,
both to remain permanently centered in the state of Florida. Indeed, Clay Crispin John
has a look-a-like brother already located in Central Florida and registered as an FBI
agent, a secret and covered auditor of the FBI's secret fraternity.


Name of [Work Paper Series] Author: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
College/University Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Perpetual Religion and Faith of Shawn Dexter John (including as Khaled Hassan): Roman
Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing
Author's Concentration: Law and Government; Ethics

Author's: Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American

Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)
Language of Direct Communication: American English
Handicap/dysfunction status: no medical, physical, or mental handicap/dysfunction (present or
in the past)

Sole author of Communicated Re-transcriptions: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn
John or Shawn D. John)
Sole conceptualist and author of all original, re-transcribed, and revised publications of relation
(meaning writings presented as authored by Shawn Dexter John): Shawn Dexter John (also
identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)
Sole transcriber and typist of all published literary works presented as authored by Shawn
Dexter John: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)

Author's Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

States of Author's former residence: Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York
Countries/territories of former residence (all INTERPOL-related): the Commonwealth of
Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, the constituent-state of Aruba (of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands), and the territory of Puerto Rico (of the United States)
High School of Graduation: Bunn High School (2003)
Other High Schools of Attendance: Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, Virginia
(1999-2000) and Jamestown High School, Jamestown, Virginia (2000-2001)

Author's biological parents: Clay Crispin John (father, currently located in Canada) and Anita
Phillip (mother, currently located in Antigua and Barbuda)
Author's former legal guardian: Tess Mann-John (step-mother, currently located in Charlotte,
North Carolina, United States)
Author's former legal guardians in North Carolina: Albert Earl Mann and Joyce Mann
Author's Professional Affiliate: Karl Lawrence Chen (uncle by marriage, currently located in the
United States)
Author's assignment complement: Chad Shem John (biological and accustomed brother,
currently located in Florida, United States)
Author's contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special professional purposes:
Emerlyne John-Jones (biological and accustomed aunt, temporarily located in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, United States)
[Revised] Author's secondary contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special
professional purposes: Ralph Jones (uncle by marriage, American-born husband of Emerlyne
John-Jones [Eastern Caribbean and foreign born])
Author's identified publicized dependent (with contract in mind): Keisha John (biological
daughter, commonly known as Keisha Williams for security purposes, currently located in the
United States)

Author's favorite artist(s): Nat King Cole and Black Eyed Peas

All literary works published as authored by Shawn Dexter John were solely prepared, solely
authored, solely edited, and solely transcribed (and typed) by: Shawn Dexter John
Location of Publishing Procedures: Orlando, Florida, United States (North America)

Shawn Dexter John's Location of Passed Agency Evaluations: North Carolina, United States of
America (North America) (in 2003 and 2011)
Jurisdiction of Agency Positions Sanctioned for Shawn Dexter John: All units, positions, liaisons,
offices, contracting agencies, departments, bureaus, sub-level ordinates (meaning
sub-ordinates of the various kinds and levels), and their [permanent, temporary, periodic,
rotating, partnership, volunteer, out-house, and in-house] occupants with respect to the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Political Leaning: Moderate Liberal (Progressive)

Nature of the Author's Series of Publications: Non-fictional

Purpose of Author's Series of Work Papers: to be formally and effectively applied by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the [managerial] superintendence of Shawn Dexter John and
complimentary [federal and international] Associates
Professional blog-site hosting the [series] publications:

Definitions of debated terms used by the author (Shawn Dexter John) within this series of Work
Papers and his other [authored] publications:

(1) Sole refers to only.

(2) Year refers to 365 calendar days.
(3) Day refers to twenty-four (24) hours.
(4) Perpetual or in perpetuum refers to forever and unimpeded.
(5) Author refers to a preparer and corresponding writer of textual literary content; not
referred to are photos.
(6) Federal and/or international Associates refer to employees, contributors, and instructees
of the federal government of the United States aside those of international governmental
organizations, such as INTERPOL and the United Nations (UN) (though both are not the
authority of [solely] one correlating and singular concept of country or nation), all duly
sanctioned as lawful in their condition and conduct associated with the addressed party.
(7) American English refers to the standard, official, and proper English recognized as such
by the people of the United States (meaning Americans) and recognized as [being] such
by the international community - I am not referring to colloquial, dialectic, or [mere]
cultural vernaculars.

*Addendums to Work Papers and Reports are all published in direct and immediate
correspondence with the respective [work] papers and reports published on the website
(blogsite) and only refer to addendums of Shawn Dexter
John's sole authorship - all Work Papers, reports, and commentaries/essays published on the
detailed website (blog) are of Shawn Dexter John's exclusive authorship and ownership.

*Shawn Dexter John is identified as being the Shawn D. John who academically graduated from
Howard University in 2007 and 2009 (with a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree
respectively) and is identified as being the Shawn John being protected, guided, employed, and
appreciated progressively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL as their
exclusive Chief Manager. He does not have multiple personalities.
*Caripol inductees: Anita Phillip, Baptist Sylvester, and lawful trainees

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