Guia Completo Volibear English

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Made by Voli Suavão

The Smoothest Volibear Mono on Youtube

The Relentless Storm

Best Volibear Wild Rift Build Guide for 8th Patch 4.2
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WR season. With my Volibear guide, you will learn what items to build, runes,
skill order, who counters Volibear, and how to use skills correctly.

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Skills and Passive



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Passive and Skills

The Relentless Storm


Volibear gains 1 stack ( or 2 stacks if he hits targets of different types

with the same ability, multiple targets do not increase the passive stack
but different types of targets increase it e.g. champion + jungle
monster or champion + troops) from the relentless storm whenever
you damage an enemy with basic attacks and on-hit skills, up to a maximum
of 5. stacks last 6 seconds,
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renewing whenever Volibear deals damage to an enemy, with maximum

stacking his auto attacks deal magical damage to nearby enemies.

The Relentless Storm: Volibear gains 5% attack speed (+40% ability

power bonus) attack speed bonus per stack, up to 25% attack speed
bonus. (attack speed increases according to your AP, the more AP the
higher the attack speed due to passive accumulation)

Lightning Claws: Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his basic
attacks on hit to deal 11 - 60 (based on level) (+40% bonus Ability Power)
bonus magic damage to the target and icon closest visible enemy
within 450 units of the target, chaining up to 4 subsequent targets.

In other words, Volibear's passive causes him to gain attack speed

whenever he deals damage, but this attack speed does not scale with level, just with
AP, so doing AP (skill power) causes volibear to gain attack speed
and increase the damage of the passive when it has 5 stacks, volibear's
passive is a fusion of the nashor tooth with the statikk knife

So, doing AP and still going at a fatal pace causes you to deal a LOT of
damage in your auto attacks and the fatal pace enhances this when it
grants an absurd amount of attack speed.

It is an ideal rune for DUELS and Split Push in TF you will face
difficulties because if you are not able to stack the passive your damage
decreases A LOT so if you are going to do TF try to accumulate your
passive in troops or in the Jungle to go all out in TF.
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It works very well against tanks, fighters, duelists, the problem is against
assassins and champions who want to keep their distance, in these cases it's better
Grasp (since we don't have PTA in WR) because the fatal pace you need to give
auto attacks to use the rune properly.



Cooldown: /13/12/11/10 Cost: 50 mana Range: 300


Volibear gains 10%/15%/20%/25% increased movement speed to 20%/ ,

30%/40%/50% towards enemy champions for the next 4 seconds. While active,
Volibear's next attack deals 15/40/65/90 (+100% bonus AD) physical damage
and stuns the target for 1 second.

If Volibear becomes immobilized before stunning a target, the duration of

Thundering Smash is reset

Against long-range champions (shooters/mages) and/or

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mobility like assassins or champions who make short exchanges

that play on top of combos and when their skills are on cooldown they
retreat maximize their Q ability

Movement speed increases and the ability's recharge time decreases

with level, so it is important to prioritize the ability during matchups
that want to keep your distance or will fight you and keep your
distance until the skills return EXAMPLE:
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Wild Fury
Cooldown: 5 Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 mana Range: 325

Volibear attacks an enemy, dealing 5/30/55/80

( +100% AD +5% HP bonus ) physical damage . If Volibear tags a champion
or large monster, he will go into a frenzy for 8 seconds.
If this Skill is used while in Frenzy, its damage is increased to

8/48/88/128 +160% AD + 8% HP bonus ) physical damage and Volibear restores

10 + 10% of health lost (+ 7% of bonus life) Health lost

Against Tanks, Duelists and fighters, maximize your W, as they are

champions that need to get close to you to fight, their skills work
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melee so you will be able to use your W constantly, healing yourself and
dealing increased damage from W

This is Volibear's main ability, its W is one of Volibear's marks,

healing increases according to the amount of life lost, so
the more injured you are the higher your W heals, you will want to
prioritize W against Tanks, Fighters and Duelists who like to do direct
and long exchanges Example:
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Cooldown: 13Cost: 60 manaRange: 1200


Volibear summons a thundercloud that shoots lightning, causing

80/110/140/170 (+50% AP) + 11% magic damage from maximum
health and slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.

