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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

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Comparative evolution of clay minerals in southern Paraná Basin (Brazil): T

Implications for triassic paleoclimate
Isaque C. Rodriguesa,∗, Ana M.P. Mizusakia, Laís G. Limaa, Anderson J. Maraschinb
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500, 91501-970, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Ipiranga, 6681, Porto Alegre, RS, CEP: 90619-900, Brazil


Keywords: Paraná Basin exposes two distinct portions from Triassic deposits bearing different clay minerals content. Even if
Clay they belong to Santa Maria Supersequence, both are commonly referred as Santa Maria Formation and Arroio
Illite Moirão Graben. These sedimentary layers were deposited in Triassic and separated later because of overall
Graben spreading in southern portion of Gondwana paleocontinent during Cretaceous, forming a relict graben to the
southern part of Paraná basin. This process isolated the layers of Arroio Moirão Gráben from the well-known
Santa Maria layers, even though they stratigraphically belong to the same unit. The deposits are part of
Gondwana Supersequence II when the Paraná rift basin formed. Even in genetically-related rocks, clay minerals
show different assemblages in each portion. In Santa Maria Formation rocks, clay minerals content represents
arid to semi-arid climate, e.g., I/S mixed-layers and illite, whereas in Arroio Moirão Graben, clay minerals
content is confined to kaolinite, which implies humid conditions. Differences in clay mineral assemblages for
these sedimentary units exemplify distinct diagenetic or climate conditions. SMF has more influence from the
arid conditions, while AMG has both climatic and diagenetic humid features in the clay content.

1. Introduction and by this time, arid conditions are related to the paleoenvironment of
the basin and so the units (Fig. 1). However, even if arid conditions are
Clay mineralogy is a powerful tool to understand and interpret expected to both deposits, Arroio Moirão Graben exposes clay minerals
weathering and paleoclimate (Chamley, 1989; Velde, 1995; Meunier, commonly related to humid conditions.
2005). Clay minerals like kaolinite, illite and illite/smectite (I/S) mixed Therefore, the example given here relies on the integration of sev-
layers are used to describe weathering and paleoclimate conditions eral analyses of the Triassic succession of Santa Maria Formation (SMF)
such as humid vs. arid conditions (Singer, 1980; Pellenard and and Graben Arroio Moirão (AMG) deposits (Fig. 2). SMF includes illite
Deconinck, 2006; Schnyder et al., 2006; Raucsik and Varga, 2008; and I/S mixed layers in the mineral content and contrastingly, AMG
Raigemborn et al., 2014). layers have predominantly kaolinite.
Nonetheless, even if clay minerals are good indicators about pa- Furthermore, the work herein aims to understand the reasons that
leoclimate, (especially because they reflect weathering processes), led to changes in clay mineral content in the two related areas.
other controls can affect the geological overall interpretation. As tec- Additionally, clay mineral content study gathered with stratigraphic
tonic and diagenesis are able to influence clay mineralogy, these aspects and laboratory analyses raises implications for paleoclimate conditions
also need to be well evaluated in order to understand the paleoclimatic of each area.
analysis of the studied area. Moreover, post-depositional diagenetic
alteration of clay minerals is required to be analyzed, since it can mask 2. Geological Setting
or change the primary content (Ruffell et al., 2002).
Considering the studied example herein, Paraná Basin includes two Paraná Basin is mainly a sedimentary depression in South America
Triassic related deposits as defined by several authors considering age, comprising Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. This basin covers
fossil content and stratigraphy (Ketzer, 1997; Zerfass et al., 2003; 1.7 million km2 and was generated during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic;
Milani et al., 2007; Horn et al., 2015; Lima, 2016). Santa Maria For- sedimentary rocks are 460 to 65 Ma old (Late Ordovician – Late
mation and Arroio Moirão Graben are placed in Triassic by fossil dating Cretaceous). According to Milani et al. (2007), Paraná Basin is

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (I.C. Rodrigues).
Received 31 July 2018; Received in revised form 2 December 2018; Accepted 14 December 2018
Available online 15 December 2018
0895-9811/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 1. A- Paleocontinent disposal and climate zones in Triassic (modified from Holz, 2015 and Scotese, 2000). Be Paraná Basin map in Rio Grande do Sul with the
study areas highlighted (Modified from Milani, 2004).

