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Revision History
Date Version Author Change Description
First Creation
09/02/2022 1.1 Group1 2.2.1. Flow chart
2.2.2. Swim lane
2.3 Use case

2.2.1. Flow chart
2.2.2. Swim lane
2.3 Use case
1. Introduction
14/02/2022 1.2 Group 1
2.4. Actor
2.5. UC Diagram
3.1.1. Overview
3.1.2. Activity Flow
3.1.3. Flow of Event
3.1.6. Business Rule

18/02/2022 1.3 Group 1
3.1.4 Mock-up Screen

24/02/2022 1.4 Group 1
3.1.7 User story

01/03 2022 1.5 HuongNQ1
3.1 UC01 Login

02/03/2022 1.6 KhanhHQ6 Create

3.2 UC02 Register new user

02/03/2022 1.7 AnhTT86
3.3 UC03 Borrow books

03/03/2022 1.8 TrangNTH40
3.4 UC04 Change password

03/03/2022 1.9 AnhNTL35
3.5 UC05 Search book

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose 4

1.2 Glossary and Abbreviations 5

1.3 Document Referenced 6

2. High Level Requirements 7

2.1 High Level Business Process (SWIMLANE DIAGRAM) 7

2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram 8

2.3 Use Case Diagram 9

2.4 Actor 0

2.5 Use Case Catalog 0

2.6 Site Map (Optional) 0

3. Use Case Specifications 1

3.1 UC01 Login 1

3.2 UC2: Register New User

3.3 UC3: Change Password

3.4 UC4: Borrow Book

3.5 UC5: Search Book 2

4. Appendices 8

4.1 Message List 8

4.2 Email List 8

1.1 Purpose
The Software Requirement Specifications will:

❖ Define the scope of business objectives, business functions, and organizational units covered,

❖ Identify the business processes that the solution must facilitate,

❖ Facilitate a common understanding of what the functional requirements are for all parties involved,

❖ Establish a basis for defining the acceptance tests for the solution to confirm that what is delivered meets

The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to define the system,
its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict and sort out how we hope this product will be
used in order to gain a better understanding of the project, outline concepts that may be developed later, and
document ideas that are being considered, but may be discarded as the product develops.

1.1.1 Abstract of the project

This project is aimed at developing an online Library Management System (LiMS) for the college library. This is an
Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the campus.

❖ This system can be used to search for books/magazines, reserve books, find out who is having a
particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc.
❖ This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian component. There
are features like email notifications/reminders, report generators etc in this system.

1.1.2 Functional components of the project

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you find appropriate can be added to this
list. And, in places where the description of functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions
and proceed.

There are registered people in the system (students, faculty, librarian et al). Each one of them may have some
exclusive privileges (faculty, for example, could borrow reference books for a short period, while students cannot).

1. A person should be able to

❖ Login to the system through the first page of the application

❖ Change the password after logging into the system
❖ See the status of the books/journals borrowed/reserved by him and the respective due dates and other
relevant details
❖ Search for a particular book/journal based on the name of the book/name of the author/subject/etc and
also list for books/journals based on the name of the author/subject etc
❖ Reserve a particular book/journal borrowed by others currently
❖ Cancel the reservation made earlier for a particular book/journal
❖ See who has borrowed a particular book/journal and when is the due date for the same
❖ Place requests for purchasing new books to the library, by giving details about the name of the book,
name of the author, publisher etc.
❖ Get help about the LiMS on how to use the different features of the system

2. As soon as a reservation is made for a particular book, an automatic mail should be sent to the person who
made the reservation about the details. Then, a mail should be sent to people who are having the book currently,
stating a reservation has been made on that book.

3. Automatic mails should be sent to the users about the expiry of due dates for the books/journals borrowed by
them. An advance notification (say, 4 days before the expiry of the due date) should be sent as well.

4. The librarian should be able to

❖ Include new books/journals or remove some books from the inventory

❖ Add new users to the system
❖ See the purchase requests for new books and be able to approve/reject the same

1.2 Glossary and Abbreviations
Acronym Reference
SRS System Requirement Specification

UC Use Case

BR Business Rules

N/A Not Applicable or Not Available

MSG Message

Reserve_Ref Reserve reference

UCS Use Case Specifications

PW Password

1.3 Document Referenced
Attachment Document Name / Title
High Level Requirement Slide

High Level Wireframes

This section describes the general overview of the system functions and business processes which are depicted in
two diagrams as below. It shows the types of users (Librarian, Student, Faculty), their granted permissions to
perform specific system functions. As the section name implies, it is high-level which means not detailed enough.
For detailed requirement specification, please see UCS section below.

