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H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) — Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs

The Little Sisters of the Poor is a catholic institute for the old women and offer them residency like
a home along with proper medical aids. The head Nurse is the manager who run a team of nurses
whose offer their best care to the home resident. The Little Sisters of the Poor work on the
following policy standard or Criteria;
Criteria 1 (K1): Quality Assurance: The Little Sisters of the Poor are committed to providing a
quality of care and services to resident in the home and to ensuring the services offered are based
on the wishes of the residents.
Criteria 2 (K2): Risk and Restrain: The Little sister of poor recognized the rights of poor to live
and their lives are free from any constrain and acknowledged that risk taking is inevitable part of
the life.
Criteria 3 (K3): Prevention and management of the violence and aggression: The Little Sisters
of the Poor are very committed to the fact that no staff members, residents and visitors to the home
become the victim of violence and aggression.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 1

Additional Information

Scope/range related to Performance Criteria

The details in this field are explanatory statements of scope and/or examples of possible
contexts in which the NOS may apply; they are not to be regarded as range statements
required for achievement of the NOS.

NOTE: Where an individual finds it difficult or impossible to express their own

preferences and make decisions about their life, achievement of this standard may require
the involvement of advocates or others who are able to represent the views and best
interests of the individual.

Where there are language differences within the work setting, achievement of this standard may
require the involvement of interpreters or translation services.

Active participation is a way of working that regards individuals as active partners in their
own care or support rather than passive recipients. Active participation recognises each
individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as
independently as possible.

To communicate may include using the individual's preferred spoken language, the use of
signs, the use of symbols or pictures, writing, objects of reference, communication passports,
other non-verbal forms of communication, human and technological aids to communication.

Decision making events may be informal or formal events where decisions are likely to be
made about the individual, their situation and/or their family; they may include case
conferences, appeal panels, court proceedings.

The individual is the adult, child or young person you support or care for in your work.

Others are your colleagues and other professionals whose work contributes to the
individual’s wellbeing and who enable you to carry out your role.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 2

Scope/range related to Knowledge and Understanding
The details in this field are explanatory statements of scope and/or examples of possible
contexts in which the NOS may apply; they are not to be regarded as range statements
required for achievement of the NOS.

All knowledge statements must be applied in the context of this standard.

Factors that may affect the health, wellbeing and development of individuals may
include: adverse circumstances or trauma before or during birth; autistic spectrum
conditions; dementia; family circumstances; frailty; harm or abuse; injury; learning
disability; medical conditions (chronic or acute); mental health; physical disability;
physical ill health; poverty; profound or complex needs; sensory needs; social deprivation;
substance misuse.

Adherence to codes of practice or conduct where applicable to your role and the principles
and values that underpin your work setting, including the rights of children, young people
and adults. These include the rights:

to be treated as an individual
to be treated equally and not be discriminated against to be
to have privacy
to be treated in a dignified way
to be protected from danger and harm
to be supported and cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their
choices and also protects them
to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language to
access information about themselves

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 3

Performance Criteria — What you do in your job

You must provide evidence to meet all the 27 Performance Criteria for this Unit. The
Performance Criteria are grouped under headings to assist you with planning how best to
meet these points.

Place the number of the piece of work where this Performance Criteria has been met in the
evidence box after each criteria.

