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Letter writing is indispensable & important part of business communication. Business letter are
written for mainly four reasons:

• To provide convenient & inexpensive means of communication without personal contact.

• To seek or give information
• To furnish evidence of transactions entered into
• To provide a record for future reference.


1. Study of Reader’s Mind: the writer must take the reader into confidence. Reader should
be assured that his interest and views are taken into an account and are safeguarded.
2. The “YOU” Attitude: it is used to make a direct personal appeal to the reader. Write a
letter constantly keeping before you the reader’s point of view. Avoid I’s and WE’s &
include as many as YOU’s as possible.

* “YOU attitude is a style of writing that look at things from the reader’s point of view.
* Repeats the reader’s interest / intelligence.
* protect the reader’s ego
* Emphasis what the reader wants to know

YOU attitude is a concrete way of showing empathy for the reader.

3. Clarity: it is an important essential of business letter regarding the subject matter of

letter. Style of business letter should be direct with plain conversational language.
4. Accuracy: a business letter is a representative of a firm/industry/business concerned, so
it must contain genuine information.
5. Brevity: subject matter should be brief as lengthy message often mar the beauty of
business correspondence.
6. Courtesy: A writer must be courteous in his approach.
7. Polite language: politeness is a keyword in business. Letter should be written
courteously written with the use of expressions like Thank you, please etc and avoid
unpleasant and rude expressions.
8. Reader’s Oriented: letter should be written keeping in view the type of reader of the
letter i.e. nature, post and mental level of reader should be taken into account.


Letters are classified as Personal and Non-Personal.

Personal letters are informal and are written to exchange news or to seek favours. These includes
letters written to friends, relatives etc.
Non-Personal letters includes business letters. These letters includes:

A. *Enquiries and Replies *Orders and their execution *Credit and Status enquiries
*Complain letters
B. *Circular letters *Sales letters
C. *Bank Correspondence * Insurance Correspondence *Import – Export Correspondence
*Agency Correspondence
D. *Application Letters *Interview letters *References * Testimonials *Letter of
Appointment * Letter of Confirmation * Letter of Promotion * Letter of Resignation
E. The Correspondence with Company Secretary * Correspondence with State and Central
F. Letters to Press

Business letters can also be classified as:

Official letters, Demi- Official letters, internal letters, forms letters etc.

A. Official letters: Letters written to government or semi-government bodies.

B. Demi-Official Letters: These letters are official in purpose but are addressed to person
by name. It is written if a person requires personal attention, of confidential nature or
matter is urgent and requires immediate disposal.
C. Internal letters (Memorandum): These are used both in government offices and
business organization for internal communication.
D. Form letters: these are correspondence of recurring/ routine nature and are used for
acknowledgement, reminders, interviews, notices, appointment etc. They have standard

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