distinguished into 6 second-order supersequences: Rio Ivaí, Paraná, 1997; Zerfass et al., 2004). From this stretching, AMG is referred in the
Gondwana I, Gondwana II, Gondwana III and Bauru. Gondwana II Su- literature as a relict of Paraná basin (Ketzer, 1997; Milani et al., 2007;
persequence corresponds to Santa Maria Supersequence (Milani, 1997), Machado, 2014; Horn et al., 2015). The graben has pelitic-sandy sedi-
which includes Santa Maria Formation (SMF) and Arroio Moirão ments interpreted by Lima et al. (2018) as inundite deposits. They
Graben layers (AMG), both present in the studied area (Fig. 3). propose subaqueous, episodic flow that evolved to ephemeral channels.
Zerfass et al. (2003) detailed tectonic and sedimentary history for Regarding paleoclimate, deposits are referred to as arid to semi-arid
the Triassic in Paraná Basin and subdivided Santa Maria Supersequence conditions, typical of the Triassic (Zerfass, 2003). AMG deposits follow
in three third-order sequences. The first two correspond to Santa Maria structurally the pattern of the Sul-riograndense Shield that shows faults
Formation and Caturrita Formation and the third is Mata Formation. and folds in a NE trend. This direction is inherited from Brasiliano
Santa Maria 1 sequence (SM1) is composed of orthoconglomerates, Orogeny (900-530 Ma) (Chemale, 2000; Hartmann et al., 2007; Phillip
conglomeratic sandstones and cross-bedded sandstones covered by et al., 2015).
mudstones. SM1 is interpreted as fluvial deposits grading to shallow In terms of age, SMF has vertebrate and invertebrate fossils, in-
lake deposits. Santa Maria 2 sequence (SM2) includes small to medium- cluding the vertebrate Rhynchosaur that is attributed to the Upper
scale trough cross bedding sandstones overlain by laminated or massive Triassic (Faccini, 1989; Faccini et al., 1990; Schultz et al., 2016). In
red mudstones at the base. This portion is interpreted by Zerfass et al. AMG deposits, a Triassic age was also determined by Rhyncosaur fossil
(2003) as high-sinuosity fluvial and overbank deposits. The upper part assigned to the genus Hyperodapedon, index fossil of the Hyperodapedon
of SM2 consists of a coarsening-upward succession (Caturrita Forma- AZ, corresponding to the base of Candelária Sequence, Santa Maria
tion; Andreis et al., 1980) exposing small-scale trough cross-bedded Supersequence. (Horn et al., 2015). This finding was crucial to correlate
sandstone lenses. Rhythmites and massive or climbing cross-laminated the deposits of AMG and SMF, because they are similar in terms of
sandstone bodies also occur; this facies association is stated as a la- stratigraphy and age. In addition, Borsa et al. (2017) based specially on
custrine-deltaic depositional system. In Santa Maria 3 sequence (SM3), stratigraphic data relates AMG to Candelária Sequence that is SM2 in
cross-stratified and conglomeratic sandstones are dominant and in- the Santa Maria Supersequence.
filtrated clays are common. SM3 corresponds to Mata Formation and Borsa et al. (2017) based on sedimentological, paleontological and
the lithofacies are interpreted as product of gravitational flows as a sequence stratigraphic correlation relates the AMG record to the base of
result of collapsing fluvial terraces (Zerfass et al., 2003). the Candelaria Sequence (sensu Horn et al., 2014) and by Zerfass et al.
Santa Maria Supersequence is a wide terminology, and the term (2003) is equivalent to the SM2.
Santa Maria Formation is generically used for the Zerfass et al. (2003) Philipp et al. (2018) from zircon data results of the Santa Cruz Se-
proposing of SM1, SM2, SM3, and even if these nomenclatures are still quence (bottom portion of Santa Maria Supersequence) proved that the
used, other names according the toponyms of types sections are also top of this Sequence is aged close to the Ladinian-Carnian boundary
used. Santa Maria 1 is equivalent to Pinheiros-Chiniquá and Santa Cruz (Triassic). This work is very important to show that biostratigraphic age
Sequence. Santa Maria 2 corresponds to Candelária Sequence and Santa proposed by Horn et al. (2015) is in agreement with the absolute
Maria 3 includes Mata Sequence. This way, they are into Santa Maria chronostratigraphy from UePb results. Moreover, Philipp et al. (2018)
Supersequence and as part of Gondwana II (Milani, 1997). gathering geochronological, stratigraphic, structural and paleocurrent
Arroio Moirão Graben is one of six isolated Gondwana Units (Boa information indicate that the source areas for the Triassic sedimentary
Vista, Cerro Partido, Delfino, Amaral Ferrador and Tabuleiro) over the rocks they analyzed are located to the south, and the uplift that out-
Sul-riograndense Shield, southern portion of Paraná Basin (Ketzer, crops both basement and units from Paraná Basin deposited until Late
1997). AMG developed during Triassic when an overall stretching took Permian are related to the formation of Rio Grande Arch.
place in the southern part of Gondwana. This event led to formation of a
rift basin, generating Supersequence Gondwana II deposition (Milani,

