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4T Umlted - lntroduclng lroker Agreement

v. Margin Trading carries a high degree of usk lo the Cheni', capnal and 1111 po1•1ble to lote
more than the Client's initial investment,
vi. The Client should not engage in Margm Trading and enter into any 19reement1 wnh the 1B
unless the Client understands all the risks and other signtftcant asperu lnvolved in deal1ng
leveraged products and the extent of the Client's exposure to the rlsk of loss,
vii. If the Client does not fully understand all the rlsks mvolved 1n Margin Trading, the Client
should seek independent advice;
viii. Previous trading performance does not guarantee future results.

S. Non•Sollclt1tlon of Exlltlng Cuatomen

5.1 :he Company will not directly or indirectly solicit or accept any person or entity wh1ch was
introduced to the Company by the 1B in accordance to the terms and conditions mentioned
herein without treating such person or entity as a Client, unless instructed otherwise by the
5.2 During the term of this Agreement and for a two year period thereafter, the 1B shall not directly
or indirectly solicit or attempt to induce any Client of the Company which the 1B has not
introduced to the Company to transfer his relationship from the Company to any other persan
or entity.

6. Placing Orders

6.1 The Company, according to its Terms and Conditions and the terms of this Agreement, shall
execute Orders for the Client's account base.d on their requests.
6.2 The Company shall receive and is authorized to accept and execute Orders for the Client's
Accounts either directly from the Client or from any Authorized Persan acting on behalf of the
6.3 The IB acknowledges that the Company shall rely on any information or instruction regarding an
Order which the Company believes to be issued by the Client or from any Authorized person
acting on behalf on the Client.
6.4 Only Authorized Persons may have discretionary authority with respect to any Client Account
and must exercise their authority in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 1he
company and its employees, servants and agents may not actas an Authorized Persan and shall
not have any discretionary authority with respect to any Client Account.
6.5 The Company is not required to investigate into the manner which the 1B conducts his activities
with its Clients or other people, or into the facts surrounding a referral of any potentia\ Client to
the company.
6.6 The Company is not responsible for the IB's compliance with laws and regu\ati?,!)S applicable to
the activities of the 1B.

7. Personal Data and Telephone Calis Recording

7.1 The Company may use, store, or otherwise process persona\ information provided by the \B.
7.2 Upon entering this Agreement, the 1B acknowledges that the Company may share his persona\
data to any third party the Company is affiliated with as it sees fit.

4T Limited. Licensed by the Financial Services Authority. License number SD058, SDR071 \
4T 11 sr Floor, Olivier Ma rad an Building, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles 1+2484322955 \

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