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At the end of the week, students are

expected to:

1. identify the concepts and principles of

adhering to sustainable entrepreneurship;

2. exemplify the contributions of a chosen

local/ international social enterprise

Sustainability consists of fulfilling the

needs of current generations without
compromising the needs of future
generations while ensuring a balance
between economic growth,
environmental care, and social well-
Shared Value

An approach to creating economic value

that also creates value for society by
Shared Value and addressing its needs and challenges.
the Triple Bottom
Transforms business thinking by addressing
Line issues through innovation and methods.

Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

An accounting framework that goes beyond

the traditional measures of profit, return on
investment, and shareholder value to include
environmental and social dimensions.

Triple Bottom Line Measures

Sustainable Entrepreneurship

• Focus on the preservation of nature, life

support, and community.

• Pursuing opportunities to bring into existence

future products, processes, and services for gain,
including economic and noneconomic gains to
individuals, the economy, and society.
Benefit Corporation
Purpose: To create a material positive
impact on society and the environment.
Accountability: To have a fiduciary duty
Promoting to consider the interests of workers, the
Sustainable community, and the environment.
Enterprises Transparency: To report annually to
the public on overall social and
environmental performance with a
credible and transparent third-party
• A person or small group of individuals who
founds and/or leads an organization or
initiative engaged in social
• Also referred to as “public
Defining the Social entrepreneurs,” “civic
entrepreneurs,” or “social
Entrepreneur innovators.”
• Creative thinkers continuously striving for
innovation in technologies, supply
sources, distribution outlets, or methods
of production.
• Change agents who create large-scale
change using pattern-breaking ideas to
address the root causes of social problems


Ecopreneurship Social Entrepreneurship Corporate Social

Environmental entrepreneurship Activities and processes are Responsibility
with entrepreneurial actions undertaken to discover, define, and Actions that appear to further some
contributing to preserving the exploit opportunities in order to social good, beyond the interests of the
natural environment, including enhance social wealth by creating new firm and that which is required by later
the Earth, biodiversity, and ventures or managing existing and often denotes societal engagement
ecosystems. organizations in an innovative manner of organizations


A leadership style that encourages

open and flexible structures that
encompass the employees, the
organization, and the environment, with
attention to evolving social demands.

Environmental Movement

Initiated primarily by values rather than

by design.
Developed by a plan to create a
sustainable future.
Key Steps in an Environmental Strategy
• Eliminate the concept of waste.
• Restore accountability.
• Make prices reflect costs.
• Promote diversity.
• Make conservation profitable.
• Insist on accountability of nations.
Social Entrepreneurship

• Entrepreneurship that is a form that exhibits

characteristics of non-profits, governments, and
The Social • Combination of private-sector focus on
innovation, risk- taking, and large-scale
Entrepreneurship transformation with social problem solving.
The Social Entrepreneurship Process

• Recognition of a perceived social opportunity

translated into an enterprise concept.
• Resources are acquired to execute the
enterprise’s goals.
It is a business whose primary objective is to
serve a purpose that has a positive social
impact. It seeks to earn profits to be
sustainable and give benefits to the identified
Defining sector of society and the environment, as
opposed to the normal corporate objective of
maximizing profit for shareholder/owner’s
the Social benefit. A social enterprise addresses social
issues and contributes to improving the
Enterprise society.
Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)

• It is generally categorized in four ways:

environmental responsibility, ethical/human
rights responsibility, philanthropic responsibility
and economic responsibility.
Examples of Social
Enterprise Obligations



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