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 2. Geological maps of the study areas. A- Santa Maria Supersequence as part of Paraná Basin. Letters A and B inside the boxes are where Pierini et al. (2002)
collected SMF samples and piled the column sections. B- Arroio Moirão Graben deposits as an isolate portion of Paraná Basin.

3. Methodology analyses are almost the same, figures are able to be compared, and the
areas are related by many papers, the authors herein found reasonable
This is a comparative study between AMG and SMF clay minerals to compare the clay mineral content data in order to better understand
content. The current authors analyzed several samples (32) from AMG paleoclimate conditions and other controls that led the difference be-
in terms of petrography, XRD, SEM analyses and Infrared Spectrometry. tween them, since this kind of approach has never been done and it
Previously, authors included into Pierini et al. (2002) work, studied would be important for a better understanding about Paraná Basin
Santa Maria and Caturrita formations stratigraphically and geochemi- deposition.
cally and in terms of clay minerals they analyzed 39 samples. By that It is important to clarify that when it comes to the Santa Maria
time Santa Maria and Caturrita formations were interpreted as different Supersequence nomenclature, Pierini et al. (2002) studied the major
in terms of lithostratigraphy, however as mentioned in Geological register of it, including SM2 (Candelária Sequence) and SM3 (Santa
Setting, nowadays they are interpreted as part of a huge sequence called Cruz and Pinheiros-Chiniquá). As for a long time part of the register
Santa Maria Supersequence and can be divided into SM1, SM2, SM3 or mentioned were called Santa Maria Formation (even in the title of their
even into small sequences (Mata, Candelária, Santa Cruz and Pinheiros- paper), this terminology is still widely used to refer the registers from
Chiniquá respectively). Santa Maria Supersequence, as published by a variety of papers such as
Data acquired by them, involved XRD, petrography, SEM and che- Langer and Schultz (2000), Horn et al. (2015), Borsa et al. (2017),
mical analyses. As this prior work has similar approach to the samples, Langer et al. (2018) and Philipp et al. (2018). Consequently, the SMF

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphic column and chronostratigraphic of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous of Paraná Basin. SMF is a generic name to express Santa Maria
Supersequence portions and AMG is related to Candelária Sequence or SM2. (Modified from Faccini, 1989; Pierini et al., 2002; Horn et al., 2014).

