ISEE Debate Society Reflection

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ISEE Debate Society is an arabic debate club organized by Elite international school’s

students. I first heard about it on my senior chatting group which was quite interesting
because at that time I had been searching for new experiences and usually I wouldn't have
applied to such a forgein thing, however, I had decided to get out of my comfort zone and
apply. It was overwhelming meeting new people from different societies and debating with
them on the most controversial stuff on the whatsapp group. At first i questioned its
importance and i debated quitting it, but the training sessions were quite helpful i found
myself learning more about debating than i knew i could, debating which held a very informal
connotation in my perspective was given a light in which it could be formal and strategic in
which you could see the end with a well planning outline to your thoughts. As time went by it
became overwhelming, I would attend meetings in cars and have debates while spending
time with my cousins. Though it was all online due to the pandemic it was quite interesting
the people i met in this club were later on people i met in real life in other clubs. The happiest
memory of it all was the final championship in which we were divided into teams and then we
were given a topic, and 20 mins to research it, that was when it was all clear all of the
training was final showing and the adrenaline rush kept on rushing. Round after round, till
the finals where I met people who left me in AW and tilli won 2nd place. Was I glad I didn't
quit? Certainly! Did it end at that? Certainly not! The mentor who trained me through this
club was the same person who offered me a chance to be a secretariat in Elite’s MUN, in
addition, was the same person that offered to do an Arabic voice over for a video that many
people ended up watching. The things i seeked in the beginning became blessings I came
across on my own road.

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