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Partial Correlation: The most common way that researchers try to clear the influence of
potential third variables in correlational studies is by measuring them when the data are
collected and then statistically adjusting for those variables in the data analysis.

Gerbner et al. (1977) used a statistical approach called Partial correlation in which a
correlation between variable X and variable Y is computed while statistically controlling
for their individual correlations with a third variable, Z.

In this approach, the correlations between X and Z, and between Y and Z, are statistically
"partialed out" of the analysis between X and Y.

The more strongly Z correlates with X and Y, the more likely it is that the strength of the
correlation between X and Y will change considerably after their shared association with
Z is statistically controlled.

In many cases, after a partial correlation analysis is conducted, what originally was a
statistically significant simple correlation between X and Y may be reduced enough in
strength so that it is no longer statistically significant (Passer, 2014, p. 146).

Cross-Sectional Research Design: This design is also called as a one-shot correlational

study where each person participates on one occasion, and all variables are measured at
that time.

Longitudinal Designs: Other researchers doing correlational studies employ a

longitudinal research design, in which data are gathered on the same individuals or
groups on two or more occasions over time.

Moreover, in one type of longitudinal design called Prospective design, variable X is

measured at an earlier point in time than variable Y, thus reducing the likelihood that
variable Y is a cause of variable X.

Cross-Lagged Panel Studies. This other longitudinal design involves three steps:
(1) measure X and Y at Time 1

(2) measure X and Y again, at Time 2, and

(3) examine the pattern of correlations among X1, X2, Y1, and Y2.

Here the researchers measure the same pair of variables at two different points in time
and look at patterns of correlations across time for the possible direction of cause and


Correlational research is often utilized to establish a connection between variables that

can aid in making predictions.

Such predictions are not restricted to future behavior alone, and if two variables are
consistently associated, information about one can be used to predict the other.

For example, given the consistent, positive correlation between the IQ scores of parents
and their children, we can use either score to predict the other.

In essence, correlational studies provide the fundamental information required to

make predictions by establishing and defining the nature of the relationship between

In a correlational study, the two variables being investigated are usually equivalent, but
one is often identified as the predictor variable and the other as the criterion variable
for the purpose of prediction.

The Predictor variable is the variable used to estimate the scores of the criterion

The statistical process used to explore the linear relationship between two variables and
for predicting one variable from another is known as Regression analysis or Simple
linear regression.
The main goal of Simple linear regression- is to find an equation that provides the most
accurate predictions of the criterion variable (Y) for each value of the predictor variable

On the other hand, Multiple regression examines the linear relationship between one
variable and a group of two or more other variables.

Even when a correlational study is not intended for prediction, researchers often refer to a
predictor and criterion variable. These labels are determined by the goals of the study.

Typically, in a correlational study, one variable is well-defined and relatively simple,

while the other variable is more complex or unknown.

Therefore, the PURPOSE of the study is to gain a better understanding of the complex
variable by demonstrating its relationship with an established, known variable.

In this scenario, the known variable is designated as the predictor variable, and the
unknown variable is designated as the criterion variable. (Passer, 2014, p. 305-306).


1. Prediction in Daily Life. Correlational findings have practical applications in

predicting behavior, such as using standardized tests for selecting students for

These tests assume that underlying variables, including academic aptitude, prior
learning, motivation, and other factors, influence test scores and performance.

Additionally, clinical psychologists and practitioners use psychological tests and

measures to diagnose mental disorders, assess impairments, and evaluate personality
and traits.

The data collected from these tests are used to make recommendations, essentially
predictions, about therapies and training that would be beneficial for clients.

2. Test Validation. To evaluate the construct validity and reliability of tests,

correlational research is the predominant method used.
The construct validity of a new test is determined by its correlation with other
validated tests measuring the same attribute.

In addition, test reliability is established by examining the correlation between

individual items or subsets of items within a test and the overall test scores.

3. Venturing Where Experiments Cannot Tread. Correlational research can be

advantageous when it is not feasible or ethical to conduct highly controlled
experiments, as it provides the opportunity to measure variables rather than
manipulate them.

4. Hypothesis and Model Testing. While correlational research cannot establish a

precise causal relationship between variables, its results can suggest whether there
might be a possibility of a causal relationship between them.

Therefore, correlational research can provide insights into whether a proposed

causal model is more or less reasonable than another causal model (Eron et al.,
1972; Huesmann et al., 2003).

5. Convergence With Experiments. Correlational studies can stimulate researchers

to conduct experiments that investigate possible causal relationships between

When experiments reveal causal relationships between variables, correlational

research can confirm the external validity of these findings by showing that the
variables are correlated in natural settings.

Therefore, there is often a complementary relationship between correlational and

experimental research, and the convergence of their results increases confidence in
identifying causal relationships that apply to real-world situations. (Passer, 2014,
According to Passer (2014), the key element of any experiment is control.

The experimenter maintains control over the independent variable by manipulating

it, over the dependent variables by choosing: which behaviors to measure, when to
measure them, and how to measure them, and over extraneous environmental factors by
attempting to keep them balanced or constant across different experimental conditions.

To control for possible confounding participant characteristics, researchers may

randomly assign participants to conditions or use counterbalancing techniques.

Experiments that closely control the variables under investigation are often called "true"
experiments, as defined by Campbell and Stanley in 1966.

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