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DECEMBER 6, 2023
Perform basic preventive and
corrective maintenance
Store nail care tools and equipment
1. Flammable and combustible chemicals are
stored away from potential sources of ignition
such as an open flame or an electrical device.
2. All nail care chemicals are stored in
closed bottles or containers.
3. Storage units:

 Cabinets, drawers, containers used for storage of

implements and towels are clean
4. Supplies

a. Unused supplies, except product

application brushes, are stored in a clean,
closed container or drawer
5. Implement Storage
 Implements that have been used on a client or
soiled in any manner are placed in a properly
labeled covered receptacle until disinfected
6 . Towels
Cloth towels are deposited in a closed
receptacle after use
Practicing Occupational Health
and Safety Procedures
Occupational health and safety

 planned system of working to prevent illness

and injury in the workplace. It involves
recognizing and identifying specific hazards
and risks
An occupational health and safety management system
should consists of the following:

1. Management Commitment.

establishing an OHS policy

identifying its objectives
2. Planning
• How the business ensures sound
OHS practices are

• Who is assigned and responsible

for the implementation?
3. Consultation
Employees must have a basic understanding of
what could be considered high-risk activities in
the salon
4. Training
5. Risk management
Steps to risk assessment:

1. Identifying hazards and risks

2. Evaluate hazards and risks
3. Control hazards and risks

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