name will be used in the entire manuscript for the reasons mentioned. clay minerals followed Alves (1987) and Moore and Reynolds (1997).
Once more, the AMG analyses and results presented herein are XRD analyses were done at the X-Ray Diffractometry Laboratory of
completely a novelty and were achieved by the current authors and all the Geochemistry and Petrography Research Center (CPGq)—Earth
SMF analyses and results (including pictures) were done by authors Sciences Institute (UFRGS), using a SIEMENS D 500 Diffractometer with
included in the work of Pierini et al. (2002). The closure of the present copper anode, nickel filter, 1° slits, 40 mA and 30 kV. Diffraction pat-
work is followed by a discussion on the evolution of clay minerals terns were obtained with speed of 0.5° 2θ/min, covering the analytical
content through Triassic and implications for paleoclimate. angle range of 2–80° 2θ.
All oriented mounts were scanned three times with X-rays, fol-
3.1. Fieldwork lowing three treatments: (a) air-drying: named natural sample; (b)
ethylene glycol solvation: the mounting slide was stored in a closed
Google Earth® was used to find the best outcrops for the AMG, and desiccator with ethylene glycol (CH2OHOH2OH) before the analysis by
after this searching the fieldwork and sample collection succeeded. the X-rays. Inside the desiccator, a saturated atmosphere was created in
Pierini et al. (2002) gathered from SMF a total of 111 siltstones and a stove at 60 °C during 8 h (Whitney and Northrop, 1987); (c) heating:
14 sandstones samples, however 39 samples (siltstones) were analyzed the mounted slide was kept in an oven at 500 °C for 2 h.
in terms of composition of clay minerals, whereas in AMG 25 pelites
and 7 sandstones from Arroio Moirão Graben were put to analyses. 3.3. SEM analysis
Samples taken from both units cover a wide areal distribution (see
Table 1). After XRD analysis, some samples were analyzed in a scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). This method is able to display morpholo-
3.2. X-ray diffraction gical features and clay minerals arrangement and disposition, which
better indicate the evolution of clay minerals. Sample preparation fol-
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is suitable to analyze crystalline structure to lowed Mizusaki (1986) procedure and analyses were done in two la-
discriminate mineral phases. Hence, this method was applied to fine- boratories, as follows.
grained fraction (FF < 2 μm) containing clay minerals. Separation of Arroio Moirão Graben samples were analyzed by a PHILIPS

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Table 1
Clay mineral composition of siltstones, pelites and sandstones samples from SMF and AMG.
Santa maria Formation Arroio Moirão Graben

Samples I/S (%) I (%) Kaolinite (%) Samples Kaolinite (%) Hematite (%) Ilite (%)

AGB18 91 9 TR09A 90 10
AGB19 95 5 TR09B 85 15
AGB68 88 12 TR09C 87 13
AGB69 91 9 TR09D 95 5
AGB74 98 2 TR09E 88 12
AGB75 89 11 TR09F 86 14
AGB76 87 13 TR35 100
AGB77 80 20 TR34B 100
AGB78 86 14 TR34E 100
AGB81 85 15 TR TR34A 100
CF118 80 19 1 TR34D 100
CF120 85 12 3 TR03 100
CF122 87 13 TR TR59 100
CF126 90 10 TR63 100
DF82 91 9 TR36 100
DF90 86 14 TR34F 100
DF95 86 11 TR34C 100
DF100 92 8 TR96A 68 32
DF105 81 19 TR96B 67 8 15
DFB115 93 7 TR121 80 20
BP41 81 19 TR122 100
BP45 89 11 PGMCA1 88 12
BP51 87 13 PGMCA7 93 7
BP55 94 6 PGMCB1 90 10
BP60 92 8 PGMCB2 92 8
BP63 96 4 PGMCB3 90 10
FNB02 95 5 PGMCB4 94 6
FN09 89 11 PGMCB5 96 4
FNB10 91 9 PGMCB6 92 8
FNB15 90 10 PGMCB9 94 6
FNB27 84 16 PGMCC1 91 9
FNB31 86 14 PGMCC7 95 5
FNB33 91 9
FNB34 92 8
FNB37 82 18
FNB38 94 6
AC12 86 9
FS13 93 6
FS16 92 8

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of SMF (A,B,C) and AMG rocks (D,E,F). A- Optical photomicrograph of heterogeneous sedimentary rocks with disseminated iron oxides. Be
Optical photomicrograph of mixed I/S rims around infiltrated clay minerals coatings. Ce Optical photomicrograph of infiltrated clay minerals arrangement. D,E−
Kaolinite filling pores with characteristic booklet habit. Fe Kaolinite substituting mica grain and exposing booklet habit.