If Volibear is within the blast zone, he gains 131 (75% AP)

+14% shield from maximum health for 3 seconds.

Damage against non-champions is capped at 150/250/350/450.

It can be prioritized but I don't recommend it

It's a very difficult skill to get right and to guarantee that you get it right
you must have your Q available, to get it without the Q you need to
have a lot of skill, the Wild Rift map is small and the skill takes a long time
to land so it's difficult to do. get it right, I don't recommend that you
level it as your main skill, I do it in some situations but it's because I
already know the champion, prioritize W or Q, leave E as a last resort =D.

The situations in which I prioritize E are when I'm against a difficult matchup and I
use E to pull the wave as quickly as possible and leave the enemy under the tower and
try to gain an advantage on the map, currently volibear is very strong so this is
unlikely to be the case. necessary, I do this on PC in some situations against Champions that are not
Illaoi e Yorick.
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Cooldown: 90/80/70 Cost: 100 mana Range: 550


Volibear transforms and jumps, gaining 175/350/525 Health and

50 Attack Range for the next 12 seconds.
Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, disabling nearby turrets for 3/4/5
seconds and dealing 300/450/600 ( +100% AP +200% bonus AD )
physical harm to them. Nearby enemies are slowed by 50% ,

decaying in 1 second. Enemies directly below Volibear suffering

300/450/600 ( +100% AP +200% AD bonus )
of physical damage .

How to play the Lane Phase

Volibear in Wild Rift can start by picking up Skysplitter first to deal a lot
of damage to the enemy champion and clear minions, having an
advantage when negotiating in lane with his shield. Volibear can then
use Thundercrush as a second ability to stun the enemy champion
making it easier to hit his E ability and at level 3 use Wild Fury
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When it's a favorable matchup, always maximize Wild Fury as it's the ability with the
shortest cooldown time (5 seconds) and heals you, making you stay healthy during the
laning phase, when you're against long-range champions that are difficult to apply. the
bites prioritize
his Thunder Crush ability that will give you movement speed allowing you to
reach the enemy and deal damage with your combo.

Volibear Level 1 is only strong if you get your skill right AND if you

make a mistake and you lose the exchange, the ideal time to face it is at level 2
when you get your Q to guarantee that you will hit the enemy with E and get the first
kill of the game, abuse volibear's passive to clear the wave quickly and get level 2

Volibear Combos

= Auto Attack = AA


This combo is simple, volibear's Q works as an auto attack and resets auto attack
so to maximize your damage in a short period of time do AA + Q + AA

Your E is the ability that causes the most damage but is the most difficult to hit, after being
cast it takes 2 seconds to land on both PC and WR

So to ensure you hit your E, use it and then stun the target with your Q and finish
with a self-attack.

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E + Q + A + W +A +W +A

Use it whenever you want to engage this combo will cause A LOT
of damage and at level 3 it is possible to execute it. Use your E
to cause damage and slow the enemy, preventing them from
being able to escape at the same time as you receive a large
shield to mitigate enemy damage , use your Q to guarantee
hitting E on the enemy and receiving a movement speed buff
that lasts for 4 seconds even after hitting the auto attack
the speed bonus remains, use your W whenever possible so it is
important to build skill acceleration because the skill time
does not decrease with the level just with the CDR of the items.

Engage Brush(Mato)


When you are in the Brush and see an enemy champion, use
your E to surprise him, when the volibear invokes the E he warns
you with the animation and voice + sound effect, however when
you use the E in the Brush or with your Q activated( Q hides the
invocation of E by canceling the skill's animation) the enemy
doesn't hear you and doesn't see you being
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Jump walls and surprise


E + R + AA + Q + AA + W + AA

In Wild Rift, when using your E, it gives you vision instantly

different from the PC, which only gives you vision when the skill is
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falling, take advantage of the vision of your E and the jump of your Ultimate (R)
to surprise the enemies (they don't expect it) the slowness of your ultimate
will prevent them from moving in time to
leave the area of effect of your E and still have the stun of your
Q to guarantee the full damage of this combo.