Identify with individuals the preferences and needs they want you to present

Evidence Number where

Performance Criteria
this criteria has been
1 Access information about the procedures and practices In The Little Sisters for the
of the decision making event at which you will be Poor the head Nurse
presenting the individual's preferences and needs. allows us to read the
whole procedure
before practice it on
individual in order to
avoid from any worse
2 Support the active participation of the individual in As per requirement of
making decisions about how they will be represented. procedure we must seek
permission from the
individuals about the
procedure we want to
proceed and patient is fully
aware with the procedure for
3 Work with the individual to assess the outcomes they Our procedure is based on the
wish to achieve from your representation. desire outcome of the
individual because this is the
step where success of our
procedure lies. As it is the
Quality assurance criteria
(K1) of The Little Sisters of
the poor.
4 Support the individual to communicate their I fully support the older
preferences and needs. members of the home to
communicate their
preferences and needs.
5 Support the individual to understand the options for their Our procedure offer them
representation. different options for the
selection of cure and
individual can select the
procedure according to his
6 Check your understanding of the individual’s After knowing the
preferences and needs and how you will represent preferences of the individual
these. I offer them all their needs
H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 4
occasionally and ask for any
other favor they want from
me on regular basis.
7 Make necessary changes where you or the I sometime is misunderstood
individual have misunderstood anything or think the preferences of my
something needs changing. patients I calm them and ask
for the require changes they
want and try to fulfill it
without any delay.
8 Ensure that neither you nor the individual will be Most of the time I develop
compromised by your working on their behalf. strong bond with the people I
offered them care so we
compromises on each other’s
9 Where you feel you cannot represent the individual, In critical cases when
make clear your reasons for this and agree the best individual require ultimate
alternative. cure than I discussed it with
head nurse and implement the
procedure without the
consent of the individual for
his own betterment.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 5

Identify with individuals the preferences and needs they want you to present (cont)

Evidence Number where

Performance Criteria
this criteria has been
10 Complete records and reports on processes, The Little Sisters of the Poor
agreements and outcomes, within confidentiality work based on the legal
agreements and according to legal and work setting requirement of Care and
requirements. treatment (Scotland) Act
2003, within confidentiality
agreements and according to
legal and work setting

Act with and behalf of individuals to present their preferences and needs

11 Clarify the purpose, scope and goal of the Clarity of the procedure is
representation and your role within it. utmost requirement of my
unit of working so head
Nurse make sure about our
understanding before
12 Prepare yourself to act on behalf of the individual by I am responsible enough to
identifying suitable methods, gathering sufficient select right method on behalf
information and evaluating key points. of individual because quality
assurance is our utmost
13 Prepare a case that represents the best interests of the We prepare a proper case
individual, ensuring that the case represents their views based on the interest of the
and preferences rather than your own. individual before forwarding
it to head Nurse we review it
to the individual for
14 Support the individual to understand the preparations We offer full support to
you have made and confirm that the individual’s patients to check their case
views are clearly represented. properly in order to check
their views clearly.
15 Take note of any differences of opinion. We highlighted the points
where individual offer
different point of view.
16 Support the individual to understand the procedures Full support is provided in
and practices of the decision-making process and the decision making process as
likely outcomes from the representation. well.

17 Carry out your agreed role in presenting the Yes as per my responsibility I
individual’s preferences and needs. took consent from individual
before offering any
individuals needs.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 6

18 Ensure that representation and actions taken on Yes, I make sure that my care
behalf of the individual accurately represent their procedure should fulfill the
values, preferences. needs and interests. individual needs.

19 Communicate the processes and outcomes from your My responsibility is to

representation in ways that can be understood by the communicate all the outcome
individual. of care facility of elder home
members to head nurse who
built good trust with patients
of my wings.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 7

Act with and behalf of individuals to present their preferences and needs (cont)

Evidence Number where

Performance Criteria
this criteria has been
20 Record the processes and outcomes from the PC 32 met with all the legal
representation within confidentiality agreements and requirements and do not
according to legal and work setting requirements. compromise with the

Support individuals to review the effectiveness of the representation

21 Encourage the individual to participate in Based on the PC of quality

monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of assurance we encourage the
representation arrangements. participants in monitoring
and assessing the
effectiveness of
representation arrangements.
22 Support the individual to evaluate the outcomes achieved Head Nurse of my wings is
against the outcomes they wished to achieve. very cooperative and help me
in achieving the desired
outcomes based on individual
23 Support the individual to identify any changes PC12=Accidental falls
required to the representation. among elders of my wing is
common so I make sure that
any changes required to the
representation should be met
like proper cleansing and
dryness of floor is essential
before offering a walk to
24 Explore any concerns you and the individual have about Pc=22 based on this criteria I
the effectiveness of the representation. followed Manual Handling
Operation Regulation 1992 in
order to explore more
concern of the individual for
the effectiveness of cleansing
25 Support the individual to agree any actions that should be Yes, full support is provided
taken in relation to their concerns. for this act.

