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Dear Recipient Name,

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and make the intention for your letter clear.
Example: My name is Lousiana. I am a Senior at S.L International School in New York. I am
writing to you to express my intention of applying for a college degree at your institution.

Paragraph 2: Insert credentials and background, as necessary.

Example: I am in good academic standing, and very involved in extracurricular activities. I am a
member of the Honors Society, lead debater on the debate team, editor of the school
newspaper, and I play center on the female soccer team. I have enclosed the college application
form as well as copies of some of my marks and certificates with this letter, for your perusal.

Paragraph 3: Express interest in the program

Example: I am very interested in the benefits of the programs offered by your university through
the website. I am particularly interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and
hope to pursue a career in this field later on.

Paragraph 4: Include contact details.

Example: If you have any questions regarding my application, please do not hesitate to contact
me at Your Phone Number or email at Your Email Id

Paragraph 5: Closing
Example: Thank you for your kind consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.


Your Name

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