2.1 High Level Business Process

2.2.1 Flowchart

2.2.2 Swim-lane diagram

2.2 Use Case Diagram

2.3 Actor
Actors Description
Students Main user, can reserve and borrow books from library

Include all functions as students and have some exclusive privileges for example: borrow
reference books for a short period

Include/remove books from the inventory, add new users, see the purchase requests, review the
book which the student has read.

2.4 Use Case Catalog

UC ID UC Name Description Assigned to
This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to login, change
UC01 Login All members

Register New This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to register user, grant
UC02 KhanhHQ6
User permission

UC03 Borrow This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to borrow a book

UC04 This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to change password TrangNTH40

UC05 Request This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to request a book

This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to request a reference

UC06 Reserve_Ref

UC07 Reserve This Use Case allows student, faculty, librarian to reserve a book

This section covers the system’s functional requirements which details what the system must do in terms of input,
behavior and the expected output. It elicits the interaction between the actor(s) and the system, the system’s
behavior and the results of their interactions.

3.1 UC01:Login
3.1.1 Overview.
ID and Name UC_01_Login

Description Allows users to login to Library system

Actor Student, Faculty, Librarian

Trigger Click “login” button

Pre-condition User has user valid account on LiMS and access to LiMS homepage at:

Post-condition Users login to the LiMS system and land on the homepage.

3.1.2 Activity Flow

3.1.3 Flow of Events Basic Flow

Step Description

1. User click “Login” button

2. Login window show up

3. User enter account and password in User name text box and Password text box

4. User click on “Login” button

5. System verify information. If ok, the screen shows a homepage with the user's account name.

15 Alternative Flow - <When user’s account invalid>

Step Description

1. At step 4 in Basic Flow, if a user enters invalid information, the system shows a message: “ This
account is not available”.

2. User back to step 3 in Basic Flow and continue login account Alternative Flow - <When user enter wrong password 1 or 2 times>

Step Description
Users enter the wrong password first times, the system shows a message: “Your password is
1. 1. incorrect, you have 2 more tries.”(3 times are allowed to login)

2. User back to step 3 in Basic Flow and continue login account Alternative Flow - <When user enter wrong password 3 times>

Step Description
Users enter the wrong password 3 times, the system shows a message: “You have entered the

1. wrong information 3 times. Your account temporarily locked, please click here to recover.”(3 times are
allowed to login)

2. User click on Here hyperlink

This hyperlink will take the user to a Google Form. Users input the required information and this data

3. will be sent to the librarian. Librarian check information, reset password and send new password to
user via email

User receive new password, click X button in forgot password popup back to login popup, retry login

4. Alternative Flow - <When user forgot password>

Step Description

1. If the user forgot their password, the user clicks on the “Forgot password” button.

System shows Forgot password popup, the user enters their account and phone number, new
password will be sent to user’s email.

User retry login with new password. If user doesn’t receive new password, user click resend button to
resend new password

3.1.4 Mock-up Screen
a. Home page

b. Login Filled

c. Login Filled with unhide Password

d. Login Form

e. Login not available 1

f. Login not available 2

g. Login successfully

h. Login wrong pw 1

i. Login wrong pw 1

3.1.5 Screen Description

Field Control Data Default

REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

3.1.6 Business Rules

Business Rule ID Business Rule Description
BRL-001-01 Time to return books is calculated on working days even on Saturday, Sunday

After 3 days of pre-reservation, if student/faculty doesn't pick up the book, the reservation
will be canceled

BRL-001-03 Reserve books limit is 5 at the same time

BRL-001-04 In case of late return or damaged books, what will be handled?

- Late return book:

+ First time: warning reminder
+ 2nd time: reduce the maximum limit of borrowing books is 3 at the same time
+ 3rd time: reduce the maximum limit of borrowing books is 1 at the same time
+ From the 4th : lock account
- Damage book:
+ Low damaged book: warning reminder
+ High damaged book: penalty according to the value of the book (2 times)
(The assessment is decided by the librarian)

BRL-001-05 Faculty can get books without reservation

3.1.7 Business Rules

3.2 UC02: Register new user

3.2.1 Overview
ID and Name UC_02_Register

This use case allows librarian can register a new user for student or faculty, and grand

Actor Librarian

Trigger Click “Register New User” button

Pre-condition Data about Student/Faculty

Post-condition Student/Faculty‘s account

3.2.2 Swim lane

3.2.3 Flow of Events Basic Flow

Step Description

1. Librarian logins

2. Librarian clicks button “Register New User”

3. Librarian inputs student/faculty’s data

4. Librarian clicks button “Submit”

5. System sends password to student/faculty’s email Alternative Flow - Non-payable case

Continued after step #5 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description

