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Philosophy of Education

EDU601 : Assignment 1

Student ID : bc220201140

Name :Maria Khan


Philosophy :
Philosophy is a statement or a process that clarifies and identifies the beliefs, values and also
understanding of an individuals or group with respect to education .

List of Philosophies
 Essentialism
 Perrennialism
 Progressivism
 Social Contructionism
 Existentialism
 Behaviorism
 Constructivism
 Conservatism
 Humanism

Perrenialism means a thing or an idea lasts for ever .This type of philosophy helps us to make a
child understand the history universal truths,myths and history in general . It is educational
philosophy which is referred to as universal curriculum is a normative educational philosophy. "
It focuses on the education. Ideas should be lasted over centuries this is a main concept of
perrenialism. It is related to reading, writing, listening and believing in practices that exist
forever etc. It develops a power of thoughts, aquire understanding and great ideas of western
civilization in general

It was firstly developed by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Robert Hutchin and
Mortimer Adler were also two biggest proponents of the perrenialism. They explain the
perrenialism for betterment of teachers, students etc. They explain the perrenialism in an
educational way of schools.

Nature of Curriculum
Perrenialism includes the curriculum which is universal and it is based on facts and give
the overview of human being possess the same essential nature. Perrenialists believe that
individual or a learner think flexibly, imaginatively and deeply. It is a subject centered
philosophy. The goal of perrenialism and nature of curriculum is to teach students to think
rationally and develop mind to think critically.

Perrenialism is also called a teacher centered philosophy. This philosophy explains that
perrenialist teacher treated the whole class or all the students in the same way. There is no
concept of difference. A teacher tries to make a class room closely organized and well
disciplined. And it develops a mind set up of the students or learners for thinking deeply. It also
emphasizes understanding of literature, history and great works of arts etc.

Learners main focus on learning different things in the classroom. They can learn arts
of sciences, thinking skills etc. The students should follow the teacher for learning. According to
perrenialists the learners should think deeply and should not be tough information that may be
outdated or incorrect.

Perrenialism mainly focuses that students can learn by reading and analyzing the
works by history's writers and finest thinkers. The main methodology of perrenialism is to
develop a reasoning skills etc.
It is an integral part of education. It plays an important role in educational
philosophies. It it determines that whether or not goal of education are achieved. They assess
and recommend students learn from reading and analyzing works. Perrenialists disapprove of
teachers and requiring students to absorb and spend more time in school for teaching about
concepts and explaining they are meaningful to students. In this way by this philosophy we can
assess the learners and teaching methods.

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