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User’s Guide

for the

Stormscope ®

Series II Weather Mapping Sensor

Model WX-500
Stormscope® System Advantages
L-3 Avionics Systems, one of the world’s most experienced
companies in airborne thunderstorm avoidance instruments,
is pleased to welcome you to the family of tens of thousands
of pilots who are enjoying the benefits of safer flight with a
Stormscope® weather mapping system.

The Original
Don’t be fooled by Stormscope system look-alikes. There is
only one Stormscope system, and only one company that
makes the Stormscope line of weather mapping systems. The
Stormscope system, the original, most accurate weather
mapping system is manufactured by L-3 Avionics Systems.

Fly with Greater Confidence

You now own one of the leading instruments in the world
for airborne detection and mapping of thunderstorms.
Unlike any other product, your new Stormscope sensor will
enable you to make better informed thunderstorm avoidance
decisions so you can fly more safely and with greater confi-
dence than ever before.

Convenient Features
The advanced, patented technology in your new Stormscope
sensor was developed over many years and is so unique, so
revolutionary, it surpasses all others. Here are some of its
• Precisely maps electrical discharges up to 200 nmi away
• Provides for a 120° forward view and a 360° view of the
surrounding airspace
• Outputs both cell and strike data

A A Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

User’s Guide
for the

Stormscope ®

Series II Weather Mapping Sensor

Model WX-500

Methods and apparatus disclosed and described herein have been developed solely on company funds
of L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc. No government or other contractual support or rela-
tionship whatsoever has existed which in any way affects or mitigates proprietary rights of L-3 Commu-
nications Avionics Systems, Inc. in these developments. Methods and apparatus disclosed herein may
be subject to U.S. Patents existing or applied for. L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc. reserves
the right to add, improve, modify, or withdraw functions, design modifications, or products at any time
without notice.
© Copyright 1997, 2001, 2003
L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.

Stormscope® is a registered trademark of L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.

The white L3 in a circle design logo is a trademark of L-3 Communications Corporation.

Designed and manufactured in the United States of America by

L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.
5353 52nd Street, S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49512 USA
(800)253-9525 or (616)949-6600
Fax (616)285-4224
Safety Summary
These warnings and cautions appear later in this guide and
are repeated here for emphasis:

WARNING Never use your Stormscope system to attempt to penetrate a

page 4-1 thunderstorm. The FAA Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunder-
storms, and the Airman’s Information Manual (AIM) recom-
mend that you “avoid by at least 20 miles any thunderstorm
identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo.”

CAUTION There are several atmospheric phenomena other than nearby

page 4-1 thunderstorms which can cause isolated discharge points in the
strike display mode. Clusters of two or more discharge points in
the strike display mode however do indicate thunderstorm
activity when they reappear after clearing the screen. Avoid the
clusters and you’ll avoid the thunderstorms. In the cell display
mode, even a single discharge point may represent thunderstorm
activity and should be avoided.

ii Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide
Important Notice
All Stormscope® WX-500 functions are controlled through
various Multi-Function Displays (MFDs). The many capabili-
ties of the WX-500 allow MFD manufacturers to create
screens compatible with the various functions of their
display. The display screens illustrated in this guide are
intended to be characteristic of a group of MFDs that are
configured to work with the WX-500. The examples are
intended to assist the pilot in interpreting lightning data
output by the WX-500. Each MFD shows the information
consistent with the capabilities of that particular display.

Revision Highlights
This revision C of the user’s guide makes the following changes:
• Changes occurences of “Goodrich Avionics Systems” to
“L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.” or just “L-3
Avionics Systems” and makes related company contact
information changes. (On March 28, 2003, Goodrich
Corporation sold its Avionics Systems division to L-3
Communications Corporation.)
• Eliminates the Warranty Information chapter. Warranty
information is now provided on a separate warranty card.
• Increases typeface size and adds more white space.
• Edits text for improved readability.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide iii

Table of Contents Page

List of Illustrations

List of Tables
Chapter 1, System Description ........... 1-1
General Description ............................................................... 1-1
Processor ................................................................................1-2
Antenna ................................................................................. 1-2
Functional Description ........................................................... 1-2
Cell Data ............................................................................... 1-3
Strike Data ............................................................................. 1-3
Strike Rate ............................................................................. 1-3
Features ................................................................................. 1-4

