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Essay : Reflection on Sirena // Gloc 9

The song refers to the life of a homosexual person who is being criticized by society. It is an
LGBT related song, it talks about the character’s hard-rock life and his everyday fight as part of
the LGBT community. The song itself tells about the boy’s psychological state during his
childhood, the discrimination, physical, and emotional abuse he received from ridiculing his
homosexuality since the day he revealed himself as a homosexual.

I, myself, am also part of the LGBT community and I define myself as a pansexual one. I am
attracted when I see someone who outsmarts me, I admire their intelligence, I admire how
intuitive they are. To be honest, I really get easily attached when I encounter these kinds of

In my own perspective, I believe that they should be given the rights under the law, equal to
those cis and hetero persons. That includes equal protection from discrimination, physical and
emotional abuse. And why do I say that? Not merely because I’m gay myself but having met a lot
of people and learning about this so-called LGBT culture I can honestly state that there is no
difference of any kind between someone who calls themselves straight or someone who calls
themselves gay. I know without a shred of doubt that all people are all the same inside and out.
And that’s the one real immutable truth that keeps the world turning.

As for what I’ve learned from this song, is that we need to be open-minded about these kinds
of people, the LGBT community. We should be open-minded and accept what others are, how
others define themselves, how others see themselves. We shouldn’t discriminate against them
just because they are different. We all have our preferences, so do these third sex individuals.
And we should respect them, like how they respect us. Besides why would you meddle with
someone’s inclination if it does not affect you personally.

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