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mnt ©, NEW MODEL QUESTION PAPERS FOR (S.S.C (ANNUAL) EXAMINATIONS 2023) PATTERN OF QUESTION PAPERS MCQs 20 SHORT ANSWER-QUESTIONS 40% DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER-QUESTIONS 40% CLASS - IX (SCIENCE GROUP) PREPARED BY RESEARCH SECTION (BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHD) WITH COMPLIMENTS FROM: MRS. HOOR MAZHAR (DIRECTOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH} Board of Secondary Education Karachi BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI LIST OF NEW MODEL QUESTIONS PAPERS No, NAME OF SUBJECTS PAGE AUMBER | CLASS IX | | 1. [Urdu Normal Course(compulsary) 13 | | 2. | English (Compulsory) Poper-i 46 | 3. | Chemistry Poper-t (Theory) 79 4. | Biology Poper-1 (Theory) 10-11 5. | Computer Studies Poper-i (Theary) 12-13 6. | Physics Poper-t (Theory) 14-16 7. | Mathematics Poper-! 17-20 | 8 | Islamiat (Computsory) 21-23 9. | Religious Studies {For Non-Musiims) 24-25 10. | Sindhi Normai Course (26-27 (For Sindhi Medium Candidates} 11. | English Literature 26 12. | Geography of Pakistan Peper! 2 (For Foreigners only) Goch £4522 Shon @ (here FEB ASE eee Be (adult bast cont T Gf MN foe Ft; (192483) 20% Cour rw 2 Kou AOD, hee Vig F genre Into fdr te (rere) 40% 9 Cottr FUR) Oe « Efe Pionseteiirtigw Se bere PLA L SwIL, Bi Sa @ tePudevvrdsisine Gi) se pL ai bac Fe (ili) Str HOURS Lf itia es (iv) feapvewty, (wv) O FALL le BAW Bettie oF SOS) at) OQ BeAr Levl ws a oP ete 0 Ctebs ) orferer (a) o PALA Sabb Pa ttizue ae ey” wg Eft) Sodio Abie BW ar sregh ty O) EAL ap brSetieuw (i) 9 © Boe Se bt die Sk fifi fUP Waite a © BU LP sei iitettion be) win aie ter atte uaSus din (Page 1 of 29) Gorarddaus (renee) 40% Coir Let "2 @ tn 2 CA SenBere kt Lb Loe 2 nel einSouen toe g LPP ge ul if pie tetr Ligue UseifsoteurrLyrh etnctifui (ii) sete Lote spe (iii) ‘ SitorikianbsiowleF ies bre a. aust (Page 3 of 29) ©, BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI NEW MODEL QUESTION PAPER $$.C. [ANNUAL] EXAMINATIONS 2023 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) PAPER-I (CLASS IX (SCIENCE GROUP) Time: 3 hours Marks: 100 SECTION ‘A’ (COMPULSORY), MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. (20%! Ql. 20 Multiple Choice Questions from PROSE and POEM. (20 Marks) Each Question carries O1 Mark. SECTION “B” (40%) (SHORT ANSWER-QUESTIONS) (40 Marks) Q2 Answer any Sof the following questions in two lo three sentences each. (10 Marks) i, Why is Shah Abdul Latif called “The Saint of Bhit ‘What did Jame! want to be and why was he upset? What isthe main theme of the poem “A Child's invocation? Why did Quaid e Azam leave the Congress? Do you think we should build more barrages in our country? Support your answer by providing two reasons. vi. Hows the immune system affected through dengue? vii. Who was the Miller? What was he singing about? Q3 Doasdirscied, (as instructed tm the bracket) (20 Marks) 19 (Use Preposition) a He requested his friend _ shut the door: b. You must take eare___your logeage. ii) (Use Article) This is fastest car of the world. bb Iwant __ apple for breakfast iii) (Change the voice) a. You are playing cricket. b, The Carpenter makes a beautiful dressing able, . Will he convey my imponaat message to his friend? iy) (Change the Narration) & Shesays to them, “Why are you making a noise?” He saidFish cannot live withowt water.” € They exclaimed that those mangoes were very sweet We said to him “Did you find any stranger here in this compound?” v) Formation of Sentences (change the following sentences as suggested in the bracket) -4 Does Aslam run