26 Access advice from others where the representation Yes, Staff Nurse is always
has not gone according to plan or the individual has available for advice and help.
raised concerns.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 8

27 Complete records and reports on the representation, its PC9= According to National
effectiveness and any changes needed, within Care Standard 5.4 All the
confidentiality agreements and according to legal and confidential documents are
work setting requirements. kept in locked Cabinet.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 9

Knowledge and Understanding — why and how you do what you do in your job

You must provide evidence of your knowledge and understanding to meet all the 50
knowledge points for this Unit. The knowledge points are grouped under headings to assist
you with planning how best to meet them.

Place the number of the piece of work where each knowledge point has been met in the
‘evidence number ‘box after each point.


Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
1 Legal and work setting requirements on equality, PC4= According to the Little
diversity, discrimination and rights. Sisters of Poor and code of
practice 1.2&3 we ensure
equality, diversity, no
discrimination and rights for
the legal settings of the elders
of home.
2 Your role in promoting individuals’ rights, choices, PC8= this criteria is met
wellbeing and active participation. when I offer best care to the
individuals and take care of
the choices.
3 Your duty to report any acts or omissions that could PC14= I am responsible for
infringe the rights of individuals. the prevention and spread of
infection in the workplace so
I dully report any act of
omission to the staff Nurse.
4 How to deal with and challenge discrimination. I feel any form of
discrimination in workplace I
call to higher authorities for
maintaining the balance of
5 The rights that individuals have to make complaints and Yes, individual have the right
be supported to do so. to make complaints and be
supported according to the
procedure of the Little Sisters
of the poor code of conduct.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 10

Your practice

Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
6 Legislation, statutory codes, standards, frameworks and PC18, PC19, PC20, PC21
guidance relevant to your work, your work setting and the these criteria guide me proper
content of this standard. framework I needed to adopt
before starting my work.
7 Your own background, experiences and beliefs that may I am a Nurse by profession
have an impact on your practice. and vigilant and active
enough to deal with all the
needs of individuals of my
8 Your own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities My responsibilities includes;
with their limits and boundaries. 1. Maintenance of fire
extinguisher system
2. Make sure of the
cleanliness of wings
3. Avoidance of older
residents of the home
from accidental falls
4. Responsible to report
all my work to Staff
5. Prevention of the
spread of infection at
9 The roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of I am accountable for the
others with whom you work. working of my co-partner
who is responsible for
keeping the elders of the
home safe from all the
environmental hazards and
10 How to access and work to procedures and agreed ways Staff Nurse is responsible to
of working. offer me the detail of all
procedure I needed to work
on during my duty hours.
11 The meaning of person-centred/child centred Yes my responsibility is to
working and the importance of knowing and offer person-centered care as
respecting each person as an individual. most of the home residents
are elders and require
intensive care along with
respect and dignity.
12 The prime importance of the interests and Quality assurance criteria
wellbeing of the individual. ensures the prime importance
of the interests and wellbeing
of the home residents.
13 The individual’s cultural and language context. I fully support the people
H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 11
belong to different culture
and followed the code of
practice 1.2&3.
14 How to build trust and rapport in a relationship. Trust and understanding is
the utmost requirement of our
facility and code of practice
1.2&3 allows us to ensure
proper trust and
understanding with the
15 How your power and influence as a worker can I am very calm and friendly
impact on relationships. by nature that helps me to
build healthy relation with
my patients.
16 How to work in ways that promote active Code of practice 1.2&3 offers
participation and maintain individuals’ dignity, me different in ways that
respect, personal beliefs and preferences. promote active participation
and maintain individuals’
dignity, respect, personal
beliefs and preferences.
17 How to work in partnership with individuals, key people We respect our partners and
and others. regard their opinion for the
procedure to operate because
every person is expert in his
or her own working.
18 How to manage ethical conflicts and dilemmas in Code of practice 1.2&3
your work. ensure all the ethical codes I
workplace and provide deep
insight of conflict resolution.
19 How to challenge poor practice. Poor practice is not bearable
at any cost and strict
punishment is given to the
workers for negligence.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 12