1. Librarian clicks button “register more” after clicks button “Submit”

2. Librarian inputs student/faculty’s data

3. Librarian clicks button “Submit”

4. System sends password to student/faculty’s email

3.2.4 Mock-up Screen
a. Main Page

b. Click button “Register New User”

c. Register new user page

d. Input data

e. Submit Successfully

3.2.5 Screen Description

Field Control Data Default

REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

1 Register Screen Text N/A N/A N/A

New User Header

2 Permission Radio N/A Option: N/A N/A 2 Options

Button Student - Student
- Faculty

3 Email Box Text N/A N/A N/A

4 Password Button N/A N/A N/A N/A - Press “reserse” button will
show the password in the box
- Password is 8 random
characters including
+ Number 0-9
+ Letters according to the
english alphabet
+ Letters include uppercase
and lowercase letters

5 Full name Box Text N/A N/A N/A

6 ID Box Numb N/A N/A N/A Max 10 characters


7 Class/ Box Text N/A N/A N/A


8 Submit Button N/A N/A N/A N/A Button can be clicked if fill all

3.2.6 Business Rules

Business Rule ID Business Rule Description
BRL-02-01 Just librarian can use “Register New User”

Create password rule:
- Press “reserse” button will show the password in the box
- Password is 8 random characters including
BRL-02-02 + Number 0-9
+ Letters according to the english alphabet
+ Letters include uppercase and lwercase letters

3.3 UC03: Borrow Book

3.3.1 Overview
ID and Name UC3_Borrow Book
Description This use case allows the user to borrow books in LiMS
Actor User
Trigger User click button “Borrow”
Pre-condition User search book

If the book is out of stock, the system displays a message waiting for the nearest loan
If the system still has books, students confirm to borrow books and go to the library to
receive books

3.3.2 Swimlane

3.3.3 Flow of Events Basic Flow

Step Description

1 User login to LiMS

2 User search books

3 User click button “Borrow books”

4 User take books Alternative Flow - Non-payable case

Step Description

1 User search for the desired book

2 User click button “Borrow”

3 The system check quantity of that book

4 Case 1: If the quantity is exhausted, please notify the next loan

Case 2: If the book is still available, notify the user to pick up the book

5 Case 1: Users wait for the next loan

Case 2: Users come to get books

3.3.4 Mock-up Screen

Search Books

Related books

3.3.5 Screen Description

Field Control Data Default

REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

1 New Button N/A N/A N/A N/A

❖ Allow users to create

❖ Trigger UC

refer to the document
“<TBD>” for more details.

2 Re-join Button N/A N/A N/A N/A

❖ Allow users to create


❖ Trigger UC “Rejoin

Employee”, please refer to

the document “<TBD>” for
more details.

Field Control Data Default
REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

❖ Disable if there is

Disable this button if the
3 Terminat Button N/A N/A N/A N/A
❖ Allow user to terminate
selected employees

❖ Trigger UC “Terminate

Employee”, please refer to

the document “<TBD>” for
more details.

❖ Disable if there is

Disable this button if
4 Refresh Button N/A N/A Refresh the screen and reload
the data.
5 Member Other N/A All Active N/A N/A
❖ This field allow user to
View Member

❖ Value list:

⮚ All Member: When user

selects this view, list out all

XXXXXXX regardless of
their Status.

⮚ All Active


⮚ All Terminated Member:


⮚ All Active Employee:


Field Control Data Default
REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

6 Company Dropdown N/A All N/A N/A

❖ This is a search criteria
which allows user to search

❖ Value list:

⮚ All

⮚ List all active companies

Sort ascending by Company
7 Member Search N/A N/A N/A N/A This is a XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Search box
8 Search Button N/A N/A N/A N/A
❖ Allows user to search for

members using inputted

search criteria.

3.3.6 Business Rules

Business Rule ID Business Rule Description
BRL-02-01 Age of children must be => 8 or <= 25 years old
BRL-02-02 The combination of Full Name and NRIC must be unique within the entire system

3.4 UC04: Change Password

3.4.1 Overview
ID and Name UC_04_Change Password
Description This use case allows the user to change Password
Actor Student, Faculty, Librarian
Trigger Click “Change Password” button on top right menu
Pre-condition User have to log in successfully

Post-condition User’s password has been changed

3.4.2 Swim lane

3.4.3 Flow of Events Basic Flow

Step Description

6. 1 Student, Faculty, Librarian click the “Change Password” button on the menu

7. 2 System displays the “Change Password” form. The systems requests user to input current password,
new password, confirm password

8. 3 Users enter current password

Users enter new password, confirm password then click on button “Save”

9. 5 The system saved the new changed password Alternative Flow - Current Password not correct

Continued from step #3 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description

4. 1 Users enter an incorrect current password, the system will send a message “Your current password
is not correct!”

Step Description

5. 2 User back to step 1 in the Basic flow Alternative Flow - New password has at least 8 characters with an


Continued from step #4 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description
Users enter a new password not matching the rule, the system will send a message: “At least 8
1. 1
characters!” or “At least one uppercase!”

