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QUIZ 1 MODULE 8 20/20 8.

These are Japanese Five Ss to reduce

waste, except.
1. Originally associated with Toyota managers SOZIMO
like Taiichi Ohno and his Kanban system,
encompasses continuous problem solving to
eliminate waste. Today it is also referred to
9. A Japanese word for good change or
as lean or lean thinking.
continuous improvement

2. Is also known as a pull system. An operating

10. sets out the criteria for a quality management
system where synchronized work takes
system and is the only standard in the family
place only upon authorization from another
with a certification for organizations.
downstream user in the system rather than
ISO 9000
strictly to a forecast.
11. sets out the criteria for an environmental
management system and offers
organizations certifications.
3. A system that stresses a commitment by top
ISO 14000
management to enable a firm to identify
customer expectations and excel in meeting
and exceeding those expectations. A type of
12. A tool that allows users to determine the
TQM method devised by Motorola
frequencies of specific problems.

4. A Japanese word meaning waste of anything

13. Tools that use annotated boxes representing
that does not add value
process action elements and ovals
representing wait periods, connected by
arrows to show the flow of products or
customers through the process. This tool is
5. A Japanese word for card; it is a visual tool the necessary first step to evaluating any
used in lean production
manufacturing or service process

6. These are Taiichi Ohno's Seven Wastes,

14. A useful method for organizing applications
except of data in many formats; based on the work
of_____________, a 19th century
economist; indicates process problems from
most to least severe _____: Refers to the
7. Developed by the US textiles industry in the observation that 20% of something is
mid-1980's as an offshoot of JIT and was typically responsible for 80% of the results.
based on merchandisers and suppliers. PARETO CHARTS
working together to respond more quickly to
consumer needs by sharing information,
resulting in better customer service and less
inventory and waste
15. Allows firms to visually monitor process QUIZ 2 MODULE 9&11 20/20
performance, compare the performance to
1. Logistics are necessary to move goods from
desired levels or standards, and take
buyers to suppliers and finished goods to
corrective steps quickly before process
variabilities get out of control and damage
products, services, and customer
relationships _____: A method that monitors
process variabilities and then collects and 2. The Objective of Transportation is to minimize
plots sample measurements of the process value to support & provide profit and ensure
over time. The means of these sample service is provided affectively to satisty
measures are plotted on the charts customer needs.
16. A method that is used to aid in brainstorming
and isolating the causes of a problem.
Typically, there are four causes of problems 2. These are classification of transportation
called the 4 M’s: ____ 4 M's: Materials, companies, except.
machines, methods, and manpower. Root Transit carriers
Causes: The most significant/potential cause
of a problem that impacts the process.
CAUSE & EFFECT 3. Transit carriers serve the public at published
rates between locations without
17. Quality Planning, Quality control, and Quality discrimination.
improvement are trilogy. False

18. Four Absolutes of Quality are quality is 4. Carriers creates the flow of goods between
conformance to requirements, The system of supply chain partners, such that costs.
quality is prevention, The performance service requirements, competitive advantage
standard is zero defects, the measure of and profits can be optimized
quality is the price of non-conformance. False
These are whose contribution?
CROSBY’S CONTRIBUTION 5. The responsibility of _____is to create both
time utility and place utility, which means that
19. A Six Sigma quality metric products will be delivered at precisely the
Formula: right time to the desired location.
(Number of defects/ (OFD per unit) (number Transportation
of units)) x 1,000,000
# Defects
6. A small LTL shipment that originates on a
truck in Los Angeles to Phoenix where it is
Units x Opportunities Per Unit (1000 x 10) =
unloaded and put onto another truck for final
shipment to Denver would be considered an
international shipment since it utilizes more
than one vehicle during shipment.
20. Under workforce empowerment, employees
are cross-trained to add processing flexibility
and to increase the workforce's ability to
7. Generally speaking, rail carriers are
solve problems and employees are trained to
expensive than motor carriers
provide quality inspections as parts enter a
process area.
8. in cost-of-service pricing, the cost of shipping 15. Which of the following Not a Fundamentals
increases proportionally with distance of Transportation?
False Minimize value to the firm through price and
delivery negotiations
9. With FOB pricing, a supplier is the legal
owner of a product until the product reaches 16. Which of the following Not under Third Party
its destination Logistics (3PL) Services!
True Not Favored by small businesses

