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Bumblebees: Behaviour, Ecology, and Conservation

Author: Nation, James L.

Source: Florida Entomologist, 93(3) : 477
Published By: Florida Entomological Society

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Book Reviews 477

GOULSON, DAVE. 2010. Bumblebees: Behaviour, Ecology, and Conservation. Second Edition, Oxford
University Press, New York, Hardback, 317pp. ISBN 978-0-19-955306-8 (Hbk.), $120, ISBN 978-0-19-
955307-5 (pbk.), $55.

This second edition extends and updates the nematodes, and other commensals including
first edition of the book that was published in cuckoo bees in relationship to bumblebees. Chap-
2002. Since the first edition, the author notes, ters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 deal with foraging, forage
there have been over 700 scientific publications searching patterns, choice of flower species, and
on bumblebees, indicating the richness of the sci- scent marking. Chapter 11: Competition and
entific field and workers interested in bumble- Niche Differentiation in Bumblebee Communi-
bees. The recent, as well as earlier literature, is ties and Chapter 12: Bumblebees as Pollinators
scattered in many scientific journals, and this edi- lead into Chapter 13 on the importance of bum-
tion brings a wealth of data together in one blebee conservation. In the final Chapter 14, the
source. There are many illustrations (50 accord- author describes both positive and negative ef-
ing to the publisher) and an 8-page section of fects of introducing bumblebees and honeybees
color plates with 16 illustrations. Plate 16 illus- into regions where they are not native. One might
trates the color pattern on the dorsal surface of think that exotic bumblebees and honeybees
male and female species of bumblebees in the would have little or no negative effects on an eco-
United Kingdom. There are 70 pages of complete system, but the author lists, and then discusses,
references, an invaluable resource for researchers areas of concern, including competition with na-
as well as providing younger workers an entry tive insects for floral resources and nest sites, in-
into the literature. There is a thorough index of trogression with native species, transmission of
topics, including specific pages on which particu- parasites and pathogens to native species,
lar bumblebees (listed by scientific name) are dis- changes in seed set with introduced species, and
cussed. pollination of exotic weeds.
Chapter 1 presents the evolution, phylogeny In addition to being a valuable scientific re-
and life cycle of bumblebees. Subgeneric relation- source, the hardback copy has a colorful cover
ships are illustrated in a Figure. I found the short with a bumblebee foraging on a clover blossom
Chapter 2: Thermoregulation, particularly inter- and is an attractive addition to anyone’s library.
esting. Chapter 3: Social Organization and Con- The paperback version is especially attractively
flict, a longer chapter, deals with caste determina- priced, and I recommend both to scientists, natu-
tion, division of activities, gender determination, ralists, and libraries.
and sex ratios. Chapter 4: Finding a Mate, also a James L. Nation
short chapter, has recent data on scent marking Professor Emeritus
and pheromones that will be of particular interest Department of Entomology & Nematology
to chemical ecologists. Chapter 5: Natural Ene- University of Florida
mies, an extensive chapter, describes work on Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
parasitoids, viruses, bacteria, fungi, Protozoa, E-mail:

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