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13:16 © id ® - QA AB all all 40%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 1 / 92 Correct 1. Vancomycin dose reduction is recommended in © A. Hearing impairment © B. hepatic impairment © C. Renal impairment (Your Answer) © D. Red man syndrome by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:17 © id © + QAR all all 39% HE Q 2% + @ i: Question 2 / 92 Correct 2. Considering the dosing for children, which of the following is LEAST appropriate? © A. Weight based dosing is accurate in children considering physiological when administering all drugs ©) B. Infants have more water than adults therefore we increase dose of water soluble drugs (Your Answer) © C. Neonates cannot metabolize some drugs well hepatically © D. Infants skin is more susceptible to absorption therefore topical drugs may cause toxicity in infants »y ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:17 id © © * @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 3 / 92 Correct 3. Which of the following vaccines is not recommended in immunocompromised patients? © A. Yellow fever (Your Answer) © B. Hepatitis B © C. Hepatitis A © D. Meningococcal B by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:18 id] © © - @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 4 / 92 Correct 4. Which of the following is NOT considered minimising risk program? © A. Needle and syringes program © B. Returning unused medicine program ©) C. Opioid exchange program (Your Answer) © D. Immunisation program ty ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:19 i] © © » @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 5 / 92 Incorrect 5. Regarding Golimumab in treatment of ulcerative colitis, the correct option among the following is? () A. Taken every fortnight 14 days (Your Answer) © B. Taken 25 mg subcutaneous © C. Causes hypotension and hair loss ©) D. If itis effective within 6 weeks, continue the treatment. Otherwise, stop it (Correct Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:19 i] © © » @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 6 / 92 Correct 6. Which of the following is not a component of cell membrane? © A. Phospholipid © B. Protein © C. Glucose (your Answer) © D. Lipids by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:20 id © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 7 / 92 Correct 7. Which of the following is almost fully absorbed from renal tubules? ©) A. Glucose (Your Answer) © B. Sodium © C. Chloride © D. Water by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:20 id © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 8 / 92 Incorrect 8. Which drug is mainly used as anti- rejection in transplants? OA. Ciclosporin (Correct Answer) © B. Methotrexate ©®) C. Leflunomide (Your Answer) © D. Adalimumab by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:20 id © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 9 / 92 Correct 9. Mechanism of action of cyclosporin is: ©) A. Inhibits calcineurin production and T cell activation. (Your Answer) © B. Alkylating agent © C. Protease inhibitor © _ D. Tumour necrosis factor antagonist by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:20 id © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 10 / 92 Correct 10. Drug of choice in the treatment of chlamydia is? © A. Amoxicillin © B. Clarithromycin © C. Azithromycin © D. Doxycycline © E.BothC and D (your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:21 il © © + @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 11 / 92 Incorrect 11. Lowest absorption of drug in small intestine is in the © A. Duodenum ®) B. Jejunum (Your Answer) © C. Ileum (Correct Answer) © D.Colon by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:21 il © © + @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 12 / 92 Correct 12. Drug combined with Morphine to reduce illegal selling is © A.Naloxone © B. Naltrexone (Your Answer) © C.Meloxicam © D.Temazepam by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:22 OO> OAR all ll 39% HE Q 2% + @ i: Question 13 / 92 Correct 13. Drug for acute toxicity of opioid is? © A. Naloxone (Your Answer) © B. Naltrexone © C. Flumazenil © D. N-acetyl cysteine by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:22 OO > @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 14 / 92 Correct 14. Folic acid counselling to reduce incidence of neuro-tubular defects in pregnancy is? ©) A. Once daily from a month before pregnancy and up to 12 weeks during pregnancy (Your Answer) © B. On weekly basis before conception and 12 weeks of pregnancy. © C. On daily basis before pregnancy with iron. © _D.For the first 12 weeks of pregnancy by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:23 il © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 15 / 92 Correct 15. Which is not a factor in absorption of the drug? © A. Release of drug from dosage form © B. Gut wall metabolism of drug © C. Degradation of drug before release. ©) D. Kidney metabolism of drug (Your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:23 il © © @ AP all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 16 / 92 Correct 16. Ceftriaxone should be taken with caution in? © A. Kidney disease (Your Answer) © B. Liver disease © C.Oldage © D. Breast feeding by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:23 il © © @ Aw all ll 39%S Q 2% + @ i: Question 17 / 92 Incorrect 17. The test used to detect active Tuberculosis is? OA. X-ray (Correct Answer) ©) B. Tuberculin test. (Your Answer) © C. Skin test © D. Monteux test by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:24 OO + BS Zee all atl! 39% oe OQ 2° + @ i: Question 18 / 92 Incorrect 18. Who doesn't require referral to doctor for antibiotics for suspected UTI? (®) A. Woman with urinary catheter. (Your Answer) © B.All children © C. Pregnant woman ©) D. Woman with mild symptoms (Correct Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:24 ll © O° QA all ull 38% OQ 2° + @ i: Question 19 / 92 Correct 19. Antidote of paracetamol toxicity: ©) A. N-acetyl cysteine (Your Answer) © B. Fomepizole © C. Dimercaprol © D.Flumazenil by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:24 OO > QA all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 20 / 92 Correct 20. Benzoyl peroxide counselling: © A. Safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding © B. Avoid contact with hair © C. Avoid contact with lips and other sensitive areas ©) D.Allof the above (Your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:25 OO > QA all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 21 / 92 Incorrect 21. Which of the following is an Alkylating drug? © A. Busulfan (Correct Answer) © B. Cyclosporin © C. Ritonavir ©) D. Methotrexate (Your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:25 OO > QA all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 22 / 92 Incorrect 22. Penicillin and Cephalosporin cross allergy occurrence is: @) A.1/100 (Your Answer) © B.1/40 © C.1/10 (Correct Answer) © D.1/4 by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:25 OO > QA all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 23 / 92 Correct 23. Which is NOT used in mild community acquired pneumonia? © A. Amoxicillin © B. Cefuroxime © C. Minocycline © D. Roxithromycin © E. Both B andC (your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:26 MOO > BSA all ll 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 24 / 92 Incorrect 24. Rancidity may occur due to ©) A. Oxidation of double bonds in fatty acids (Correct Answer) © B. Saponification reaction between long chain fatty acids © C. Hydroxylation reaction ®) D. Deamination reaction of amino acids (Your Answer) by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:26 OO + QA all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 25 / 92 Correct 25. Cyanosis is: ©) A. Bluish discoloration of skin, nails and mucous membrane. (Your Answer) © B. Purplish tinge of the skin © C. Psoriatic lesions on hands © _D. Puffiness of the legs by ProProfs Create a Quiz 13:26 MOO > BSH all all 38% SH Q 2% + @ i: Question 26 / 92 Incorrect 26. Trichomonas Vaginalis treatment of choice is: © A. Metronidazole (Correct Answer) ® B. Amoxycillin (Your Answer) © C. Gentamycin © D. Azithromycin by ProProfs Create a Quiz

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