Your practice (cont)

Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
20 How and when to seek support in situations beyond your I seek support from head
experience and expertise. Nurse when one of my elder
resident fall from stairs and
got a hipbone fractured then
she urgently call to 999 for
seeking first Aid help from

Theory for practice

21 The nature and impact of factors that may affect the There are environmental
health, wellbeing and development of individuals factors like spillage of
you care for or support. chemicals, dirty and wet
floor, spread of infection that
can affect the wellbeing of
individual but we follow
Health and Safety at work
Act 1974 in order to maintain
the balanced and equilibrium
of the environmental hazards.
22 Theories underpinning our understanding of human We followed the Social
development and factors that affect it. Cognitive Theory, The Trans
theoretical Model/Stages of
Change, the Health Belief
Model, and the Theory of
Planned Behavior in our care

Personal and professional development

23 Principles of reflective practice and why it is important. It allows you to recognize

your own strengths and
weakness, and use this to
guide on-going learning. By
reflection you will develop
your skills in self-directed
learning, improve motivation,
and improve the quality of
care you are able to provide.


24 Factors that can affect communication and language Language barriers sometime
skills and their development in children, young people cause problem for me
and adults. because I am not able to
understand all language as
H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 13
elders belonging to different
culture resides in our care
25 Methods to promote effective communication and I engage with my patients via
enable individuals to communicate their needs, views spoken, written and non-
and preferences. verbal ways of
communication in order to
build clear understanding of
their wishes.

Health and Safety

26 Your work setting policies and practices for We follow Infection Control
monitoring and maintaining health, safety and Act, National Care Standard
security in the work environment. 10.5 & 6, National Care
Standard 5.4, Health and
Safety at work Act 1974 for
monitoring and maintaining
health, safety and security in
the work environment.
27 Practices for the prevention and control of infection in Our practices are;
the context of this standard. Hand hygiene is the most
important measure to prevent
the spread of infections
among patients and DHCP.
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough
Sharps Safety
Safe Injection Practices
Sterilization and Disinfection
of Patient-Care Items and

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 14


Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
28 The responsibility that everyone has to raise concernsEveryone in my wing is
about possible harm or abuse, poor or discriminatory concern about safety of
practices. environment and procedure to
be taken for their care.
29 Indicators of potential harm or abuse. Environmental hazards are
main indicators of potential
hazards for elders of home.
30 How and when to report any concerns about abuse, poor When someone feel biased in
or discriminatory practice, resources or operational the care facility and no one is
difficulties. listening to one’s concern
than we talk to head nurse
who will forward our
message to head nurse.
31 What to do if you have reported concerns but no Then I tried to reach the
action is taken to address them. higher authorities directly in
order to talk with them face
to face about the issue and
demand for urgent solution.