Chapter 2, Storm Mapping Principles .. 2-1

Anatomy of a Thunderstorm ................................................... 2-1
Stages of a Thunderstorm ........................................................2-3
The WX-500 & Weather Radar .............................................. 2-4

Chapter 3, Operation ........................ 3-1

Introduction ..........................................................................3-1
Power-Up............................................................................... 3-1
Continuous & Operator-Initiated Self Test .............................. 3-1
Clear All Discharge Points ....................................................... 3-2
Heading Stabilization ............................................................. 3-2
Error Messages ....................................................................... 3-2

Chapter 4, Weather Display Interpretation . 4-1

Introduction ..........................................................................4-1
Radial Spread ......................................................................... 4-2
Typical Patterns ...................................................................... 4-3
Mapping Headings Past Thunderstorms .................................. 4-6
Special Patterns ..................................................................... 4-10

Chapter 5, Specifications .................. 5-1

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide v

List of Illustrations Title Page
1-1 WX-500 Major Components ......................................................... 1-1
1-2 WX-500 Functional Diagram ........................................................1-2
2-1 Electrical Discharges in Thunderstorms .......................................... 2-1
2-2 Discharge Rate a Function of Wind Shear ....................................... 2-2
4-1 Airspace Diagram ..........................................................................4-1
4-2 Three Clusters Within 200 nmi ..................................................... 4-3
4-3 Range Changed to 100 nmi ........................................................... 4-4
4-4 Two Clusters Within 200 nmi ........................................................4-5
4-5 Range Set at 200 nmi ..................................................................... 4-6
4-6 Aircraft Progresses 100 nmi ............................................................ 4-7
4-7 Range Changes to 100 nmi ............................................................ 4-8
4-8 Aircraft Turns to Avoid Thunderstorms .......................................... 4-9
4-9 Randomly Scattered Discharge Points ...........................................4-10
4-10 Cluster & Splattering Within 25 nmi ...........................................4-11
4-11 Discharge Points Off the Aircraft’s Nose ........................................ 4-12
4-12 Line of Discharge Points While Taxiing .........................................4-13
4-13 Developing Cluster Within 25 nmi .............................................. 4-14

List of Tables Title Page
3-1 Error Messages .............................................................................. 3-3
5-1 WX-500 Specifications .................................................................. 5-1

vi Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide
Chapter 1
System Description

General Description
The Stormscope® Series II Weather Mapping Sensor, model
WX-500 (figure 1-1) detects electrical discharges from
thunderstorms within a 200 nmi radius of the aircraft. This
information is then sent to an external Multi-Function
Display (MFD) that plots the location of the thunderstorms.
The WX-500 is a passive sensor that listens for electromag-
netic signals with a receiving antenna. There’s no transmitter
and no harmful transmissions. The WX-500 works as well on
the ground as it does in the air, thereby giving the pilot
important planning information before takeoff.

Processor Antenna
Figure 1-1. WX-500 Major Components
Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-1
Major Components Chapter 1 – System Description

This compact, tray-mounted computer processor receives
electrical discharge information from the antenna, processes
it to determine range and azimuth, processes the heading
input, then forwards the information for presentation on the
MFD. The processor may be installed almost anywhere in
the aircraft.

This combined crossed-loop and sense antenna is sealed in
an aerodynamic flat-pack and mounted on the outside of the
aircraft where it detects electrical discharges associated with
thunderstorms. Stormscope thunderstorm detection systems
can correlate the electric and magnetic signatures of light-
ning strikes better than other systems due to their patented
sense channel technology. The antenna is designed to help
filter out pulsed noise from sources other than atmospheric
electrical discharges.

Functional Description
Figure 1-2 and the following paragraphs describe how the
major components of the WX-500 connect to each other and
to other aircraft systems.
Electromagnetic Signals Radiating from Atmospheric
Electrical Discharges Associated with Thunderstorms
RS-232 Discharge
or Signals
RS-422 Antenna
Test Strike
Control Antenna
±12 V dc

Heading Input External Comm Power

Clear Mic Input
Heading Valid Input Input Inhibit 11–32 V dc

Figure 1-2. WX-500 Functional Diagram

1-2 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 1 – System Description Functional Description

The antenna detects the electric and magnetic fields gener-

ated by intra-cloud, inter-cloud, or cloud-to-ground electri-
cal discharges that occur within a 200 nmi radius of the
aircraft and sends the resulting “discharge signals” to the
processor. The processor digitizes, analyzes, and converts the
discharge signals into range and bearing data then stores the
data in memory. The processor then sends this information
to the MFD as cells and strikes. The WX-500 updates the
MFD every 2 seconds.

