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Case Study:
Assignment Description: Is technology alone enough to ensure high-quality customer service?

Written: Students are required to answer the following questions:

1. Is technology alone enough to ensure high-quality customer service?
2. What are a couple of examples of information technologies used by Federal Express?
3. What are Federal Express’s estimated annual savings from using information technology?

Presentation: The presentation should be approximately 10-15 minutes for each student(s) and should include PPT with a minimum of 6 slides (or similar presentation software),
clips, or any other A/V material – please ensure you speak with your instructor before your presentation for any technical or other setup requirements.

Criteria Weighting 10 - 9 Exemplary 8 - 6 Accomplished 5 – 3 Developing 2 - 0 Beginning Score

Cooperation ● Does a full share of ● Does an equal share of ● Does almost as much ● Does less work
work or more work work as others than other group members
● Assigns a clearly ● Assigns roles, but roles ● Assigns roles, but roles ● No effort made to
defined role; group members are not clearly defined or are not adhered to assign roles to group
perform roles effectively consistently adhered to ● Often sides with friends members
● Always considers all ● Usually considers all views instead of considering all views ● Acts as cliques or
25% views and helps team to reach and helps team to reach fair ● Sometimes argues individuals rather than
fair decision decision ● Group settles problems group
● Doesn’t argue with ● Rarely argues and gives up easily ● Arguments within
teammates ● Group seldom solves its group
● Group tries to solve its problems as a team and asks ● Little attempt to
problems by itself without classmates or teacher for help solve problems; gives up
seeking outside help easily
Organization ● Takes initiative in ● Works agreeably with ● Can be coaxed into ● Did not meet
helping the group get organized partner(s) concerning organization meeting with other partner(s) partner(s) at agreed times
and setting times and places to and times and places to meet ● Somewhat organized or places
20% meet ● Product is organized with ideas; not presented in sequence ● Lack of
● Product is extremely an introduction, body, and ● Goals not clearly defined organization; choppy and
well organized with an conclusion ● Barely accomplishes the confusing; format difficult
job to follow
Note: Your instructor may use a slightly different rubric, but the standard rubric at Cambria will assess your project-based learning according to the standards within this

1 Rubric: Case Study – January 2023


introduction, body, and ● Goals are established, but ● No goals

conclusion some are too general established
● Has realistic, ● Accomplished basic ● Does not
prioritized, and measurable assignment accomplish assignment
● Highly productive in
accomplishing assignment
Research ● Collects and ● Collects and contributes ● Collects and contributes ● Collects and
contributes accurate content mostly accurate content somewhat accurate content contributes inaccurate
● Goes above and ● At times, takes initiative ● Uses only materials content
beyond to research information to find extra information provided ● Does not utilize
● Communicates and ● Shares information with ● Shares some resources effectively
shares all information with the the group information with the group ● Keeps information
group ● Usually does the assigned ● Rarely does the assigned to self; does not share with
● Always does the work; rarely needs reminding work; often needs reminding group
assigned work without having to ● Relies on others
be reminded to do the work
Member ● Provides many ideas ● Participates in discussions ● Listens to others; on ● Seems bored with
Responsibility for the assignment about the assignment some occasions, makes conversations about the
● Clearly communicates ● Usually shares opinions suggestions assignment
desires, ideas, personal needs, and thoughts with other partner(s) ● Rarely expresses ● Never/almost
and feelings ● Listens, but sometimes feelings or preferences never spoke up
● Listens and speaks a talks too much or too little ● Usually does most of the ● Monopolized
fair amount ● Often encourages and talking, rarely allowing others to conversation: does not
● Each team member is respects team members speak; or seldom talks, allowing allow others to speak
treated with respect and is ● Hands in most others to dominate ● Does not respect
encouraged assignments on time ● Some members are not or encourage other
● Hands in all encouraged or respected members
assignments on time ● Hands in most ● Does not hand in
assignments late some/all assignments

Presentation ● Presentation is clever ● Presentation is thoughtful ● Presentation is at times ● Little creativity

and original ● Presentation is well done, clearly presented used; bland
● Engaging; captures interesting to audience ● Presentation is at times
interest of audience ● Some use of visual aids interesting to audience
Note: Your instructor may use a slightly different rubric, but the standard rubric at Cambria will assess your project-based learning according to the standards within this

2 Rubric: Case Study – January 2023


● Appropriate variety of ● Visual aids somewhat add ● Limited use of visual ● Presentation is
visual aids to or clarify presentation aids hard to follow; poorly
● Visual aids add to or ● Most of the time, ● Visual aids do not clarify organized
clarify presentation presenter speaks clearly and loudly; or add the presentation ● No use of visual
● Each presenter speaks some eye contact; some use of ● Presenter is hard to aids
clearly and loudly; good eye appropriate body language hear; little eye contact; poor body ● Presenter cannot
contact; appropriate body ● Most of the members language be heard; no eye contact;
language contributed equally to the ● Some members did not poor body language
● Members contribute presentation contribute equally to the ● Some members
equally to the presentation presentation did not contribute to the
Total: __/50

Note: Your instructor may use a slightly different rubric, but the standard rubric at Cambria will assess your project-based learning according to the standards within this

3 Rubric: Case Study – January 2023

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