Dive Fast
Very difficult

E + R + AA + Q + AA + W + AA

When your opponent is under the tower thinking he is safe, show him that even
under the tower he is not free from the bear, if he has to ignite the chances of
killing increase a lot,
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let the wave accumulate to dive and kill him, causing him to lose a big wave,
falling behind in level and gold.

Which route should I play with Volibear in Wild Rift?

Volibear plays two routes very efficiently (Tier S) in Baron Lane and Jungle,
they are popular choices, on PC LOL volibear was the King of the Jungle
during season 12 with a Winrate above 54% so strong that it needed to be
nerfed and the core item which was the chemotank stopped being mythical
and became trash =C just like that to stop the bear's ability to negotiate well
makes him a strong laner. , Its tank capacity and
Volibear can dominate and exert pressure on the enemy, while also
providing a frontline presence in close-quarters fights.

team later.Focus on farming, controlling the wave, and looking for

opportunities to engage and defeat your opponent.

For our Volibear Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using it with
the following champions as they have good synergy with him.

Vi's Vault Breaker is very beneficial for Volibear when ganking his lane,
the small knock-up and gap closing ability helps a lot when ganking. Vi can
then use her Cease and Desist when she is close enough to the enemy. His
ultimate immobilizes the enemy, helping Volibear catch up with his
Thunderous Smash. Additionally, Vi's normal attacks
They inflict an armor reduction on the enemy, which gives them an advantage
when ambushing.
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Nautilus's group control abilities compete a lot with Volibear, which

needs to reach the target to be effective, benefiting Volibear a lot,
especially his anchor due to his ability to close gaps. Nautilus settings
for Volibear can easily turn into a death,

Other champions that work very well with volibear

All Volibear Wild Rift Counter Champions

In this section, I will specifically show you champions that can easily
counter-attack Volibear no Wild Rift.

Jax's Counter Strike is very strong against Volibear. Volibear's W

and Q count as a normal auto attack, so when Jax activates Counterattack,
the bite and stun do not work on Jax, as does Volibear's passive,
which counts as an auto attack. In addition, Jax's mobility
cannot go unnoticed.
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His Leap helps a lot by closing Volibear's gap, but it can also help
escape from him.

Vayne's silver darts cause true damage based on maximum health,

meaning the more health you have, the greater the damage Vayne causes
and this damage ignores all of your armor as it is true damage. Volibear
runs the risk of being attacked by champions of ranged attack, especially
the best ranged players. I recommend frozen heart to reduce attack
speed and a ninja tabi (galvanized steel boot) to reduce the damage from
Vayne's normal auto attacks

Currently many champions that are strong against volibear on PC are

not in Wild Rift and those that are strong in LOL and are present in Wild
Rift do not have the same runes and items as PC here and this
makes a LOT of difference, at this point in patch 4.2 Only Vayne and Jax can give yo
head off, this is running for the hug that is GG IZI.

Pros and cons about Volibear

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Ideal Bruiser against Tanks and other fighters

Ruptor is by far the best item for volibear AD/Tank currently the
Ruptor in Wild Rift is much better than LOL's Ruptor on PC, which deals
only 4% of maximum life as physical damage, while in Celulol it is 10% in
addition to healing, when against very strong champions

normally tanks and fighters who build a lot of health, disruption is by far the
best choice, the trinity compared to the interrupter is much inferior, it's not
worth it, always use the interrupter, it causes much more damage and still
heals you, the mov speed and attack speed of the trinity don't make up for it when you ha
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Excellent against tank and good in general because the reduction of

armor amplifies volibear damage.