Cell Data
The WX-500 uses a clustering algorithm to locate storm cells.
Cell data is most useful during periods of heavy electrical
discharge activity. Displaying cell data during these periods
allows the pilot to quickly see where the cells are without having
to sift through and analyze a screen full of discharge points.

Strike Data
Strike data is most useful during periods of light electrical
activity because strike data may show the initial discharges
associated with a building thunderstorm sooner than cell
data would. The WX-500 plots strike discharge points in
relation to where the discharges are actually detected instead
of plotting them close to an associated group of discharge
points as is done with cell data.

Strike Rate
Pilots may use the strike rate (approximate number of strikes
per minute) to determine if storm cells are building or
decaying. The MFD calculates the strike rate for the current
range and view.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-3

Features Chapter 1 – System Description

• Detects and plots intra-cloud, inter-cloud, and cloud-to-
ground electrical discharges
• Operates passively requiring no transmitter
• Allows total control through the MFD
• Detects discharges up to 200 nmi away
• Outputs cell and strike data to the MFD
• Repositions discharge points automatically on the display
relative to the latest aircraft heading (heading stabilization)
when connected to a compatible heading system
• Performs three types of self test: power-up, continuous,
and operator-initiated
• Allows the pilot to clear discharge points using a remotely-
mounted “clear screen” button (not supplied)
• Inhibits thunderstorm processing when the communica-
tions transmitter is keyed to prevent the processing of
corrupted data (some installations need to use this mic
inhibit feature, others don’t)

1-4 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 2
Storm Mapping
Anatomy of a Thunderstorm
The WX-500 is intended to help pilots avoid the dangers
associated with thunderstorms (convective wind shear,
lightning, icing, tornadoes, etc.). The WX-500 locates
thunderstorms by detecting the electrical discharges that
thunderstorms always generate. Figure 2-1 shows how
thunderstorms create electrical discharges and radiate
electromagnetic signals.
Cold Air Mass

Cold Air Mass

Warm Air Mass

Warm Air Mass



a b c d

Figure 2-1. Electrical Discharges in Thunderstorms

a. The convective flow of air currents (warm air going up

and cold air going down) leads to friction between the
opposing air currents and wind shear in the space
between the opposing air currents. The closer together
the opposing air currents are, the greater the shearing
force of the air currents.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-1

Anatomy of a Thunderstorm Chapter 2 – Storm Mapping Principles

b.The friction between the opposing air currents causes

electrical charges in the area to separate. As positive (+)
and negative (–) electrical charges are separated, they
accumulate in masses of similar charges (positive
charges near the top of the cloud and negative charges
near the bottom).
c. Electrical discharges occur as the accumulated masses
of separated positive and negative charges attempt to
rejoin. These discharges continue to occur repetitively
as long as the convective wind shear persists. A few of
the discharges are visible as lightning, but most electri-
cal discharges occur within a cloud or between clouds
and are hidden by those clouds. Only a small percent-
age of discharges occurs between the clouds and the
ground. Cloud to ground lightning occurs when the
negatively charged lower part of a cloud induces a
positive charge on an object on the ground. The
immense charge separation finally breaks down the
insulating air and a discharge occurs dumping negative
charge from the cloud onto the object and the sur-
rounding ground.
d.All electrical discharges radiate electromagnetic signals
in all directions close to the speed of light. The electro-
magnetic signals have unique characteristics and
varying rates of recurrence and signal strength.
Figure 2-2 shows that the rate of electrical discharges de-
tected in an area is directly related to the amount of convec-
Electrical Discharges
Increasing Rate of

Light Moderate Severe

Increasing Turbulence Due to Convective Wind Shear

Figure 2-2. Discharge Rate a Function of Wind Shear

2-2 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 – Storm Mapping Principles Stages of a Thunderstorm

tive wind shear turbulence present. In fact, as convective wind

shear increases, the rate of electrical discharges increases at an
increasing rate. This relationship means that if you find the
electrical discharges, you’ve found the wind shear.