fast? (change into assertive} b. The doctor has advised him to take rest. {change into future perfect } 's, Has i been drizzling since noon? (change émto prescot simple) <4. You can get good marks. (change into imterrogative) +¢ Thave so many oranges. (change into negative) £. Now it is my turn said he to ther (punctuate) Continue on next page (Page 4 0f29) ‘vi. Write correct form of the VERB given in bracket, a. We will go to picnic. ifit train) b. Lhe (work) hard, be would get good results. vil Add PREFIX to & Patient Qa. Indicate the part of specch, the underlined words belong to. eo ‘a I have not taken the breakfast so far, 1. Ifyou want to be successful you need to work hard. +c, We do not go-to sleep immediately after reaching home. sd, Hurrah! We won the match. &. Sheis a brave lady. QS. Translate the following paragraph into Urdu/Sindhi. cc) Akking ruled over a country. There was abundance of water in the country, the soil was fertile and there was plenty of greenery for the cattle to graze, The orchards were Full of fruit ees, in spite of this, the king was unhappy and sad because his people were not happy under his rule. He really wanted ts see his people happy and costented. SECTION *C™ (40%) ADESCRIPTIVE ANSWER-OUESTIONS) (40 Marks) (Q6. Read the given pmsage and fill fn the hianks frees the options provided in thebor (5) Mosquitos, Bart. Liner Pismodtoe, ‘Sala Maluyia is caused by: ~ 3 single-celled parasite, often transmitted by infected. is injected into a person's circulatory system through the ‘of the mosquito, The parasite infects the red Mood cells until they —__ This eam lead to severe infection. G7. Write an casay of 128- 150 words on any ane of the following: (10) i, Education isthe Backbone of Success. iy, Pakistan Needs tre Visionaries ii). Impact of Social Media on Youth on “Wiite an email othe £0 of private company, accepting an offer of employment in bis company. Q& Write an application to your Head MasterfTiead Mistress, requesting his/her to alow your clas ts participate ina inter sehoal quir competition. (10) OR ‘You are going on 2 school picnic with your clissmatcs and teacher. You arc very excited. The night before the wip, you sit down to write yoor diary. Describe what you have planned for tbe picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there. Continue on next page (Page § of 29) Q9. Read the passages given below aod answer the questions that fallow them: as) ‘There is something humbling aboot mature. Even ax the deep se2, of 4 towering mountain or even comple rainforest forces humility wpon you, nature manages Wo leave you with yosr ego intact. No-one ia heir right mind can seriously contemplate being in ‘competition’. with anything so perfect and alkecompassing, in fact, I smile inwardly whea 1 bear peopic talk about “congucring” mountains. The ‘mouniain actually ets you climb it Iit was less “benevolent” you would be dead ‘On the other hand, if you respect its power and wead lightly upon its can, the Himalaya will protect you and deliver you the satisfaction of being: cocooned in pure mature. Take my word for it. Almost anywhere YOU 0. the traditional hospitality of the Billy people will casure that you obiain a hot meal, a friendly welcome and a place to rest a tired body for the night All you need to pack is humility. essential trast and lowshey demands along with 2 good pair of walking boots and a seeping bag. Wis surprisingly easy to visit unteodken tails without it costing an arm and a leg. provided ane does not fll prey to the enticing promise of Five-star factties: These promise physical comfort at steep prices, but the Ost