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 5. XRD diffractograms of SMF (A,B) showing I/S, illite (I) and quartz peaks; XRD diffractograms of AMG (C,D) showing kaolinite (Kao) and quartz (Qtz) peaks.

scanning electron microscope (XL30 model) at Electron Microscopy 4.1. Petrography

Laboratory (PUCRS). With this method, millimetric samples were pre-
pared and attached to micro tapes (5 × 6 mm) and later covered with SMF includes well-sorted sandstones, however in laminated samples
thin gold coating (around 20 Å). they display moderate sorting. The base of the section is dominated by a
very fine-grained sandstone (around 0.0625 mm) and replaced upwards
3.4. Infrared spectroscopy by fine to medium-grained sandstone (around 0.25 mm).
Sandstones from the basal portion show loosely packed intercala-
After all these methods, a doubt remained about the kaolinite tions, subtle finer-grained layers with pores impregnated with iron
polymorph dickite and infrared spectroscopy analysis was performed. oxide (Fig. 4A). Coarser-grained sandstone exposes no preferred or-
This polymorph is only generated under meso-diagenetic conditions. ientation and is loosely packed. Sand grains are subangular in the entire
Two samples were submitted to infrared analysis at PUCRS chemical section and display low sphericity and common elongated contacts. In a
laboratory, using a Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer (Spectrum 100 short, SMF section includes supported framework sandstone with some
model). KBr pastilles were prepared and analysis conducted at 4 cm−1 textural changes.
resolution, 4000 to 450 cm−1 scan and velocity of analysis at 10 s under In terms of clay minerals, SMF holds small amount of authigenic
220 V. clay minerals in two ways: I/S mixed-layers filling pores (Fig. 4B),
developed as infiltrated clay mineral coatings; and discrete and fibrous
4. Results neoformed occur on the I/S mixed-layered aggregates similar to needles
(Fig. 4C). Kaolinite randomly appears on sandstones pores in small
Results are approached comparatively between SMF and AMG, ex- amounts.
posing differences between the units regarding clay minerals content.

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

On the other hand, AMG has sandstones, siltites and pelites. Pelites (3700, 3670, 3650 and 3620 cm−1) are well defined, it means that
are dominant in the section. Texturally, rocks vary from well-sorted to kaolinite is well-ordered. Analyzed kaolinite has ordered structure be-
poorly-sorted and grains also vary between well-rounded and poorly- cause all four bands cited are well defined.
Siltite is mainly massive and seldomly laminated. Matrix is made up
of clay with few quartz grains. Oxide pigmentation is common. Quartz 5. Discussion
grains show sharp corners and feldspar grains are rare. White mica
lamellae and small amounts of kaolinite booklets appear locally sub- Two Triassic units from Paraná Basin, the main outcrop area (SMF)
stituting clay clasts. Some of the fine-grained rocks show higher content and the AMG triassic layers, are genetically correlated based on verte-
of clay matrix, therefore classified as pelites, but they have nearly the brate fóssils and stratigraphic correlations.
same features. The similarity of the two deposits leads to the expectation that their
Regarding clay minerals, AMG virtually has only kaolinite. This clay minerals content is concordant. Nonetheless, SMF layers show