Stages of a Thunderstorm
All thunderstorms begin as cumulus clouds, build to an
intense mature stage, and finally dissipate. Each of these
stages in the life of a thunderstorm present a different set of
dangers to aircraft. The WX-500 maps all stages in the life of
a thunderstorm so that you won’t be caught unaware by a
thunderstorm that can build, mature, and dissipate in as
little as 20 minutes.

Cumulus Stage
The cumulus or beginning stage of a thunderstorm is usually
precipitation free. In this stage, the risks to an aircraft and
its occupants include strong vertical winds, severe turbu-
lence, icing, and convective wind shear.

Mature Stage
In the mature and most intense stage of a thunderstorm, the
water droplets within the cloud collide and combine to form
rain and hail and, at cooler temperatures, sleet and snow. This
stage poses many hazards to aircraft including heavy precipita-
tion, high winds, convective wind shear, severe turbulence,
downbursts, hail, icing, tornadoes, and lightning.

Dissipating Stage
In the dissipating stage, the updraft weakens and at the same
time, the convective wind shear and other hazardous condi-
tions begin to subside. There may be high rainfall rates in
this stage, but the severe dangers are diminishing.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-3

Storm Mapping Technology Chapter 2 – Storm Mapping Principles

The WX-500 & Weather Radar

The storm mapping technology used in the WX-500 is
fundamentally different than the technology used in weather
radar. Weather radar operates by transmitting UHF radio
waves in the direction of interest and then receiving echoes
from water droplets, whereas the WX-500 operates by
receiving signals already present in the atmosphere due to
electrical discharges. The WX-500 processor analyzes the
unique characteristics of these signals, their signal strength,
and their varying rates of recurrence to determine the
location and intensity of the thunderstorms that generated
the discharges. The WX-500 can receive radiated electromag-
netic signals from electrical discharges up to 200 nmi away.
One disadvantage of weather radar is that the cumulus stage
of a thunderstorm (usually precipitation free) is unlikely to
appear on weather radar; however, it generally does contain
electrical discharges which will be detected by the WX-500 as
a light but increasing cluster of discharge points.
Another disadvantage of weather radar is that due to attenu-
ation, it may not see the “storm behind the storm” or may
understate its intensity. The WX-500 is not subject to
attenuation. With the WX-500, electrical discharges are
mapped throughout the storm area. The size of the cluster of
discharge points detected by your WX-500 indicates the size
of the storm area. The speed with which the discharge
points appear indicate the intensity of the storm regardless
of the size of the cluster. The more intense the storm, the
faster the discharge points reappear.

2-4 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 3

The MFD controls the WX-500 functions. Refer to your
Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS) and the docu-
mentation supplied with the MFD for detailed operating
instructions. This chapter provides supplemental informa-
tion. The user should already be familiar with their AFMS
and MFD.

At power-up, the WX-500 performs a power-up self test. The
self test takes about 25 seconds to ensure that all major WX-
500 functions, including antenna reception, memory, and
microprocessor functions, are operating properly. An error
message is displayed if a fault is detected. Refer to the Error
Messages section later in this chapter for more information.

Continuous & Operator-Initiated Self Test

The WX-500 performs a continuous self test of antenna opera-
tion, microprocessor functions, memory, and heading inputs
among others several times a minute. The WX-500 also
provides for an operator-initiated self test through the MFD.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-1

Clear All Discharge Points Chapter 3 – Operation

Clear All Discharge Points

Clearing the discharge points periodically while you’re
monitoring thunderstorms is a good way to determine if the
storm is building or dissipating. Discharge points in a
building storm will reappear faster and in larger numbers.
Discharge points in a dissipating storm will appear slower
and in smaller numbers. The WX-500 allows for the clearing
of discharge points through the MFD or an optional Remote
Clear button.
If you have the standard heading stabilization feature
connected and turned on, you do not have to clear discharge
points after every heading change to ensure that the dis-
charge points are positioned correctly with respect to the
current heading.

