OTP2 SL SEN Booklet U2

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2nd Edition

2 Teaching Notes Starter

Vocabulary – Page 20, Exercise 2 Reading – Page 21, Exercise 1

Some learners, mainly those who lack When we find a reading comprehension activity
organization skills or those that have attention in a book, we naturally think of strategies to
difficulties may get lost easily when trying to help those students who find reading hard,
follow the lines to interpret the family tree, some of whom may be dyslexic. Research has
and if they happen to suffer from some form shown that dyslexia is a specific neurological
of anxiety, they may just refuse to try to do the learning disability that is characterized by
activity. Among the general pieces of advice to poor spelling, difficulties in word recognition
bear in mind to help these students, the first and decoding ability. Although many dyslexic
one is that you should embrace what works people learn to read accurately in their
for each person. Some learners work better mother tongue, they may continue to read
when they have more time, others when they slowly and not automatically, and even more
can work in pairs, but each student is unique so in a second or foreign language. They will
and there are no recipes that work for every obviously need more time to interpret what
student in your classes. Another piece of they read because the mere decoding of
advice worth mentioning is that you should words takes all their effort. This is the reason
teach them to use colours to underline or why it is essential to anticipate work, to give
highlight key words. SEN students the chance to read texts at
In this particular case, the illustration is very home, without any kind of pressure. Also, it is
clear but you need to give the class enough important to make their reading purposeful.
time to understand the connections that the You should tell them exactly what they have
lines represent. Some students will get the to do with what they read.
answers very easily but others will not. It In this particular case, you could introduce
would be advisable to segment the information the text by having all the class do Exercise 1.
and work first at the parents and siblings level. Then invite SEN students to read the text
Once they know the words, you may move again at home and underline family words
on to the rest. As you do this, you may draw and names. If they want, they may use a colour
a similar family tree on the board, which will code. They may underline mother in red and
help the class memorize the new vocabulary the mother’s name in the same colour. This
for it is a way of repeating, re-presenting the will help them do Exercise 2, which you will
material. It will look like this: do with the class as a whole. One last thing
that you ought to bear in mind is that most
SEN students need to be assessed mainly in
terms of their oral performance. Therefore,
MUM DAD once they have completed the table in
Exercise 2, oral reconstruction of the
information is necessary to guarantee
ME SISTER BROTHER production and sense of achievement.

Grammar – Page 22
Possession is a rather complex notion in
Having presented the words orally and on English, on the one hand, because it can
the board, you may invite the class to do the be expressed in different ways, and on the
activity. other, because possessive adjectives and
The next piece of advice is to go personal. You the possessive ’s have different exponents
may invite SEN students to use the new words in Spanish. Weaker learners may find this
to talk about their family, remembering that page far too challenging and, as teachers, we
if they refuse, you may always use the photos should guarantee their understanding. You can
on your mobile phone to introduce your own reorganize the same material in a segmented
family. They will be really interested to learn way, as in the SEN accommodation provided
about them! (see pages 16―18).