Handling information

32 Legal requirements, policies and procedures for the National Care Standard 5.4
security and confidentiality of information. help to fulfill all legal
requirements and maintain
confidentiality of
33 Legal and work setting requirements for recording Criteria based National Care
information and producing reports. Standard 5.4 id followed for
legal work at our care home.
34 Principles of confidentiality and when to pass on National Care Standard 5.4
otherwise confidential information. allow the higher authorities to
pass any confidential
information based on the
consent of individual.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 15

Knowledge that is Specific to this NOS

Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
35 How and where to access information and support that All such information can be
can inform your practice when representing the needs access from the chief head
and preferences of individuals. Nurse who has direct
conversation with care home
higher authorities.
36 How you can access, review and evaluate information During the start of day a
about decision making events, the type of presentations meeting of one hour held
required and the individuals’ best interests in terms of about the decision making
representing their wishes and needs at decision making procedure that which event is
events. best for care of specific
individual and we take
assurance from that
individual as well for
carrying out the event
37 Factors that affect an individual’s capacity to Critical health condition is
represent their own wishes and needs not compromised with the
individual wishes.
38 How to promote individuals' capacity to identify and By briefing him about every
promote their own wishes and needs. minute detail about his
39 Any risks associated with the decisions being made and Risk measurements are
how they will need to be addressed in your presentation. performed during the
decision making hour and
prepare B plans for urgent
solution if any of risk occur.
40 Methods of supporting individuals to identify and Listen - Let Them Tell Their
express the needs and preferences they wish you to Story: Method like verbal and
present at decision making events, taking account of written communications are
any risks. preferable to identify and
express the needs and
41 Methods of supporting individuals to identify and Ask for betterment and
agree the outcomes they want to achieve. recovery in their conditions
by taking feedback on daily
42 Methods of preparing for and planning Decision analysis and
representations generally, and specifically for the normative decision theory—
decision making event at which you will be both help make patient
representing the individual's needs. preferences accessible for
clinical decision-making
43 Methods of identifying with individuals whether or The individual's name, an
not it is appropriate for you to make the assigned identification
representations. number, telephone number,
date of birth or other person-
specific identifier
H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 16
44 Methods of making representations on behalf of Consistently Engaging with
individuals in ways that enable them to retain as Patients is Part of Patient-
much control over their lives as possible. Centered Care.
The Power of Personal
Encourage Questions

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 17

Knowledge that is Specific to this NOS (cont)

Evidence Number
Knowledge and Understanding
where this knowledge
You need to know and understand:
point has been met
45 Methods of providing feedback in ways that sustain the DESC feedback technique -
individual's confidence and independence. describe, express, specify,
consequences is used for
independent feedback.
46 The role of independent advocates and when they may be The role of an independent
needed. advocate is to support and
represent the person and to
facilitate their involvement in
the key processes and
interactions with the local
authority and other
organizations as required.
47 Methods of reviewing the outcomes of the We follow following steps;
presentation with the individual. Ask a clinical question.
Critically appraise the
Integrate the evidence with
clinical expertise, patient
Evaluate the outcomes of the
48 Methods of reviewing with the individual your We Establish Goal Targets
contribution to the process. and Make Adjustments and
Continuous Monitoring of
Progress of the process.
49 Procedures through which individuals can contest the We maintain a written record
records of a presentation. of every procedure to be
taken for the satisfaction of
50 Recording, reporting and other documentary A well-documented record
requirements related to the preparations for, procedures serves as evidence of
within and outcomes from decision making events and treatment and care, helping to
how to communicate these to individuals, key people alleviate liability concerns in
and others in ways that can be understood by all. the event of a claim and
communicate with the
concern individual by
offering him a copy of all the
documents for review.

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 18

The candidate and assessor must only sign below when all Performance Criteria and
knowledge points have been met.

Unit assessed as being complete

Candidate’s name
Candidate’s signature
Date submitted to Assessor as complete

Assessor’s name
Assessor’s signature
Date assessed complete

Internal Verification

To be completed in accordance with centre’s internal verifier (IV) strategy.

Evidence for this Unit Internal verifier’s Internal verifier’s

was sampled on the signature name
following date/s

This Unit has been subject to an admin check in keeping with the centre’s IV strategy.

Date of admin check Internal verifier’s Internal verifier’s

signature name

Unit completion confirmed

Internal verifier’s name

Internal verifier’s signature
Date completed

H5SR 04 (SCDHSC0368) Present Individuals’ Preferences and Needs 19

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