2. 2 User back to step 4 in the Basic flow Alternative Flow - Confirm password not matching

Continued from step #4 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description

1. 1 Users enter an unmatching confirm password, the system will send a message: “Not matching!”

2. 2 User back to step 4 in the Basic flow

3.4.4 Mock-up Screen

a.Change PW button

b. Change PW form

c. Change password totally correct

d. Hide current PW not correct

e. Unhide current PW not correct

f. At least one uppercase error

g. At least 8 characters error

h. Confirm PW not match New PW

i. PW changed

3.4.5 Screen Description

Field Control Data Default

REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

1 Change Button N/A N/A N/A N

❖ Pop - up Change
Password Box

2 Current Single varch N/A N/A Y Password must be at least 8

Password line text ar(50) characters with one
uppercase. This is current PW
of user
3 New Single varch N/A N/A Y Password must be at least 8
line text ar(50) characters with one
uppercase. This is new PW
user want to change

4 Confirm Single varch N/A N/A Y Password must be at least 8

line text ar(50) characters with one
uppercase. This must be
totally same New PW

Field Control Data Default
REF Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Type Value

5 Hide/ Icon N/A Hide N/A Y This is allow user to hide or

unhide PW

6 Save Button N/A N/A N/A N/A Button will change color when
user fulfill all PW then click to
Change PW
7 New Message Text N/A N/A N Appear when PW change
Password Box Successfully
has been

3.4.6 Business Rules

Business Rule ID Business Rule Description
BRL-04-01 Everyone has a valid account can change password
If the users enter a wrong current password, a message will appear on the screen: “Your
current pw is not correct!”. Users must enter again to continue the process.
Change PW policy:
BRL-04-03 - At least 8 characters
- At least one uppercase

3.5 UC5: Search book

3.5.1 Overview

ID and Name UC02: Search Book

User as student, falcuty and librarians are allowed to search for books to borrow or

Actor Student, Falcuty, Librarian.

Trigger User type keywords in the search bar and click on “ ” button

Pre-condition User loged in successfully .

The system receives keywords from the user and displays the most coincidental results
as a list.

3.5.2 Swim lane

<This is optional>

3.5.3 Flow of Events Basic Flow

Step Description

10. 1
User click on the search bar and type keyword (title, author) in it, the system will
show similar keywords.

11. 2
User click on “ ”(search) button

12. 3
The system will display results as a list sorted by % of the match (related books' title,
same author) and status of the book. Alternative Flow - “No Results Found”

Continued from step #2 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description

6. 1

No matching result, the system will display a message “ No results found

Please check the spelling or try a different search”.

7. 2
User click “ ” button (to delete the keyword user just searched for) and continue type different

keyword in search bar again or the user click “ ” button to request purchase this book. Exceptional Flow - <Disconnect>

Continued from step #2 in the Basic Flow:

Step Description

User are typing the keyword in the search bar, but suddenly can’t connect. The system warn the user
3. 1 about this problem with a message “Opps!!! There is no internet connection, please reconnecting to

4. 2 The screen will display a message “The system could not be connected internet.” to the users.

3.5.4 Mock-up Screen

a. Search Book - Enter Keywords

b. Search Book - Show Results

c. Search Book - No Results Found

3.5.5 Screen Description
a. Enter Keywords

REF Field Name Control Data Default Mandatory Editable Description

Type Value

Default Website Screen Frame: refer to…

Main Screen Description

1 Menu Head Navigation Text N/A N

2 Search bar Search Box N/A N/A N Use to find
the books

3 Search icon Button N/A N/A N Direct user to
result page

4 Book’s Dropdown N/A N/A N Display all
name list similar
Suggestion keywords

b. No Results Found

REF Field Control Data Default Mandatory Editable Description
Name Type Value

Default Website Screen Frame: refer to…

Main Screen Description

1-3 Refer to

4 Result not Textbox Text N/A N Inform users that
found there is no
message matched book in
the library,
suggest request

6 Delete Button N/A N/A N Delete the
icon keyword (user
just searched

c. Show Results Found

REF Field Name Control Data Default Mandatory Editable Description

Type Value

Default Website Screen Frame: refer to…

Main Screen Description

1-3 Refer to

4 Add to Cart Button N/A N/A N Instruction text
of add to cart

5 Add book Button N/A N/A N Allow user to
add book to
Cart to

6 Book Text N/A N/A N Display a part of
information book information: i
author, status and
description about
the book.

3.5.6 Business Rules

Business Rule ID Business Rule Description

BRL-05-01 The keywords must be book title, author.

BRL-05-02 Dropdown list are required to show only the book titles, author and not more than 10
related keywords.

User must type in keywords into the Search bar then click “ ” search button. If the
search bar is empty, the system will display a message to remind users “Please enter
keyword in the search bar”.

4.1 Message List

4.2 Email List


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