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2nd Edition

2 Teaching Notes Starter

Vocabulary – Page 23, Exercise 2 and/or psychologist. We should just make a

When considering helping students with point of offering enough opportunities for
Specific Learning Difficulties, you must bear every single student to learn the most they can
in mind basic accommodation strategies such in the best possible way. However, we tend to
as breaking tasks into small steps, probing classify students. For example, we know who
regularly to check understanding, providing pays attention, who can’t focus, who is a strong
regular quality feedback and modelling what learner and who finds it hard to understand
you want students to do besides explicitly concepts. Stopping at the classification level
teaching study and organizational skills. doesn’t help us solve our managing difficulties.
We ought to move a step forward. What can
In this particular case, although stronger we do to help those students with a certain
learners may learn the adjective pairs easily, condition discover how they can learn better?
it is clear that others will not. It is advisable
then to go step by step, making sure they really We have mentioned an interesting range
internalize both form and meaning of the of presentation accommodations. In this
words. You should start by teaching big and particular section, you may try something
small, practising through questions, and then different. You may invite some SEN students
move on to young and old, proceeding in a to work individually, in pairs or small groups,
to draw a summary table integrating the verbs
similar way, and so on.
be and have got in all their forms. You should
At this stage it is worth pointing out that explain clearly what you expect them to do
learning new vocabulary implies being able to and the aim of the activity: you want them to
actually use it in different contexts, not just help their classmates remember the grammar
filling in an exercise, and SEN students may they have seen. This will make SEN students
need more revision as well as processing time. have an important role in the class and feel
empowered. Besides, if they are allowed to
Reading – Page 24, Exercise 2 use digital formats, they will shine while all
This is a reading comprehension activity and, the others will profit as well. This is a good
once again, anticipating the text may be useful. example of inclusion in the classroom.
However, it is a fact that some SEN students
are unlikely to do the set homework. This Build your skills: Reading – Page 26,
happens for different reasons: they may forget Exercise 2
they have to do it, they may lack parental Visual aids play an important role in the
support or simply not be interested. Whatever teaching-learning process of any student, let
the reason, you should not get angry for they alone SEN students. In this particular activity,
do not do this on purpose and they do not although all the questions require a proper
do it to you. These lapses are just a part of name as an answer, family terms are not so
their condition. What should you do then? easily internalized. Besides, the use of the
You should use the warm up to provide as possessive ’s is not easy either. As part of your
many prompts as possible. In this particular anticipation accommodation or even in class,
case, you may not only elicit the names of either individually or in pairs, you may ask
the characters (Exercise 1) but also their main students to read the text and draw the family
features: if they are old or young, if they have tree or to read and search online for more
a little brother or sister, what they know about information to draw Miley’s family tree. Once
their family members, etc. Clearly, appropriate you check this, you may move on to Exercise 2.
use of the board to write key words is of As you correct their answers, and in order to
utmost importance too. recycle vocabulary, it would be useful to elicit
sentences not just with the words mum or dad
Grammar – Page 25, Form but both ways: daughter, son, etc. The same
As teachers, we know we must not diagnose. family tree structure may be used for the ‘Give
Doing that is a rather complex task that your opinion’ section. Recycling is essential for
requires the work of an educational therapist SEN students!

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2nd Edition

2 Teaching Notes Starter

Build your skills: Listening & Speaking – Progress check – Page 29

Page 27, Exercise 3 For students who have some kind of condition,
A diagnosis of learning disability is something you may find the SEN accommodation provided
no parent wants to hear. To the child, however, useful (see pages 19–21).
the diagnosis can provide relief in that it ends
the uncertainty about what is going on. Anyway,
it also adds a very real fear of what it can mean
for the future. They need to understand that it
has nothing to do with intelligence, it is just a
different way of processing information, and
some of the world’s most brilliant people, like
Alexander Graham Bell and Winston Churchill,
were said to have learning disabilities.
As teachers we ought to be aware of the
fact that a SEN student often feels the
psychological impact of their social and family
stigma, which often leads to low self-esteem
and depression. This affects their socialization
and their learning. What can we do? The
answer is simple. We should always look for
ways to soften the impact, to help them feel
confident and show that they can do almost
the same activities as their classmates.
In this particular case, some students will
take longer to write, and this is a listening
comprehension activity, so instead of asking
them to write, you may anticipate and have
them choose so that the focus is on listening
and the purpose is to check their predictions.
You may use the SEN accommodation provided
(see page 18).

Build your skills: Writing – Page 28, Exercise 1

We know that in English the correspondence
between graphemes and phonemes is
irregular, which makes it difficult for students
with certain conditions to read and interpret
the text. They will naturally tend to read
the words as they are spelt and because it
is silent reading nobody will correct them.
Besides, some students may find it hard to
associate the different sections on this page.
You can help by encouraging them to use a
text-to-speech app so that what they hear
is the right pronunciation of each word. This
together with the use of a transparent ruler or
reading window to follow the lines will simplify
the task. Finally, monitoring is of utmost
importance in Exercises 3 and 4, and also while
the writing task is in progress.