Heading Stabilization
The heading stabilization feature automatically adjusts the
position of the discharge points on the display when your
aircraft changes heading. Normally, if the WX-500 is in-
stalled to use the heading stabilization feature, you should
never have to turn heading stabilization off; however, a
situation may occur in which the heading input appears to
be invalid but no heading flag is displayed. In this case, you
should turn heading stabilization off until the heading input
is corrected. If you are flying with heading stabilization
turned off, or do not have a compatible heading system, you
can clear all discharge points after each heading change to
display new discharge points in the proper location relative
to the nose of the aircraft.

Error Messages
The WX-500 detects most common faults and sends error
messages to the MFD indicating the nature of the faults and
which functions may be inoperative. These error messages
enable your authorized Stormscope dealer or L-3 Avionics
Systems factory service personnel to quickly diagnose and
correct the fault. Table 3-1 lists all the possible error mes-
sages, the probable causes, and the recommended actions.

3-2 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 3 – Operation Error Messages

Table 3-1. Error Messages

Error Fault Source Type* Recommended Action
Error 01 Main processor F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault dealer for service.
Errors 05 thru 08 Main processor F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault memory dealer for service.
Errors 09 thru 12 DSP memory F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault dealer for service.
Errors 14 and 15 DSP F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault dealer for service.
Error 16 Antenna is not NF/R Continue without weather
Antenna Fault able to receive or mapping functions. See your
forward the dealer for service.
data or it could
be a faulty
Error 17 No test strikes** NF/R Continue without weather
Processor Fault mapping functions. See your
dealer for service if this error
occurs frequently.
Error 18 Invalid test strikes NF/R Continue without weather
Processor Fault mapping functions. See your
dealer for service if this error
occurs frequently.
Error 19 Main Processor NF/R Continue without weather
Processor Fault data overload mapping functions. See your
dealer for service if this error
occurs frequently.
Error 20 Antenna jumper NF/R Select antenna location via
Configuration configuration MFD. If selection matches
Changed changed since processor configuration
last time power jumpers, normal operation
was applied to returns. If not correctable,
the system continue without weather
mapping functions and see your
dealer for service.
Error 21 Main processor F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault dealer for service.
Error 22 Invalid XYZ input NF/R Continue without heading
Invalid Synchro (gyro may still be stabilization. See your dealer for
Signals spinning up) service.

*F=Fatal, NF=Nonfatal, R=Recoverable, NR=Nonrecoverable (Description follows table.)

**Flying within 5 nmi of a certain Government antenna near Annapolis Maryland can also cause this
error to appear. The recommended action in this case is to do nothing.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-3

Error Messages Chapter 3 – Operation

Table 3-1. Error Messages (Continued)

Error Fault Source Type* Recommended Action
Error 23 No 400 Hz NF/R Continue without heading
Invalid Synchro Ref reference stabilization. See your dealer for
Error 24 Mic key (inhibit NF/R Check your microphone key to
Mic Key Stuck line) stuck. The correct the problem. If not
microphone key correctable, continue without
has been weather mapping functions and
depressed for see your dealer for service.
more than 1
Errors 25 thru 34 Main processor F Turn off the unit and see your
Software Error dealer for service.
Errors 35 and 36 DSP or main NF/R Continue without weather
Processor Fault processor mapping functions. See your
dealer for service.
Error 40 Main processor NF/R See your dealer for service if
Processor Fault this error occurs frequently.
Error 41 DSP or main F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault processor dealer for service.
Error 42 Main processor F Turn off the unit and see your
Processor Fault dealer for service.
Error 43 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Invalid Request this error occurs frequently.
Error 44 thru 49 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Serial this error occurs frequently.
Error 50 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Illegal Heading this error occurs frequently.
Error 51 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Invalid Message this error occurs frequently.
Error 52 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Invalid Antenna this error occurs frequently.
Change Request
Error 53 thru 54 MFD NF/R See your dealer for service if
Communications this error occurs frequently.
Buffer Overload
*F=Fatal, NF=Nonfatal, R=Recoverable, NR=Nonrecoverable (Description follows table.)

3-4 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 3 – Operation Error Messages

Nonfatal Faults
If a nonfatal fault occurs, all functions not directly affected
by the fault continue to operate. See your authorized
Stormscope dealer as soon as possible to correct the fault.

Recoverable Faults
A recoverable fault is one that allows the affected functions to
automatically resume proper operation after the fault goes away.
A messaging error (errors 43 through 51, 53 and 54) is an
example of a recoverable fault. Messaging errors are likely
caused by excessive noise on the communication lines, or an
MFD communications problem. These messages automati-
cally clear after the message is processed and therefore may
appear only briefly on the MFD.

