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Adidas - Hello Tomorrow by Spike Jonze and Daniel Craig vs James Bond | NO TIME TO DIE

Ally Nguyen

Performing Arts Preparation, Sheridan College

COMM 19999, Class: 1239_46682

Alireza Jafari

November 8, 2023

Which advertisement communicates its message more effectively to the viewer? How does the message of

that ad complement the product or cause that the company is trying to sell or promote?

Personally, I find that the Addidas ad was much more successful when communicating its

message to the viewer. Considering how the product was a pair of shoes, they really used bold,

unique and strong choices. Personally, I depicted that as a way to demonstrate stability or so, the

stability of the shoes and how nothing is considered impossible for them. The music they chose

stood out, especially due to how contrasting it was to the actors and the videographers flowing

movements. Yet in the end, it all worked in a way that was captivating to watch as a viewer and

left me wanting to have that product for myself.

Compare the use of text in both advertisements. Which one makes better use of text and what could be

done to improve the other advertisement’s use of text?

This question I find to be very difficult to answer due to both ads not using much of text,

but after rewatching adn re-anylasing both ads I have come to the conclusion of the Heineken ad

making better use of text. I really enjoyed the slightly different fonts they used, yet they all
coincided with one another so it still looked put together. Another notable artistic choice I

noticed in this ad was how they decided to match the text with the background music, which I

found really captivating. I find that the Addidas ad didn’t text to its full capabilities. They

could’ve had it in a way where they used bold text to show that stability again, as I mentioned


What is one similarity in the way that both advertisements use colour? Why is this approach effective and

which advertisement makes the best use of colour?

Watching both ads, I certainly noticed that they had both of their main actors wearing

colours that contrasted with the backdrops due to making the actor and the product stick out. Its

effectiveness comes into play when you rewatch the ads and your eyes start to track them

because of how much they stand out. I notice this, especially in the Addidas ad because they kept

the colour scheme of it all very dark and dreary, yet the product itself stood out due to it being

lighter than everything else in the ad other than the clothes the actors wearing.

What is one difference in the way that the advertisements use music? Why do you think they have taken

different approaches and which advertisement makes the best use of music?

I noticed right away that in the Addidas ad they used contrasting music to what was

happening with the actor and the surroundings. Meanwhile, in the Heineken ad, they had it

flowing very well along with the ad itself, there were wonderful moments where the text would

match up with the tempo of the music, which added to the ad's overall appeal. Even so, I still

find that the flowing movements of the Adidas ad plus its contrasting music choice very
appealing because it keeps you intrigued to see where the ad goes next. Overall, for me

personally, I was a bigger fan of the Adidas one due to how cohesive everything was with the

music compared to the Heineken ad.

Which advertisement does a better job of targeting a specific audience? What is one technique (music,

colour, text) that helps target this specific audience and how could the other advertisement do a better job

of targeting a specific audience.

Based on all the information I gathered about both of these ads, I’m going to go with the

Heineken ad. Considering how much I have been an active fan of the Adidas ad’s creative

choices individually, I just find that the Heineken ad worked much better altogether. They

specifically used the text to really nod that it was an already existing character that a specific age

group would already know. Something that I think Adidas could’ve done to improve ‌targeting a

specific audience would be to implement something familiar using their music choice as an

example due to it being the odd thing about the ad. Perhaps use a song that is more like workout

music, considering it’s for sports shoes.


Spike Jonze. (2018) Hello Tommorow, Adidas.

Daniel Craig. (2020) Daniel Craig Vs James Bond | NO TIME TO DIE, Heineken.

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