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Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS Language Institute

Final speaking exam – Instructions.

Good morning, dear students, these are the indications for your final speaking exam.

Answer the questions from part one recording yourself during minimum 3 minutes. Additionally,
answer part two during 2 more minutes describing a picture. Finally, give your opinion about one
quote from part three during 1 last minute.

This recording is a video of minimum 5 minutes. I need to see you when talking, use different
recourses, show the picture, and try not to edit the video so it can be like a face-to-face conversation.

Part one:

a) What were your favorite free time activities when you were a child? Mention two activities.
b) What did you do on last little candles’ day? Describe that day.
c) Where were you on your last vacations? What did you do and eat?

Part two:

In this part, look for a picture of you, your family or friends mentioning the event, people and
relations, actions, clothes, place, food…etc. Please, show the picture when talking and describing
it. You can be creative if you consider it.

Part three:

Read the following three quotes. Choose one and answer next questions. What is your opinion
about the quote? Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.


 “Money is more important that love.”

 “Family is not an important thing. It is everything.”
 “A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself.”


The deadline for sending this video is on Monday 11th before 12:00 pm. You can upload the video
or the link. If it is a link, please check that it can be public, so I can click on it a watch the video
easily. In this folder, you can upload the video. You can open the folder or copy and paste the link
on the web browser.

Folder: Final Speaking Exam ENG I PB4 - 2023-2


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