Nonrecoverable Faults
A nonrecoverable fault allows continued operation, but
without the function affected by the fault. The affected
function will not resume proper operation until the system
is turned off and repaired.

Fatal Faults
If a fatal fault occurs, all functions will cease to operate. In
this case, turn off the WX-500 and see your authorized
Stormscope dealer for service.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-5

Chapter 4
Weather Display
WARNING Never use your Stormscope system to attempt to penetrate a
thunderstorm. The FAA Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunder-
storms, and the Airman’s Information Manual (AIM) recom-
mend that you “avoid by at least 20 miles any thunderstorm
identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo.”

CAUTION There are several atmospheric phenomena other than nearby

thunderstorms which can cause isolated discharge points in the
strike display mode. Clusters of two or more discharge points in
the strike display mode however do indicate thunderstorm
activity when they reappear after clearing the screen. Avoid the
clusters and you’ll avoid the thunderstorms. In the cell display
mode, even a single discharge point may represent thunderstorm
activity and should be avoided.

The examples in this chapter are designed to help you relate
the cell or strike patterns shown on your MFD to the size and
location of thunder-
Current Stormscope
storms that may be Range 100 nmi
100 nmi

near your aircraft. Heavy

Electrical Activity
A blue and white
grid in the examples Moderate
represents the Electrical Activity

airspace around
your aircraft. (See Electrical Activity
figure 4-1.) Each
Figure 4-1. Airspace Diagram

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-1

Radial Spread Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

square in the grid represents a 100 by 100 nmi area. A circle

represents the area monitored by your WX-500. Areas of gray
or black indicate thunderstorms. The darker the area, the
greater the rate of electrical discharge activity.
The WX-500 detects electrical discharges and sends the
processed information to the MFD which may display the
discharges as cells or independent strikes. The examples in
this chapter include screen patterns to represent both cell
and strike displays.

Radial Spread
In the strike display mode, it is common for a triangular-
shaped stream of discharge points to appear between the
aircraft symbol and a cluster of discharge points within the
range of the WX-500. A similar stream of discharge points
may appear radiating away from the aircraft symbol in the
direction of possible thunderstorm activity beyond the range
of the WX-500. These phenomena are examples of radial spread.
Discharge points in radial spread do not necessarily indicate the
exact location of atmospheric electrical discharges. To counter-
act radial spread, L-3 Avionics Systems applied its extensive
research in lightning detection to develop enhanced lightning
positioning algorithms. These algorithms (used only in the cell
display mode) greatly reduce radial spread and improve the
depiction of thunderstorms on the display.

4-2 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Typical Patterns

Typical Patterns
Three Clusters within 200 nmi
Figure 4-2 shows the 360° weather view at the 200 nmi range.
Using this knowledge, the three clusters of discharge points
on the left-hand screen (cell display mode) can be inter-
preted as representing three thunderstorm cells at the
following azimuth and range:
Cluster Azimuth (clock position) Range
1 11:00 180 nmi
2 4:00 75 nmi
3 4:00 180 nmi

2 3

Rate : 60 Rate : 62

200nm 200nm

Figure 4-2. Three Clusters Within 200 nmi

Analysis of the right-hand screen (strike display mode) yields

a similar, but less certain interpretation due to radial spread.
The screen can also tell us about the relative amount of
electrical discharge activity in thunderstorm cells. Clusters 2
and 3 have more discharge points than cluster 1 indicating
greater electrical discharge activity. All three clusters how-
ever must be avoided because you can’t necessarily deter-

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-3

Typical Patterns Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

mine the severity of thunderstorms based strictly on the

number of discharge points. For example, in the western
United States, a severe thunderstorm may only have a few
electrical discharges.
When the range is changed to 100 nmi (figure 4-3), only
cluster 2 remains visible. Clusters 1 and 3 are beyond the 100
nmi range and therefore no longer appear on the screen.
(Clusters 1 and 3 would again be visible if the range were
returned to 200 nmi.) Cluster 2 is now more defined and the
discharge points are larger. The interpretation of cluster 2
remains the same: a moderately active thunderstorm at
azimuth 4:00, range 75 nmi. Notice on the right-hand screen
(strike display mode) that there is less radial spread than on
the 200 nmi range. In general, radial spread is reduced on
the shorter ranges.

