Evidence 2

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Dialogue between three friends in the park

Carla: Hi Geraldine and Lorena, how are you? What are you doing here?
Geraldine: We agreed to see each other in the park, because yesterday we had a stressful day.
Carla: oh my god!! Tell me, what do you usually do in a day?
Geraldine: Well, I go first. I wake up at 5:30 a.m. I prepare breakfast and lunch for my daughters for
their school, we have breakfast together and we go to school. I arrive at my house at 8 o’clock and I
start cleaning routine in my house. Then I go to the market to buy raw materials for my business, I
prepare some doughs and move forward with orders. At 3:30 I pick up my daughters from school. In
the afternoon I do homework with them and my pending homework from the institute, I go to classes
on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Always, I have dinner with my family at 7:30 and
I put my daughters to bed at 9:00 o clock. I finish packing my orders and scheduling them.
Approximately I go to bed at 11:30 pm.
Carla: It sounds great. That is awesome Geraldine. You are right you have the day with several things.
Lorena: Well, I continue my day is almost the same as Geraldine
Carla: Tell me, Lorena.
Lorena: My day starts at 5:30 am, I get up, take a shower, get dressed and go out to take the bus that
takes me to work. I have breakfast in my office, I do my work plan and attend to my clients, sometimes
I go out to field visits with clients, in the afternoon I get home and do my homework, have dinner and
then study virtually at Certus. My classes are at night and always on the weekend.
Carla: ohh!! Interesting routine
Lorena: Thanks, you. And you Carla tell me about your daily routines
Carla: Well, my day start like that. I wake up at 6:30 then I take a shower at 7 o’clock, I get dressed
quickly, I prepare my breakfast sometimes I eat toast with butter and a cup of coffee. Later, Igo to work
always I take the Train. In the work; I answer work emails, attend meetings. Also, I write and send
emails, sometimes I check my cellphone. At two o’clock, I have lunch. In the afternoon I take a walk
with my dogs. I usually eat dinner at nine o’clock and go to bed at midnight.
Geraldine and Lorena: It is also an interesting routine. Well, I hope you're doing well see you very
Carla: thanks girls take care, bye.

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