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Name : Fitriani Sambi

Class : XII MIA N



Hello there! Ready to dive into the Line community? Let's kick off your journey with a breeze—
start by downloading and installing the Line app from your device's app store. I'll guide you
through the steps for a hassle-free and exciting registration process!

1. Initiating Installation:
Begin by downloading and installing the Line app from your device's app store. This can be
done by searching for "Line" and following the installation prompts.

2. Creating Your Account:

Once the app is installed, launch it and tap on the "Sign Up" option. Carefully input your
personal details when prompted.

3. Choosing a Username:
Select a unique username that reflects your personality. Avoid using sensitive information.
Additionally, pick an avatar that resonates with your identity.

4. Verifying Information:
Double-check all provided information to ensure accuracy before proceeding. This step is
crucial for a smooth and error-free registration process.

5. Submission of Registration:
Submit your registration by tapping the "Sign Up" or "Submit" button, expressing your
readiness to join the Line community.

6. Receiving Confirmation Email:

Shortly after submission, you will receive a confirmation email containing further instructions.
Keep an eye on your email inbox.

7. Exploring Line's Features:

Congratulations! Now a registered Line user, explore the app's features to connect with
friends and make the most of what Line has to offer.

8. Conclusion – Ensuring User-Friendly Experience:

Enjoy a user-friendly experience, as Line ensures seamless onboarding by embracing this
streamlined registration process.
You're all set! Welcome to Line! Dive into the app, explore exciting features, and enjoy
connecting with friends. Your seamless registration marks the beginning of an awesome
experience. Happy exploring!

1. Tenses:
- Present Simple: "Line stands out as a popular messaging app."
- Present Continuous: "Once the app is installed, launch it..."
- Past Simple: "Shortly after submission, you received a confirmation email."
- Future Simple: "Keep an eye on your email inbox."
- Present Perfect: "By adhering to these steps, you've unlocked access to Line's diverse

2. Adverbs of manner:
- "Carefully input your personal details."
- "Select a unique username that reflects your personality."

3. Action verbs:
- "Downloading and installing the Line app."
- "Launch the app and tap on the 'Sign Up' option."
- "Submit your registration by tapping the 'Sign Up' or 'Submit' button."

4. Saying verbs:
- "Expressing your readiness to join the Line community."
- "Feel free to ask."

5. Adjectives to form noun phrases:

- "A popular messaging app."
- "A user-friendly experience."

6. Conjunctions to link sentences:

- "By adhering to these steps, you'll unlock access to Line's diverse functionalities."

7. Pronouns:
- "Keep an eye on your email inbox."

8. Passive sentences with "by":

- "Shortly after submission, you will receive a confirmation email containing further
instructions." (implicitly passive, as the action is performed on the subject "you" by an
unspecified actor)

9. Cause and effect

Cause: Initiating Installation
Effect: Download and install the Line app from your device's app store.
Cause: Creating Your Account
Effect: Launch the app and tap on the "Sign Up" option, inputting personal details when

Cause: Choosing a Username

Effect: Select a unique username and avatar reflecting your personality.

Cause: Verifying Information

Effect: Double-check provided information to ensure accuracy for a smooth registration process.

Cause: Submission of Registration

Effect: Submit registration by tapping the "Sign Up" or "Submit" button, expressing readiness to
join the Line community.

Cause: Receiving Confirmation Email

Effect: Shortly after submission, receive a confirmation email with further instructions.

Cause: Exploring Line's Features

Effect: Congratulations! Explore the app's features as a registered Line user to connect with

Cause: Conclusion – Ensuring User-Friendly Experience

Effect: Enjoy a user-friendly experience with Line's streamlined registration process.


Halo! Siap untuk terjun ke komunitas Line? Mari kita mulai perjalananmu dengan mudah—
mulailah dengan mengunduh dan menginstal aplikasi Line dari toko aplikasi perangkatmu. Aku
akan membimbingmu melalui langkah-langkah registrasi yang mudah dan seru!

1. Memulai Instalasi:
Mulailah dengan mengunduh dan menginstal aplikasi Line dari toko aplikasi perangkatmu. Ini
dapat dilakukan dengan mencari "Line" dan mengikuti petunjuk instalasi.

2. Membuat Akun:
Setelah aplikasi terinstal, buka dan ketuk opsi "Sign Up". Masukkan dengan hati-hati detail
pribadimu saat diminta.

3. Memilih Nama Pengguna:

Pilih nama pengguna yang unik yang mencerminkan kepribadianmu. Hindari menggunakan
informasi sensitif. Selain itu, pilih avatar yang sesuai dengan identitasmu.
4. Memverifikasi Informasi:
Periksa ulang semua informasi yang diberikan untuk memastikan keakuratan sebelum
melanjutkan. Langkah ini penting untuk registrasi yang lancar dan bebas masalah.

5. Pengiriman Registrasi:
Kirim registrasimu dengan mengetuk tombol "Sign Up" atau "Submit", menunjukkan
kesiapanmu untuk bergabung dengan komunitas Line.

6. Menerima Email Konfirmasi:

Sesaat setelah pengiriman, kamu akan menerima email konfirmasi yang berisi petunjuk lebih
lanjut. Pantau kotak masuk emailmu.

7. Menjelajahi Fitur-fitur Line:

Selamat! Sekarang sebagai pengguna Line terdaftar, jelajahi fitur-fitur aplikasi untuk
terhubung dengan teman dan manfaatkan yang Line tawarkan.

8. Kesimpulan – Menjamin Pengalaman Pengguna yang Ramah:

Nikmati pengalaman pengguna yang ramah, karena Line memastikan onboarding yang lancar
dengan mengadopsi proses registrasi yang disederhanakan ini.

Semuanya sudah siap! Selamat datang di Line! Terjunlah ke dalam aplikasi, jelajahi fitur
menarik, dan nikmati menghubungkan diri dengan teman. Registrasi lancarmu menandai awal
pengalaman yang luar biasa. Selamat menjelajah!

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