mineral occurs as pseudomorphs of feldspars, clay clasts and detrital enrichment in illite and I/S mixed layers while AMG deposits have
mica grains (Fig. 4D), pore filling sandstone grains (Fig. 4E) with kaolinite, confirmed optically by microscopic analyses and structurally
booklet habit characteristic of the mineral (Fig. 4F). by XRD results.
As clay mineral content is controlled by paleoclimate conditions, the
contrast between minerals variety offers clues regarding paleoclimate
4.2. X-ray diffraction, SEM analyzes and infrared spectroscopy changes after the layers deposited. In this way, illite and I/S mixed
layers were associated with hot, semi-arid to arid conditions while
The XRD patterns shows that the analyzed stratigraphic section kaolinite was related to humid conditions (Chamley, 1989; Thiry,
matches with whole-rock description in relation to fine-grained com- 2000).
position (< 2 μm). SMF rocks are predominantly composed of I/S In SMF, paleoclimate was arid to semi-arid due to widespread pre-
mixed-layered clay minerals, illite content is minor and kaolinite is sence of illite and I/S mixed layers. These clay minerals represent in-
nearly absent compared to other clay minerals. AMG clay content is filtrated material from post-depositional compaction, mainly supported
exclusively composed of kaolinite and without significant content of by lack of diagenetic features as shown by Pierini et al. (2002). Ac-
other clay mineral. Comparative clay minerals composition for both cording to Langer et al. (2018) biostratigraphic data suggests appear-
areas is described in Table 1. ance of dinosaurs in the region that matches with dryer and warmer
XRD patterns for kaolinite show a very strong peak of kaolinite conditions, due to the dominance of Rhynchosaur as first level con-
(Kao) and a lower intensity peak of quartz (Qtz), reflecting a very or- sumers and the general faunal diversification.
dered structure. Fig. 5 shows a comparative XRD result using two AMG has no illite and I/S mixed layers and fillings with kaolinite
samples of each area to show the predominance of I/S on SMF and fractions, which suggests humid conditions. Kaolinite from AMG is
kaolinite on AMG. well-formed and distributed over the entire succession as observed in
Illite occurs replacing K-feldspar grains and I/S mixed-layered ag- SEM analyses. Infrared results also indicate any mesodiagenetic con-
gregates and detrital grains (Fig. 6A–C). Illite morphology is needle- ditions for the layers, otherwise kaolinite fractions would be trans-
shaped as seen in thin sections. Kaolinite displays well-formed ag- formed into dickite.
gregates, showing pseudo-hexagonal form (Fig. 6D), booklet habit The origin kaolinite in the Arroio Moirão Graben is still a con-
(Fig. 6E) and also kaolinite substituting detrital grains (Fig. 6F). troversial topic. In terms of diagenesis, the recognition of the precise
Infrared spectrum shows the characteristic absorption bands of timing and extent of kaolinization in sedimentary sequences is difficult.
kaolinite (Fig. 7). Kaolinite absorption bands range between 3500 and Kaolinite may have been formed both in eodiagenetic and telogenetic
3750 cm−1 corresponding to stretching frequencies of OH groups stages, so it is very difficult to differentiate them. They are precipitated
(Wilson, 1987; Madejová, 2003). When the four characteristic bands from detrital silicate-grains dissolution (K-feldspars, micas and lithic