Black Cleaver

Cleaver delivers everything Volibear likes Life+Damage+Move Speed

and it also has an armor reduction bonus, meaning your strikes will cause
even more damage as they reduce the ideal armor against tanks and
fighters, the armor reduction will amplify the damage of your auto attacks,
your W and your Q in addition to your ultimate and the Divine Ruptor that
deals physical damage to your arcane blade passive active.
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Other Items Depend on the situation

Against a full AD and Auto Attack team (Physical damage)

make Frozen Heart, by far the best item in the game against
physical damage champions

Good cons:

Against a team with a lot of magic damage or some

AP fed mage/assassin who is destroying the game
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Currently the force of nature is by far the BEST item against magic
damage by FAR, so strong that on PC LOL it was nerfed until it became rubbish =c

What makes the item so strong is the fact that you reduce all magical
damage received by 25%, it doesn't matter if the champion that generated
the accumulations in the item dies, the reduction effect is universal and
works for all magical damage from all enemy champions.

this effect of reducing 25% of magical damage becomes increasingly relevant

if the champions are strong, imagine a Veigar causing a combo of 1000
damage just through the effect of the item you have already reduced 250,
but if the veigar becomes stronger and it causes 3000 damage the reduced damage effe
same proportion i.e. you reduce 750 damage, void staff does not
penetrate this 25% reduction that is why it is so powerful, the stronger the
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magic damage is more worth this item, ideal against explosive combos and
full time ap.

Good against explosive damage mages and full AP team

Balanced AD and AP damage and lots of Team Fights and

group controls

Amaranto Doubleguard
Perfect item when the enemy team is balanced in terms of damage
there are AD and AP champions and they are at the same power level,
without having anyone who is really being a big problem, so in these cases,
double guard when you want to do a lot of team fighting, the bonus of
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Magic resistance here is perfect in a TF, in addition to tenacity, it is

crucial to stay under group control for as little time as possible.

When the team has a lot of CC (group control) and are good at TF,
always use this item, you will tank A LOT.

Excellent for taking explosive damage and still dealing damage

Sterak signal

I particularly recommend that you do the sterak sign when you are very
strong, as you will give up making a tank item to do the sterak sign,
which is more of a fighter item, it doesn't give you armor or
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magic resistance, so only do it when you have a lot of advantage over

the enemy team, if you are behind or more or less, don't do a third or fourth
item sterak sign, do a tank item because
you will survive much more easily, now if you are crushing the sterak
signal it will be a game changer you will increase your damage even more
and have a shield to save you if you end up being caught by surprise by the
enemy team.

Good against AD assassins and explosive fighters who will comb you and
take a lot of life.

Especially good against ZED

when ZED ultar he wants to eliminate you and the sterak signal gives you that
shield that will save you, if ZED is a problem make armor
is not always the solution after all there are many armor penetration items,
sterak signal is good against ZED as well as hourglass but sterak is
best for a Bruiser/tank build

Increase Healing and Shield

Spiritual Countenance
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Force of nature is the best item against magical damage, especially explosive magical
damage, but if there is no one on the enemy team giving Hit Kill You can make a spiritual
semblance which will be perfect and will greatly increase your W healing (bite) and increase
your Shield from your E (lightning that falls to the ground) excellent for long exchanges,
volibear takes advantage of the item in both forms HEALING AND SHIELD, few champions
have healing and shield to take advantage of the spiritual semblance, do it
when magical damage is not a big problem and want to improve the sustain of your
W and also of the Divine Ruptor that heals you.

Even against physical damage champions the item will be good because it
Increases your shield and healing.

Area damage and still tanking

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Fire cape is excellent when you want to deal a lot of damage in an area
and still be able to survive for a long time by amplifying your damage in the area.
Team Fight I recommend it when you need to deal damage and not give up
build tank excellent option combined with life items, the more life you have
the greater the damage of the fire cape as well as your E's shield and the
damage from your W.

