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Title: Auditors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL under indefinite

partnership, to be employed abundantly but covertly throughout the United States, a revised and
fundamental policy of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL

[Sole] Author: Shawn Dexter John, Master of Arts

Universities of Affiliation: Howard University (Washington, DC) and Saint Thomas University
(College of Law - Miami Gardens, FL)

Sole Location of the Author's [Agency] Employment: Florida, United States

Indefinite stature: author not under legal/audit inquiry or penalty (with none required by law or

Date of Updated Re-transcription: 10/30/2023

Central Intelligence Agency (Work Paper)


I did serve as an affirmed auditor for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), under INTERPOL
supervision, as part of a sealed experiment of only positive values, despite flaws encountered
within conditions assessed in documenting and compiling verbal and written reports for effectual
use by managers of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). My success and development have
shaped our perspective on what ought to be enumerated within the guidelines supposed for
convincing the enactment of proper, proficient, and operative activism on behalf of our human
development project. The United States government, in being contracted to appreciate the
value, procedures, and effectiveness of the United Nations (UN), shall remain under procedural
and discreet audit, and indefinitely so, and will be matured into exceptional and unbreachable
competence for supervising the operations of the United Nations (UN), the headquarters of the
current form and the future capital district of the World Government of the UN, also to be located
in New York City, in half a century most expressly.

The following provides the limits and allowances associated with auditors here in the United
States and, within time (timely), throughout the globe in corresponding with the comprehensive
evolution of our stated partnership and the system of the United Nations (UN). The terms
provided shall not be construed or interpreted as communicating minimalism in conducting
ethical and constitutional audit (and/or its discreet supervision):

(1) Auditors of the CIA and/or INTERPOL shall not be mistreated by any government or
private actor/party in defiance of logic, pragmatism, or fundamental or constitutional
right(s) addressing human and/or professional condition(s),
(2) Auditors shall remain discreet in their operation but shall not be targeted simply to deter
their proper conduct, the credibility of auditing agent(s) (or the CIA and/or INTERPOL or
contractee), or to remove the threat of [ethically] lawful inquiry, arrest, and/or
(3) No government or private actor/party shall discriminate against auditor(s) and/or
associate(s) for having been born within or outside the jurisdiction of the respective
country of operation (including the United States when serving as the country of activity
or representation),
(4) No government or private actor/party shall deter auditor(s) from committing to their
official guidelines, duties, and/or competence under threat, per detrimental agreement,
per gifting, or in accordance with the law(s) and/or protocol(s) of the respective country
of activity or representation,
(5) Both (1) auditors and the addressed government and (2) the corresponding constituency
shall be fair in conducting their corresponding activities, procedural and civil respectively,
and in petitioning for and/or effecting legal response toward addressing unlawful
activit(ies); no game shall be created for negating the law(s) (including international
law[s]), polic(ies), and contractual term(s) immediately engaging any respective country
of activity or representation (and in general),
(6) The laws and policies applicable to any country of audit operation, general or special,
shall apply to any corresponding [abroad or internal] province and to any corresponding
territory (including constituent-state or dependency or [abroad] province); both in general
and in responding to audit procedures, variance in laws amongst provinces and
territories (and municipalities/localities) shall not breach fundamental right(s)
[traditionally/contemporarily] associated with social [demographic] group(s) historically
discriminated against or those in general (concerning both, those deemed fundamental
but [ethically] applied),
(7) Auditor(s) shall not be communicated as enemy combatant(s) or sp(ies) - the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL (alongside the UN in the evolution of this
sector of international work) shall make a good faith effort, at all instances, to document
clearly their auditing agents and associates; auditors shall be trained to work in a
manner which does not demand any legal restriction, restraint, or custody in order to
remain [justifiably] hidden or covert for security and other fundamental (or effective)
reasons as needed for lawfully appreciating the integrity of addressed government and
society (and for promoting good government and public relations in general); appropraite
senior officials of governments, in being non-combative and non-preclusive in relation,
shall knowingly assent to the lawful covert operation of discreet auditors of relation,
(8) Citizen(s) are not immune from legal penalt(ies) duly derived consequent to the audit
procedure(s) and work of auditing agent(s)/agenc(ies) of the sanctioned international
community; government shall not perceive itself as having or harnessing an obligation to
prootect guilty government and/or private actor(s)/part(ies), including citizen(s) and
diplomat(s), due to any purpose (including that relatable to patriotism, party politics, or
such) within this sort of condition and in general; the mandatory public defense of
defendants does not communicate an intent to protect or communicate the protection of
unlawful activit(ies) in general, and
(9) Government(s) shall not conspire to maliciously train auditor(s) and/or associate(s) for
contracting with the CIA, INTERPOL, or any other domestic/international agency toward
end(s) not diplomatic or ethical in nature; no government or private actor/party shall
maliciously train auditor(s) for conducting activit(ies) within organ(s) of the United
Nations (UN) for arbitrarily disqualifying its operation(s), for disqualifying its existence
and/or constitutional (and lawfully effective) activism, for depreciating its constitutional
credibility on the world stage, or for sabotaging the membership or credibility of any
Member State (or [implicitly] its corresponding government).
Addendum to the above:

*(10) No area of government operation or function shall be precluded from being audited by the
United Nations (UN) via its contracted or internal agencies sanctioned for indiscriminately doing
so, currently the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL jointly, an obligation soon to
be communicated officially to Member States; the governments of Member States, sometimes
referred to as Member Governments, shall work, per [standard] protocols, with the United
Nations (UN) for granting proficient access to the United Nations (UN) and, where existent, its
supplemental contractor(s) throughout Member States; no assignment shall remove or ignore
any fundamental or [ethical] complementary protection of citizens and/or residents related to
privacy, however,
*(11) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL will work toward creating a
competent, proficient, ethical, and studious United Nations intelligence and security agency -
this Agency, upon its lawful, expressed, and perfectly effectual incorporation, will replace the
stated audit partnership (CIA-INTERPOL) for attending to the detailed duties of international
auditors, and
*(12) Auditor here refers to "an individual trained and hired to conduct non-financial, financial,
and/or other instrumental assessment(s), clinical and procedural in nature, for inducing
petition(s), report(s), and order(s) toward appreciating or inducing good government and sound
public relations in every Member State (and territory/dependency) of the United Nations (UN).

Name of [Work Paper] Series Author: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
Institution Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Religion of Shawn Dexter John: Roman Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing
Author's Concentration: Law and Government; Ethics
Author's: Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American
Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)
Language of Direct Communication: American English
Handicap/dysfunction status: no medical, physical, or mental handicap/dysfunction (present or
in the past)

Sole author of Communicated Re-transcriptions: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn
John or Shawn D. John)
Sole conceptualist and author of all original, re-transcribed, and revised publications of relation
(meaning writings presented as authored by Shawn Dexter John): Shawn Dexter John (also
identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)
Sole transcriber and typist of all published literary works presented as authored by Shawn
Dexter John: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)

Author's Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

States of Author's former residence: Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York
Countries/territories of former residence (all INTERPOL-related): the Commonwealth of
Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, the constituent-state of Aruba (of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands), and the territory of Puerto Rico (of the United States)

Author's biological parents: Clay Crispin John (father, currently located in Canada) and Anita
Phillip (mother, currently located in Antigua and Barbuda)
Author's former legal guardian: Tess Mann-John (step-mother, currently located in Charlotte,
North Carolina, United States)
Author's Professional Affiliate: Karl Lawrence Chen (uncle by marriage, currently located in the
United States)
Author's complement: Chad Shem John (biological and accustomed brother, currently located in
Florida, United States)

Author's favorite artist(s): Nat King Cole and Black Eyed Peas

Nature of the Author's Series of Publications: Non-fictional

Purpose of Author's Series of Work Papers: to be formally and effectively applied by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the [managerial] superintendence of Shawn Dexter John and
complimentary Associates
Professional blog-site hosting the [series] publications:

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