paid by the environments in wihich cach facilities are lorated is incalculable. Besides, the sanitined options available take mast of the onzanic pleasare away {roc mast destinations. a. What dothe remote regions inthe Himalayas protect? ro) 1h Find a word of seme meaning from save paccape for esch ofthe following wonls © Beneficial, Walk Politeness, High, ‘Thisk over 6. Weite the past paniciple farm of “coaneetion” a id. Write a Suemary of the above passage. o (Page 6 of 29) (GS), BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI eee NEW MODEL QUESTION PAPER SS.C. [ANNUAL] EXAMINATIONS 2023 (CHEMISTRY (THEORY) PAPER-| CLASS IX (SCIENCE GRouF) ‘Time: 3Hours (Marks: 60) SECTION *A™ (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs) (12 Marks) Q.1, 12MCQs will be given from whole syllabus, Each carries 1 Mark. SECTION “B™ = (40%) {SHORT ANSWERS QUESTIONS) —(24 marks) Note: Answer any Bight (08) questions from this section. Each carries 3 marks, 2 What are Isotopes? Identify dhe number of Protons and Neutrons presenti the following etopes =~ ac — 4 | ach ‘What is an Alloy? Write dows the composition a one use of Brass and Bronze. ‘Balance the following chemical equations by Inspection metho. KI + CG: ———+ ka + & CxO) + HC] + Cac: + HO +c0: NaHiCOs NaCOx + HO + COr 5: Design Primary & confirmative tests for qualitative analysis of Za"? (Cation). 6 Write down electronic configuration ofthe following elements. Nitrogen (ii) Magnesium tii) Chiorine 7. A 600m! sample of gas is heated from 27°C to 77°C st constant pressure, What volume? 8 Indicate one use of the Following compousds With their chemical formulae. Slaked Lime, Lime Stone, Soda ash State Faraday's firs ent second laws of Electrolysis: “What are electrochemical reactions? Describe its types on the basis of transfer of electron. ‘Write down three charactcrinics of fonis compounds. CCeleulate the number of moles and number of molecules present ia 20 grams of NaOH. Justi i) Mit isa colloidal sition. H) Gases diffuse more rapidly 3 + SEGTION:“G* (40%) (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) (24 Marks) Note; Answer any Four (04) questions from this section. Each carries 06 marks. 14+ State Boyte’s Law and derive its mathematical expression P11 = PSV. 1S- Define Covalent bond and on the basis of number of bond pair classify it into three types ‘with examples. 16. Discuss in detail the long form of periodic table. 17 ‘What are Crystalline solids and Amorphous solids and Write any four differences between: ‘Crystalline Solids & Amorphous Solids. ‘18 What is Corresioa? Describe any four methods for its prevention. 19 Describe discharge tube ‘experiment with labeled diagram and What were the justification sand conclusions of J. Thompson. (Page 7 of 29) a oe STL STB ota “cmaPeanie = SLE ghee die gs Pree wel te “0 tore Frcs Grier) 20% Cou PUK) “ho POL rp LLiereu™ Pte get PAsit Ar nthe (rere) 40% Cot Le Pe PP ites Bocvelenr tee sei Eph BL esingat LRT ALA IT A be Aa) | oe fir tins ienSiansacey (Alloyle4 3c ur Burrlined bition Addr ) —-KI4Cl+KC+1, ii) ~~ CaCO\+HCI—CaCly+ H,0 + COr iii) NaHCOy—+ Na:CO;+ H:0 + COs 6 Sh SF Hu LAMA LE Fb SOELD In? SA SALAS EL — bAbr ak Gi PG APH RESELL WTEC — 27 Hp SOL AKA Abe Sf Fm itsvlwiraicteypbiew 8Abe Pair Gi or hai wgieili sadAdiginpnanseard IAbe Be INASP EAA ae Aft BE, OA be Bf wiley MAb er nibsiPaedSuirg NaOH p20 2A ewe 1A br JFL Lem Gi wlitestd Gi (Page 8 of 29) (reset) 40% Cour Loree) “b”. AA Bile Brcplotir ela Oy 2) ist PAV PVs ea Ancor Sit Bbazassovb oe Svinte tlss imal bap t See JF long form LF Sas EPH nl tb BL APF hgh nfse Bo asPF EAR pel iga thera ft Eloi LES Ge bed SMe ein oS Pu lE M4 SAU 6A be Ade 184 Sie ADA bie (Page 9 of 29) =) BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI |ODEL QUESTION PAPER S.C. (ANNUAL) EXAMINATIONS 2023 BIOLOGY (THEORY) PAPER-! CLASS IX (sciENCE Grour) ‘Time: 3 Hours (Marks: 60) SECTION “A" (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs) (12 Marks) Q.1. 