When you want to Tank A LOT and deal damage

Ideal contra time Full AD

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The gauntlet, because it has the glow, makes you deal a lot of damage
especially because it scales with armor, on PC LOL it doesn't have this
scaling with additional armor, the item is perfect when you are against physical
damage champions that are difficult to play against and who want to keep
their distance, the slowness of the gauntlet helps to stick to the guy and
prevent him from running away from you, I highly recommend it when you are
against Vayne and snipers on the toplane or when you are suffering in the
lane phase, as the disruptor is very strong here currently, I recommend it little
that makes the gauntlet the interrupter is very good, I only recommend that you
use the gauntlet when the enemy team is FULL AD

Because you will make a lot of armor and increase the damage of the
gauntlet that scales with 25% of the additional armor.

Build para a Jungle

Movement speed

Dead Man's Breastplate

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Currently, Wild Rift does not have the turbo chemotank, which was a
PERFECT item for volibearing in the Jungle, it gave you movement
speed towards enemies, as it does not have in WR, so in the jungle you
will need to get as much movement speed as possible to help you reach
targets faster, the dead man's breastplate is the item that gives you the
most movement speed, you gain 5% movement speed and even
when you move you gain movement speed which accumulates to a
maximum of 60 speed With extra movement, you will be able to reach
targets much more easily, which is essential in the jungle.
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Another essential item in the jungle is the force of nature as the item gives
you 5% movement speed and when you accumulate the item's passive you
gain an additional 10% movement speed in addition to the reduction in magical damage

Build AP

You will ALWAYS start with Criafendas currently the construction of the
nashor tooth is very bad for the volibear so Criafendas ends up becoming
better to start

1 Item

To be created
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Criafendas is the best item when volleying AP because the Criafendas gives you
of Universal Vampirism, that is, you heal yourself every time a skill and
auto attack causes damage, volibear's passive needs time to work
so you have to accumulate the stacks 5 times to activate the additional
damage, and when you make long exchanges Riftmaker increases your
damage by 3% per second up to a maximum of 3x, that is, 9% additional
damage that is converted into TRUE DAMAGE, simply ignoring the
target's armor and magic resistance, very strong against tanks and fighters

Continuous damage and high attack speed

2 Item

Nashor's tooth
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Nashor tooth is essential in volibearing because it is self-focused

attacks when you are doing AP, your damage comes from the passive that
strengthens your self-attacks, and Nashor's tooth delivers all of this, your self-attacks
will cause magical damage on contact and will also convert 25% of your AP into
damage in self-attacks .


Starting with Nashor's Tooth is currently a mistake, the only item you can buy is
a dagger that only gives you attack speed, if you start with Rifts the first item
you buy is an amplifying tome that gives you AP, and the volibear converts
part of the AP into Attack speed, increases the damage of the passive and
increases the damage of your skill And that
It's the skill you'll get in 85% of cases. So starting from creation is better.

Support at a great cost-benefit

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I miss this boot, it disappeared years ago in League of Legends, as

there are no mythical items so you don't receive extra universal vampirism
from the Creavendas, it is limited to healing only 12% so you need
the voracious boot to increase your healing to one very low price, I highly
recommend purchasing Grevas Voracious.

Best Item for Splitting and loading the SOLO game

3 Item

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When you volibear AP you want to split (stay in a lane alone taking a
tower and win the game alone) and the best item to split is
precisely this Hullbreaker, the item causes you to deal 20% additional
damage to structures and gains a large amount of armor and magic
resistance becoming much stronger, in addition to buffing the large
allied troop, causing it to gain a lot of armor/magic resistance and
deal 200% additional damage to towers

NOTE: all these extra damage and resistance effects are only applied
when you are far from the team, if a teammate is nearby
you lose the bonus effects.

Build Summary
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Volibear AD ou AP?
Many ask me which is the best and I always answer

Team Fight: Volibear TANK e AD

Split Push e Duelos: Volibear AP

Both volibear Tank and Volibear AD/Bruiser are excellent in

the Early game and average/weak in the late game, volibear AP
is average in the early game and a MONSTER in the Late Game, so
it depends on the game mode you want.

As volibear AP depends on stacking the passive, a team fight is

It's very difficult to fit this style of play, it's like a yorick in TF if you kill
his minions in TF he doesn't do much, the same logic applies to
volibearing AP without a stacked passive.

