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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

The four girls and the ogre

Four girls from a village once went out to a dance (gichobi). It was a beautiful day, and the
dances attracted many young people from the neighbouring villages. The dance began as the
afternoon cooled and grew lively. The dancers were lost in the frenzy of their movements when a
young man won the admiration of many girls. He was extremely handsome. A good dancer; he
swung his body grandly, and sung so eloquently that his voice caused a flutter amongst the girls.

As the sun went down the dancers began to go back home. The handsome man invited the four
girls to go with him: “my home is not far from here,” he said as he cajoled them. The four had
fallen in love with him, and they accepted the invitation.

On the way to his home they came to a stream where they had to jump so as to get on the other
side. As the handsome man jumped, the girl behind him noted that he had a mouth on the back of
his neck. She could not believe her eyes, so she began to watch him more closely. Soon
afterwards she saw the mouth open and close at once as the man swallowed a fly. The girl
whispered to the one next to her, and the word spread among them that the man was an ogre.
However, one of the girls would not believe it; the man was too handsome: “you are slandering
him because you don’t want me to come with you,” she snapped at the others.

“ Dear sisters,” said the girl who had made the discovery, “ my mother asked me to gather
firewood, and I must return before it is dark.|” so saying she returned homeward. The second one
said the same and went on her way also. The third girl said she fenced water for mother every
evening, and she too left. The three ran as fast as they could to their homes.

The ogre and the girl who had refused to go back went on deep in to the forest. When they
neared his home they he stopped short and gazed across the trees: “ I think my goats are in my
neighbour’s shamba,” he said as he craned his neck forward. “wait for me, while I drive them
He ran home. There, inside the hut and around the home he hurriedly swept away the bones of
the men and women he had eaten. However, he did not see one bone, which lay on top of a pile
of firewood in the hut. After he had swept he went back for the girl, and led her to his home. He
led her into the hut, and gave her maize, beans and peas, and asked her to prepare the evening
meal while he went to give water to the cows, and to pen the goats. The girl loved the ogre’s
home. She wished her friends were there to witness the wealth of the man she was about to
marry. However, he had neither cows, nor goats. He had only gone to collect other ogres so that
they might feast on her.

The girl set the pot on the fire and began to cook. A voice spoke to her: “Dear child, what are
you doing here? I was once as beautiful as you are, but I have been reduced to a skeleton by the
ogre you want to marry. He is not a man but a roaming ogre.” When she saw the bone that was
talking to her she left at once, Once out of the hut, she began to run homeward as fast as she

When the ogre returned with his friends, the girl was missing. He looked for her everywhere;
his friends threatened to feast on him if he failed to find her: “You promised us human flesh, and
we will have it,” they insisted. When the ogre could not find her anywhere in the hut he knew
she had escaped, and he resolved to follow her. As he ran into the forest he began to sing:

Gacahi gakwa, riu uri ha?

Gacahi gakwa riu uri ha?

My little bean, where are you?

My little bean, where are you?
It happened that a bean from the food the girl was cooking had stuck to her dress without her
knowledge. When the bean heard the ogre’s voice from a distance, it replied:
I am here stuck on the girl’s dress.
I am here stuck on the girls dress.
The girl heard the bean’s voice and nearly fainted. She crushed it, but it still stuck to her dress.
The ogre sang again:
My little bean, Where are you?
My little bean, Where are you?
The remains of the bean answered.
Here I am on the girl’s dress, near her home.
Here I am on the girl’s dress, near her home.
The ogre ran faster. The girl could now see him behind her. She ran as fast as she could,
and stumbled into her father’s hut. She quickly told him that an ogre was behind her. He and his
sons took their spears at once and rushed out. As the ogre leaped over the gate, they attacked:
their spears went through his stomach, and he fell down moaning. With their machetes they
slashed his body to pieces. They made a big fire, and burned every bit of the ogre.
Answer the following questions in complete grammatical sentences.

1. Explain the meaning of the following words according to the way they have been used in
the passage. (5mks)
i. gazed_____________________________________________________________
ii. eloquently_________________________________________________________
iii. craned____________________________________________________________
iv. cajoled____________________________________________________________
v. stumbled__________________________________________________________
2. What enticed the four girls to follow the ‘young man’? (2mks)
3. How did the girls discover that the man wan an ogre? (2mks)
4. Describe the character of:
a. The girls who went back home. (2mks)
b. The girl who followed the ogre home. (2mks)
c. The ogre. (2mks)
5. Mention one happening in the story that is extraordinary. (2mks)
6. Why had the ogre gone to call his friends? (2mks)

7. How did the girl learn that the “handsome man” was actually an ogre? (2mks)
8. What is the purpose of the song sung by the ogre? (2mks)
9. What lesson do we learn from the story? Use a saying or a proverb to sum up this lesson.

B. POETRY (9mks)
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
Assan and Hassan
Have a son
A dear son do
Hassan and Assan have,
They feel their son
Shines like the sun.

Assan thinks their son

Resembles Hassan
Hassan thinks their son
Resembles Assan
And their son thinks
He resembles both
Assan and Hassan
And he shines like the sun.

Answer the following questions.

i. What is the poem about? (3mks)
ii. Identify and illustrate three stylistic devices used in the poem. (6mks)
C. Give another word that is pronounced the same as the given word for each of the
following words. (6mks)
D. For each of the following blanks put the correct form of the present simple tense of the
verbs in brackets (10mks)

Everyday at school, the prefect _____________(ring) the bell at 6 o’clock in the

morning. All the boys _____________ (get) up and ____________ (prepare) for the
morning lessons. Breakfast ___________ (to be) at 6:30am and by 7am the house
captains_____________(make) sure that everybody has done his share in tidying up the
dormitories. The bell for the lessons to start_____________(go) off at 7:30am. Everyday
at this time, our headteacher______________(stand) in the middle of the school
compound to make sure that all the students ______________(go) to class in time for the
morning lessons. Although some students say he _____________(to be) a strict
headteacher, most of us like him because we_____________(understand) him. His motto
is ‘Hard work’.
E. Punctuate the following statement (4mks)
do you think said my friend in a whisper that there is a chance of escape certainly I
F. Fill in the blanks with at, in or on (6mks)
1. Mr. Otieno’s family has been living _____________ London for the last one year.
2. We shall meet___________the beginning of the term.
3. The girl left___________ the end of the lesson.
4. All her clothes were____________ the suitcase.
5. Her room has beautiful pictures _____________ the wall.
6. The building _____________the end of the street was raided by thieves.

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