12MCOs will be given from whole syllabus. Each carries 1 Mark. SECTION “B" (40%) {SHORTANSWERS QUESTIONS) (24 marks) Note: Answer any Eight (8) questions from this section. Each carries 3 marks. .2 Name and define any three branches of biology. Q.3__ Name the main organ found in: i) Reproductive System (a) Respiratory System fii) Excretory System O.4 Wote any tnree principies of Binomial nomenciature. Q.5 Draw labelled diagram of cell cycle. Q.6 Write down any three uses of enzymes. Q.7 Write down the importance of anaerobic respiration Q. 8 What are subcellular or Aceliular particias?- ..9 What do you know about reasoning and its type in Biological Methods. Q. 10 White three leading causes of death in Pakistan? Q. 11 Draw neat and labelled diagram of Viltus of human being. Q.12 What are main components found in Circulatory System in man? Q. 13 Describe the structure of Chioropiast. (Diagram is not required) SECTION. “G" (40%) (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) (24 Marks) Note: Answer any four (4) questions from this section. Each carries § marks. ©. 14 Draw a neat and Labelled diagram of Human Digestive System OR Transverse Section of Root. Q. 15 What are characteristics of chronic malnutrition and acute malnutrition? Point out any three social problems related to mainutriton. Q. 16 Write down six differences between Photosynthesis and Respiration. Q. 17 Describe any one of the following blood disorder with the heading of Symptoms and Causes. ) Leukemia (@ Thalassemia . 18 Describe the fluid mosaic mode! ot call membrane. Q. 19 Describe Chemical Process of Energy Transmission. (Page 10 of 29) CK, Ei el The ae were te Th pF SE gsed UigguA ore weet FL Ge Brot, Crete) 20% Cour GPL Ks wi) “ah AOD drs Lille r™ Otel” gered Abe Crit) 40% otter Lee watt LldbrrBrcilotr hee xd KafbaaksrlvietsiSary tebe iid eWEEK) Aint fuerte réde 2 cf deé CtBinomial nomenclauredevae sures edie bP it Cell Cyl FEF oe Eeflr ELL np we Bipods Laadived th de tavfeush AAs Adar se eatery 8 dlr atfanptbartel weir at Psi ST He ViludS eer Ste tegluPPELndyeytabnsiar — ede (Ler? P Eeoicbeg® Ade (reset) 40% otlr Lee) "2 nt 6Lidr pBrynlatr kay et Put FT SIE LI yes Abe SSew EVP 2 BP LejopvA SBP his Peoa wade esse EPL Poahe nde Pei Lot Lapierre tubes, ddr Seenhhi addr Borin MCE ner (Page 11 0f 29) (G>) BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI ae $.S.C. (ANNUAL) EXAMINATIONS 2023 COMP! | EO! PER-| CLASS IX (SCIENCE GROUP) Time: 3 Hours (Marks: 60) SECTION =A" (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs} (12 Marks) Q.41. 12 MCUs will be given trom whole syllabus. Each carries 1 Mari, SECTION “B" (40%) [SHORT ANSWERS QUESTIONS) (24 marks) ‘Note; Answer any Eight (8) questions from this section. Each carries 3 marks, QZ: How ean we apply Margins ia 2 document? Q3: Write three benefits of using Relationship in the database. Qt: What is Authentication Mechainison? QS: What is a Network Switch? Q6: What is the three difference between Ondered Listand Unordered List? Q7: Define hypertink in HTML QS: What is Ethical Hacking? QS: Why itis important to install an antivirus? Q10: Define the term WWW used on the internet. QUIr Define matware and its rypes. Q12: Define TCPAP model. QI: Define Sorting in MS Excel. SECTION- “C* 