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At JTI, we believe in freedom - the freedom to choose, freedom of thought, freedom of

expression, and freedom to be yourself. We are proud to be a genuinely international company,
made up of 46,000 people of 119 different nationalities. But more than that, we want to be an
organization where our people can be themselves, every day.

Diversity is a strategic advantage and Inclusion is the journey to get there. To make this a reality,
we must acknowledge that we do not all start from the same place. It is not equally easy for each
of us to bring ourselves to work. Equity is giving everyone what they need to succeed, not what
everyone else gets.

JTI is a company where people are the difference, so embracing our uniqueness ensures that we
continue to boost both our culture and our innovation. It’s the right thing to do – and it makes us
stronger as a business.


We promote an inclusive culture where everyone can be themselves at work without risk of
discrimination or harassment due to their race, religion, ethnic background, origin, gender, age,
disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other personal characteristic.

Diversity, equity and inclusion give us both a cultural and a competitive business
advantage. We believe that they will make us a stronger business in four key ways:

Be yourself: Fostering an inclusive culture brings out the best in our people, making JTI
an even better place to work. When employees enjoy their work and the opportunities it
brings, they can perform to the best of their abilities.
New thinking: Different personalities and perspectives inspire fresh thinking, new ideas
and creative innovation. By making the most of our rich mix of viewpoints and
perspectives, we can generate solutions to complex issues and drive our business
Lead inclusively: Our leaders understand the value of inclusion and are held accountable
for inclusive hiring, inclusive behavior and inclusive leadership. Through new
frameworks, learning solutions and clear accountability, our leaders are empowered to
amplify our efforts and capabilities to be inclusive.
Inclusive mindset: Our diverse workforce is one of our greatest strengths. We believe
that highly skilled and talented people form the foundation of our success and contribute
to real, sustainable growth. To make the most of our people, we must respect not just
nationality, gender and age, but also their experience, expertise and other differences in
backgrounds and values. We empower all of our employees to create a more diverse

Our Board-level Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council demonstrates senior
management’s support for this inclusive approach. Chaired by our CEO, Eddy Pirard, the
Council is made up of six members of our Executive Committee. It is responsible for
advising on strategies and best practices within the organization in order to advance
diversity, equity and inclusion across the company.

The Council has been instrumental in bringing about change at JTI. Aimed at providing
strategic insight, accountability and guidance for developing the Diversity, Equity &
Inclusion programs for JTI, it further strengthens the focus on diverse talent by aligning
our goals, people and processes together.

We aim to be a people-centric organization where employees can be themselves every

day, define how they want to work, and what inspires them and motivates them to
perform. We are building a diverse and competent workforce through our employee
resource groups, ambassadors and local committees. These programs are central to how
we’re deploying Diversity, Equity and Inclusion across all of our global locations.

Our global commitment covers five key strategic pillars:

 Gender equality

At JTI, we make gender equality a formal business priority. We are committed to increasing the
representation of women in leadership positions as well as reaching gender parity at all levels.
The world’s population is balanced, so we shouldn’t be any different.

Our global gender equality strategy aims to provide both women and men equal access to growth
and opportunities in our workplace. We are investing in a number of initiatives to accelerate the
advancement of women and spark progress towards gender equality globally. Senior leadership
have taken special training on identifying the obstacles preventing talented women from
advancing their careers.

We have implemented a number of talent management and recruitment measures. These include
diverse and balanced interview panels, as well as a 50-50 equal gender slate of candidates within
the final round of our interview process for leadership positions.

 New ways of working

Enabling new ways of working (N-WOW) is a key value for our company, and increasingly
necessary in today’s world. N-WOW represents a movement to boost flexibility and retention,
largely by removing many of the barriers and management styles of the past and bringing them
in line with a modern multigenerational workforce.
We believe that performance and outcomes are what matters, not hours spent in the office. In
July 2021, in response to changing business practices, we set out our N-WOW guidance, which
became a global policy in July 2022:

 50-50 hybrid model: 50% working from the office and 50% remote work
 Flexible core hours
 Work from abroad: 10 days a year
 Inclusion of our global supply chain where possible

Psychological safety and a culture of accepting failures and learnings is deeply rooted within our
N-WOW strategy and corporate culture, as we want our people to feel able to speak up, take
risks, trust and respect each other.

 LGBTIQ+ inclusion

Supporting our LGBTIQ+ employees is vital if we’re to create a more equal company, in which
everyone is empowered to be and do their best. As part of our LGBTIQ+ Inclusion pillar, we
develop strategies, professional development opportunities and LGBTIQ+ inclusive policies in
order to create workplaces which are inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and
gender expressions. Our strategy encompasses a holistic stakeholder approach towards our
community members, allies, shareholders and consumers.

PRIDE at JTI is a universal global community with more than 700 LGBTIQ+ colleagues and
allies coming together in celebration, unity and solidarity. Our PRIDE employee resource
group raises awareness, offers peer-to-peer support, and holds all of us accountable in all matters
that affect the LGBTIQ+ community.

In 2020, the Geneva headquarters was one of the first companies in French-speaking Switzerland
to be awarded the Swiss LGBTI Label certification.

 Well-being and mental health

Our philosophy of continuous improvement is at the heart of all that we do: we work
together to solve the problems we are faced with in both the immediate moment and the
long term. Our employee-centric approach ensures that all members of our JTI family feel
supported in their professional and personal lives, and can access the assistance they
need, when they need it.

We recognize the importance of our employees’ well-being. Everyone needs to feel

supported and appreciated in order to be productive and engaged. We encourage our
people to develop a resilient mindset and healthy lifestyle that will boost every aspect of
their private and professional lives and let them perform at their best.

We use a confidential employee assistance program and well-being solution. It provides

information on mental, physical, social and financial well-being, as well as 24/7 access to
phone consultations for work–life strategies and referrals to counselling.
We have also trained Mental Health First Aiders across our business to offer support to
employees who wish to discuss any matter of concern.

Family Leave Policy

Our global equal family leave policy covers all our employees and in most cases goes
beyond national family leave statutory requirements. If there is a difference between our
minimum and the statutory national minimum, the greater is always offered.

We offer:

 Minimum 20 weeks fully paid leave to all employees

 No gender or sexual orientation discrimination
 No difference related to the way people became parents, whether through giving birth,
adoption, or surrogacy
 All parents have adequate and equal time, and more flexibility to bond with their child

Many employees around the world have told us how they appreciate the policy. For
example, Craig Tully, a key accounts manager in the US and a proud father of four kids,
recently told us how fortunate he feels having the opportunity to bond with his newborn
son while supporting his wife and their other three boys and without worrying about his
job security. That kind of peace of mind is priceless and one of the great benefits we
provide to all new fathers.

 Race and ethnicity

Racism has never been tolerated at JTI and there are measures in place to prevent and mitigate
any form of discrimination.

embrace is our global employee resource group focused on race and ethnicity. We launched
embrace to bring together people from all over the JTI world to support each other, raise
awareness, share experiences, and celebrate our racial and ethnic differences. Because we
believe that everyone deserves the chance to thrive, irrespective of who they are or how they

Working closely together, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Embrace empower employees
through an open, positive and proactive dialogue, because everyone’s voice counts.

Within each of these areas we continue to implement programs and initiatives that foster
an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and empowered to drive change locally,
while affecting the lives of individuals around the world.

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