Aug 2022

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT GBS SORTER Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2022 Natural Language Processing ‘Time: 3 hrs Max. pes: 1 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each mi Modute-1 s 1a. What is NLP? List and explain appliestions of NLP. omar) Briefly explain various levels of natural language processing (ontarts) oR 2 a. Describe C-structure and F-structure in LEG. Write C-strfeture and F-structure for the sentence ‘She saw stars” using the CFG rules as below. or reted a alps, S—> NP VP VP» VENPNP}PP'(S') PP-sPNP NP—sDet N{PP} S'->Comps aontarts b. Describe Paninian Framework for Indian lan ain Layered representation of Paninian Gramaaat und Karak theory. (a0 Mata) M 3. a. Describe DFA and NFA, Mention nite automation. (os ntaris Define Morphology. Explain ste ‘of Morphemes with exaruple. (Maks) &. Explain two step morphological eat diagram. oma) 4a, Write minimum Bait Dis mm (osmaria) What is POS tagging? E fle sod Tagger and Hybrid Taggers. Gomtaris ¢. Write CYK syntactic iii {osmtariy Modute-3 Sa. Explain two ma of elation extraction, (osntaris . Describe the pattemtagd (Dexiract relationship berween two entity with a given sentence (Os Maris) e. Write lowing ), @ 1 stein Go Meris) oR 6a © Learning Stategy stops for acquiring labels from a human unnotator (er Mtark) What are the different steps used to achieve the goal of ease annotation? (07M) briempescribe the following GP” Dornain knowlege i) Domain concept i) Knowledge Roles. (06 tare) 1 of? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18¢8743, 4 7 a. What is START? List the reading strategies used by ISTART, «oon Explain Literal word matching and soundex word matching approaches. een €. Brefly describe LSA feedback systems, Mention four benchmarks used by LS; the level ofan explanation oR 8 a, Briefly describe the evolutionary model for knowledge discovery from texs wit diagram -) bs Deserbe the following ¥ @ Topic models Gi) Cohesion and Cohesion matrix, ao ntarks Modute-s 9s Explain base information Retrieval process with a neat diagr (06 dtarts .Deeribe the following approaches used in LR. (Indexing Gi) Stop words elimination iy. Stemming (oontares Slate and explain the importance of Zipf law relazed to Wk dMibution in NLP. Starks) on 10. a, Explain the following alternative IR mode (Cluster model Gi) Fuzzy model (uo xtarks) Deseribe cosine and Jaccard Similar for IR, (oatarks) ©. Describe ted term weightage a (ost) « 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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