40% (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) (24 Marks) Note: Answer any four (04) questions from this section. Each carries 6 marks, Q14: Define Table of Contents (TOC). How to creste a Table of contents? QI5:_ Briey describe any six types of websites. Q16: Draw and define the components of ER disgram. Q17: Describe the different types of breaks in MS Word. QI8: Write the functions of operating system, Qi :: Explain computer crimes in our daly life. (Page 12 of 29) Go erste sth ebay worsted bh p East SS ghd iggQuPrtuel wnat AF HP me srs Grete) — 20% Cour SUA KGa) ah AOA Libeise yu Ore’ gouryeurir shy he Crit) 40% Cor Lee waht ld etrelotr ilar ial teES Soot Margin te tue SE De ef aE LES Je Relationships) 2.4.20: 4 br setapubtheF Ssinbrsidacdr SE BPSLSASWWW Sad ee try, La FEIMTCPAPA2 Ar E47 § (Sorting) FHS LE Ade (reser) 40% = Gol Lesh) “O_2 OA 6L Sra Basel oir See 2 -Gtn§ Table of Contents tra fete a Pro, SMAI A SP ESN AL FeinerLam eal ER 162 ue Bin FS Moreaks) 0 Ft MS Word 3174 EA MEPL GENS Ar SoriSpridsbiap nga sr Se (Page 13 0f 29) e BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI east NEW MODEL QUESTION PAPER $.$.C. (ANNUAL) EXAMINATIONS 2023 PHYSICS (THEORY) PAPER-| CLASS IX (SCIENCE GROUP) Time: 3 Hours (Marks: 60) aa. SECTION “A™ (20%) MULTIPLE GHOIGE QUESTIONS (MGQs) (42 Marks) 12 MCQs will be given from whole syllabus. Each carries 1 Mark, SECTION “B* (40%) {SHORT ANSWERS QUESTIONS) (24 marks) Note: Answer any Eight (8) questions from this section. Each carries 3 marks. 2 S #5 Rk FE u Define significant figure. Determine the number of significant figure in: 133° 00012 i} 700 i») O.oORDL Write down any three differences between Speed and Velocity. ‘State Newton's second law of motion. Show the relationship between applied force and the actelerationproduced inthe body. ‘What is Moment of force? write its formala with unit and factors (Only name} does it depends. ‘What is Temperature? Write the formulae to convert Temperature from Celsius to Kelvin (3) Fahrenheit to Cetsius scale ‘What is Work? Also derive the equation WF. Gos © What is the mass of 2 solid tron wrecking ball of redivs 28 om. W the density of iron is 7.8 gm/ em!? ‘Acar moving on 2 road with velocity 30 m/s. whien brakes are applied its velocity decreases at ‘a rate of 6meter per second (decelerated a=6 m/s"), Find the distance it will cover before coming torest. ‘A gardener is driving 2 lawnmower with a force of 80M that makes an angle of 40° with the ground. @—Finditshorizontal component {i_Fin its vertical component ‘How much force is needed to pula spring to a distance of the spring constant is 15 N/m. Determine the gravitational force of attraction between Hamza and Ahmed standing at a distance of SO mapart. The mass of Hamza is 6Okg and that of Ahmed is 70 kg. {6 = 6.673 x 10" Nmtig?) ‘A container holds 30 m? of air ata pressure of 150000 Pa. if the volume changed to 10m! by decreasingload on the piston. What will the pressure’ of the gas become? Assume that its temperature remains constant. SECTION-“C* 40% (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) (24 Marks) Note: Answer any four (04) questions from this section. Each carries 6 marks. 4 Is 6 0 18 16 ‘Write two advantages and two disadvantages of friction. Write two methods of reducing friction, What do you mean by fuid pressure? Derive an expression for pressure inside a liquid. ‘And on whatfactors do it depend. What is artifical satelite? Prove that the velocity of satelite erbiting around the earth is given by: v= fant) ‘State and expiain Boyte's law. Also describe any one application of Boyle's taw in daly ie. ‘Define Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. Also derive the equation KE =% mv', What Is Evaporation? and describe factors influencing surface Evaporation process. (Page 14 0f 29) Goi £15 2 Thee ey detested Ebi iise UBS Bite dig ddA rote? weet l ere “pre Src3, Gretb) — 20% Come SPU ZK) he AOD Lihese ur! Cre FP” geurwosie 1 )Ur we Cresco) 40% Cow Loe)“ "> aint ide neoelotrtfesy i Ephrad Saif AL< 47fe (Significant Figure) snif1 10247 0.00101 Civ). 