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2nd Edition


Name: Class:

2 Grammar – Page 22

Possessive adjectives

Analyze these sentences from the text on Complete the table.
page 21. Underline six more possessive
adjectives. Subject Possessive
pronouns adjectives
I live with my family. I
Our house is in Saint Petersburg. he
Her name is Lida.
His name is Marko. we
Its name is Rudolf.
Read the rule and write a second
Tell me about the members of your family. example.
What are their names? We can use possessive adjectives
+ singular or plural nouns.
Complete the rule with the correct
examples. • his sister, his sisters
their Alexander’s your parents’

To talk about possession, we can use: It’s a small dog. Its name is Woolly.
• possessive adjectives, for example, It + short form of is possessive adjective
, .

1 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.

1 Hi. name is Alexander. I’m 12 years old.

2 This is my stepfather. name is Fedor.

3 My grandmother is 60. name is Lida.

4 What’s name? My name’s Jay.

5 Are these your brothers? What are names?

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Name: Class:

Possessive ’s

Analyze these sentences from Read the rule and write a second
the text. Underline three more example.
examples of possessive ’s.
We use the possessive ’s in this way:
My stepfather’s name is Fedor. • singular noun + ’s: brother’s,

My mother’s name is Irina. • plural noun + ’: brothers’,

My half sisters’ names are Julya and Mila.
They’re my mother’s parents.
His nam e’s Bra d. My bro the r’s nam e is Bra d.
Complete the rule with the correct short form of is possessive ’s

their Alexander’s your parents’ COMPARING LANGUAGES

Translate into your language:
To talk about possession, we can use: My father’s name is Leo.
• possessive ’s, for example, , My teachers’ names are Ana and Lina.
. Compare the word order.

2 Choose the correct options.

1 My fathers’ sister / father’s sister is good.

2 His name’s teacher / teacher’s name is Lorraine.

3 My uncle surname / uncle’s surname is Pérez.

4 My brothers’ names / brother’s names are Ted and Vin.

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Name: Class:

3 Write five sentences about the members of your family.

My grandparents’ names are Alberto and Marta.

Name: Class:

2 Build your skills: Listening & Speaking – Page 27, Exercise 3

Read and choose the correct options. Then listen and check.

Jason: Who / What is that man on the right?

Claire: Will Smith.

Jason: Is he / He is an actor?

Claire: Yes, he is an American actor.

Jason: And who are those?

Claire: They are his son / mother, Trey, and his daughter, Willow.

Jason: And the lady in black / red?

Claire: That’s his wife, Jada.

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2nd Edition


Name: Class:

2 Progress check – Page 29

1 Complete Tom’s family tree.

grandfather +

father +


/ 6 points

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

bad old strong sad big

1 My house isn’t . It’s small.

2 His brother isn’t weak. He’s .

3 They aren’t happy in this photo. They’re .

4 My grandparents aren’t . They’re old.

5 He isn’t a man. He’s good.

/ 5 points

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Photo credits: 123RF
2nd Edition


Name: Class:

3 Choose the correct options.

1 This is my brother. His / Her name is Roy.

2 I’ve got two good friends. Their / Our names are Cathy and John.

3 That’s my mother. Its / Her name is Karen.

4 We’re in year 8. Their / Our teacher’s name is Paul.

/ 4 points

4 Choose the correct options.

1 My grandparents’ / grandparent’s names are Steven and Maria.

2 My fathers’ / father’s parents have got a cat.

3 My brothers / brother’s dog is brown.

/ 3 points

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Photo credits: 123RF
2nd Edition


Name: Class:

5 Complete with the correct form of have.

’ve got haven’t got ’s got hasn’t got

1 We a big classroom. (✓)

2 They a big family. (✗)

3 I an identity card. (✗)

4 She a little dog. (✓)

5 He a new friend. (✗)

6 You a small family. (✓)

/ 6 points

6 Complete the questions with have or has. Then match the questions to the answers.

1 Peter got a little sister? a Yes, I have.

2 your aunt got three children? b Yes, he has.

3 you got a big family? c No, she hasn’t.

1 2 3

/ 6 points

Reflect and share!  Total Score: / 30 points

✓ This unit is about...

✓ Before working on it, I knew...

✓ After working on it, I know...

✓ I have a question: ... ?

On the Pulse 2nd Edition Starter © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021 P H OTO C O P I A B L E UNIT 2 21

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