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Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards to manipulate morons.

(Christopher Hitchens )

Do not use freedom of speech to give us pain by insulting our Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. That’s all we want”.

(Imran Khan)

Hatred does not cease by Hatred,

But by love. It is an eternal rule”.


Blaming Islam for terrorism is like blaming Christianity for Colonialism.”

In a four year period, 12 percent domestic attacks conducted by Muslims, on average, received 449
percent more media coverage than 88 percent attacks conducted by others.”

(The Washington Post)

Thesis :

Islamophobia is an important challenge faced by western communities and the Muslim world as well. It
is like a chronic disease penetrating the veins of the western socio-political system. Muslim world must
unite hands and raise a common voice that Islam and terrorism are not inter-linked and Islam is a
religion of peace.

Islamophobia, a term expressed to depict fear of Islam is widely used to connote indiscriminate
attitudes, beliefs and emotions directed towards Islam or Muslims.

Term “Islamophobia was also coined in France for the first time in 1908. In the 1990s, it kept on
increasing in political, public and social discourse,

It is a type of racism that targets Muslim culture, expression way of living, worships, and many other

belief that all or most Muslims are religious fanatics, have violent tendencies towards non-Muslims.

9/11 provided an impetus to the rise of Islamophobia _Islam was being viewed as a conservative,
barbaric and intolerant perspective of life. Muslim was posited as blood thirsty savages under the
banner of a monolithic religion.
far-right political parties of liberal western communities gained momentum in exploiting the subjected
minorities of Muslims to confer political gains_ 2016 Presidential elections of America and Trump

discriminatory tones

Media reports after 9/11 specifically underrepresented Muslim views and negatively portrayed Islamic

hatred speech & acts of defamation on social media websites backed by the freedom of speech

European countries including America and Canada practiced anti-Semitism long before Islamophobia
surfaced. (Prejudice towards jews)

Terrorist attack of 9/11 and shooting in Orlando’s night club(On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-
old man, killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando,
Florida, United States) reinforced the primitive visceral hatred towards Muslims

rise of ISIS and Al-Qaeda, West launched a military operation

refugee crisis resulting from Arab Spring specifically during and after Civil War of Syria. debate of Us
versus Them surfaced in the legislative bodies of the Western societies.

The antipathy of Westerners towards followers of Islam

Understanding Islamophobia in the wake of recent incidents

as a backlash of Islamophobia _ shootings in New Zealand, where 51 Muslims were subjected to death.

Indian BJP-

Hijab’ was banned in France in 2010.

Alienation of Muslims from political and civic life in upgraded societies

France where a teacher Sammeul Patty was decapitated by an 18-year-old Muslim October 2020 french
president Emmanuel macron retaliated in the form of sentiments and statement against Islam and
Muslim and called Islam as “A religion in crisis all over the world”.he ordered a crackdown against Islam
organization in France, accusing them of spreading hate speech. He projected the caricatures, presented
by the teacher in a class of freedom of speech, on government buildings to show solidarity to the

The unemployment rate for followers of Islam was seen at pinnacle especially in United States and
European countries. discrimination in education sectors

50% American Muslim students were bullied based by the hatred towards Islam. In France, incidents of
pulling scarfs of Muslim women in public

Guardian Angel of Human Rights, United Nations neutrality to the conflict

Terrorist activity, their suspect is always Muslim


 War on terror after 9/11 or war against radical Islam ( by media ).war on terror was justified
by propagating Islamophobic sentiments in the west
 Revival of Religion in Political Diplomacy of Western Powers
 (era of Trumpism in the USA, Muslims were banned for immigration in America. God has
sent Donald Trump to save Jews.”_Mike Pompeo)
 Islam is being treated as a ‘Security threat’ in the West.
 Increasing Muslim population a nightmare for White supremacist
 Immigration of Muslims to western countries
 Inappropriate role of International organizations towards Muslims
 Polarization of Muslim communities
 Hike in wave of nationalism and populism arose in the West.
 Ubiquitous stereotyping
 Illiteracy prevalent in the Muslim World
 Misinterpretation of Jihad by Islamophobia Industry
 Massive anti-Muslim activities in West
 Negative Depiction of Islam by Western Media_ biased role
 Theory of Clash of Civilization ( 1. Clash of Civilizations Theory For the first time, a surge in
Islamophobia was witnessed when an American historian Samul Huntigtan in 1993 which
stated that;
 “Islam is inherently anti-west and Islamic civilization is a threat to western
civilizations.”).Cultural Clash of Islam and West _non-reconciliation of cultures (Western
states perceived Muslims as introverts, anti-modern ,undemocratic, violent, and uncivilized.
 Ignorance About Islam and Muslims
 Stigmatization of Muslims: terrorist activity, their suspect is always Muslim
 Biased Literature and Websites
 Hollywood and Bollywood Industry

Impacts of Islamophobia

 Alienation of Muslims
 Rise of militancy
 Impacts on socio-economic life
 Anti-Muslim Hate crimes and Incidents mushrooming around the world .Claims that Muslims are
potential criminals and a threat to global peace and especially a threat for the western- world
 Anti-Mosque and Anti-Sharia Campaigns
 Impact on quality of Muslim’s Lives
 Bullying of Muslim students
 Burgeoning hostility towards Muslim immigrants
Steps to Cope Islamophobia

 Constructive role of Muslim scholars

 Non imposing of one’s culture/religion
 Zero tolerance for Non State Actors
 Effective role of OIC
 Promotion of Multi-Culturalism in West
 Deradicalization of youth
 Representing True Face of Islam
 Investing in science and technology sector
 Positive role of Media
 Promoting education
 Moderation in Religion: Ijtihad and Role of Ulemas
 Organize programs for presentation and promotion of Muslim Identity
 Curbing Extremists forces
 Madrassah Reforms
 Rejuvenating OIC to unite Muslim Ummah
 15 March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by consensus which
was introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation that
proclaimed March 15 as ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia

Imran Khan wrote letter to all leaders of Muslim word to unite and to social media heads to take down
the islamophobic content online .A boycott was called out in all Muslim States, for French
Products.Macron needed some mental sort of treatment”Turkey president


Islamophobia is not freedom of speech

Freedom of speech means freedom of an individual to express his opinion /ideas without fear of

When you target a community or culture or religion it becomes marginalization and not freedom of

Religious bigotry

Institutionalized biasedness and hatred for Muslims in west is ghettoised them

Religious intolerance _denial to accept rights of people of other Faiths

Negative representation of discourses related to Islam and Muslims in west media

Concept of others among us _marginalizaing the status of Muslims in west

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