7.00 Gi) 00012. id 1.33) SFU Fa Mey aL Welocity)$ trkSpeed) x) 03,2 yr SPs Lup hnbingtclgmetiine nthe acdgbotiapnlde — MAddr foun LM LuLanatgre Laster atste spe (Moment of ForceaeLed 05 dbr en Eefvemr ad lil ys pig Flew prarfestz. 06 Ajr Ei Sia Kuseaii thoes kt Zs WeF.d Cos Baiie_c tr ve(Work) pf 07 Air #78 gm om SSeS betbn KEWL WBAbr defeat PELUOS Lb Le 8 LLI AF ISLIAM Su ALi 09 Ar Ep Laife Keister oe (az -6ms) soph ac bch SF 0 iL AW etige SEK chi | OAur 2Paed G ek = SNM PL gp Biter PSI FE LE SigtoB0em SLL Nee ef Sanb0kg hb BE IS Mop nlate FRILO many 12a be (G = 6.673 x 10" Nm’kg”) -<70 kg PIAA po Om Eel gig Ae F180 m’ 4 L1S0000Pa G13 Adar ha eat ond (Page 15 0f 29) (reset) 40% Cotr Le) “b> ans6LbreBrcieleirkle ON 2} BPP uliE i dcportudtines{EE, ddr Laas Aig escied Lah sla tngty ic (uid pressured 15 Adir anu LS aS LL tile adios Sbot< 4 feLanificial Satellitchide” 16 ddr Sree SS hn LEA v= Jone +5) Bt oR L Sua bibs ne Loin S Flowi Su Vd be -EsKE= mv aed bob 2 EsF 27 Shi F mboiS2 8A ar Sorin Lraar FPS steal (Evaporation FY 194 (Page 16 of 29) BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI be eed MODEL QUESTION PAPER &.S.C. (ANNUAL) EXAMINATIONS 2023 MATHEMATICS (CLASS IX) PAPER | (SCIENCE GROUP) “Time: 3 Howes Marks: 75 SECTION ‘A! (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (M.C.Qs) (15 Marks) @.1 FIFTEEN (15) MCQs WILL BE GIVEN FROM THE WHOLE BOOK. Each question carries { mark. SECTION “8” (40%) {SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) {30 Marks) NOTE: Attompt any (06) questions from given 10 questions af this section. All questions carry equal marks QR: 2, = 2- Stand Z,=2 + 3h Verify that. _ é 99.87 (S369)x (0.785) 3: Find the value by using logarithms. Ol: Fed the lf sb" en sibte= Land abe ==2 QS: Find the factors by using factor theorem, 6x) + P= 2 6: Find the square root of the expression 25x" + 40x! + 26x? + Sx + 1 by division method. 7: Find the solution set of the equation and also verify the answer, 10 Vz +20 = 100 Q8: Salve the equation by using quadratic formula. xis -z+1 3: iftwo sides of a triangle are unequal in length, the longer side has an angle of greater measure opposite to it. Prove it. G10: Paralleiograms on the same base and lying between the same parallel lines {or of the same ahitude) are equal in area. Preve it. G11: Any point on the right bisector of a line segment is equidistant from its end points. Prove it, oR Construct a ASTU in which mT = 60" mzU = 30° and mTU = 7em. (Page 17 0f 29) Note : Attempt any three (03) questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks, 12; Factorize the following, (any four) L u m. qua: aia: ais: (24 dey + 92) - 92t nw aie a+ att] Vv. 3x? —38xy— 13; Bx? + 36x? + 54x 427 Mo 4th et oa Find the solution set of the following simultaneous equations by graphical method. (Find four ordered pairs for each equation) 3x = Sy-2;3x+5y=8 Ifin the correspondence of two right angled triangle, the hypotenuse and one side of one are congruent to the hypotenuse and the corresponding side of the ether, then the triangle ate congruent. Prove it ‘The tine segment joining the mid-points of two sides ofa triangle, is parallel tothe third side and it's equal