Rate : 25 Rate : 28

100nm 100nm

Figure 4-3. Range Changed to 100 nmi

4-4 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Typical Patterns

Two Clusters within 200 nmi

Figure 4-4 illustrates the 360° weather view at the 200 nmi
range. Using this knowledge, the two clusters of discharge
points on the screen can be interpreted as one thunderstorm
cell at 5:30, about 150 nmi from the aircraft, and another cell
at 1:00, about 100 nmi from the aircraft. The cluster at 1:00
has less radial spread (in the strike display mode) and fewer
discharge points than the cluster at 5:30, indicating a lower
rate of electrical activity. Both clusters must be avoided.

Rate : 40 Rate : 45

200nm 200nm

Figure 4-4. Two Clusters Within 200 nmi

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-5

Mapping Past Storms Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

Mapping Headings Past Thunderstorms

Figures 4-5 through 4-8 and the following paragraphs show
the progression of an aircraft past several thunderstorms.

Range Set at 200 nmi

Figure 4-5 shows the 360° weather view at the 200 nmi range.
Two thunderstorms appear almost as one cluster of dis-
charge points off the nose of the aircraft, centered 180 nmi
away. A second cluster at 9:30 indicates a storm system
containing three thunderstorms.

Rate : 117 Rate : 125


200nm 200nm

Figure 4-5. Range Set at 200 nmi

4-6 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Mapping Past Storms

Aircraft Progresses 100 nmi

Figure 4-6 shows that the aircraft has maintained its heading
and progressed 100 nmi. The two thunderstorms off the
nose of the aircraft appear to have expanded horizontally on
the screen. This effect is normal anytime you get close to a
storm. The line of thunderstorms previously at 9:30 now
appears at 8:30.

Rate : 118 Rate : 127


200nm 200nm

Figure 4-6. Aircraft Progresses 100 nmi

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-7

Mapping Past Storms Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

Range Changes to 100 nmi

Figure 4-7 shows the screen a short time later in the 120°
weather view at the 100 nmi range. The thunderstorms at
8:30 are not visible in this view but the thunderstorms off
the nose of the aircraft appear in greater detail as two
separate thunderstorms (at 11:30 and 12:15 centered 90 nmi
from the aircraft).

Rate : 75 Rate : 75

100nm 100nm

Figure 4-7. Range Changes to 100 nmi

4-8 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Mapping Past Storms

Aircraft Turns to Avoid Thunderstorms

Figure 4-8 shows the screen a short time later after the
aircraft has turned to the right to avoid the thunderstorms.
When connected to a compatible heading system, the WX-
500 automatically rotates new discharge points to their
correct position relative to the new heading.

Rate : 45 Rate : 45

100nm 100nm

Figure 4-8. Aircraft Turns to Avoid Thunderstorms

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-9

Special Patterns Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

Special Patterns
Randomly Scattered Discharge Points
Atmospheric instability associated with cumulus clouds, or
developing or dissipating thunderstorms could cause
randomly scattered discharge points as shown in figure 4-9.
Random discharge points are more likely to appear in the
strike display mode than in the cell display mode due to the
cell display mode’s clustering algorithm. If you observe
random discharge points, continue to monitor the screen for
developing clusters which indicate thunderstorm activity.

Rate : 3 Rate : 5

200nm 200nm

Figure 4-9. Randomly Scattered Discharge Points

Cluster & Splattering Within 25 nmi

Figure 4-10 shows the 360° weather view at the 25 nmi range.
One moderately active thunderstorm appears as a cluster of
discharge points at 8:30 centered 14 nmi away with a splat-
tering of discharge points throughout the 25 nmi range.
Such splattering is due to electrical discharges within 3 to 5
nmi of the aircraft and indicates that the aircraft is too close
to the thunderstorm.