10. When a supplier provides a price quote to a 17. The following are true about Reverse
buyer for supplies that includes Logistics, except.
transportation to the buyers location this is Not in the list
known as FOB destination pricing, or free on
board to the shipment destination. 18. Domestic logistics is a Transportation across
True national boundaries introduces added
complexity, particularly security.
11. The primary difference between FOB False
origination and FOB destination is that FOB
destination requires that the supplier legal 19. reverse logistics programs Designed to
own the product until reaches destination; in return unneeded products for recycling.
FOB origination the buyer takes ownership These programs reduce environmental
immediately and is thus responsible for impact on landfills & deal with dangerous
arranging delivery contaminants
False Green

12. According to the textbook, the five basic

modes of transportation are motor, rail, air,
water, and cyberspace.

13. while transportation regulation and

deregulation both have their supporters,
proponents of regulation consider it to be
good since it is said to encourage
competition and allows the negotiation of
prices to dictate market costs.

14. Some of the e-commerce related services

that transportation companies offer
nowadays to remain competitive include
allowing customers to plan itineraries, get
freight quotes, and track shipments online
QUIZ 3 MODULE 10 to 14 19/20 6. The seven R’s rules standard for having the
right supplier, in the right quantity in the
1. Supplier Relationship Management refers to
right condition at the right place at the right
he focusing on customer requirements and
time for the right customer at the right cost.
then delivering products and services in a
manner that results in high levels of customer
7. The following is the exact order of the six
steps to designing and implementing
successful CRM programs.
2. The building and maintain of profitable long • Creation
term customer relationship. • Select
• DRP • Involve
• QFD • Integrate
• MRP • Establish
• CSR • Providing
CRM False

3. These helps firm to seek position as value 8. Establish performance measures allows the
enhancing suppliers to their customer firm to determine if objectives have been met
except. Firms must: and does not need to compare actual to
planned variance.
• Create method for finding and
developing good condition
• Create methods for becoming and
staying good suppliers themselves
9. Successful CRM programs require.
• Certify its intermediate customers as
• Treating customers right and making
to their ability to adequately them self-valued
represents their firms’ products • Cultural change
Not in the list • Information gathered from CRM
software applications
• Employee engagement and treating
4. CRM is also referring to automated customers right and making
transaction and communication application All of the above
however this may cause problems for some
firms if they seek to replace automation for
dealing directly with customers don’t know 10. Which of the following not a key tool and
how to use the software or if the company components of CRM?
objectives exceed the capabilities of the • Target marketing efforts
software. • Segmenting customers
True • RM or PM
• Not in the list
5. Customer service can come at a cost for Mobile marketing
variables such as delayed transport, lesser
safety stock levels, more service provider
training and better communication system. 11. When a customer takes their automobile to a
False car wash the car wash it does not provide
state utility to the vehicle.
19. Service location and layout strategies should
have a short-term monetary impact use a
12. Service organization need to consider the decision matrix to help make decision given
fact that the services they provide are not
relevant factors.
consumed by the immediate customer, False
rather services are typically passed on to
customers farther down a distribution
20. Which on not strategies to use when demand
exceeds capacity
Employee scheduling policy
13. The five dimension of service quality include:
Part time employees
reliability, durability, performance,
Cross training employees
aesthetics and availability. Not in the list

14. Service facilities are normally centralized.


15. The optimal capacity utilization for an

organization would be 100%.

16. Cost training workers is a typical capacity

management technique for times when
demand exceeds capacity.

17. Long term customer satisfaction especially in

the face of the services failures, requires
organization to empower front line service
personal to identity problem and then provide
solutions quickly and an empathetic way.

18. Differences between goods and services

Services decentralize
Services unique
Services cannot be inventoried
Services high customer interaction
Service centralizes

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