to one half of its length. Prove it Using distance formula, find the perimeter of the triangle formed by the points A(0,0), B(4,0) and C(2, 2V3) ‘oR lin any triangle, the square on the side opposite to zn acute angle is equal to sum of the squares on the sides containing that acute angle diminished by twice the cectangle contained by one of those sides and the projection on it of the other. Prove it (Page 18 of 29) a se ISLE Shy serrated eaecni 7 Erich daz es's we lonste (20%) (aor GPUS he AOL Lilet se ut Deg PF geuryeatio Idle he Peete 40%) ctr Ez “2 AB Le tr DES ot ge tun Lee Pst) La einZ, = 24 3in2,=2-Si/ addr ep OP eet ewP ly de Teaenx (078) ab + be+ea atbtc=tauhefSa+bec Ade Ge? 47x? 2-2 Spe paiahietee — sdse Le F exB art US + AO + 26x! + Bx 41 addr SELES per EP P00 EF WD = 100 on er aaetht Pent hewhiem addr (ath Semidner LO Laer Seti P intuncentlemlense hl addr SatSmat Set Sarde Lah sts BsL Mb WcSe LBS SIP L MiMSand RISA? ga SLM ASE EAN LN ai LBS Bvt ng St LB SS BLN Se ate mTU = 7m» m2U = 30°. meT = 60° 4.7 4STULE (Page 19 of 29) 40%) Cove Ley) “C2 Aisi Lewr 9 Bl emt be Syne) OS Spr dPomlbigneid de i, (a? + 2xy + y?)- 924 i, a+ at41 i. Bx? + 36x? 454x427 wot 41 v. Bx? -38xy- 13y? wie 40841 eStore er (ee thal DEP EF 2) r= Sy-2:3r+5y=8 batahaile Pits le le Pi aisle sp Lt hae i eae SGP od adr Gaticmta sn chinir lee ie sebsheb Lieut 1dr afesotet Fe CR2DoBSO, MODE RSG dr =i L MPL ging? LL ALE fetes eee RIE RE LLL AIO ft MBeadPceptnyn (Page 20 of 29) Gi este (cy “maaaeae oT Be ABLE ERE sore l ae Frits Gwyn te taser aire (our SP UZ Sah (oet)-¢ AOD Mir, Lilteseut tee geuryeatio ele aie reste sare (otr LP)" 2 Veet EFAS ELA tbr GS Arse, HC, cx 59 Is S Line sb essed i Veet Fp splat Hpbizddbigue TANe usenet shee BGT ab GcsyCky, ME pestle ANT i ‘nga i (Page 21 of 29) o BepweP lyse soankzye SSP LU Ln Bp vila k PREY Lior bE Pariphaifgnk EES EWLES oma don Es lrta oe efi pt diSie Eforrt MSL vie eli eit tei FCB (reek) adie Cow Lepr t" 2 erert ECP AND ALAN 2 EG atte JH LS eae die solr de ele hee sie indir sae ine (Page 22 of 29) ow Sereatei} efuelowusfettiew Series Bese ferfis sod Sebavtnettieast iiddr otsdrvL Piet sede hdd (Page 23 of 29) & BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI Ree S.C. [ANNUAL] EXAMINATIONS 2023 Time: 3 Hours RELIGIOUS STUDIES Marks: 75 (FOR NOW.MUSUM CANDIDATES) ICLASS ~ IX) Science Group SECTION “A” (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs}_ (15 Marks) SEGTION “B” (40%) {SHORT ANSWERS QUESTIONS) {30 marks) ‘Note: Answer any 06 questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Q2. Point out five mln differences between Religion and Psychology. (3. What is your opinion to resolve any crisis? Q4. What are five common sins in all religion? Q5. How many groups of Jainism? Describe their differences. 96. How Mahavira preaching affected ordinary people. Q7. What are opinions about kindoess in eeligions? Q8._ Give five advantages of accountability. QS. Wha is difference between Islamic, Christianity and Hindi Calendar” Q10. Write any five manners to address someone? QI1. "Write any five manners of visiting Church. SECTION “C" (40%) (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) (30 Marks) Note: Answer any Three (03) questions from ths section. All questions carry equal marks. Q12. Define Ethics and explain its kinds. Q13. What blessings are conferred to man by recalling Allah from his various tributes? Q14. When and where was Aristotle born? What was Aristotle opinion about ethics? QI5. Who is a founder of moder mursing? Describe her services for nursing. Q16. Write a short-note on any ane of the following. |. Importance of social media in Business. if). Benefits of Bank for Students. ). Significance of Time in reference to Religion. 