Fig. 6. Clay minerals of SMF (A,B,C) and AMG (D,E,F) under SEM analysis. A- Illite (Ill) over detrital feldspar grain (Kfs). Be Illitization over detrital grains. Ce
Radiated aggregates of authigenic illite over detrital grains. D- Aggregates of kaolinite displaying well-formed pseudo-hexagonal form. E− Kaolinite booklet habit.
Fe Kaolinite substituting detrital grain.

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 7. Infrared spectrum from AMG showing characteristic absorption bands of kaolinite.

fragments) by an undersaturated meteoric water environment, where assumption for the area, since they propose that Rio Grande Arch was
pH and (K+, Na+)/H+ ratio are low, moreover warm, subhumid to responsible for the uplift of the basement and the units deposited until
humid (precipitation > 1000 mmyr-1) and near-surface conditions Late Permian.
(eodiagenesis) are required. As a result, aggregates with vermicular and After the breakup of the southern portion of Gondwana separated
booking habits are formed (McAulay et al., 1994; Ketzer et al., 2003; the two areas, hot conditions prevailed SMF deposits and even if arid or
Worden and Barclay, 2003). semi-arid climate was part of paleoenvironment of AMG, humid con-
Besides euhedral booklets and vermicular textures, there are several ditions took place propitiated by the uplift of Rio Grande Arch.
evidences indicating an in situ origin for kaolinite as kaolinized mica The telogenetic rather than eogenetic formation of kaolinite is
flakes expanded into open pores (Fig. 4F), micro porosity of pore-filling presumably enhanced by more humid climatic conditions compared
kaolin (Fig. 5D; E), which is typically present in diagenetic conditions, with the semi-arid climate during the Triassic and the generation of
as opposed to detrital clay aggregates (Hurst and Nadeau, 1995). smectite in the other sedimentary units of the Santa Maria Formation as
Consequently, the eodiagenesis possibility is not excluded in this well as silicate dissolution is more extensive under semi-humid to
case. However, it is important differentiate the paleoclimate conditions humid climatic conditions and typically is accompanied by kaolinite
during deposition from paleoclimate after the layers were deposited. As precipitation (Ketzer et al., 2003).
seen by XRD in SMF all the samples show the predominance of I and I/S Therefore, when we analyze the AMG deposit from paleoenviron-
mixed layers. SMF during deposition of the layers is in agreement with mental perspective, the lithologic inundites system that requires peri-
the arid or semi-arid conditions, so these clay minerals content is ex- odic rainfall to create inundation flux as proposed by Lima (2016) and
pected. AMG is strongly related to SM2 and the expected clay minerals perhaps this rainfall could create some kind of kaolinization to the
were erased or at least masked from the register. Therefore, only telo- layers. However, AMG is associated to SM2, and it has similar pa-
diagenetic conditions are able to explain this contrast. leoenvironment starting with high-sinuosity fluvial and overbank de-
Several aspects control the spatial, temporal distribution and the posits grading for lacustrine-deltaic depositional system, and there is no
extent of meteoric telodiagenesis among the presence of faults, which kaolinite in the register.
extend to the surface and act as conduits for meteoric water (Morad Only telodiagenetic conditions are able to mask or change clay
et al., 2000). Parnell et al. (2000) showed that the original kaolinite minerals content in this case, so we suggest that eodiagenesis is able to
precipitation is focused along the high permeability fault zone that influence the mineral content however, telodiagenetic conditions have
served as high permeability conduit. way more impact for this contrasting situation, where telogenetic fac-
Therefore, clay mineral content suggests that after the deposition tors make precipitation easily to permeate AMG deposits and spread
settings of both areas, hot conditions established in the SMF deposits, kaolinization through the rocks. The ubiquitous presence of kaolinite
associated with arid to semi-arid climate, while in AMG humid condi- for AMG deposits is also favored by small thickness compared to SMF
tions dominated in the deposits. amplitude, where the fractures and faults resulted by the graben em-
The close association of elevated amounts of kaolinite and in- placement helped kaolinization to spread in virtually all the lithologies.
tragranular porosity with such normal faults is attributed to telodia- Fig. 8 show a simplified sketch for AMG deposits.
genesis (Ketzer et al., 2003). Modifications related to the exposure of
previously buried sedimentary sequences to near-surface meteoric 6. Conclusions
conditions below unconformities and/or along faults are referred to as
telodiagenesis (Choquete and Pray, 1970). The compilation of multiple analyses of Santa Maria Formation and
Moreover, spatially and temporally extensive telogenetic meteoric Arroio Moirão Graben has revealed results in terms of paleoclimate
alterations are expected to occur around uplifted blocks in humid cli- implications of Triassic.
mates and in mineralogically immature sandstones with good hydraulic The clay mineral content shows predominance of illite and I/S
conductivity. As the incursion of meteoric water along faults bounding mixed layers in Santa Maria deposits; allied to stratigraphic informa-
uplifted blocks occur to depths of a few hundred of meters, the spatial tion, this suggests hot conditions for this formation. In Arroio Moirão
and temporal distribution of telogenetic modifications are not ne- Graben, kaolinite is invariably present in the lithologies exposing
cessarily systematically related to unconformity surfaces. humid conditions, in spite of the genetic relationship of the two de-
The recent study of Philipp et al. (2018) corroborates this posits.

I.C. Rodrigues et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90 (2019) 181–190

Fig. 8. Paleoenvironment sketch of AMG. A- Inundite model for AMG deposits. After the exposure of rocks, humid conditions took place over the deposits (Modified
from Lima et al., 2018). Be The graben setting propitiated the occurrence of fractures and faults, and since the AMG layers are thinner than SMF deposits, rainfall was
able to percolate through the rocks generating kaolinite (Kao) presence over the entire section. (Modified from Ketzer, 1997; Milani, 1997; Zerfass et al., 2003).

As AMG is a relict from Paraná Basin, this register is not as thick and Choquete, P.W., Pray, L.C., 1970. Geologic nomenclature and classification of porosity in
wide as SMF deposit and also had influence from uplift, telogenetic sedimentar carbonates. AAPG (Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol.) Bull. 54, 207–250.
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