Runes for Volibear in Wild Rift

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Grip of the Undead (Grasp)

every 3 seconds in combat, your next basic attack against a champion will:

deal additional magic damage equal to 3% of your maximum health +20%

Additional Physical Damage + 10% Ability Power,

heal you for 2% of your maximum health and permanently increase your
life in 5.

As the W skills and your E skill interact with life, it is a rune that has a very strong synergy,
the more life you have, the greater the damage of your W, which scales with 5% bonus
life on your first W and goes up to 8 % bonus life during the berserk state shield that
scales with 14% of the volibear's maximum life, the more , and his ability E has the
life the shield has, a volibear with 3500 life gains a shield of 490 while a volibear with
6500 life receives 910 shield. In other words, LIFE IS A SHIELD AND LIFE IS DAMAGE
in volibear.

Absence of PTA

Currently in Wild Rift there is no Press Attack (PTA) which is the best rune to
exchange shorts for Volibear so in the TOP lane I recommend Grasp now in Jungle I
recommend Conquistador as the grasp is best used when you are there in the lane
phase exchanging blows and stacking life with Grasp, as in the jungle you don't
interact that much with enemy champions, I recommend conqueror.

Grasp further increases his sustainability in teamfights, allowing him to engage

and initiate teamfights without fear. Alternatively, Conqueror also gives healing, but
Grasp is better because the longer the match lasts, the more you can permanently
accumulate life, the conqueror does not have this
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resource, and you already have a lot of healing, the Ruptor heals a lot,
your W also heals and the spiritual semblance increases the healing
even more so the conqueror is dispensable, if in the future the
healing of the rupturer or the grasp is nerfed then conqueror could
be an option even more interesting, at the beginning of the game
volibear is better in short exchanges than long ones because the
recharge time of your skills is high, grasp is great for combos and
getting out of the exchange with an advantage, unlike the conqueror
who likes very long exchanges.

Gain stacks of Adaptive Strength when hitting a Champion with different
attacks or abilities. Stacks up to 6 times when reaching maximum
stacks, gains 8% additional Universal Vampirism.

Per Stack: 2-6 Additional AD or 3-9 AP for 6 seconds

When you are against some fighters who are very tough and attack
speed alone will not be enough to guarantee the conqueror lane phase,
this is the best option.

NOTE: many of these matchups work with Grasp, the difference is the build that
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I recommend Conquistador against

Fatal Rhythm

Gain attack speed stacks when attacking enemy champions,

stacking up to 6 times. After reaching the maximum amount of stacks, you
gain additional attack speed and can exceed the attack speed limit.

Each stack gains 7%-13% attack speed for 6s.

Fatal Rhythm may not make sense at first on a champion like

Volibear who you normally see building tank items, so how can Fatal Rhythm
be a great rune? This is only possible because of volibear's passive, if he
had another passive, fatal rhythm would be a bad thing.
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Volibear's passive strengthens basic attacks, damaging up to 5 enemies

per attack, and the fatal rhythm accelerates auto attacks, further
increasing Volibear's DPS.

When you are doing AP you want to take advantage of the passive as
much as possible which is precisely to gain attack speed with AP, fatal
rhythm greatly enhances the ap volibear and when you have BRUTAL
in the runes your DPS increases even more.

Triumph heals Volibear after eliminating an enemy, giving him more

survivability in team fights.

Adaptive Carapace is excellent for volibearing because one of

Voli's characteristics is that it heals a lot the less health it has.
and this rune makes you more tanky when your health is below 50%,
combining the rune that makes you + resistant and your W which
increases healing the less life you have, you can surprise enemies
the less life you have.
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Demolishing gives Volibear the option of being a good split pusher

because of the damage it causes to the enemy tower, Volibear
is very oppressive in the Early game which guarantees that it will
leave the enemy under the tower and demolishing makes it possible
to get barricades quickly increasing even more your gold advantage
in the game, I highly recommend both Tank and AP.

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