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[ANNUAL] EXAMINATIONS 2023 ENGUSH LITERATURE Class IX (SCIENCE GROUP) Time: 3 hours Marks: 75 SECTION “A" (20%) (15 Marks) Q4, 15.MCQs will be given trom whole syllabus. Each carries 1 Mark, SECTION'B’ (40%) {SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) (30 Marks) te Two. ions froms each Part. (NOVEL) Q2 Answer any TWO (02) of the following questions: (lOmarks) Who was Miss Havisham and where did she live? Give a character-sketch of Joe Gargery. Deseribe the relationship between Estella and Pip. How did Pip fail to carry out his plans for Magwiteh? ONE ACT PLAY Q3 Answer anv TWO (02) of the following questions: (10 marks) ‘What effect did the Winsiow case have on Ronnic’s health? Why did John decide to marry Catherine? ‘What is the main theme of the play ~The Winslow boy"? Give an account of Violet's description of the court scene. POEM Qa any TWO. followi tions: (10 marks) Why are the huntsmen confident that the hunt will find a stag? Why docs Charles Lamb wish that his dearest friend had been born into his family’? What sights of the sea are recalled by in the poem “Sea Fever™? ‘What message is conveyed in the poem “Reveille™? SECTION ‘c' (40%) {DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) Note: Marks: 30 ‘Attempt all questions from this Section. Q5. Write an essay of 100 10 120 words on any one of the following topics. (10 Marks) i. Problems of Karachi Importance of Education in daily life. A Joumey by Train United We Stand, Divided We Fall Q.6, Write a letter to your friend, telling him how you are going on with your studies. (10 Marks) Q7. Write a story of about $0 to 75 words on any one of the following topics: (10 Marks) i. A Thirsty Crow fi, Greed is Curse iii. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. (Page 28 of 29) & BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION KARACHI Se MODEL QUESTION PAPER ‘S.S.C. [ANNUAL] EXAMINATIONS 2023 Time HONS GEOGRAPHY OF PAKISTAN (ir tertanea oo — 1X] tt ROUP SECTION “A® (20%) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs) (18 Marks) 1. Fifteen (1! COs will be. from whoie | Eaeh carries 1 mark. SECTION “B” (40%) {SHORT ANSWERS QUESTIONS) (30 marks) ‘Note: Answer any 06 questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. QZ Name any five major cities of the proviace of Punjab. Q3.__Describe the importance of location of Pakistan atleast in five lines. Differcitiate between Weather and Climate. Point aut any five sicps taken by goverment to improve the number of forest in Pakistan. Describe the moses of irrigations adopted in Pakistan. Name any five fruits which are exported by Pakistan. Write at least five names of minerals found in Pakistan. Write any five natural gas fields found in Pakistan. ‘QUO,. Point aut only five facilities to establish a Sugar Mill, QUL. Write any five means of transportation. SRIERRE SECTION- “C” 40% Q12. Inthe given outline map of Pakistan insert the following: Ai) The Sule}, The Chena ‘Cotton producing areas (Gil Cites: Muttan, Sulkkur ‘iv? The Thar desen, The Bolan Pass (v) Four Provinces with their capitals, 13. Write problems of Urban and Rural life. Q14. Write about the progress of Cotton Textile Industries of Pakistan. Q15, What is the importance of Tarbela Hydral Power Station? QI6. Write note on any’ ane of the following topics: 3) Handicrafts of Sindh. Indusiries dependcal on forest. Cash Crops of Pakistan. (Page 29 of 29)

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