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English -VI

Big Summative -1
Student's name________________________Date___________
I Level-20 points
Use the verbs in the Past Tense.
1.The children .................(to go) to the museum.
2.They ...............(to see) cavemen.
3.Cavemen .....................(to live) thousands of years ago.
4.They ........................(to hunt) animals with spears.
5.They ........................(to cover) their bodies with animal's skins
.6.They ........................(to make) a fire and ..............(to roast)meat.
II Level -30 points
Fill in the right form of the adjectives.
1.Novruz is the .............(good)holiday of Azerbaijan people.
2.The book on the table is the ...........(little)interesting one.
3.The weather today is .............(bad)than it was yesterday.
4.Sacrifice holiday is one of the ............(much)enjoyable holidays.
5.Alice makes .............(many) invitation cards than Mike.
6.Poetry books are .................(interesting) for everyone.
III Level -30 points
Complete the sentences using Reflexive pronouns.
1.You must make your bed....................
2.She cooked the cake.........................
3.He cut ...................with a knife.
4.The dog carried the bone..................
5.We must clean the room......................
6.They planned the trees.............................
7.Be careful.Don't burn........................
8.Tom and Sam !When you ride your bikes ,look after ...................
IV Level -20 points
Put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct order.
1.Mum:How nice!I also like this film!Have you got any
2.Mum:What's on today?
3.Jack:I am going to watch TV.
4.Jack:"Robinson Crusoe"
5.Mum:What are you going to do ,Jack?
6.Jack:No,I have no homework today.


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