4-10 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Special Patterns

Rate : 50 Rate : 47

25nm 25nm

Figure 4-10. Cluster & Splattering Within 25 nmi

Continue to head away from the main cluster. While the

main cluster should be your primary concern, you should
also avoid any groups of discharge points within the 25 nmi
range. Switch to the other ranges to ensure that there is no
thunderstorm activity along your intended path.
You’ll notice in figure 4-10 that the location of random,
individual discharge points is about the same on both the
cell and strike display modes. This is true because in the cell
display mode, the WX-500 plots every electrical discharge
detected within the 25 nmi range at the exact location detected
unless the discharge is associated with a cluster of discharges, in
which case the discharge point is clustered with the associated
discharge points. You’ll also notice that there are more
points in the cluster of points at 8:30 in the cell display
mode than there are in the strike display mode. This is due
to the cell display mode’s clustering algorithm “pulling in”
individual discharge points associated with the cluster.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-11

Special Patterns Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

Discharge Points Off Aircraft’s Nose

Figure 4-11 shows the 360° weather view at the 200 nmi
range. The discharge points ahead of the aircraft could be
caused by a strong thunderstorm just beyond the 200 nmi
range. Another cause might be electrical discharge signals
arriving via atmospheric skip from a distant thunderstorm
well beyond the WX-500 range. In either case, no immediate
action is required.

Rate : 16 Rate : 24

200nm 200nm

Figure 4-11. Discharge Points Off the Aircraft’s Nose

4-12 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation Special Patterns

Line of Discharge Points While Taxiing

Passing over a cable beneath the taxiway can cause a line of
discharge points across the screen as shown in figure 4-12.
Similar concentrations of discharge points across the screen
may appear while taxiing due to electrical signals from nearby
equipment such as arc welders or subway rails. After passing the
source of the interference, clear the screen.

Rate : 40 Rate : 45

200nm 200nm

Figure 4-12. Line of Discharge Points While Taxiing

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-13

Special Patterns Chapter 4 – Weather Display Interpretation

Developing Cluster Within 25 nmi

Figure 4-13 shows a developing thunderstorm 12 nmi from
the aircraft. If you see a screen such as this with a developing
cluster within 25 nmi, you should change course to avoid the
storm and continue to monitor the Stormscope sensor
information displayed on the MFD.

Rate : 14 Rate : 14

50nm 50nm

Figure 4-13. Developing Cluster Within 25 nmi

4-14 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Chapter 5

Table 5-1. WX-500 Specifications*

Part Number Definition:
805-11500-001 – WX-500 processor
805-10930-001 – NY-163 antenna, white
805-10930-002 – NY-163 antenna, black
Cell or Strike mode
200 nmi range
Built-in self tests
Automatic heading stabilization
Microphone inhibit line
Integrity indicator
Processor (includes mounting tray and pull handle):
5.6 in (14.22 cm) high
2.2 in (5.59 cm) wide
12.0 in (20.48 cm) deep
1.00 in (2.54 cm) high
3.45 in (8.76 cm) wide
6.85 in (17.40 cm) long
2.5 lb (1.13 kg)
0.84 lb (0.38 kg) without doubler plate
Operating Altitude:
55,000 ft max
(Continues on next page) *Specifications subject to change without notice.

Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide 1-1

WX-500 Specifications Chapter 5 – Specifications

Table 5-1. WX-500 Specifications* (Continued)

Electrical Characteristics:
Input voltage:
11 to 32 V dc
0.82 A max @ 12 V dc
0.38 A max @ 28 V dc
RTCA Compliance:
Processor Environmental:
Processor Software:
DO-178B Level D
TSO Compliance:
TSO-C110a & JTSO-C110a
*Specifications subject to change without notice.

5-2 Stormscope® WX-500 User’s Guide

Record of Important Information
Dealer Information
Name _________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________
Telephone ______________________________________

Equipment Information
Date of Purchase _________________________________
Installation Date _________________________________
Model Number _______________________________
Part Number ________________________________
Serial Number _______________________________
Mod Letter __________________________________
Firmware Version _____________________________
Model Number _______________________________
Part Number ________________________________
Serial Number _______________________________
Mod Letter __________________________________

NOTE To ensure that a new or repaired WX-500 meets the TSO, meets
foreign government certification requirements, and meets L-3
Avionics Systems performance standards, your WX-500 must be
installed and tested by an L-3 Avionics Systems-authorized
Stormscope dealer.
This technical data is controlled under the
Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
and may not be exported without proper
authorization by the U.S. Department of

009-11501-001 (Rev. C, 12/05/03)

L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.

5353 52nd Street, S.E.
Stormscope® WX-500
Grand Rapids, MI 49512 USA

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