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 The soldier looks to be distressed- this is visible from his facial expression of shock; this is

further highlighted from. his constrained body language, he looks rigid and confided within his
own body.
 The use of the hat to cover his eyes do not fully function as the viewer is able to tell that the
soldier is looking directly at them showing a sense of trauma.
 The closeup image puts the soldier at focus causing viewers to look solely at him and the
hardships that he has faced at war make viewers sympathize with him.
 As with many of Don Mcculins photography the shading is a key element, the darker shading
around the neck of his uniform further suggests a sense of uneasiness within this soldier’s
body and a sense of confinement and entrapment.
 The cane in his hand symbolizes that this soldier is in need of support and the cane provides
that for him, this support could be physical or emotional.

 This image highlights the condition and state of the place where
war occurs, we can see metal parts all over the ground, smog, and a
very dirty building. By showing the gruesome conditions that
people that experience war must live with, pathos is created.

 Further pathos is created as in the image viewers can see children
who are associated with innocence and showing how futile war is,
taking and ruining lives of the most uninvolved of people

 The long shot image shows children from afar and provides little
focus to them, suggesting to the readers that it could be any child
who faces these terrifying situations and circumstances. This instills
fear within viewers
 This image by Mcculin is another that depicts the effects of war on innocent lives. The
woman breastfeeding can clearly be seen as malnourished and so is the baby, this suggests
that during times of warfare finding nutrition, food and water, can be a difficult task with the
dangers lurking
 In the background of the image multiple other women are seen, likely in the same condition.
This shelter could perhaps be to keep the members of the family not partaking in war safe.
This reminds viewers that the woman in focus is not the only one going through these
troubles and while it is heartbreaking, there remain multiple other mothers going through
the same thing.
 This image of Mcculin also portrays the sacrifices a mother makes for her child. Whilst in a
bad condition herself the mother continues to try to breastfeed her child with the little
nutrients she can provide in the process harming herself and deteriorating her own health
for the benefit of her baby
 The calm, cool attitudes of the soldiers in this image show a contrast. While one
would expect soldiers to be worried and nervous, they are actually calm showing how
warfare has become a normal thing to them and how such a gruesome, abnormal
thing has become normal for people. Going and sacrificing themselves every day is
normal for these soldiers and this is shown through this image.
 However, this cool demeanour could be used to disguise their true feelings. They
could just be seeming this in way in order to appear more ‘manly’ while in reality they
could feel scared with the situations they have to face.
 This photo also shows the camaraderie and friendship soldiers making during their
time together and how they will stand up for each other in every way possible

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