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“The Need to Lower Age of Criminal Responsibility in the Philippines”

The topic of lowering the age of criminal liability in the Philippines is a

contentious issue that has sparked intense debate. Currently, the minimum
age of criminal liability in the country is set at 15 years old, as stipulated by
Republic Act No. 9344. This law mandates that individuals aged 15 to 18
may be detained in youth centers and undergo rehabilitation programs, while
those under 15 years old are exempted from criminal liability but must
undergo intervention. However, this was later amended by the Republic Act
No. 10630, which proposed to lower the age of criminal liability from 15 years
old to 9 years old.
The law also provides specific procedures for handling cases involving
minors. For example, if a child under 15 years old is apprehended, they are
to be released to the custody of their parents, guardian, or nearest relative
and are then subjected to a community-based intervention program under
the supervision of the local social welfare and development officer.
However, there are proposals to amend this law through Republic Act
No. 10630, which seeks to reduce the age of criminal liability from 15 years
old to 9 years old. The Philippine National Police has expressed its support
for this bill, citing the involvement of juvenile delinquents in serious criminal
offense due to their age immunity under the current law. Supporters of this
amendment argue that it would serve as a deterrent to juvenile crime and
ensure that young offenders are held accountable for their actions.
Supporters of this amendment argue that it would serve as a deterrent
to juvenile crime and ensure that young offenders are held accountable for
their actions. There is various reason on the need of lowering the age of
criminal responsibility, one of which is the curbing the misuse of minors. This
means that if the age of criminal responsibility is to be lowered it could
discourage adults from manipulating minors to engage in unlawful activities.
This is based on the premise that if children are held accountable for their
actions, adults may be less likely to use them as pawns in criminal activities.
When children are used in this way, it’s often because the adults
involved believe they can escape the consequences of their actions by using
children, who they assume will not be held legally responsible. By lowering
the age of criminal responsibility, it sends a clear message that children
cannot be used as shields for criminal activities, and that everyone involved
in a crime will face consequences. This could have a deterrent effect, making
adults think twice before involving children in criminal activities. It could also
protect children from being exploited in this way, as adults may be less likely
to involve them in criminal activities if they know that the children could also
be held responsible.
However, it’s important to note that while this approach could
potentially curb the misuse of minors, it should be accompanied by other
measures to protect children. This includes social services and legal
protections to ensure that children are not exploited or coerced into criminal
activities in the first place. While curbing the misuse of minors could be a
potential advantage of lowering the age of criminal responsibility, it’s crucial
that it’s implemented alongside other protective measures to ensure the
welfare and rights of children.
The second benefit of lowering the criminal liability is its advantage
from timely intervention. By identifying and addressing criminal behavior at
a younger age, there is a chance to guide these children onto a better path
before they become entrenched in a life of crime. This could involve
counseling, education, and other forms of rehabilitation.
When a child partakes in criminal activity, it often signals deeper
underlying issues. This could span from a lack of guidance and supervision,
exposure to violence, or even social- economic factor such as poverty. By
recognizing these issues at an early stage, suitable measures can be
implemented to address them. This could encompass social services,
counseling, educational support, and other forms of assistance aimed at
offering the child a more positive and stable environment.
Furthermore, prompt intervention can also assist in identifying any
potential mental health issues that may be influencing the child’s behavior.
With the appropriate support and treatment, these issues can be managed,
enabling the child to lead a healthier and more productive life.
Thirdly, it helps in promoting responsibility. Lowering the age of
criminal responsibility might also foster a sense of responsibility among
children. By understanding that actions have consequences, regardless of
age, children might be more likely to think twice before engaging in any illegal
In the context of criminal behavior, this means recognizing the unlawful
actions, regardless of who commits the., have repercussions. If children are
made aware that they could be held responsible for their actions, it could
potentially deter them from engaging in criminal activities. This
understanding of cause and effect is a crucial part of cognitive development
and can play a significant role in shaping a child’s behavior.
Moreover, this could also encourage children to think critically about
their action and the potential harm they could cause to others and society at
large. It could foster empathy, as children might begin to understand how
their actions affect others. This, in turn, could lead to the development of
remorse and their desire to make amends, which are key components of
However, it is important to note that promoting responsibility should not
solely be about punishment. It should also involve education and support
systems that help children understand societal norms and values, and guide
them towards making better decisions in the future. This approach ensures
that the focus remains of the child’s welfare and development, rather than
purely on penalization.
Next thing, this might also help in enhancing public safety. Some
proponents argue that reducing the age of criminal liability could potentially
help improve public safety and eradicate numerous crimes in the country. If
children engaged in criminal activities are appropriately dealt with by the
justice system, it could deter them and others from committing crimes,
thereby contributing to their safer community.
When young individuals involved in illegal activities are held
accountable for their action, it communicates a strong message to them and
their peers that such conduct is unacceptable. This could potentially deter
them and others from participating in similar activities in the future, thereby
decreasing crime rates.
Furthermore, tackling these issues at a younger age provides an
opportunity to intervene and guide these young individuals towards a more
positive trajectory. This could involve various forms of rehabilitation,
such as therapy, education, and social services, which aim to address the
root causes of their behavior. By doing so, the hope is that these young
individuals can be reintegrated into society as law-abiding citizens, further
boosting community security.
Lastly, lowering the age of criminal responsibility can help promote and
provide consistency in legal proceedings. Currently the age of criminal
responsibility can vary depending on the crime. Standardizing this could
simplify legal proceedings and ensure equal treatment under the law.
The legal implications of lowering the age of criminal liability are
significant and require careful consideration. Any changes to the current
legal framework would necessitate a thorough review of existing laws and
the country’s obligations under international law. It would also require the
strengthening of the country’s juvenile justice system to ensure the rights
and welfare of minors are protected.
By lowering the age of criminal responsibility, it could potentially
standardize this aspect of the legal system. All crimes would have the same
age of responsibility, simplifying legal proceedings and ensuring equal
treatments under the law. This could make the legal process more
straightforward and easier to navigate for all parties involved.

To sum up, the potential advantages of reducing the age of criminal

responsibility in the Philippines, such as preventing the exploitation of
minors, facilitating early intervention, fostering a sense of responsibility,
improving public safety, and ensuring consistency in legal proceedings,
present a compelling case. However, this issue is complex and
multifaceted, necessitating a careful and balanced approach. Any
modifications to the existing law must prioritize the protection of children’s
rights and their overall well-being. It’s crucial that these potential benefits
form part of a broader strategy that encompasses not just punitive
measures, but also preventive and rehabilitative initiatives. This
comprehensive approach ensures that the emphasis remains on nurturing
the child’s growth and development, rather than solely on punishment.
Ultimately, the goal should be to foster a secure and supportive
environment for all members of society, including our most vulnerable - the
children. Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that the effectiveness of
such a change would heavily rely on the implementation and enforcement
of these laws. Lastly, continuous evaluation and adaptation based on the
outcomes and societal feedback are crucial to ensure the laws serve their
intended purpose and contribute positively to society.

Thank you Judge. God bless and Merry Blessed Christmas to you.

Word Count: 1,500 words

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